Ambitious Mums | Personal coach
Ambitious Mums
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25.01.2022 Some days I even question my own beliefs. I wonder if that workout will really make me feel better, will that last squat really make a difference, and will this message help someone having a bad day. I know I don’t have all the answers and far from an expert but my desire to help, even if it’s just 1 person out there having a hard day, is what matters to me. To let them know they aren’t alone and that building a business is tough. Some days it’s unicorn and rainbows others’s hard bloody work. But keeping the vision, keeping the strength is what it is all about and knowing you have someone who can give you the strength to keep pushing on. If that’s you today, I hear you, I feel you. The most important thing to remember is why you started, what filled your heart and gave you the strength to do something others never would. Take a moment and be proud. You’ve got this #femaleentrepreneur #feelthepower #motherssupportingmothers #buildinganempire #youvegotthis #eliminatethenegative #hatethehaters #ibelieveinyou See more
24.01.2022 #blackouttuesday
22.01.2022 If you are a Mum who struggles with Mum Guilt then I have something very special for you. I have created my Top 7 -Tips on ways you can combat Working Mum Guilt. I spent years struggling, years of built up torment and sadness because I had to work and now creating AmbitiousMums I want to help other Mothers not go through the pain I went through. Grab your copy now!!! Simply click on the link below
22.01.2022 Ain’t that the truth #positivevibes #yourcirclematters #believeinyourself #mumsmakingithappen #trustyourself #onelifetolive
19.01.2022 So many of us run around in circles not only in our businesses but in life. Praying and wishing for our lives to change for the better. After years of reading, researching hoping like hell I could make the changes I needed to feel fulfilled, to have a thriving business and family life, I realised I can’t do this alone. I just can’t...... I needed a tribe, I needed the power of others, I needed people who understood my needs, who understood my passion for making positive ...changes in my life and my family’s lives. Seriously ladies if you are struggling, feeling helpless in your life, feeling so dam stuck that nothing seems to change for the BETTER, then I STRONGLY encourage you to invest in a coach a COMMUNITY . Someone to give you the direction you are missing, someone who understands your passions and your struggles and most of all the companionship and the COMMUNITY you are so missing in your life. If this is speaking to YOU and you hear these words speak to you then drop a below. #upw #womencoaches #thepowerofwomen #resilienceinwomen #findyourjoy #fightforwhatyouwant
19.01.2022 Sunday snuggles I hope you get a little YOU time today #sundayvibes #restmums #restmoms #koalabeautymama #maketimeforyou #family #snuggles #koalabear
19.01.2022 Before your Sunday ends, ask yourself these questions to be sure you're doing the RIGHT activities for your business AND your life: How do I want to FEEL throughout this week? I’ve found that focusing instead on what I want to feel rather than what I want to accomplish actually produces better results! If I know I want to feel proud of myself at the end of the week, then what will I have needed to complete for that feeling to happen? . How can I best serve? When you stop th...inking about what you want and instead focus on your clients/customers/followers/etc., you begin to see more feelings of worthiness, purpose, value, and achievement pop up. It’s magic how that works, actually . What’s the one thing that’s most important for me to accomplish this week? There’s so much to do in a day, and when we get stuck in all the have-to’s, we tend to forget about the real priorities...which is what leads to phrases such as I never have enough time! Or I’m just too busy! The truth is, no one is too busy; you may be too distracted or unaware or focused on the insignificant details, but too busy is never the real issue. . The real planning isn’t in getting the washing done or sending samples or even writing out a to-do list. I think the real planning is on letting all the silly distractions fall away long enough to get clear on who you are and what you want to intentionally and purposefully create... . For yourself. For your business. For your dreams. And ultimately, for everyone else. . You got this Totally #resilience #mumswantingtoworkfromhome #powertobeme #selflove #buildinganempire #coffeelover #supportingwomen #coachinglife #goalsetting #provethemwrong #rflove #mumoftwo
18.01.2022 My Tuesday vibe to YOU #makemagic #dowhatyoulove #movemountainsonedayatatime #resilience #mumswantingmore #neveratopping #helpingothers #buildtrust #
