All Air Cooled | Vehicle, aircraft and boat
All Air Cooled
Phone: +61 438 467 366
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25.01.2022 Another splitty fitted up with one of our Hurst bars..We’re shipping these Australia wide. #hurstbar #coolkombi #oldkombi #splitbus #vwkombi #aussiekombi #kombiclub #vwclubwa #madeinaustralia #madeinfremantle #aussievwbus
25.01.2022 A busy day unloading 2 pallets of Wolfgang International front and rear safaris, pop out windows etc super pleased to get them here in Australia with all the shipping delays. Available to order on our website now and shipping anywhere in Australia
25.01.2022 Incoming container of silver weld through goodies.... more panels for beetles bays and splits #silverweldthrough #kombi #kombiclub #vwclubwa #vwrestorations #buildakombi #newvw #vw #ssvc #kombi #vwbus
25.01.2022 Happy Friday. #kombi #everlastingdaisy #fremantle #splitscreen #vwclubwa @kombiclub #vwbuslovers #berylgreen
23.01.2022 Thanks to the @forty_horse team for my delivery of the 2020 @oldbarbeachfestival tshirt and stickers, see you all there in 2021 #fortyhorse #oldbarbeachfestival #kombiclub #vwclub #vwclubwa #splitscreenbus
23.01.2022 Reposted from the team @_tinsmith_ love our daily drivers
22.01.2022 Great to catch up with a few aircooled friends last night at @southbeach_cafe in Fremantle #southbeachfremantle #vwclubwa #beachbuggy #beetle #earlybeetle #wildig #kombi
22.01.2022 Just a couple of singles hanging out.... #singlecabkombi #vwtruck #vwute #splitute #patina #oldbus #kombi #vwclubwa #kombiclub @ Fremantle, Western Australia
21.01.2022 this weeks specials are up on the website, 10% off the roof repair sections and gutters.
20.01.2022 URGH or rather OOOH nice lowlight #lowlightbus #baywindowbus #fremantle #nicelowlights #vwclubwa #kombi #theselowlightsarecool #nicebay
19.01.2022 Next container on the way.... lots of splitty, bay and beetle parts and panels heading to Australia from BBT
19.01.2022 Gotta love the everlasting daisies at kings park by the sea. #southfremantle #kingspark #everlastingdaisy #hulagirl #splitscreenbus #vwclubwa #kombiclub #berylgreen63
18.01.2022 RIP Sean Connery, the best James Bond #jamesbond #porsche356 #kombi #splitscreenbus
18.01.2022 Our first shipment of the 2m T200E BlazeCut fire suppression units just arrived and a few going straight back out. 3m units are a week or so away. Great to be stocking a product we have fitted to all of our AirCooled vehicles.
17.01.2022 There’s PMG red under there somewhere.... #pmgkombi #pmg #kombi #splitty #kombimad #rustybus #rustykombi #67bus #redkombi #kombiclub #vwclub #vwclubwa #dovw2020
17.01.2022 Beryl meet Beryl! Always nice to see another Beryl Green vw bus out and about #berylgreen #rustyvw #fremantlekombi #vwclubwa #kombiclub #kombilovers #oldbuses #oldvwbus
13.01.2022 Always nice when you turn the page in a calendar and your bus is on it... it was a great trip across oz in the 2 x splittys. Sad that the calendar note for the #vwspectacular #vallavwspectacular would have been on now #ssvc #driveacrossaustralia #sydneytoperth #kombi #vwkombi #vwbus @splitscreenvanclub @vwspectacular @ Fremantle, Western Australia
13.01.2022 We ship our parts and BBT panels everywhere in Australia/NZ. Few pics of projects we’re helping. New roof in Adelaide, Samba roof and panels in Melbourne and lots in Queensland. Thanks for your support
13.01.2022 Friday beers, though not encouraging drinking and driving #heineken #splitscreen #fridaybeers #kombiclub #volkswagen
