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25.01.2022 Raise your hand if you actually like (or even love) the process of moving house. According to research, about 1 in 6 Australians will move within the next 12 months. #airopens #buyingahome #realestate #homebuying #realestateagent #sellingahome #homesellers #investmentproperty #realestatelife #realtorlife #home #realestateexpert #realestategoals #househunters #listing #realestatesales #homesweethome #firsttimehomebuyer #homebuyers #sellinghomes #homesforsale #firsttimehomebuyers #househunting
24.01.2022 What is your preference - a single-story or multi-level home?
22.01.2022 What is one feature in your home that you can't live without?
21.01.2022 When you're heading out to your next open home, here’s 5 top tips from the airopens experts on what to look out for: 1. Have a sneak peek at the neighbours, are the properties in similar condition and design, and are they well maintained? If you overhear a neighbour coming through for a stickybeak, ask them what the area is like to live in. 2. How far away are the shops, schools, transport and parks/playgrounds? Can you walk, is it safe to do so at night?... 3. How has the building aged? Is there evidence of decay on the external walls, bargeboards, eaves, and facade? Is the roof rusty or missing tiles or in need of some capping or re-pointing? These are little indicators of how well the property has been maintained over the years. 4. Once you're inside the house, is there much natural light flowing into the main rooms or is it dark and needs the lights on? Are the rooms big enough to fit your furniture and are there enough bedrooms to suit you now and in 5 years time? 5. Get some external help. Call the council and see if there’s any planning applications nearby, and check the title plan for easements that may affect the land. If it ticks all the boxes, purchase a building and pest inspection to rule out any structural defects and infestation.
20.01.2022 What are some of the areas we base our 30-point reporting system on? + Land content + Building condition + Natural light... + Privacy + Floorplan internal flow + Value add + Neighbouring properties + and many more! Expert buyer agents across our network throughout Australia attend open homes daily and immediately complete an online review of their inspection findings. Our review platform aims to provide buyers with an unbiased view of a property, giving power back to the buyers to make more informed decisions. #airopens #buyingahome #realestate #homebuying #realestateagent #realestatelife #realtorlife #home #realestateexpert #realestategoals #listing #realestatesales #homesweethome #firsttimehomebuyer #homebuyers #househunting #housegoals
20.01.2022 There are many ways in which COVID has disrupted the property market throughout Australia. But what has it meant for people searching for their new dream pad online? Well, searches for "home office" increased in Victoria by 1107%, while in New South Wales, "home office" searches increased by 17%. In fact, this wasn't the biggest change for New South Wales residents - the largest increase was seen for "retreat", rising by 78%.
19.01.2022 Spring is about to spring and we couldn't be more excited! Who else loves Spring the most?
18.01.2022 Would you agree, a stunning bathroom can make all the difference to making a house feel like a home?
18.01.2022 Wanting to rejuvenate your house on a budget? Painting the walls is an easy and affordable way to do so! Re-painting your walls to a fresh, base white (Dulux ‘Natural White’ and ‘Vivid White’ are two of our favourites) will help accentuate artwork, furnishings and finishing touches. Given the impact your walls have, you'll notice a huge change in the styling results.
17.01.2022 Our #dreamhome of the month (and possibly even 'year') goes to... #airopens #buyingahome #realestate #homebuying #realestateagent #sellingahome #homesellers #investmentproperty #realestatelife #realtorlife #home #realestateexpert #realestategoals #househunters #listing #realestatesales #homesweethome #firsttimehomebuyer #homebuyers #sellinghomes #homesforsale #firsttimehomebuyers #househunting
16.01.2022 Real estate never sleeps, so just because the world is battling a pandemic it does not mean you have to put the search for your dream home on hold, nor do landlords have to forgo inspecting their assets. However, with Coronavirus impacting Australian states and territories in different ways, authorities have issued a range of guidelines when it comes to real estate. Make sure you check the new rules you have to follow for house inspections and open homes.