17.01.2022 Your business will grow, plateau or decline based on your attitude So what is today gonna be for YOU? #ambitiouswomen #belief #mumswantingmore #femaleempowerment #strengthagainstallodds #buildresilience #youcandoit #fightforyourdreams
16.01.2022 I came across these eight simple steps to banish destructive cycles and draw in a healing, productive dynamic: 1. Wake up with the right energy 2. Control your thoughts 3. Cut off negative influences... 4. Recognize your power 5. Stay still & breathe 6. Stretch 7. Nourish 8. Journal your dreams or write out your affirmations and I am statements Give this a go as your new morning daily ritual, even if it's just one day a week :) Xx #positivehealing #positivethoughtspositivelife #staytruetoyourself #worrylessaboutothers #believeinyou #yogalifestyle #healingenergy #ttusttheprocess #blesslife
16.01.2022 To all the Mummas out there working a job, building a business and juggling a million things at home I hear ya. Drop me a below if this is you too P.s I have to smile it’s FRIYAH #workingmums #workingmom #workingmumslife #thestruggleisreal #washingneverendsinthishouse #jugglingtheload #mumssupportingmums #mumsofinstagram #mumsbuildingempires #mumduties #workingmumsstruggles #housechoresdone #mumsmums #mumsinbusiness #mumswantingmore #buildthedreams #doitforyourself #hardworkpaysoffs #family #neverstop
15.01.2022 Have you ever been to a talk, a seminar, chattered to someone or read a book and it impacted your life in a profound way? Like REALLY made you want to change bad habits, eliminate the negativity and turn things around for the better? You actually wanted to start LOVING every day of your life and never feel stagnant again. You came away feeling energised, electrified and full of MOMENTUM...... Then you go home, or go back to work or talk to others and you find yourself sl...ipping back into the old mindset. The negative self talk, the programmed thoughts/beliefs you have been accustomed too over the years and the so called easy life we call the "norm". It then appears all too hard to hold onto the new possibilities because it would ultimately require CHANGE. Perhaps the people that you love or surround yourself with are not on your same page? Perhaps they think your nuts or just on a high from what you have heard, read or witnessed. Maybe you would upset or even lose friendships because you want to make a better life for yourself? Well maybe that could be the case, maybe you are on a high BUT what if you actually loved feeling this way and wanted to hold onto this new feeling FOREVER. What if you didn't want to spend another day NOT living your best life ever. What if this feeling made you feel amazing, you had more energy than you've ever had before and you actually felt good about yourself for once? Surrounding yourself with likeminded people is the answer my friend. I can't tell you how important your circle really is. Being around people who energise you, who lift you up when you need it, invigorate you, that understand YOU - have similar beliefs - is the secret of life. I'm not saying you have to eliminate people from your life but just understand how important your circle really is. I created AmbitiousMums for that exact reason. I wanted to surround myself with ladies who wanted to feel empowered, motivated, who understand how hard it can be juggling so many different hats everyday of our lives. I wanted to bring together a community of ladies that inspire each other, that care, that ultimately believe they are capable of MORE. If your group, your circle isn't giving you a daily dose of energy, inspiration and joy every single day of your life, then I really encourage you to look further. Don't wait for that right time or fear what others may think. Every day is a new day and a day you deserve to feel amazing. I'd love for you to join us on our next 7 day Challenge where we come together daily to inspire, motivate, cut those limiting beliefs to the core, build friendships and really make lasting positive changes TOGETHER. And yes all all from the comfort of your home. Msg below if you are interested. xoxo Sending you big virtual hugs. #makedreamsareality #forgetthepast #buildthedream #runyourrace #mum #noordinarylifeforme #perthmums #coachlife #helpingothers #growthmindset #energyforlife #breakthecycle
13.01.2022 Don’t let negative people destroy your dreams. Your goals~ Your aspirations are YOURS and absolutely worth fighting for even in tough times!!! Today is a day you will never get back so let’s make it count. Even if it’s just 1 small step towards that dream that lifestyle you have always hoped for. ... It all makes a difference #ambitiouswomen #ordinaryisboring #mumsempoweringmums #keepgoing #choicejoy #eyeontheprize #coachinglife #womensmotivation #makeitcount #empoweringwomen #nevergiveup #moveyourbody #youvegotthismama #mumsmakingadifference #mumssupportingmums #mumswithhustle #mumsinbusinessassociation