12.01.2022 A nice set of our weld through silver panels off to a resto project in Queensland. #kombi #vwrestoration #silverweldthrough #splitbusrestoration #splitscreen #queenslandkombi #kombiclub @ Australia
12.01.2022 One of our bars fitted to @spriggo_ nice splitty (we also have available for lowlights) shipping anywhere in Australia #hurstbar #splitty #lowlightbus #rattykombi #kombiclub #vwclubwa #wolfgang #splitscreenbus #vwbus #vwpartsforsale #australianvw
11.01.2022 Busy day boxing up and shipping a full samba roof and belly pans to Queensland and a couple of roof racks (4 bow and a 6 bow) to Victoria
09.01.2022 Super pleased to announce we’re now stocking Wolfsburg West parts and shipping Australia wide. Unloading the crates now and getting onto our site
09.01.2022 A nice little VW gathering in Kings Square Fremantle.. a #thisisfremantle initiative #fremantle #kombi #vwclubwa @kombiclub @vwclubwa
09.01.2022 A repost from @project71dc after he fitted one of our bars to his sweet lowlight. I love the black trim, very stealth! #hurstbar #lowlightkombi #kombiclub #vwclubwa #coolkombi #vwbuslovers #vwlowlight #baywindow
08.01.2022 End of a very busy week at AllAirCooled. Beautiful sunset over Fremantle and the Indian Ocean #fremantlesunset #anotherdayinwa #kombi #splitscreencamper #justanotherdayinwa #vwbus #vwclubwa #kombiclub #ilovefreo
08.01.2022 Loving my new T (and stickers) from the team at @pel_apparel thanks guys #pelapparel #kombitshirt #coolshirt #vwclubwa #kombi #christmaspresents #madeinwa #kombiclub
08.01.2022 Have a great weekend everyone, a weekend getaway in a bus sounds ideal or if you don’t have a bus you can try @hireakombi #hireakombi #kombicamper #campervan #weekendaway #oceanview #vanlife #travelling #kombiclub #vwclubwa
07.01.2022 Perfect parking spot amongst the daisies for a Kombi #rowleys #everlastingdaisy #everlastingflowers #splitscreen #oldvw #fremantle @vwclubwa @kombiclub
07.01.2022 Before and after, loving our new Hella replacement headlights. Beautiful and we’re stocking them in Australia #kombiclub #vwclubwa #rustykombi #vwrestorersaustralia #splitscreenbus #hella #vwkombibus
07.01.2022 Loving the next project the wizards at @_tinsmith_ have. Rust Rango (nice signage from the @aircooledaccessories team) the ex @spriggo_ bus from WA. Looking forward to seeing the patina build on this one boys and will be great to see some of the @bbt4vw weld through silver panels slipping perfectly into place. #bbt4vw #volkswagen #patinabus #rustykombi #doveblue #digitupanddriveit #vwclubwa #kombiclub @ Fremantle, Western Australia
07.01.2022 Slowly finding the PMG red under the blue, white and pink...#pmgkombi #pmg #kombi #redbus #why #split #splitscreen #vwclubwa #kombiclub
06.01.2022 Sneaky afternoon beer at @runningwiththieves very nice Hazy pale ale #beer #fremantle #fridaybeers #kombi #vwclubwa
05.01.2022 Put it in your diary VW livers, day of the VW in Fremantle Sunday 6th December.... the best day of the year! #dayofvw #southfremantle #fremantlevw #fremantlecars #wilsonpark #vwclubwa #kombiclub #beetle #oldvw #oldvwclub #aircooled #myersmanx
02.01.2022 Not a bad view.... summer here we come! #samba #vwsamba #vwbus #vwlovers #vwbuslove #sealingwaxred #indianocean #fremantle #vwalpine #kombi #kombiclub #vwclubwa
01.01.2022 Complete front section from @bbt4vw going on this project in Melbourne. 2 panels and that’s the front done. #bbt #silverweldthrough #splitbusrestoration #kombirestoration #oldvw #oldvwclub #kombiclub #revolks #kombi #vw #flatpackkombi #newkombi #rustykombi
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