Alex Gow Funerals in Newstead, Queensland | Funeral service & cemetery
Alex Gow Funerals
Locality: Newstead, Queensland
Phone: +61 7 3851 7800
Address: 56 Breakfast Creek Rd 4006 Newstead, QLD, Australia
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25.01.2022 According to Dr Alan Wolfelt from the Centre for Loss and Life Transition, "Hope is an expectation of a good that is yet to be that the future holds positive things. It is a trust that no matter the current circumstances, the days to come will reveal happiness. As mental health statistics show increasing levels of anxiety and depression around Covid-19 and its restrictions on our lives, Dr Wolfelt encourages consciously choosing hope by deliberately focusing on it and sh...aring it, just as we need to in overcoming the loss of a loved one. Moment by moment, choose hope over fear. Choose hope instead of despair. If you start feeling hopeless, act with intention to bring hope to that moment. When you cannot muster the energy to cultivate it yourself, it’s possible to receive hope from others Look for friends and family members who have a hopeful outlook on life. They are people who have positive energy and they make you smile when you simply hear their voice. They are also usually caring, non-judgmental listeners. The energy they radiate can anchor you right now. Rememberhope is a renewable resource. Borrow it now, and know that in the future, when the time is right, you can pay it forward to someone else in need.
25.01.2022 Changed Guidelines for Funeral Services from July 3rd 2020 - MORE PEOPLE ALLOWED IN CHAPELS Alex Gow Funerals takes our responsibility seriously when it comes to caring for our clients, staff and the local community. Caring for their mental health is as important as their physical health. We recognise that a funeral service is an important part of the grieving process and for as long as the Federal Government will allow, we will continue to provide high-quality meaningful fun...erals for families during this crisis. Guidelines have been established by our Federal and State Governments designed to help us all minimise the transmission of Coronavirus throughout our community. As of July 3rd, attendees at funerals [both internal & external] are still limited to a maximum of 100 people [family members or friends] plus 3 people to conduct the service, including the priest/celebrant, funeral staff and a videographer if the service is being web-streamed. The social distancing regulations have been amended to 1 person per 2 square metres. These guidelines have doubled the number of people we can seat in established venues and whilst not at full capacity yet, these changes are for your safety and must be adhered to. With our Newstead facility, we can now have 50 inside the chapel itself and a further 50 in the enclosed portico adjoining the chapel area. With our Deception Bay facility, we can have 50 inside the chapel itself and a further 50 in the portico adjoining the chapel area. All other venues you may be considering (e.g. cemeteries, churches, community halls and function rooms) can be assessed for attendee numbers at the time of the arrangement. Just ask our friendly staff.
25.01.2022 With Covid shutting so many events down, our sponsorship of our local Bowls Clubs has been a little restricted this year but is was our great pleasure last week to attend the Narangba Bowls Club President’s at Home Day and the Club’s birthday celebrations on behalf of Alex Gow Funerals and Great Northern Garden of Remembrance. This is something we have been doing for a very long time and it was great to catch up with Men’s president Rob Luck, Ladies President Joan Pringle and Foundation Member Mick Nearmy. Great day was had by all and a huge thanks to Narangba Bowls Club for allowing us to be part of the fun.
25.01.2022 Changed Guidelines for Funeral Services At Alex Gow Funerals we take our responsibility seriously when it comes to caring for our clients, staff and the local community. Caring for their mental health is as important as their physical health. We recognise that a funeral service is an important part of the grieving process and for as long as the Federal Government will allow, we will continue to provide high-quality meaningful funerals for families during this crisis. have been established by the Federal Government designed to help us all minimise the transmission of Coronavirus throughout our community. As of May 16th, attendees at internal funerals are limited to a maximum of 20 people [family members or friends] plus 3 people to conduct the service, including the priest/celebrant, funeral staff and a videographer if the service is being web-streamed. Outside funerals are limited to 30 attendees + 3 staff. In all cases, the social distancing regulations of 1 person per 4 square metres still apply. These guidelines have greatly reduced the number of people we can seat in established venues. (e.g. chapels, churches, community halls and event and function rooms) but these changes are for your safety and must be adhered to.
