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Alliance Francaise de Milton Ulladulla in Ulladulla, New South Wales | Non-profit organisation

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Alliance Francaise de Milton Ulladulla

Locality: Ulladulla, New South Wales

Phone: +61 418 291 381

Address: PO Box 846 2539 Ulladulla, NSW, Australia


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25.01.2022 La fin du confinement?.... Good news from the Mollymook Golf Club. We can resume our monthly Matinée des Bavards, on the second Saturday of the month. It will be held on 13/6, at 10am. Let's meet for coffee and a chat, and maybe start thinking about resuming our other activities in the near future.

25.01.2022 Our next Matinée des Bavards will be held on Saturday 11 July (10am start) at the Mollymook Golf Club. Come and join us for an opportunity to chat in French, meet our members, and find out the range of activities and events that we offer. All levels welcome.

24.01.2022 NEXT FRENCH FILM NIGHT and DINNER 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, October 7th, The Gallery, Dunn Lewis Centre, Ulladulla The film will be, as always, free of charge. However, there will be a charge for the dinner, which will be brought to the tables after the film. In line with health restrictions, we will be seated at tables of 4 and we must remain seated for the evening. There is an option of Chicken schnitzel, chips and salad OR Beef roast plus a dessert. It is BYO - glasses wi...ll be provided. Booking and prepayment are essential and must be by Wednesday 30th September. There is a limit of 24 people allowed in the room so get in early. Cost for the meal (BYO): $25 p.p. (No cheques please) To register and arrange payment, contact Marie ([email protected]) 0148 488 424 For payment by EFT or direct deposit, account details are: (EFT: BSB 641 800 A/C 024116308 IMB Alliance Francaise de Milton Ulladulla) IF YOU HAVE ANY SPECIAL DIETARY REQUIREMENTS PLEASE LET US KNOW A.S.A.P. See more

23.01.2022 The Alliance Française de Milton Ulladulla will hold its Annual General Meeting on Saturday 15 August commencing at 11am. All members welcome. It will be followed by a picnic and French Trivia, so bring along your thinking cap for this one and be prepared for many laughs, venue will be advised closer to date.

22.01.2022 Our next Movie and Dinner evening will be held on Tuesday 18 February at 5 pm, in the Harry Higgs Room, Milton. Please send an email to [email protected] to register your interest so we can book the restaurant.

19.01.2022 Mark the date in your calendar. The AF French Film festival is coming to Ulladulla, on 2-3 May. More details will follow closer to the date.

18.01.2022 Our next Movie and Pizza evening will be on Wednesday 1 April at 5:30, at the usual Harry Higgs room in Milton. Please note the new time and date, and make sure you rsvp to [email protected] so we can book the restaurant.


15.01.2022 What a glorious day to celebrate the end of yet another successful year. Joyeux Noël to all AF members.

15.01.2022 RETURN OF THE FILM NIGHT (Covid Compliant style) 5:30 pm Wednesday October 7, 2020 The Gallery, Dunn Lewis Centre, Ulladulla. This is an advance notice of what might be a temporary alternative to our old format. A two course dinner will follow the showing of the DVD. There will be a cost for the meal. The film is, as always, free. To meet safety restrictions, we will be seated at tables and must essentially remain seated.... Make a space in your diary for this one. Details to follow. See more

14.01.2022 AGM: New date and venue. All financial members are invited to the Alliance Française de Milton Ulladulla's Annual General Meeting which will be held on Saturday 22 August, commencing at 10.30am at the home of Pauline McAdam, 53 Donlan Road, Mollymook. At the end of the meeting, all Committee positions will be declared vacant and there will be an election of the new office bearers. We would welcome some new faces and ideas on the Committee, so please consider nominating to... join our Committee even as a non-executive member. A nomination form is attached and should be sent to the Secretary, Noelene Hunt [email protected] so as to be received before the meeting. If there have been no nominations received before the meeting, nominations can be accepted from the floor. As everyone knows we are subject to social restrictions at the moment, so could you please confirm your intention to attend by email to Pauline - [email protected] by 15 August.

14.01.2022 Joyeux Noël à tous et meilleurs vœux pour 2020

13.01.2022 New year, new beginnings..... Our first Matinée des Bavards for 2020 will be on Saturday 8 February at 10am, at the Mollymook Golf Club. Come and meet our members, chat in French, and find out about our range of activities, events and classes. All welcome.

13.01.2022 A select few braved the cold weather to celebrate Bastill Day today. But the pétanque boules did not find any takers.....

09.01.2022 Our next Matinée des Bavards will be on Saturday 14 March at 10am, at the Mollymook Golf Club. Come and meet our members, have a coffee and chat in French, and find out about our range of classes and events.....

09.01.2022 In view of the developing situation with the Covid19 pandemic, the decision has been made to cancel all future events until further notice. This applies to our regular monthly Matinée des Bavards get-together, our movie evenings, as well as other events in the future. We will inform you when we are able to resume our regular activities.

07.01.2022 Christmas is just around the corner. Well, almost. It has been a challenging year and we think it would be timely to organise a gathering to make up for all the cancelled events these past few months, and end the year in style. So how about a Christmas dinner on Saturday 28 November at the Mollymook Gold Club? Mark the date in your calendar. Details will follow shortly.

05.01.2022 The Alliance Française de Milton Ulladulla will celebrate Bastille Day this year on Sunday 12 July at Lions Park in Burrill Lake. This is an opportunity for all our AF friends to get together again for a picnic and pétanque party. To maintain the necessary physical distancing guidelines, it will be BYO everything (i.e. no sharing of food and maintaining the 1.5m distancing), sanitizing hands before and after handling the boules. Bringing your own chairs might be advisable too. Plenty of parking. Festivities to start at 11am onwards.

02.01.2022 Our next Matinée des Bavards will resume on Saturday 12 September between 10 and 11am, at the Mollymook Golf Club. This is an opportunity to catch up with other members and have a chat in French. Hope to see you there.

01.01.2022 The school holidays are over and French classes will resume next week. The Alliance Française de Milton Ulladulla offers classes at four different levels of proficiency. If you are interested in learning French, for travel or pleasure, or just brushing up on your school French, you can email [email protected] for more information.

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