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Alliance Medical Healthcare Centre in Lidcombe, New South Wales | Doctor

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Alliance Medical Healthcare Centre

Locality: Lidcombe, New South Wales

Phone: +61 2 8789 9008

Address: Shop 4, 46 - 50 John St 2141 Lidcombe, NSW, Australia


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23.01.2022 GET YOUR COVID JAB! The vaccines (no matter which brand) are by far safer than getting covid. If you have questions, concerns- speak to your GP, ask for alternatives, discuss your concerns instead of reading unsubstantiated, non-scientific, hyper-sensationalised news off the internet. The main reason why we are all back in lockdown again is because ONE limo driver decided not to do the right thing. Speak to your GP today.

20.01.2022 We are down to having NO NEW CASES in NSW over the past day!

19.01.2022 Need to go to SpecSavers?

18.01.2022 That's more than 8 times the number of US deaths from covid 19! Consider covid 19 complications as another form of metabolic syndrome complications. If you have poorly controlled diabetes, even a cut on your foot can be deadly- even though it's benign to everyone else. It's not that different from covid. A vast majority of people infected with coronavirus have mild symptoms, and they recovered. A lot of the deaths (or those in ICU) have diabetes. The virus is only part of the picture. It's the poor health of the person which made them more vulnerable to complications from the virus.

18.01.2022 There's a lot of confusing news out there, but overall, it does appears that we are indeed winning the coronavirus race. from the looks of things, it is probably very safe to go out there and resume some degree of normal life again (with some social distancing precautions). But without widespread testing, we won't know for sure- because some people may be carrying the virus, and not know it- and the government isn't going to risk these hidden carriers spreading it to others- ...and so restrictions can't be eased until we know. Widespread testing will allow us to know for sure. So let's get out there, get tested, and give the government some solid numbers and data so they can start planning an easing of restrictions. Our economy, all our jobs, our future stability all depend on this- as we all know, job vacancies are at an all time low. If these restrictions drag on for even longer, more businesses will collapse. And those who have just been temporarily stood down will be retrenched altogether- that has a lot of flow on effects. It will affect every one of us. So please- no matter how minor your symptoms, just get tested, get cleared, and allow our country to move on. See more

17.01.2022 Thin Mints! --->

17.01.2022 It occurred to Pooh and Piglet that they hadnt heard from Eeyore for several days, so they put on their hats and coats and trotted across the Hundred Acre Wood... to Eeyores stick house. Inside the house was Eeyore. "Hello Eeyore," said Pooh. "Hello Pooh. Hello Piglet," said Eeyore, in a Glum Sounding Voice. "We just thought wed check in on you," said Piglet, "because we hadnt heard from you, and so we wanted to know if you were okay." Eeyore was silent for a moment. "Am I okay?" he asked, eventually. "Well, I dont know, to be honest. Are any of us really okay? Thats what I ask myself. All I can tell you, Pooh and Piglet, is that right now I feel really rather Sad, and Alone, and Not Much Fun To Be Around At All. Which is why I havent bothered you. Because you wouldnt want to waste your time hanging out with someone who is Sad, and Alone, and Not Much Fun To Be Around At All, would you now." Pooh looked and Piglet, and Piglet looked at Pooh, and they both sat down, one on either side of Eeyore in his stick house. Eeyore looked at them in surprise. "What are you doing?" "Were sitting here with you," said Pooh, "because we are your friends. And true friends dont care if someone is feeling Sad, or Alone, or Not Much Fun To Be Around At All. True friends are there for you anyway. And so here we are." "Oh," said Eeyore. "Oh." And the three of them sat there in silence, and while Pooh and Piglet said nothing at all; somehow, almost imperceptibly, Eeyore started to feel a very tiny little bit better. Because Pooh and Piglet were There. No more; no less. Disclaimer: This is a variation of the original story by AA Milne. E.H.Shepard (Artist) Credit: IknowIneedtostoptalkings

17.01.2022 Australia is a diverse nation. A huge percentage of people have families overseas- and this isolationist policy is separating families. Our tertiary education also depend a lot on international students- their fees help with the cost of running universities. Without them, our universities are going to struggle. Our economy will also start to struggle- and when that happens, it will affect all of us, it will affect all our jobs. Australia MUST and WILL re-open our international borders. So getting your covid vaccine is not about going overseas for a holiday. It's about getting Australia back to normal before our isolation starts affecting you. It's also about protecting yourself, your family and your contacts when our borders re-open.

16.01.2022 We dont want none unless you got hot cross buns, hun

16.01.2022 Please get your covid vaccine! It's safe.

14.01.2022 Please get your covid vaccine! A lot of people are under the false impression that "if I don't travel, I don't need it". You may not travel, but eventually borders WILL re-open, because Australia cannot live as a hermit nation. And when others travel, you will be exposed. The vaccines ARE safe, and the vaccination hubs are very convenient. Get yours now!