12.01.2022 This AmbitiousMum took a well deserved 10 day break with beautiful family and friends . No wifi No distractions besides the sand, the sea and the loves of my life. Some times its hard to pull yourself away from the grind, the social media and the pressures of life because you worry especially in business your face may be forgotten. I too worried about NOT being present daily but I’ve learnt over time the greatest gift you can give yourself and others is the BEST version of ...yourself regardless when you show up. This year has been HARD for everyone, I too have felt the uncertainty and struggle to be ME. To be that ray of positivity every single day and to keep my vision strong. But I’ve also learnt that it’s ok to feel struggle from time to time and to remove myself from areas in my life that aren’t serving me at that exact moment. So for me I may be a little MIA at times and I may share rawness of feeling disillusioned but what I have learnt in 2020 is that taking time for yourself and eliminating guilt from not being present every single day is ok too. I hope you can learn to do the same because no matter what the situation your body and your mind is the greatest power YOU hold in life. #staytrue #authenticity #mums #liveyouifetothefullest #trustthepath #anxietymothers #belief #ivegotthis See more
11.01.2022 I created a business for Empowering Women aka Mothers!!!! Yeah I’m the Mum who didn’t head to University after finishing school, didn’t love studying and wasn’t the most popular girl in school. Actually I kinda sucked at school But this Mum LOVES a challenge, has a flame burning so bright in her heart and LOVES to help other ladies who are experiencing the same struggles. ... - kids are getting older, now what for me; - I would love to achieve more but lacking confidence; - Riddled with mum guilt because I’d love to achieve a dream I have had for so long but worried what others would think; - I’m not smart enough or popular enough - I can’t put myself first or I need to wait until the kids are off my hands then I can concentrate on my life. Yep and I know there are many more worries or should I say excuses because I am no different to any other Mother battling against their own needs and wants. I spent years (yes many years ) wondering why can’t I be complacent and fulfilled with the life I was living. Why am I always pondering over wanting to achieve more when I am blessed to be a Mother and a Wife. Ladies having a passion to wanting more in your life isn’t a feeling that you need to hide from or feel ashamed of. Yes we are Mothers and have families and responsibilities but our life is still ours and we still deserve to follow our dreams our passions . Ladies if you are struggling, feeling torn between work life balance, wanting more but not sure what it is or simply needing someone to hold your hand to get your health and mindset back on track then I hear you. Simply msg below for a free 30 minute online discovery call. Absolutely no obligation and it would be my pleasure to help you map out areas in your life that you may feel you are struggling with and to offer suggestions to help you prioritise your time management and follow those dreams and aspirations you are so capable of achieving #momswantingmore #buildingdreams #mumssupportingmums #entrepeneurlife #buildinganempire #youcandoit #turnyourdreamsintoreality #youdeservefulfillment #perthmums #mumsbuildingdre
11.01.2022 It took time for me to believe in these words. It took time for me to recognise my potential. It took time for me to speak my truth.... But I did..... So if you feel that way too, then that’s ok. Always remember you have a sisterhood in AmbitiousMums that are there for you every step of the way
11.01.2022 Ooh when Mumma is tired and struggling with dinner ideas Any guess ??? #dinnerideas #mexican #mumscooking #fridaynightdinner #worktomorrow #healthyeating #lotsofcolours #familyfavouritemeals #mumsinbusiness #mumlife #rainbowveggies #familyof4 #workingmumlife
10.01.2022 M U M S. - I KNOW IT MAYBE SCHOOL HOLIDAYS FOR SOME OF US BUT - YOU STILL NEED TO KEEP ORGANISED!!!!! I can’t stress enough the importance of getting your HOUSE RIGHT before trying to launch or grow a business or even get your personal life back charging again. By HOUSE, I mean quite literally your house.... Your surroundings. And also, your circle of friends. And also, your mindset. And also, your spirit. And also, the surroundings, circle of friends, mindset and spirit of your children. Your personal life does and will always bleed into your business life, and to be a great leader with positive and impactful influence, you must BE the leader others want to follow. Never underestimate how important your surroundings are to your mental, physical and spiritual self. If you’re feeling off, clean your house. Declutter a closet. Create SYSTEMS to keep peace and harmony in your business, such as where shoes and backpacks and jackets go when entering your home. TELL THOSE KIDS AND THAT OTHER HALF. Donate things that no longer serve you or resonate with you. Seriously ladies...I mean perge...get rid of what you havent used in the past 2 years. Clutter causes ANXIETY!!! Trust me it does. Shifting your HOUSE shifts your entire energetic field...which in turn creates more energy and enthusiasm for your mission in life (aka your business, your family and YOURSELF).#mumsgetorganised #donate #schoolholidays #mumssupportingmums #mums #localbusinessperth