15.01.2022 What makes airopens so unique and useful? Our review platform aims to provide buyers with an unbiased view of a property, giving power back to the buyers to make more informed decisions. We do this by having our expert buyer agents attend open homes undertaking a thorough inspection where 30 different criteria are examined. Airopen subscribers can view any publicly available review, and also easily perform their own assessment of the property under review. Subscribers can com...pare each self-reviewed property side by side, and if a property is missing or off-market they can upload the details for their own private review utilising a complete 30 point grading sheet. This gives our clients peace of mind when they are searching for their new home. #airopens #buyingahome #realestate #homebuying #realestateagent #sellingahome #homesellers #investmentproperty #realestatelife #realtorlife #home #realestateexpert #realestategoals #househunters #listing #realestatesales #homesweethome #firsttimehomebuyer #homebuyers #sellinghomes #homesforsale #firsttimehomebuyers #househunting
15.01.2022 There are three things to consider when searching for a property. Firstly, there’s Price. This one is pretty self-explanatory. It’s the budget you are willing to allocate to purchase your home. Secondly, there’s the Property. The physical characteristics you require in a home. The number of bedrooms, bathrooms, living areas, floorplan, condition and quality of the building, the style or construction.... Lastly, the Position (location, suburb, precinct). Things to take into account here are streetscape, amenities, transport, commerce, security and demographics. Most people will need to compromise on at least one of these three criteria. Which one are you prepared to compromise on in your future #dreamhome? #airopens #buyingahome #realestate #homebuying #realestateagent #sellingahome #homesellers #investmentproperty #realestatelife #realtorlife #home #realestateexpert #realestategoals #househunters #listing #realestatesales #homesweethome #firsttimehomebuyer #homebuyers #sellinghomes #homesforsale #firsttimehomebuyers #househunting
15.01.2022 What we are seeing at the moment is quite the perfect storm of positive factors developing for our property markets: + As we progress into 2021, consumer confidence has been significantly improving, as has business confidence, since last year. + Clearance rates at auctions have been consistently strong, not only in Melbourne and Sydney but around Australia. + There are more buyers and sellers in the market and transaction numbers have increased considerably.... + Contrary to predictions, bank loan deferrals have been falling, meaning there is little likelihood of an avalanche of forced mortgagee sales + Reserve bank announced late last year that it won't be changing the record-low cash rate of 0.1%, and that it expected to keep rates low for about three years, now offers a fantastic time to buy. + As more jobs are created, and consumer and business confidence improves (leading to spending and employment), this will continue to serve the housing markets. #airopens #buyingahome #realestate #homebuying #realestateagent #realestatelife #realtorlife #home #realestateexpert #realestategoals #listing #realestatesales #homesweethome #firsttimehomebuyer #homebuyers #househunting #housegoals #propertymarket #australianpropertymarket
14.01.2022 In our Report Card for each property, we grade 30 key elements including: + Land content: Does the property have a backyard or does the building consume most of the land? Is this normal for the area? + Building condition: How has time, environment and upkeep contributed to the current condition of the building?... + Natural light: Does the building have windows facing the sun letting in natural light to the living areas? + Privacy: Can your family be seen in the yard or inside the building by neighbours or passers by? + Floorplan internal flow: Does the floorplan have good flow and connection between living, meals and outdoor areas? Is there bedroom separation from living areas? + Value add: Is there an opportunity to renovate, extend or rebuild to add value to the property? + Neighbouring properties: Are the buildings on either side or opposite the property the same type of style and condition? . . . #airopens #buyingahome #realestate #homebuying #realestateagent #realestatelife #realtorlife #home #realestateexpert #realestategoals #listing #realestatesales #homesweethome #firsttimehomebuyer #homebuyers #househunting #housegoals
13.01.2022 What is Airopens, you ask? Our review platform aims to provide buyers with an unbiased view of a property, giving power back to the buyers to make more informed decisions. We do this by having our expert buyer agents attend open homes undertaking a thorough inspection where 30 different criteria are examined. Airopen subscribers can view any publicly available review, and also easily perform their own assessment of the property under review. Subscribers can compare each self-reviewed property side by side, and if a property is missing or off-market they can upload the details for their own private review utilising a complete 30 point grading sheet. This gives our clients peace of mind when they are searching for their new home.