25.01.2022 Alex Gow Funerals were very honoured to attend 'Diner en Rouge' on Saturday night, hosted by Redland City Mayor, Cr Karen Williams Now in its sixth year, the event raises funds to support the Redlands Coast residents affected by domestic and family violence. "2020 has been a challenging year for so many", Cr Karen Williams said, "The economic and social impacts associated with Covid-19 have magnified the tragedy of domestic abuse." ... Alex Gow Funerals is proud to be one of the major sponsors of the event, seeing the need to partner and work together with the community to make a difference and to ensure a safer tomorrow for families affected by domestic violence in the Redlands. This year the event was held at the Redland Performing Arts Centre where 'Musique en Rouge' featured exceptional performances by entertainers Mirusia, Naomi Price and Luke Kennedy. The guest speakers at the event were Lloyd and Sue Clarke who are the parents of Hannah Clarke. Hannah was murdered by her husband in February, along with her three children, in a shocking act of domestic violence. The Clarke family have started a movement called Small Steps 4 Hannah to put a halt to incidents of domestic and family violence in Australia. It was an honour to listen to their plans and hopes of making positive changes with 'small steps that will eventually be giant leaps forward'. Kelly Higgins-Devine, who was named ABC Local Radio Broadcaster of the Year in 2007, was the MC who interviewed the guest speakers and introduced the entertainment for the evening. It was an evening enjoyed by all who attended. Lyn and Mark, and Angela and Gary, represented Alex Gow Funerals, wearing the red and white theme. Red is symbolic of the naturally wonderful Redlands Coast and white is the colour acknowledged nationally in the campaign to end domestic and family violence. All proceeds went to Redlands Coast residents affected by domestic and family violence. Alex Gow Funerals is proud to support local needs and help contribute to a better future for Redlands Coast families.
24.01.2022 GRIEF CARE - Walking the Wilderness, together In this story, Alex Gow Funerals advisor and renowned Loss Expert, Dr Alan Wolfelt explains how we, as caregivers, can change our ways to give a much better result. According to Dr Wolfelt, the challenge for many caregivers is to stay on the threshold of the wilderness without consciously or subconsciously demanding a resolution. In other words, there is currently a tendency to be attached to an outcome, rather than open to an out...Continue reading
24.01.2022 One of the greatest advantages of pre-planning your own funeral is getting exactly what you want. For a lot of people this means creating a custom service that expresses their true passion. From the location to the music, from the flowers to the eulogy and of course, the coffin. By choosing it all yourself, you are creating one lasting memory your family and friends have to remember. Alex Gow Funerals can help you make it all happen seamlessly. Our trained professional arrangers can visit you at home or you are welcome to visit any one of our 4 Brisbane locations. We are here to help. Ooh, and if you like something quite personal have a look at our beautiful range of coffins & caskets - there's certainly something there for everyone.
22.01.2022 Wishing you and your family a very happy and safe Christmas, from all the team at Alex Gow Funerals. Christmas for our family is about enjoying each other's company, celebrating life and remembering loved ones who cannot be there with us. We genuinely hope you will not need us over the festive period but if you do, be assured we will be there for you as always.... A funeral director is available at Alex Gow Funerals 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to provide help, guidance and comfort in your grief from the very first contact. Merry Christmas and best wishes for a brighter 2021.
22.01.2022 Today is the official 'RU OK Day', a day on which people are encouraged to reach out and ask a struggling friend or relative if they are OK but in the funeral industry, every day is RU OK Day. When you deal in loss and grief, almost everyone we meet is suffering some kind of hurt relating to the loss of their loved one. Many put on a brave face and keep their grief inside whilst others pour their emotions out but in reality, they are all suffering. Maybe today is more about reminding us that caring interaction is essential, every day. Grief has no time limit and believe me, it is far more thoughtful to ask how someone is coping regularly, than randomly. They will thank you immensely for asking.
19.01.2022 INTERESTING FUNERAL FACTS FROM THE PAST Did you know that in England in the 19th century, local folks started running out of places to bury people? So they would dig up coffins, take the bones to a bone-house, and then reuse the grave. When reopening these coffins, 1 out of 25 coffins was found to have scratch marks on the inside. They soon realized they had been burying people alive as a result of them being wrongly declared as deceased, by someone with little or no medical... training. To help alleviate the problem, they would tie a string on the wrist of the corpse, lead it through the coffin lid and up through the ground and tie it to a bell. Someone would have to sit out in the graveyard all night (THE GRAVEYARD SHIFT) to listen for the bell; thus, someone could be, SAVED BY THE BELL or was considered A DEAD RINGER. Supposedly, if the bell rang, the cemetery watchman would insert a tube into the coffin and pump air in using a bellows until the person could be safely evacuated from their grave. Strangely, there are no records at all of anyone ever being saved by this method. Perhaps those responsible for declaring that a person was actually dead, became a little more proficient at their trade. Whilst these terms (THE GRAVEYARD SHIFT, SAVED BY THE BELL & DEAD RINGER) are not used in the funeral industry any more, they have become very common sayings for other converstaions. Whilst these terms (THE GRAVEYARD SHIFT, SAVED BY THE BELL & DEAD RINGER) are not used in the funeral industry any more, they have become very common sayings for other conversations.
