Adventure Ready Coaching | Coach
Adventure Ready Coaching
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21.01.2022 Successfully creating & maintaining holistically healthy eating habits is NOT about staying perfectly ‘on track’, strictly counting your exact ‘macros’ every day or only eating ‘clean’ foods (whatever the heck that means). . To me, healthy eating is an individual consistently actioning their unique value system. . It’s about CONSCIOUS CONSUMPTION.... . It’s about knowing where our food comes from, what nutrients & energy it contains & what effects this creates in our bodies & minds... & then making educated & goal-focused nutrition decisions based on this information. . & yeah, it is so totally okay if your goals change! In fact, this is NORMAL. . Sometimes nutrition goals will be ATHLETIC (eg fuelling strength or endurance performance), AESTHETIC (eg facilitating fat or muscle loss/gain) or ADVENTURE-orientated (eg enabling you to be fully involved in a thrilling & fulfilling experience, whatever that may be for you). . Sometimes, I can fully understand that the most holistically healthy choice for an individual is to indeed actually have that deep fried goodness, sweet treat or alcoholic beverage (free from restriction or guilt & in the minimum enjoyable dose) within the context of a social/cultural/emotional adventure. . Other times, it’s obvious that the most holistically healthy choice needs to be some lower calorie & highly nourishing lean proteins, fruits & veggies... & not the pizza (again). . Context is EVERYTHING & there is a LOT more to life than simply eating & training. You can eat the most ‘perfect’ diet & still be an unhappy little grumpy bum. . If you want to break free from toxic diet culture, learn how to actually consume consciously with an improved understanding of food & self, & finally reach your athletic, aesthetic & adventure potential, sign up for Online &/or Face2Face Personal Training & Nutrition Coaching at: . . See more
20.01.2022 With my coaching @adventurereadycoaching you learn the lifestyle tools to enjoy being a little nutritionally reckless on occasion without repeatedly losing your shiz & things becoming a long term health issue (eg obesity, type 2 diabetes & heart disease). . Even when I am pursuing the subjectively aesthetic goal of getting extremely shreddy, or chasing highly specific performance goals, I never EVER diet every single day. I personally enjoy & usually recommend for my clients... to follow a far more flexible & adaptable nutritional approach that incorporates something known as ‘calorie cycling’, which I’ll now explain. . Some days I simply want to eat more, for many reasons. & I feel like this is pretty common. So, on those days when my appetite is punching me in the face, I’m training/working my butt off or I’m getting amongst some epic social event like a date, birthday, wedding, Xmas party, etc... I increase my calories & enjoy eating more food free from any kind of guilt. This satisfies my hunger, fuels my athletic adventures & gives me greater dietary freedom to be more fully involved in my social life. . Then, when life is a bit more chill with no exams, marathons or weddings (eg MOST days), I seize the opportunity, really dial in my nutrition & smash that calorie deficit. . Now do not misinterpret me here. I am in NO way promoting a binge/restrict cycle. PLEASE do not just starve yourself while dreaming about your next ‘cheat day’ which also happens to be a special occasion in your social life. What I am encouraging is a less perfectionistic & more realistic approach. Even if your goal is serious fat loss, then yeah no worries, you can totally eat more some days to improve your overall life happiness... but you will just need to eat less MOST days. As long as you’re in an average calorie deficit over a long period of time (eg weeks & months), then the fat will still disappear & you’ll reach your adventure-ready & shreddy goals while actually being able to enjoy more of life’s adventures along the way. . So, I recommend to diet opportunistically & remember that what you do MOST of the time is what matters most! See more
14.01.2022 If you want a lasting external transformation, you must first create the internal transformation. . You have to mentally BECOME the person you want to be, long before your vision has materialised. You need to grow as a person. Your understanding & awareness of yourself, food & the world in general must all expand. You must redefine your limiting beliefs & align your actions with your new value system. There’s simply no other way around it. . Just blindly following yet anothe...r meal plan or training program without actually having the principles EXPLAINED so that you UNDERSTAND is a shortcut that will achieve absolutely nothing for lasting results. . Transform your body & mind for LIFE with @adventurereadycoaching . . Also, here’s my current training split for everyone who keeps asking: It’s an endless repeat of PUSH/PULL/LEGS, with rest days whenever I need them. I do not ever force myself to do ‘cardio’ & just walk, run or bike opportunistically because I enjoy it. My highly flexible nutrition protocol keeps me lean, regardless of my activity levels (daily calories usually 2000-4000). I usually start my lifting sessions with 1-2 big multi-joint movements & then move onto another 2-3 single-joint movements to specifically target my weak points & focus areas (eg shoulders, upper chest & quads). I periodise my training with cycles of conscious overreaching & deloading for different goals (eg. strength, hypertrophy & endurance). Reps are typically in the 10-20 range for 3-6sets per exercise. I rarely lift ‘heavy’ to best preserve my joints & instead create intensity close to muscular failure via reverse pyramid training, cluster & rest pause sets. I only do 1 specific exercise consistently for my abs, for a total of maybe 5-10minutes total per week. . ^this almost definitely will NOT be a good training program for you because well... YOU ARE NOT ME! My program very specifically targets my personal goals, lifestyle context, injury history, preferences & schedules - all of which will be different for you! But hey, you might still learn something by reading it & I’m always here if anyone has any questions See more
