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24.01.2022 An hour of work put into 30 seconds! . I don’t teach much bodystep anymore but whenever I do, I always have a great time. Such a fun, energetic way to enjoy your time in the gym and challenge my cardio fitness- which is finally making a comeback . . #genisisfitness #bodystep #lesmills #groupfitness #groupfitnessinstructor #workout #gym #personaltrainer #fittereveryday #strongwomen #getfit #getstrong #groupenergy
23.01.2022 Four weeks of practicing these and I’m very happy to see them looking smoother. . Ahh progress. Didn’t think I’d see much of that through out the Rona so this is v. nice . #squats #overheadsquats #shesquats #lift #kangaroopoint #brisbane #fitness #brisbanept #qualitymovement #movewell #gymgoals #fit #strong #strongwomen
23.01.2022 Hello. . Sorry I haven’t posted much fitness/personal training content but I don’t have much to share right now as I’m back into level 5 lockdown in Ireland. Finally reunited with @shanecullen1990 . . Level 5 means a 5km radius from home. Only essential services are open and you can’t meet other households. I’d say it’s even tighter than we experienced in Brisbane in March.... . The best part is that I’ve done this before and to be honest I find it a tiny bit easier the second time around. I made sure to bring some resistance bands and a skipping rope with me and am nearly ready to brave the cold for an outdoor workout but until then, walking around experiencing autumn in full swing (see; squirrels!) and making sure I keep active that way is doing the job. I’m trying not to get too much fomo from watching client videos of them deadlifting and squatting so I’ll live vicariously through the #arpt team until I can get back to it which is hopefully sooner rather than later. . #dublin #nogymnoproblem #personaltrainer #noweights #beactive #staywell #lockdown2.0 See more
23.01.2022 Big ups to @mandypants01 for some epic progress in the last 8 weeks! 4.6kg down 8.5cm off her mid section Hitting some serious weight PBs in the gym! ... You’re on a roll girl and it’s bloody great to watch . . #arpt #results #beforeandafter #personaltrainer #weightloss #fatloss #strongwomen #fitspo #gymgoals
23.01.2022 Any other personal trainers think about how great their clients are and just start crying? . No? Just me? . Seeing people grow into the strongest and most confident version of themselves is so rewarding.... . I am so lucky and so thankful. #personaltrainer #fitness #grateful #gymgoals #connection #fitnessfamily #needmorephotostogether #getstrong #arpt #confidence #addidas
22.01.2022 Just another girl giving up on hair and makeup during the pandemic low key loving it. #britneyspearsinspiredmyiso #feellikebeyoncewithjustacoatofmascara #missingbrunchdates #personaltrainer #fitness #igdaily #nonamademedoit
21.01.2022 Just a memo from me to me coz I’m bloody stressin
19.01.2022 Starting 2021 somewhere I’d only hoped of visiting. It’s tough times right now heading into a third lockdown but I’m hopeful for some Irish adventures soon
19.01.2022 Some current progress photos that I promised Id share. . Coming back from holidays and living my best life (which is code for eating and drinking too much for far too long). . I put on a fair bit of bodyfat through out this and ended up feeling pretty uncomfortable within myself as well. ... . I’ve been easing back to in and starting to feel a lot better as I return to my previous self. . Looking forward to what the next couple of weeks bring as I’ll be able to up the frequency of my weight training. . I could definitely have achieved a more dramatic result in this timeframe but I’ll be very transparent and say I’m starting very slow. With lots of calories to enjoy. I’m much more consistent this way and find I can approach the process a lot more positively this way. . #trusttheprocess #practicewhatyoupreach #fatloss #transformation #personaltrainer #getfitagan #control #gymgoal #workoutgoal #followme #priorities #strongwomen #lift #strengthtraining See more
18.01.2022 The power of personal training! . Liz came to me 4 weeks ago with some pretty restricting injuries. Every movement she did in the gym from the waist down was causing her to feel extremely tight in her adductors, like every squat was going to be the one that made them snap. Not fun! . She was already doing all the right things - physio and clinical reformer pilates and definitely moving in the right direction but needed to relearn how to execute the moves she was performing i...n the gym and in class with confidence and without pain! . That’s where I came in! Stripping back her movements, relearning movement patterns and, most importantly, strengthening her glutes and core has got her moving with confidence and now we can have fun getting stronger without fear of injury. . It’s not all epic transformation photos. Sometimes the background work that’s going on needs a shout out too! . So glad I was able to help @lizzymarkwell become #fitliz. This has been so satisfying and exciting and it’s only just the start! . #personaltrainer #gymgoals #getstrong #forlife #fit #strongwomen #movementismedicine #arpt #strongglutes #cantgowronggettingstrong See more