18.01.2022 This week, Angela from our Alex Gow Cleveland office presented two $50 donation Coles vouchers to Sam Scott, the Facility Manager of Seaton Place Aged Care in Cleveland. Seaton Place is holding an Employee Go Beyond Awards to celebrate their workers who have gone above and beyond in their work. Sam said that In this extraordinary year, our team has shown enormous courage and commitment to continue to provide care for our residents. Alex Gow Funerals partnered with Seaton Place Aged Care to say Thank You to the wonderful staff. Sam said that they will thank Alex Gow in their awards newsletter that goes out to all of their 4000 employees, residents and families. Seaton Place always enjoys receiving the quarterly Alex Gow Super Puzzle Books and distributing them to their residents.
15.01.2022 During COVID-19 restrictions, there's a chance that many of us won't get a chance to see our Mums tomorrow but to celebrate Mother's Day, we'd like to invite all of our followers to post a message here about your Mum and how special she is, or was in your life. Tag others in your family if you want so they can contribute to. If Mum is still with us, say something special to show you care. Then give her a call tomorrow and tell her in person. If Mum has passed on, take some to reflect and remember, then share one thing that made her so amazing. If she is buried or memorialised nearby, try and visit to pay your respects as it a great way of reconnecting. From all of us at Alex Gow, Happy Mother's Day to all the Mums in the world and thank you for being there.
15.01.2022 What happens to your social media accounts when you die? We’re often told to be careful what we post online, as it will be there forever even when you die. In the age of social media, everyone’s digital life remains available after their deaths. However, what each social media platform does with accounts when its users pass away varies and also depends on the wishes of the immediate family.... For some people, having the option to visit a deceased person’s social media account can offer comfort, while others prefer that the page is deleted for good when a loved one passes away so some social media platforms offer both options. On Facebook, where millions of users have died and left behind profiles since the site’s inception, the account of a loved one can be turned into a memorial account or closed forever. When Facebook, which sees 8,000 members die a day, first introduced memorial accounts, anyone could report a user as dead which would permanently lock the account and keep it from posting updates or appearing in birthday notifications. However, in 2015, the platform announced a policy that would implement a Legacy Contact who, in the event that a person died, could sign on to the account and pin a post on the Timeline. The Legacy Contact, chosen from someone’s Facebook friends, cannot read the deceased person’s private messages but can change their profile photo and archive posts and photos. Users can also choose to have their profiles permanently deleted when they die, by choosing Settings > General > Memorialisation Settings. Following a loved one’s death, a family member can also request that Facebook removes the profile by sending a death certificate. More information can be found here: Instagram also has a similar policy for dealing with deceased users. According to Instagram’s policy, the account of a deceased person can either be reported and then memorialised, or an immediate family member can request that the account be deleted. To memorialise an account, Instagram requires proof of death such as a link to an obituary or news article. With Twitter, you can request the removal of a deceased user's account. After you submit your request, they will email you with instructions for providing more details, including information about the deceased, a copy of your ID, and a copy of the deceased's death certificate. All of this information is obviously based on the family members not having login details. If they do have the logins, they can simply go into most accounts and deactivate them. This brings us to one very practical step, keep in a safe place, known to your executor, a non-digital list of all your computer and social media logins and things will be a lot easier for everyone. Compiled by Alex Gow Funerals as a community service Sources: [1] Everplans, [2] Chelsea Ritschel - The Independent
13.01.2022 Changed Guidelines for Funeral Services from June 16th 2020 - 100 PEOPLE CAN NOW ATTEND Alex Gow Funerals takes our responsibility seriously when it comes to caring for our clients, staff and the local community. Caring for their mental health is as important as their physical health. We recognise that a funeral service is an important part of the grieving process and for as long as the Federal Government will allow, we will continue to provide high-quality meaningful funeral...s for families during this crisis. Guidelines have been established by our Federal and State Governments designed to help us all minimise the transmission of Coronavirus throughout our community. As of June 16th, attendees at funerals [both internal & external] are limited to a maximum of 100 people [family members or friends] plus 3 people to conduct the service, including the priest/celebrant, funeral staff and a videographer if the service is being web-streamed. In all cases, the social distancing regulations of 1 person per 4 square metres still apply. These guidelines have greatly reduced the number of people we can seat in established venues but these changes are for your safety and must be adhered to. With our Newstead facility, we can now have 27 inside the chapel itself and a further 73 in the enclosed portico adjoining the chapel area. With our Deception Bay facility, we can have 26 inside the chapel itself and a further 74 in the portico adjoining the chapel area. All other venues you may be considering (e.g. cemeteries, churches, community halls and function rooms) can be assessed for attendee numbers at the time of the arrangement. Just ask our friendly staff.