13.01.2022 We offer telehealth, but if you prefer face to face consultations, we are still opened as usual!

12.01.2022 A LOT of people have hidden diabetes and not know it. So those stories that you see in the news "young healthy person in ICU with covid" only tell part of the story- the person thought that they had no health conditions. But the reality is that a very very large number of people who were hospitalised with covid actually had diabetes. They just didn't know. Diabetes (and high blood pressure) greatly increases your chances of ending up on a ventilator. If you have a family history, or at risk of developing diabetes, please visit your GP and get tested.


08.01.2022 The frightening mortality of this pandemic is not just related to the virus. It is more related to how the general health of developed countries had worsened over the decades- the human immune system had deteriorated to the extent that it cant fight off a virus any more. This is the result of the metabolic syndrome epidemic. What we should be doing isnt just masking and washing hands- thats only a very small element of protecting ourselves against infections. Protecting ourselves also include doing regular check ups, taking medications if required and not trying to deny our bodies the chance to be in the safest and best shape they can be. So that when the next virus comes along, it wont take even more people because the human race had become even unhealthier.

08.01.2022 And this my friends is why you always wear a helmet!

07.01.2022 Watch as this mans hand tremors disappear thanks to a groundbreaking medical procedure. More tonight on 7.30.

05.01.2022 We are down to having NO NEW CASES in NSW over the past day!

05.01.2022 We do offer telehealth, but if you prefer a face to face consultation, we are opened as usual!

03.01.2022 Theres a lot of confusing news out there, but overall, it does appears that we are indeed winning the coronavirus race. from the looks of things, it is probably very safe to go out there and resume some degree of normal life again (with some social distancing precautions). But without widespread testing, we wont know for sure- because some people may be carrying the virus, and not know it- and the government isnt going to risk these hidden carriers spreading it to others- ...and so restrictions cant be eased until we know. Widespread testing will allow us to know for sure. So lets get out there, get tested, and give the government some solid numbers and data so they can start planning an easing of restrictions. Our economy, all our jobs, our future stability all depend on this- as we all know, job vacancies are at an all time low. If these restrictions drag on for even longer, more businesses will collapse. And those who have just been temporarily stood down will be retrenched altogether- that has a lot of flow on effects. It will affect every one of us. So please- no matter how minor your symptoms, just get tested, get cleared, and allow our country to move on. See more

02.01.2022 Think that you don't need the covid vaccine because you're not planning to travel? Or that there is no rush? Unfortunately that's a misconception. Australia is a small nation by population. We depend on international relations to survive- international students, exports, travellers. We are also a diverse nation- many people have families overseas who will come to visit, and who Australians will visit. International borders WILL be re-opened, and they will be re-opened quite soon. And when they do, you run the risk of being exposed. Get your jab. They're safe and they're effective. If you have any questions about safety, speak to your GP!

02.01.2022 What it is: the coronavirus is a type of virus. It causes a condition called "covid 19", which has a lot of symptoms. One covid 19 symptom is pneumonia (which means "lung infection"). Many different pathogens ("germs") can also cause pneumonia. What are viruses? Viruses are a type of pathogen ("germ"). There are many different types of viruses. Influenza ("flu"), common cold (the "usual" coronavirus), are all different types of viruses. The novel coronavirus has A LOT in comm...on with the common cold ("usual" coronavirus). Antibiotics, which work against bacteria (another type of pathogen) are 100% NOT effective against the coronavirus (or other types of viruses) What are the symptoms: The symptoms which are being posted on official Dept of Health websites are fever, cough and shortness of breath. BUT: because the novel coronavirus has a lot in common with the common cold virus, there CAN be a lot of overlap in symptoms. eg. even though runny noses are not listed as an "official" symptoms, there WILL be some people with covid 19 who have runny noses, especially in those first few days, when it feels like a bad cold eg. feeling tired, have a sore throat, muscle aches etc. How bad is it: For most people infected, its probably going to be quite mild (starts and finishes in the "bad chest cold" stage). However, unlike the common cold virus, which has a low chance of making people severely sick, the novel coronavirus has a somewhat higher probability of making victims very sick. These people would progress from that "bad chest cold" into something more serious (the pneumonia stage). But even then- the vast majority of infected people are going to recover fully- especially if you are not elderly, and generally quite healthy. What to do: If you have any flu-like symptoms that are not getting better quickly, or that youre concerned about, see your GP. There is a test for covid 19, and the results should be available in a couple to a few days. While you are waiting for results, please stay home. Even if you do not fulfill all criteria for testing, but you believe that you should be tested, discuss your concerns with your GP. This is not because of being scared- but because testing more people and finding out early will prevent the spread of illness. Even if you dont get tested, you should still stay home until you recover. Again, this is to limit the spread of any illness, particularly in winter.

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