18.01.2022 Started a new program this week with @ron_seeto and it’s got feeling alive! . I’ve typed about 3 VERY different captions to this photo and I can’t decide what message I want to share. . I’ll use a conversation from today to inspire me;... . Any personal trainer can tell you to do battle ropes and sprints til 30 mins is up on the clock but it takes a good personal trainer to program with purpose and I feel so motivated when I see the goal outcome of a program or training block and it helps me want to be as compliant as possible. . My goal is to deliver to build programs and training blocks that evoke the same feelings from my clients so they are: . seeing exercise selection purpose feeling challenged but not out of your depth or comfort zone (too much ) feeling confident to step up to the challenge if it’s been set excitement and variety in their training . To every client out there reading this, programming is fucking time consuming. It’s not just a whole bunch of exercises slammed together and shaken not stirred into some exercise cocktail. Everything down to your personal life and stress levels are considered to make this the right level of intensity for you, right in this moment. . I didn’t know where I was going with this but basically, we are all training from home at the moment and it feels like a dead end for training and progression but its not even close. Programming and accountability/coaching are going to be the real MVPs through out all of this. . You can bounce around your lounge room to free YouTube workouts all week long ( or even a free workout I’ve shared coz hey, I’m just tryna get you moving after all!) but customising a program and workout to YOU, your specificities and your limitations is where you address your weaknesses and solidify your strengths to build the strongest and best version of yourself. . Just took being a client again to remind myself of how invaluable this is to me . . #personaltrainer #fitspo #strongwomen #greenslopes #greenslopespt #brisbanepersonaltrainer #arpt #femalept #getjackedordietryin #fit #workoutgoal #gym #gymshark #gymsharkwomen
18.01.2022 Hi, here’s a small personal update for the zero people that asked for it . . Feeling good to see some definition creeping through. I missed it and am finally feeling like myself again. . The focus in the last two weeks has been solidifying the habits make me feel best and taking a close look at dietary intake.... . With consistency, I’m sure I’m only a few weeks shy of my favourite, maintainable composition. I’m not quite there yet but I feel it coming together. . The most enjoyable part of this has been the fact that there has been zero restrictions, zero pressure and zero guilt. I’m simply eating and living in line with my principals I share with my clients and living my happiest life. . It feels so bloody good to have a baseline of muscle mass and a repertoire of protocols to rely on to get me back to a place where I have energy and passion for training and where I like what I see in the mirror. . It’s taken years, but I finally feel I have the education and the the patterns to do this without a complete overhaul and restructuring of my life. . Strengthening the connection I have with my body. I’m all about it, son. . #personaltrainer #brisbane #femalepersonaltrainer #getstrong #justwannabejacked #balance #empowered #happy #strong #fit #arpt #livingmybestlife #musclenation #rawbybek #funpantsfriday #gymgoals See more
18.01.2022 Having a reason to wear makeup and dress up is a state of mind. If the reason is just to feel good about yourself, then that’s a good enough reason for me - #toomanydaysinleggings #isothoughts
16.01.2022 My little fit fam. Saying goodbye to these guys yesterday was a massive challenge so I made it easier with eggs and coffee. . So overwhelmed with love and support within my business and I can’t believe that this is just a snapshot of the people that have chosen me to guide them.... . Getting clients can be a scary and overwhelming endeavour as a personal trainer and at the start, you question yourself a lot. . Next time I question myself, I’m gonna look at this photo as see a group of people who are stronger and fitter then when I found them and know I have something good to give to the world of heath and fitness. . Thank you for choosing me friends See more