12.01.2022 Sorry if this is a bit long but it is probably the best summary on grief and mourning we have ever read. Written by Dr Alan D. Wolfelt, PhD from The Centre for Loss, it is really was worth sharing. If you have lost someone close and are still struggling, this may offer some help. Whether the death was sudden or anticipated, acknowledging the full reality of the loss may occur over weeks and months. To survive, you may try to push away the reality of death at times. You may di...Continue reading
11.01.2022 Alex Gow Funerals is proud to be a Bronze Sponsor of the Redland City Mayoral Prayer Breakfast. This year, Lyn and Angela from our local team attended the Breakfast and helped raise almost $20,000 to support school chaplains in the Redlands area. Cr Karen Williams, the Mayor of Redland City, said that due to Covid-19 "across our community, anxieties have been heightened for many, including our young people, which makes programs such as school chaplaincy even more important...." The breakfast was held in the Alexandra Hills Hotel Conference Centre. The speaker this year was Andy Gourley, who is the Founder of Red Frogs Australia chaplaincy network. Last year Red Frogs were given the "Keys to the City" by the Lord Mayor of Brisbane for their chaplaincy services, which are to safeguard teenagers and young adults during Schoolies and at universities. Alex Gow Funerals proudly supports local services that help the community.
09.01.2022 WE’VE BEEN HELPING QUEENSLAND FAMILIES SINCE 1840 Whilst the history of our business dates back to 1840 as the first-ever funeral business in Queensland, it was not until 1909 when Alexander Gow acquired the remaining shares from his partner Walter S. Barrett, that the Alex Gow brand would become Queensland’s first and oldest funeral business. Four generations of the Gow family have worked in the business and today Alexander’s grandson Alistair and his children continue the t...radition of family ownership and the high standards set by their predecessors. We believe that by being family-owned we are able to give a more personal service and be more flexible to the individual needs of our clients. We live for our business and everything we do reflects our on-going commitment to providing affordable, quality services to our community. With four locations across S.E. Queensland Alex Gow Funerals is close by to assist you and your family 24 hours a day. For the history buffs, the black & white image shown was from 1915 when Alex Gow conducted the State Funeral service for the Hon. A.H. Barlow. Please note the highly ornate glass-sided horse-drawn hearse which was highly sought-after.
07.01.2022 Changed Guidelines for Funeral Services from June 1st 2020 Alex Gow Funerals takes our responsibility seriously when it comes to caring for our clients, staff and the local community. Caring for their mental health is as important as their physical health. We recognise that a funeral service is an important part of the grieving process and for as long as the Federal Government will allow, we will continue to provide high-quality meaningful funerals for families during this cr...isis. Guidelines have been established by our Federal and State Governments designed to help us all minimise the transmission of Coronavirus throughout our community. As of June 1st, attendees at funerals [both internal & external] are limited to a maximum of 50 people [family members or friends] plus 3 people to conduct the service, including the priest/celebrant, funeral staff and a videographer if the service is being web-streamed. In all cases, the social distancing regulations of 1 person per 4 square metres still apply. These guidelines have greatly reduced the number of people we can seat in established venues but these changes are for your safety and must be adhered to. With our Newstead facility, we can now have 27 inside the chapel itself and a further 23 in the enclosed portico adjoining the chapel area. With our Deception Bay facility, we can have 26 inside the chapel itself and a further 24 in the portico adjoining the chapel area. All other venues you may be considering (e.g. cemeteries, churches, community halls and function rooms) can be assessed for attendee numbers at the time of the arrangement. Just ask our friendly staff.