13.01.2022 With a home gym like this, who needs a membership?! Image via Next Luxury
13.01.2022 Now that inspections are truly underway nationwide (hallelujah!), there are 5 top tips from our airopens experts that you should look out for... 1. Have a sneak peek at the neighbours, are the properties in similar condition and design, and are they well maintained? If you overhear a neighbour coming through for a stickybeak, ask them what the area is like to live in. 2. How far away are the shops, schools, transport and parks/playgrounds? Can you walk, is it safe to do so a...t night? 3. How has the building aged? Is there evidence of decay on the external walls, bargeboards, eaves, and facade? Is the roof rusty or missing tiles or in need of some capping or re-pointing? These are little indicators of how well the property has been maintained over the years. 4. Once you're inside the house, is there much natural light flowing into the main rooms or is it dark and needs the lights on? Are the rooms big enough to fit your furniture and are there enough bedrooms to suit you now and in 5 years time? 5. Get some external help. Call the council and see if there’s any planning applications nearby, and check the title plan for easements that may affect the land. If it ticks all the boxes, purchase a building and pest inspection to rule out any structural defects and infestation. #airopens #buyingahome #realestate #homebuying #realestateagent #sellingahome #homesellers #investmentproperty #realestatelife #realtorlife #home #realestateexpert #realestategoals #househunters #listing #realestatesales #homesweethome #firsttimehomebuyer #homebuyers #sellinghomes #homesforsale #firsttimehomebuyers #househunting
12.01.2022 There are 10.4 million dwellings in Australia and at any time, there are hundreds of thousands of properties for sale. But how do you determine if a property is an A-Grade property? We'll start with land characteristics. A-grade properties are not overcapitalised with expensive buildings on cheap or small land parcels. They are normal for the area in terms of size and position of building on the block. That means in suburbs where the typical home is freestanding with a backya...rd and the house sits in the middle of the block, that’s what you’d expect in an A-grade property in that suburb. If in the same suburb there’s a home that’s had the backyard subdivided, or the house sits right at the front of the block, these are some of the many land compromises that jeopardise an A-grade rating. When it comes to location, A-grade properties are not found on main roads or busy streets, and they aren't found next door to schools or shops or any other mixed use. A-grade properties are found next to other A-grade properties, in quiet and pleasant streetscapes. A-grade properties are walking distance to transport, to shops, schools and open spaces like parks, rivers, beaches or other desirable lifestyle draw-cards. Last but not least, the building itself plays a role in the grading of a property. We've touched on overcapitalising, which refers to how much more value there is in the building than there is in the land. There’s also the quality and condition of the construction of the house, and how scarce or how easily reproduced the property can be. Scarcity is a big factor when it comes time to sell, because if there’s a lot of the same type of building as yours on the market at the same time, you're having to share the pool of buyers and reduce the competition which ultimately drives prices higher. Some of the other building characteristics that determine an A-grade rating are the orientation of the backyard so that the living areas of the home are flooded with natural light. A good floor plan with bedroom and living area separation, and living areas flowing out to outdoor entertaining areas with northern aspect are complementary and desirable for buyers.
11.01.2022 Who needs New Year's goals when you've got these #housegoals?
11.01.2022 Think google reviews - but for homes. Our review platform provides buyers with an unbiased view of a property through a 30 point grading system conducted by expert buyer agents across our network throughout Australia. Airopens subscribers can view any publicly available review, and also easily perform their own assessment of the property under review. Subscribers can compare each self-reviewed property side by side, and if a property is missing or off-market they can uploa...d the details for their own private review Why do we do what we do? Because we want to give power back to the buyers to make more informed decisions and not waste another minute at a disappointing inspection! . . . #airopens #sellingahome #realestate #homeselling #realestateagent #realestatelife #realtorlife #realestateexpert #realestategoals #listing #realestatesales #propertygrading
10.01.2022 A study commissioned by shows that first-time buyers find the process overwhelming. Check out these findings... + 1 in 3 buyers cried during the process + 2 in 4 experienced anxiety + 44% of buyers felt nervous throughout the process... + The average buyer had four arguments + 2 in 5 described buying their first home as the most stressful event in modern life. Buying a home, whether your a first-home buyer, or a seasoned pro, doesn't have to be so stressful. Airopens makes sure of it.
09.01.2022 Property Review: 33 Gore Street, Fitzroy, VIC Score: A- Price: $3,850,000 Inner-city living at its best! Walk to CBD restaurants and all amenities. This appealing double-storey terrace certainly has street appeal, good floor plan with 3 beds and 2 baths and multiple living areas as well as OSP parking. Recent sales in the street and surrounds support the price which at first glance seems optimistic.
08.01.2022 Thinking about decorating with feng shui? Well, what is it?! In a nutshell, decorating with feng shui means using the right decorative elements and colours in the right places - thus bring a nourishing energy to your space. ... But what many people don't know is that feng shui is largely centred around your own personal taste. While there are definitely some Dos and Don'ts, if you don't like how something looks, it’ll be impossible to create positive energy around it. . . . #airopens #realestate #realestateagent #realestatelife #realtorlife #realestateexpert #realestategoals #listing #realestatesales #fengshui
07.01.2022 Sorry... I can't... I'm busy right now. Talk about #BeachLiving at its finest... #airopens #buyingahome #realestate #homebuying #realestateagent #sellingahome #homesellers #investmentproperty #realestatelife #realtorlife #home #realestateexpert #realestategoals #househunters #listing #realestatesales #homesweethome #firsttimehomebuyer #homebuyers #sellinghomes #homesforsale #firsttimehomebuyers #househunting
07.01.2022 There really isn't, is there? Which is why it's even more satisfying for us helping our wonderful clients find their dream homes.
