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25.01.2022 One card New Moon reading for the collective. A new dawn approaches and along with it a brand new sense of energy and clarity. You are leaving behind the pressures and pain that have overwhelmed you lately and are ready for a brand new lease on life. Take time to reflect on issues you have overcome and what you have learnt. Congratulate yourself on pushing through and making it to the end of this cycle, it’s been a tough one.

24.01.2022 Card no.2 - The Juggler You have a lot on your plate right now, or you will have in the coming week, but you will handle it all without dropping the ball. You, like the Juggler, have the ability to multi task without a problem. However, if things are overwhelming you too much, you're probably getting too far ahead of yourself, so bring things back to what's in front of you first and foremost and then let the other matters fall into place. You will manage this without a problem, just stay present and relax.

23.01.2022 This little stone is called Shungite. It is a carbon-rich stone originating from Russia that is believed to reduce inflammation, oxidative stress, and EMF exposure. I’m told it can purify water too, but I haven’t tried that. It’s a beautiful light weight stone that clears negative energy. Hold it in your left hand whilst meditating or if your feeling a bit blah and feel the difference.

20.01.2022 A single card reading for the collective today. LOVE This card asks us all to remember love in everything we do, what we say, who we might see, the world and our animals and plant life. Ask yourself what would love do? Be kind, compassionate and understanding with the people you cross paths with, but remember to be open to receiving love too. Now more than ever, we all need to feel the love around us.

19.01.2022 Victoria Updates: 14 September: Victoria Update on Personal Services.... The Association is still seeking clarity on when massage and myotherapy will be able to resume in metropolitan Melbourne. Hopefully we’ll have some clarity soon. Thanks for your patience See more

16.01.2022 Card no.1 - Observe in silence It is time to step out of the limelight for a little while and just watch, listen and feel what is going on around you. You are very intuitive and can feel the energy of a room when you walk in, just as you can sense someone's mood before you talk with them. Use this week as a time to watch and listen before you step forward and don't reveal any new plans to people just yet. You'll know when the time is right. Trust your instincts!

16.01.2022 Repetitive lower back pain and the metaphysical reasons behind it. Feelings of insecurity and financial burdens. Holding onto unresolved anger from childhood. Feeling like a victim and focusing on limitations and negativity. These all relate to the sacral chakra imbalances too. So if you’re suffering back pain, try focusing on the pain location, breathe deeply into it and with intention, imagine your breath is bright blue and healing. Release your breath into the ground through your feet and continue the process until you feel a shift.

15.01.2022 Monday is here again . This weeks cards are the Divine Circus Oracle. A message lies within for each of you. Choose a card from left to right (1,2 or 3) and I’ll reveal your message later today.

14.01.2022 Card no.1 - King of Wands Get all your eggs into the right basket this week and things will pay off for you. You've put quite a bit of planning into something that is finally about to come your way. Make sure you stick to your guns because your knowledge in this situation is spot on. This enthusiasm and strength makes you who you are. Don't doubt yourself for a second.

14.01.2022 Card no.2 - Five of Wands Oh my goodness, there certainly is a lot going on in that head of yours at the moment. It seems like you're almost battling with yourself. The changes that have been occurring are for the better, but you seem to still be struggling to get a handle on things. This is your time this week to take charge of things and steer them in the direction you want them to go. Don't worry about what everyone else is doing, this is all about you and your path. Success is just around the corner.

13.01.2022 Yesterday’s announcement means that there is definite possibility that remedial massage may be able to recommence from October 19th (Step 3) I hope by midweek, there will be more clarity. I will be keeping an eagle eye open for updates and let you all know as soon as I know. I know many of you are really in need and I can’t wait to bring you some much needed healing.... Stay strong

12.01.2022 Sorry for the delay in giving you your card messages. I had the migraine from hell yesterday , so I’ll pop them up this morning.

12.01.2022 Nothing like coming out of meditation and finding your cat creeping in on the experience He loves the energy in this room.

12.01.2022 Is something holding you back from finishing something important to you or achieving your goals? Are you scared you don’t have what it takes? Perhaps your home or workspace has become cluttered and affecting your focus within. If this resonates with you, take some time out to clear your mind, go for a walk to change your focus, clean away any clutter around you and then set your sights on your goal. Close your eyes, find the point that stops you and breathe clear and positive intent into it. You can do it! You are focused and can achieve anything you put your mind to

10.01.2022 Card no.3 - The Moon Can you see the path ahead of you? Are you confused as to where it is leading you? The Moon is asking you to trust that everything is going to be ok. This week, take baby steps towards your goal. Your dreams, or perhaps images if you meditate, are trying to send you messages, so pay close attention to anything that seems to stand out. You are on the way to something just beautiful.

08.01.2022 Amore Healing and Massage. Specialising in: MIND: Treatment of anxiety, depression & stress management BODY: Pain management, relaxation, injury recovery... SPIRIT: Energy balancing & cleansing Call for an appointment and find your peace.

07.01.2022 Here’s a fun exercise to help you see Energy/Auras. Make sure you are in a room with soft light and any sun light is not in your eyes. Then, place your index fingers together (tip to tip). Stay focused on the tips for about 10 seconds and then slowly move them apart. You should see a fine thread of energy that stretches between them and perhaps even a greyish energy field around your fingers. If you’re having trouble, put a white piece of paper under your fingers and it will highlight the energy field easier. Good luck and enjoy

07.01.2022 Card no. 1 - Steampunk Priestess What matters to you at the moment? Are you worrying yourself sick about something that hasn't even happened? This week, try not to lose precious energy by worrying about what could go wrong or trying to sort things out before they've even happened. Everything will become crystal clear when the time is right and you're understanding of the matter will come into focus without any dramas. Don't lose sight of what's real and what is essentiall...y false fear. See more

05.01.2022 Happy Monday . Please choose a card for yourself for this week. Position 1,2 or 3 (left to right) and I will reveal your message later today.

04.01.2022 Card no. 3 - Heed the messengers Sometimes it feels easier to ignore those voices in your head and step over signs that are being left for you, but this week is not one of those times. Listen to your intuition, those voices that guide you - and any signs that keep popping up in front of you. It is no coincidence, it is of utmost importance. Stop procrastinating and see the truth before you. You are being guided in the right direction.

04.01.2022 Card no.3 - Death shall not take him Just when you felt like giving up, suddenly everything is falling into place. No matter how defeated you have felt, how many dead ends or setbacks you've encountered or how many failures, the universe is now stepping in and righting things in your favour. Success is on your doorstep and you can now relax and trust everything will be ok....better than ok. So, be prepared to be dazzled!

03.01.2022 Card no.3 - Challenge your perception Your logical mind is being called upon this week. Open your mind and yourself to new ways of thinking. Your perception of a situation needs to change and in order to get a better perspective, you will need to soar high above others. You may be required to play mediator or perhaps this is something that affects you personally. Either way, this needs to be tackled in a different way than you normally do things.

01.01.2022 Card no. 2 - Surrender to the flow It's time to loosen your grip on your journey. You have made choices and actions that have brought you to where you are now, but sometimes, you get so caught up in getting things perfect and just right that you seem to go around and around and forget to move forward. Your direction right now may take you to places you had never considered, but don't be concerned, let go, you're where you need to be. Go with the flow and enjoy the ride.

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