04.01.2022 PUZZLES CAN HELP YOUR BRAIN Scientific studies have proven that working with puzzles and other logic games helps improve reasoning, memory and logic. They promote a form of synergy between the left and right brain, termed by psychologists as a full brain approach. This can result in better memory, deeper learning and better recall. Puzzles appeal to our creative and logical minds, offering a full brain work out, especially for retirees who don’t have a daily work commitment.... Alex Gow recognises this and hopes that by offering our FREE Puzzle Books to seniors in our community, we can actually help you improve your brain vibrancy as you get older. One of the biggest fears for us all as we get older is losing our mental sharpness, possibly developing dementia, Alzheimer’s or other mental illnesses but by giving our brain a moderate workout on a frequent basis we can help hold off the onset of some of these issues. Puzzles and games also instigate social interaction and communication. Doing puzzles together is a pleasurable experience for all participants helping to maintain social and communicative skills. Science has also shown that when a puzzle is finally completed there is a feeling of satisfaction and dopamine is released in the brain, as a kind of reward system for our efforts. At Alex Gow Funerals we have now published 15 issues of our Puzzle Book, each with up to three-month’s worth of fun brain exercises. Our Alex Gow puzzle books are distribted FREE through Nursing Homes, Retirements Villages and Aged Care Centres as well as direct to homes via post, Meals on Wheels Queensland and home care groups like Carinity. If you would like some free puzzle books in your home or senior living facility, simply call our friendly staff and we will have some delivered. Just call 3851 7800.
03.01.2022 With over 5,000 FREE puzzle books going out into the community every issue, the chance for readers to win our monthly $100 gift cards just keeps expanding. Well Done to our winners for the last quarter: October - Lyn Aloquin November - Antonia Ratcliffe... December - Jim Fletcher Our puzzle books are so much fun and of course a great way to your brain active. They include Sudoku, Crosswords, Word Search, Code Cracker and of course our fantastic Trivia questions. If you aren't yet receiving your Alex Gow Super Puzzle Books, just contact us and we can send out hard copies for FREE. All you need to do is call our head office on 3851 7800. You can also download and print digital versions of our books at If you live in a retirement village or nursing home we can call past quarterly with FREE puzzle books for all the residents, just have your centre manager contact us. And our course, once you are doing the puzzles you have a chance to win our monthly $100 Coles Vouchers. GOOD LUCK!
03.01.2022 The winner of our Puzzle Book Competition for May was Don Coles, who lives with his lovely wife at Oaktree Retirement Village at Burpengary. With 2 children and 3 grandchildren and lots of hobbies, they both keep very busy. Don loves building and collecting Lego (as per photos) and his wife grows Orchids. Don also attends the local Men’s Shed where he and his buddies have a wonderful time together completing lots of special projects. Don loves the Alex Gow Puzzle books and was excited to be a winner. Well done Don!!!
02.01.2022 With the Queensland Government's relaxation of Covid Guidelines, we can now have up to 200 people at funerals. They have also removed the requirement to wear masks. For all the latest details, please visit our web page
01.01.2022 Changed Guidelines for Funeral Services and Refreshments from January 10th 2022 Changed guidelines have been introduced by the State Governments designed to help us all minimise the transmission of Coronavirus throughout our community. As of January 10th, attendees at funerals [both internal & external] are limited to a maximum of 100 people [family members or friends] plus 3 people to conduct the service, including the priest/celebrant, funeral staff and a videographer if th...e service is being web-streamed. In all cases, the social distancing regulations of 1 person per 2 square metres apply. These guidelines have reduced the number of people we can seat in established venues but these changes are for your safety and must be adhered to. With our Newstead facility, we can have 50 inside the chapel itself and a further 50 in the enclosed portico adjoining the chapel area. With our Deception Bay facility, we can have 70 inside the chapel itself and a further 30 in the enclosed portico adjoining the chapel area. All other venues you may be considering (e.g. cemeteries, churches, community halls and function rooms) can be assessed for attendee numbers at the time of the arrangement. Just ask our friendly staff. Please note, that as of January 10th, all attendees at funerals are required to wear masks whilst on the property. This means that from the time you exit your vehicle until the time you re-enter your vehicle to journey home, you must wear a mask. To ensure your safety and that of those around you, please chose a quality disposable or reusable mask. If you do not have a mask, you may be turned away, so remember to ensure all family and friends have masks. These conditions have been set by the Queensland Government and apply until January 21st.
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