13.01.2022 Whatever you’re chasing, there will always come a point where it hurts. Dieting, training, studies, career, relationships, etc. . Failure, injury, rejection, fatigue, disappointment... whatever happens, it doesn’t matter. Just accept that it’s part of the imperfect process. Lean in & embrace the discomfort. Free yourself from expectations & immerse yourself in the experience. Get INVOLVED. You will never learn & grow if you stay in your comfort zone. . You alone get to choos...e whether your hardships break you or build you into something unbreakable. . Live ADVENTUROUSLY. . . See more
11.01.2022 One of my biggest aspirations in life is to be RELENTLESSLY ADAPTIVE, always able to problem-solve my way around obstacles, challenges & excuses to reach my goals... & fitness is just one potential application for this. . The last few days of my nutrition has included coffee, beers, white & red wine, ice cream, chocolate, woodfired pizza, Thai takeaway, a few fishies (including tuna, salmon & kingfish), fried eggy halloumi brekky, a few protein shakes & LOTS of fruits & vegg...ies. . & my PUSH/PULL/LEGS training split is still working wonderfully with continued measurable progress in both my physique & performance. . So yeah, I can pretty safely say that I do actually have my cake & eat it too... & damn does it feel GOOD! . Life is flipping AMAZING. I seriously wish I didn’t have to sleep because I’m currently just having TOO MUCH FUN, & this fitness thing is just so effortlessly enjoyable amongst it all. . If you want to learn more about how you too can have your cake & eat it too, smashing not only your fitness goals but life in general, then go to: . . I offer Online & Face2Face Personal Training and Nutrition Coaching with a difference. I teach you to also apply this relentlessly adaptive mindset. I make a specific effort to educate all my clients on what truly matters with fitness, how to prioritise your efforts, filter out irrelevant info/distractions to eat & train effectively so that you can enjoy spending more time getting out there amongst all the fun adventures life has to offer! . I teach you how to make fitness a LIFESTYLE. . Anyways, hope you are all happy & healthy & have a rad adventure-filled weekend lined up! I’m gonna go smash some pre-workout now, hit a little PUSH home workout, nourish myself protein & plants, suit up & then boost off for another day of fun celebrating a mate’s wedding! . Life is short. Drink the good wine. Get shredded. Chase all the adventures. Be fully involved in your existence. . @bestbodysupplements ‘ADVENTURE10’ See more
11.01.2022 True... except for the fact that in option 2 you’ll likely be underfuelled during workouts earlier in the day, struggling to maintain the higher intensities that are primarily carb-fuelled, & compromise your results & recovery with inadequate protein feedings... all whilst being a generally hangry & unhappy human! . Plus, I see SO many people triggered into awfully harmful cycles of restricting/bingeing because of the way IF encourages periods of undereating/overeating every This sort of behaviour is so immensely stressful on our mental state & digestive systems... obviously not ideal! . Personally, I choose breakfast... & to eat whenever I want to! . Free yourself from faddy food rules & start making informed & sustainable dietary decisions to best nourish yourself & improve your fitness for the ultimate adventure - LIFE. . My personal favourite zero-cook & high-convenience foods for a busy, healthy & fit lifestyle: PROTEIN - roast chicken breast, lean turkey or ham deli meat slices, canned tuna/salmon, low fat dairy (especially Greek yoghurt & cottage cheese) & protein powders (I personally enjoy a variety of SUPER TASTY whey, casein & vegan blends available with 10% discount from @bestbodysupplements online & instore using my code ‘ADVENTURE10’). CARBS - fresh/frozen/dried fruit, cereal, bread, wraps, bean cans & packet rice. FATS - nut/seed butters, avocado, canned salmon & boiled eggs. . @adventurereadycoaching @bestbodysupplements @the_concept_sdc See more
11.01.2022 Here is my recent stack of goodies from @bestbodysupplements & why: PROTEIN POWDERS - Now, whilst protein powder is absolutely NOT essential, within the context of a busy active lifestyle, supplementing with protein powder can make it a LOT easier to reach your protein needs (1.6-3.1g/kg of lean body mass for athletes) & improve your physique & performance results. I personally enjoy several different types & here’s why: CASEIN: Slow digesting, super satiating & amazing i...n thick fluffy smoothies blended with milk & berries. WHEY ISOLATE: Fast digesting with zero bloat so I can just smash a shake & immediately get right back to smashing life. VEGAN BLENDS: Digestion speed is between the above two, filling the gap with different flavours & amino acids. @macr0mike is especially insane, tastes just like drinking peanut butter & so as a certified PB addict this is literally my favourite protein powder of all time! CREATINE MONOHYDRATE - literally the most studied supplement in existence & ~5g/day will make you stronger via increased ATP availability, which is the primary energy source used during short & intense bouts of exercise like sprinting & lifting weights. Worth taking if you have strength or hypertrophy goals. No you won’t die or go bald. PRE-WORKOUT - Caffeine, Citrulline, Beta-Alanine... ahhhh far too much to cover in this post but there are actually SO many perfectly valid reasons for using a quality pre-workout supplement. Yeah, some are total crap but if you want to know what exact ingredients & dosages may be beneficial for you & why, please just ask either myself or the BestBody crew! I am absolutely LOVING this ‘IN2 KRUSH’ right now. Super smooth energy & focus with zero crash, anxiety or sleeplessness, plus the most insane pumps! ELECTROLYTES - yes yes the salts! Simply adding extra electrolytes into my adventures has enabled me to continue pushing my mental/physical limits so far beyond previous possibilities, smash 200+ km bike rides & spontaneous marathons both on & off road in amongst all my other gym-based training. 10/10. . Use my code ‘ADVENTURE10’ for 10% discount both in store & online See more
08.01.2022 For example, I see a LOT of people regularly hitting the classic flat barbell bench press... but I often wonder how many of them are actually chasing specific strength goals in this movement & how many simply want to build an aesthetically muscular & proportioned chest? Because, the reality is that a flat barbell bench press is actually NOT a great exercise for building a aesthetically muscular chest. Yes, it’s a nice big multi joint ‘compound’ movement that requires a large... amount of muscles fibres to be recruited & coordinated so is often touted as a great ‘muscle builder’ but... this movement also requires a decent benchmark of technique just to avoid injury (especially for a proper powerlifting setup when throwing heavy weights around). & when set up this way, arm/torso positioning ends up making the movement more of a decline push through a relatively short & incomplete range of motion, with a great deal of stabilisation required from one’s shoulders, back, core & legs. So yeah, if you do truly want to get really strong at bench pressing, you’re gonna have to be really specific with your training & build strength by bench pressing, heavy, often! But, if you’re actually just chasing an aesthetically muscular physique, free from aches & pains then stop wasting your time on the flat bench. Make more efficiently goal-focused exercise selection decisions & choose dumbbell presses for a greater range of motion with more rotational freedom at the wrists, elbows & shoulders. Prioritise incline pushing variations to specifically add muscle in the often neglected upper chest region. To me, bodybuilding is very much an artistic expression of symmetry & proportions where people can literally create their personally ideal physique... & not simply about more more more mass. Then, once your stabiliser muscles are fatigued, continue adding more total training volume in via machines. Remember that muscles never know how much they’re lifting. They only know how hard they are working. Control the movements, chase those difficult reps & feel the contractions. Hypertrophy & strength are 2 VERY distinctly different things. Train for the adaptation you actually want.
08.01.2022 If your diet doesn’t ever let you eat cake, chocolate or any other cliche ‘junk food’ without making you feel guilty, triggering a bingefest or entirely derailing your progress... then that’s a serious problem that needs to be talked about. . The very best evidence-based diet that exists is the one that you can actually stick to, long term. . It is for this reason, that I’m actually a REALLY big fan of regular indulgences to improve dietary enjoyability, adherence & therefor...e sustainability. . I have a nice long list of strategies with @adventurereadycoaching to help you quite literally have your cake & eat it too but here is just one example: . BULK the indulgence up by adding FRESH FRUIT! . Cut yourself up a ‘minimum enjoyable dose’ sized serving of a sweet treat, or if you find it impossible to define that, buy the prepackaged ‘fun-sized’ portions of sweets (Eg cadbury favourites) & then add fresh fruit to increase the fibre, water & micronutrient (vitamin & mineral) content of the meal. . Simply adding real wholesome fresh fruits increases the nourishment of the meal as well as the overall physical size & satiety, so that you can still enjoy a sweet treat without such an extreme caloric excess as if you’d eaten ONLY that to satiety. Fresh fruit helps fill up your tummy, crowds out some of the ultra-processed & hyper-palatable foods that can otherwise be extremely difficult to not overeat & also ticks off your fruit servings for the day in a fun way! . Wins all round if you ask Nick! . @thenickraymond See more
02.01.2022 Seeing the brand & logo you personally created as a representation of who you are & what you believe in, actually proper stitched into clothing for the first time, just hits you in ALL THE FEELS. . All those dreams are finally coming together into something undeniably REAL. All you small business owners out there, I know you know exactly what I mean. Still finding it hard to believe this is really happening & I have actually somehow created my dream job - helping inspire,... empower & educate others to also enjoy living a life rich in health, fitness & adventure. . So, here’s a HUGE thank you to absolutely EVERYONE who has supported my adventure so far. Leaving my solid job as a medical doctor to chase this abstract dream was simultaneously the most difficult & best decision I have ever made. It’s been a real trip & you can expect BIG things in the future from @adventurereadycoaching . I’m only just getting started. See more
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