16.01.2022 Kinda digging the completely private 1 on 1 sessions I can deliver at @rawbybek. Control of the tunes, plenty of space and the privacy to die quietly (or loudly!) on the floor. . #fitness #personaltrainer #gymtime #strong #workoutgoals #fitnessgoals #gymgoals #gymstudio #privategym @ Raw by Bek
15.01.2022 I saw this and I had to share to a platform where I have the loudest voice. 600 followers isn’t much but it’s all that I’ve got . . I started to question why I’d prefer to share this than any of the fitness stuff I’ve been working on and it really opened my eyes as to how my Instagram and my focus has changed in the last 9- 12 mths. . I’m sharing less fitness and more life and to be honest, it feels right. I’m a bit tired of the arrogance of Instagram and certain attitudes t...owards different training styles, regardless of personal preference and enjoyment. I find myself wanting to contribute less and less. . Add onto this a global pandemic and I don’t find talking about physiques and strength that stimulating anymore. . I’m still a PT and I’m still giving my clients the best I can but to be honest, I’m just super aware right now that changing your physique means changing your lifestyle and habits and THAT requires some self awareness and potentially some things pretty frank look at yourself. . So lately, if you find I’m sharing less work outs and more life tips it’s because it’s just what feels right, right now. It’s because these lessons feel so obvious once I’ve learnt them but so hard to figure out on my own so, as usual, if I can help just one person with my own honest experiences then I’m happy with that. . Hope you still enjoy what I share but it’s not everyone’s cup of tea and that’s cool too See more
12.01.2022 TIPS FOR GENERAL WELLNESS DURING QUARANTINE - Now, these tips aren't actually much different than my usual guidelines and recommendations but I DO think that they are now even more important than ever before as we are getting a LOT less daily general movement and are thrown into a high stress pandemic. - I've seen alot of people sharing their schedules for lockdown on the socials and while I think its great, it doesnt apply to me. Ive never been a schedule kinda gal, I work b...etter off a daily weekly targets, so here's mine! - Drink water! Our water bottles aren't at our desks anymore and we are stuck at home where we can lean on coffee or tea, leaving us dehydrated and tired at the end of the day. Plus, my skin looks tired and sad when I dont do enough of this. If I notice I'm slacking, I pour a glass before and after each meal and incorporate that into my schedule. - Get your daily 10000 steps. We are getting a lot less incidental in our days now so setting this target just ensures a minimum daily movement and energy expenditure each day. Ive been going on daily outdoor walks to make these happen and cannot speak highly enough for what this is doing for my mental health each day. Love me some vitamin D and fresh air. - Aim for a serve of protein in every meal. For satiety, muscle retention and weight maintenance and means you dont have to skull three protein shakes before bed to hit targets. - Eat your fruit and veggies! Get your fibre, look after your insides and get your micronutrients too. Your digestive system does not want 3 serves of spag bol a day. - Move your body! Each day I have been doing a workout or a mobility sequence to keep strong, challenge myself, get a sweat on and to keep moving well. Just like I would if I wasn't quarantined. - And that's it! My general tips for wellness are my lifelines for feeling good and happy and I definitely noticed myself feeling incredibly down when I lost sight of these last week. I know its a terribly overwhelming time but I truly believe these daily habits are more important and beneficial than ever before. #staywell #movewell #fitness #wellness #personaltrainer #gymgoals #fitathome #strongwomen #healthylifestyle See more
12.01.2022 Cheers to a dry January. . Got no problem with alcohol but I do say if you’ve got weight loss goals it’s easier to cut it out or manage it very, very closely. . It’s not always about how much you consume, it’s about what it does for the following days. A day of greasy hangover food combined with inactivity usually leads to a pretty rough Monday back at work feeling unorganised and out of sorts and then starting the week on the back foot. Not really a recipe for success.... . For me it’s about managing my mind and body while in #lockdown3 and that is worth so much more than sharing a bevy at the end of the day. . You don’t have to have a problem with alcohol or even consume a lot to want to give up for a while. If you just want to focus on how you feel and look after yourself inside and out, I’d recommend dropping anything that may distort the relationship you have with your mind and body. No outside interferences allowed . #dryjanuary #noalcohol #healthieryou #lockdownireland #goals See more