07.01.2022 Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right. Oprah Winfrey We hope that 2021 is an amazing year for you all... maybe even in a gorgeous new home!
07.01.2022 Property Review: 3 Vaucluse Street, Brighton, VIC Score: B+ Price: $3,200,000 This newly renovated family home sits close to Bay Street and within walking distance to the Bay Trail. The vendors have clearly invested in the renovation with a smart layout and design concepts. The kitchen flow is excellent and is very functional, the open plan concept forms into a galley style and butlers pantry which is great for preparation and entertaining. ... Some aspects of the home will challenge buyers and consideration will need to be given to the limited parking and that there is no pool in the north facing rear yard. In addition, consideration should be given to potential development of nearby and neighbouring properties. The two downstairs bedrooms would be better suited to a study and additional living space which would turn this home into a traditional 3 bedroom property. The upside is this is the best family of 4 home on the market at the moment and has been for a while with the great renovation and good space, it is one of my favourite cul-de-sacs in Brighton, allowing for children to play cricket, ride bikes etc in the street with relative safety. The top of the quote range at $6,500 per square metre touches right at the top of the band in terms of value however there is a lot of demand at present and there are plenty of buyers out there looking to transact.
07.01.2022 Does your house suffer from an awkward floor plan? Even more reason to style your home then! Styling is particularly useful in small homes as it demonstrates how an awkward floor plan can be used to help buyers visualise living in the space.
07.01.2022 Property Review: 24 Pine Street, Brighton, VIC Score: B Price: $1,810,000 This well maintained cottage is positioned in an excellent location, within walking distance to parks, shops, public transports and schools. Internally, the floor plan will limit the buyer pool, with this home best suited to downsizers with the close proximity to many amenities. Young families may see the appeal as it is a good entry to the area however, most families will want more yard space. ... Overall, this is neat, well maintained home. Having been a rental it is well looked after, and the low maintenance aspect for those looking to downsize will be an advantage. Realistically we see the value of this property sitting above the quoted range, in the proximity of $2,000,000 - $2,100,000. . . . #airopens #buyingahome #realestate #homebuying #realestateagent #realestatelife #realtorlife #home #realestateexpert #realestategoals #listing #realestatesales #homesweethome #firsttimehomebuyer #homebuyers #househunting #brighton #bayside #baysideliving
06.01.2022 Property Review: 8 Wise Street, Rozelle, NSW Score: A- Price: $1,750,000 Perfect family home in a blue chip location, moments from Darling Street. Renovated only a few years ago, leaves this home Move in ready. Lovely flow on lower level, with a thoughtful floor plan maximizing space, and leading from kitchen dining to the lovely outdoor space. Although there wasn't off street parking, surprisingly street parking was plentiful. ... Great home in a great location suitable for both home owners and investors. The guide is realistic and shows the vendors are inline with comparable sales . . . #airopens #buyingahome #realestate #homebuying #realestateagent #realestatelife #realtorlife #home #realestateexpert #realestategoals #listing #realestatesales #homesweethome #firsttimehomebuyer #homebuyers #househunting #housegoals #rozelle
06.01.2022 Did you know that buyers form an opinion within the first 60 seconds of viewing a property? Who knew first impressions were so important?!
05.01.2022 To style or not to style? That is the real question! Research indicates that a home which has been professionally styled will on average sell for at least 7% - 11% more than comparable unstyled properties, and in half the time.
05.01.2022 Given there has been skyrocketing interest in buying property in Australia’s favourite holiday destinations, many experts are warning sea changes of two key things: + bargains that look too good to be true + to think carefully about long-term work arrangements when dreaming of a post-covid lifestyle change... With the spotlight currently on popular sea change and tree change towns, plenty of vendors will be looking to offload poorly built, poor performing properties in the next few months. So, there are some things you should be on the lookout for: + Make sure the property is within 2.5 hours’ travel time to the city and within 10 minutes’ walking distance to the town’s shopping village + If you are looking to work from home in this new holiday home, does the property have office space and will internet speeds be fast enough? + The fad of bush retreats may well fade + For those looking for properties they can lease out to holidaymakers, homes that include a pool are desirable. . . . #airopens #buyingahome #realestate #homebuying #realestateagent #realestatelife #realtorlife #home #realestateexpert #realestategoals #listing #realestatesales #homesweethome #firsttimehomebuyer #homebuyers #househunting #housegoals
05.01.2022 How should you decorate your entry? Well, let's start with these tips: Remove excess furniture: less is always best for a first impression. No one wants clutter as the first thing they see! Keep the furniture limited to a console table with an attractive piece of art. ... Feature flowers: not only is this a great way to greet new people, but provides a beautiful scent upon entry Light it up: ensure there is good lighting in the entry so that buyers aren't walking into a dark environment See more
05.01.2022 I'll take two please... Image via
05.01.2022 How can you make your home feel in tune with the current season? Change up your accessories! Even the smallest accessories whether it is a sculptural vase or a stack of books have the power to change the look and feel of your home's interiors. If you're looking to make a big impact on a small budget, think about how you can display some accessories (that spent the summer locked away) in a new and unique way.... Winter proves the perfect time for reading, so try stacking books on your lounge room coffee table for added decoration. Or try changing up existing artworks for moody prints that are an extension of your winter-inspired colour palette.