10.01.2022 We’ve got coffee Good morning!!!! Here’s to a fabulous day #coffeelover #schoolrun #mumssupportingmums #mumsofinsta #businesswoman #buildingdreams #laughthroughlife #hopesanddreams #doyourbest #mumlife #sidegigs
08.01.2022 No better advice on this beautiful Monday morning#mondaymotivation #goalsetting #mumswantingmore #moveyourbody #createyourreality #bekind
08.01.2022 I needed to hear this today so I thought I would scream it from the rooftops There is only 1 you in the entire world so let’s stop wasting our time trying to be a copy of someone else! Comparison can be so very toxic.... all you need to do is look within and let yourself SHINE...... and in doing so you’ll give others permission to allow their true selves to shine also #perfectionisamyth #justbeyou #stopworryingaboutwhatothersthink #raw #mumswantingmore #lifestruggles #doinggood #resiliency #buildingdreams
03.01.2022 Have you caught yourself trying to be someone else? Perhaps you have that friend that everyone just likes, or that person on social media that everyone just seems to gravitate too or maybe it’s materialistic possessions that you feel you need to be accepted? Wanting to be someone else will never bring happiness. Your happiness ultimately stops at YOU . The beautiful, caring, loving person that is inside of you. So the next time you look at someone in awe, or wish you had a...ll their likes on social media or you had that certain look please stop yourself. YOU are unique and perfect the way you are even with flaws!!! Working on yourself is the ultimate gift you can give yourself. So take the time this weekend and give yourself some precious time to just enjoy YOU #stopjudgingyourself #impostorsyndrome #bekindtoyourself #youarebeautuful #gratitude #ownyourspace #justbeyou See more
02.01.2022 Some days my office looks just like this Entrepreneurship may not be for everyone but seriously I wouldn’t change it for the world. Coaching beautiful ladies from anywhere and making sure there is a little ME time too !!!! I hope your Monday is absolutely amazing and you are chasing your dreams #buildingdreams #workfromanywhere #entrepeneurlife #mumsbuildingempires #worklifebalance #blessedmother #dogslife
01.01.2022 Yep I’ve been quite lately....... I’ve been battling those so called demons we all experience from time to time. The noises in our heads that appear when we least expect them. The ones that stop us in our tracks and try and blind fold us into believing we’re not good enough. That you haven’t got the gift of the gab or that your anxiety will stop you from achieving or that you’re never going to build that dream.... I’ve spent the past few weeks falling down that so called rabbit hole. I judged my success against others, I’ve worried about what others would think if I gave up on a dream and even started to believe that dream may never happen. But today it all CHANGED . I felt that passion come alive again and that burst of inspiration that fuels my heart. I needed that someone to tell me I make a difference, that I have a gift and that I deserve to fight for what I am so passionate about. Helping other Beautiful Mothers to build a Dream So always remember you are never alone. There is always someone else who may be feeling how you are feeling or that someone else has dealt with you exact same struggle. Being a Mum, working full time, running 2 businesses and living life can be tough some days. But today I truly realised it’s the power of belief and the support of others that makes those hard times become easier. Im so grateful for that very special someone who did exactly that for me today. To allow me to realise I am not alone, I am not unique in my feelings and that everyone is entitled to have down days. It’s just remembering that those days will pass and that support of others is what helps us to continue building those dreams Today that flame came alive and boy am I grateful . #ambitiousmums #helpingeachother #belief #buildingacommunity #coachingmothers #mumswantingmore #mumguilt #friendships #gratefulthankfulblessed #bekindtoyourself #mentalhealth #mumssupportingmums
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