10.01.2022 Don’t know about you guys but dayummmmm this hit me where I live.
10.01.2022 Getting the steps in around Phoenix Park How could anyone hunt these guys, I’m in love.
09.01.2022 When the definition starts coming through
08.01.2022 This is what saying goodbye to TWENTY FIVE KILOS looks like - Regan and I have been working together for a while and this has been our magical number that we wanted to hit and this week, in the lead up before Christmas he jumped on the scales and got it done! - I have so many great things to say about Regan’s hard work and commitment but the most standout thing is that he has truly made a life style change. This weight is staying off for life because through this time, he...’s taken the time time to make a relationship with his body and learn how to nourish it for the best. - During the time between these photos, there has been about 3 eye operations, multiple holidays, a global pandemic, birthdays, weddings and celebrations and not one has be used these to hold him back. Even now, in a month where most people throw weight loss in the too hard basket, he’s doing the very best he can while living his best life. - Add onto this that he’s getting stronger along the way and actually enjoys the gym now! Who would have thought - Congratulations another epic milestone @regzd. Miss ya buddy and can’t wait for the 30! - #fatloss #weightloss #gymgoals #fitforever #relentless #workout #personaltrainer #strengthtraining #lifestylechange #nevergiveup #consistency #proud @ Dublin, Ireland See more
08.01.2022 Corona - Training - Priorities My current thoughts - Just using this time to be a little honest and transparent. I’m not rushing back to the gym and that make me a feel like a bad personal trainer. .... I’m not rushing back to the life that has me working split shifts 5 days a week. Being available early in the morning and late at night. . I’m not rushing back to training at 8pm on a Friday night because I was too tired to get it done in between clients. . I love my job and I love helping people but I think I was burnt out and to be honest, this break came at a really good time for me. . It’s allowed me time to breathe, time to get excited for training again. Time to workout what’s important and what’s not. And it’s challenged me as a trainer ( writing programs for people who have 2 bands and one dumbbell at home and others who have 3 dumbbells, a KB and 4 bands is a real brain strain ). . As the fitness world opens up, I have to be honest and say it will be a little longer before I’m back into the full swing of things because this time has really made me appreciate relationships and those around me and unfortunately, my time with the one I love the most is extremely limited, with only a month left together in the same country . - I really don’t care if it’s another couple of weeks before I get back into the swing of things and that’s okay. I used to be an all in kinda girl when it came to fitness. If I couldn’t train 4 or 5 days a week what’s the point? If I couldn’t nail my diet why even try at all? - This time off has resulted in a good chunk of personal growth where I’m okay with 2 sessions a week and I’m okay with only managing the small wins. If it means that my life balance is more enjoyable and I get to treasure and invest quality time into those around me, it is SO much more worth it for me right now. - If the situation is permanent I wouldn’t suggest adopting this attitude. I’d challenge myself to step up and adapt. But it’s not. And in four weeks when I have all the time on my hands but missing someone special, I know won’t be wishing I’d worked out and worked more. #priorites #personaltrainer #growth See more
06.01.2022 Happy Easter Friends! - This chocoholics has been celebrating Easter all week as I REFUSED to let Rona ruin the best damn holiday of the year . -... Anyway if you’re looking for a workout today, here’s one I just did that I thought I’d share . I chose these exercises as I thought they were a good blend of movements that I’ll use this gym free time to improve on along with focusing on areas I don’t want to lose strength or movement patterns . It went like this : 10 inchworms 10 Bulgarian split squats ea leg 6 Decline pushups 30 skips (jumps ?) on the skipping rope - whatever the non double under version is- I’m not that skilled. 25 banded lateral walks 60sec rest. - I did 6 rounds and it took me 28 mins! - If any of these movements don’t work for you or you need a demo, send me a dm and I’ll gladly help out. - Today, I just needed to not overthink it and just jump in and get it done and this was perfect for me. I hope you like it too! - Stay safe and well #personaltrainer #outdoorworkout #fitness #adapt #staystrong #gym #gymmotivation #strongwomen #fitwomen #healthybodyhealthymind #sweatsesh #arpt #circuit #trynewthings @sweatsesh__ @cbjthehealthclub
06.01.2022 In the last couple of months, I’ve seen a number clients return to sessions with me. I’m not talking since lockdown either. These guys have come back to holiday in QLD after making some serious permanent moves (one as far as NORWAY!). . It’s a really great feeling knowing that these guys, whilst only here temporarily, have wanted to reunite for a session. . Personal training is just that. It’s personal. There is a true connection made with every client I take on and I feel so... lucky that these people let me into their lives and even luckier that they return. . #personaltrainer #connection #getstrong #strongwomen #workout #workhard #sisters #yehthegirls #ytg #proud #grateful See more
05.01.2022 Oh hey. I’m going full instagram ba$ic b!tch with an old photo to grab your attention to tell you that: IM BACK! And I have some very exciting news about the next chapter of my business which I’ll reveal tomorrow .... . . . I’ve missed the fitspo life but I’ve had some great experiences over the last couple of weeks and I’m so ready to get back into the gym with all my favourite faces. . . #dontcallitacomeback #gym #selfie #liveco #oldphoto #basicbitch #workoutgoals #newchapters #fit #strongwomen #yehthegirls #arpt See more
03.01.2022 You should know two things about me. I’m always down for a costume party and I want to be forever covered in body glitter. #babyspice #twoistwiceasnice
01.01.2022 I love waking up to progress photos! . Big snaps for @pineapple_guava_cosplay for her hard work and progress so far! 3 kgs down and feeling better then ever (she basically bounces into each session full of beans these days ). Such a hard worker! . Well done girl ... . #arpt #gymgoals #results #getstrong #workoutgoals #fitspo #fitness #femalepersonaltrainer #dedication #weightloss #fatloss #transformation See more
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