05.01.2022 The winner for today, this gorgeous kitchen! Image via Vogue Living
04.01.2022 Lockdowns, border closures and travel restrictions are not stopping Australians from browsing and investing in the property market. And one huge trend we are seeing? Investors buying properties further away from their home than ever before. In fact, recent research reveals that some investors have taken to purchasing properties an average distance of nearly 300 kilometres away in the past year. So, if you're considering remote investing, there are 5 tips we highly suggest:... 1. Engage a local valuer to give some comfort that you're not paying too much. 2. Understand what’s important to tenants in the local market. 3. Don't compare metropolitan prices with properties in regional areas. 4. Engage a trusted local professional, like a buyer’s agent, to inspect the property on your behalf. 5. Do your homework to understand the neighbourhood you're buying in. #airopens #buyingahome #realestate #homebuying #realestateagent #realestatelife #realtorlife #home #realestateexpert #realestategoals #listing #realestatesales #homesweethome #firsttimehomebuyer #homebuyers #househunting #housegoals #remoteinvesting #propertyinvestment #propertymarket
03.01.2022 Describe your dream home in 5 words... #airopens #buyingahome #realestate #homebuying #realestateagent #sellingahome #homesellers #investmentproperty #realestatelife #realtorlife #home #realestateexpert #realestategoals #househunters #listing #realestatesales #homesweethome #firsttimehomebuyer #homebuyers #sellinghomes #homesforsale #firsttimehomebuyers #househunting
03.01.2022 Property Review: 19 Bernard Street, Claremont, WA Score: B+ Price: Undisclosed Set on a generous land parcel of some 887 sqm, this Californian bungalow has undergone a well executed renovation throughout allowing for comfortable living and offering plenty of space for the the growing family.... The undercover alfresco is perfect for entertaining and flows easily from the main living space overlooking the large rear yard. Internally, the bedrooms are of generous proportions however, lack decent storage space and the lack of ensuite to the master bedroom may be an issue for some buyers.
02.01.2022 How does airopens work? Our expert agents review each property through 30 different criteria. The home is then scored between an A+ and F, meaning potential buyers can get a better feel of the value of this property, as well as open their eyes to things that only seasoned professionals would notice. And the outcome? You don't need to waste time visiting inspection after inspection, and you will have the confidence to make an informed and educated decision. ... #airopens #buyingahome #realestate #homebuying #realestateagent #realestatelife #realtorlife #home #realestateexpert #realestategoals #househunters #listing #realestatesales #homesweethome #firsttimehomebuyer #homebuyers #firsttimehomebuyers #househunting
02.01.2022 Twas the Friday before Father's Day! And what better time to pay our tributes to every man's favourite room in the house - the man cave. The 'man cave' first became popular in 1992 as it was recorded in John Gray's book - Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus, when he wrote [A man] becomes very quiet and goes to his private cave to think about his problem, mulling it over to find a solution." Image via
01.01.2022 Finding the right home can be an overwhelming process. Whether you are upgrading or a first home buyer, it's no easy task! Let us help you with your property journey.
01.01.2022 Despite COVID, it's expected that Sydney's property market will continue to go from strength to strength. In fact, the citywide property market is tipped to see prices jump between five and seven per cent in the coming year. And in some suburbs - considered hotspots - properties are likely to see the highest jump. So, where are the predicted hotspots of 2021 in Sydney?... + Mona Vale + Bayview + Avalon + St Ives + Pymble + Hornsby + Bexley + Kingsgrove + Engadine . . . #buyerx #buyersadvocate #buyingahome #realestate #homebuying #realestateagent #realestatelife #home #realestateexpert #realestategoals #househunters #realestatesales #homesweethome #firsttimehomebuyer #homebuyers #homesforsale #buyersagent #firsttimehomebuyers #househunting #Sydneypropertymarket #MonaVale #Bayview #Avalon #St Ives #Pymble #Hornsby #Bexley #Kingsgrove #Engadine
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