ANU ASD Research | Community
ANU ASD Research
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22.01.2022 Did you know that the prevalence of ASD in Australia is thought to be 1-2% for those under 15? Given the number of Facebook friends, this means you're pretty likely to know several people who have been diagnosed with ASD! Unless you are diagnosed with ASD, or you've had close personal experience, you probably don't know a lot about it. Resources like Tony Attwood's website are great at providing a deeper understanding that isn't too science-y! Check out Tony's description of Asperger's Syndrome (which is now considered part of the Autism Spectrum) here:
20.01.2022 If you are between 12 and 19 years old, diagnosed with ASD and without an intellectual disability, we need YOU! OR... if you know someone who falls in to this category, and you can share information about this research with them... we need you too! Every individual who participates in the research will be provided with a $20 AUD Coles e-gift card in recognition of their time!... Head to to help make a difference!
20.01.2022 Did you know... that we are SO appreciative of your time, that we will provide all families who complete our current survey with a $20 e-gift card?! We are passionate about being able to provide practical strategies to those who support teens with ASD, and that means we need YOU to help us! Head to to participate and make a difference!
19.01.2022 Welcome to the ANU ASD Research Facebook page! Liking this page will give you info about all the latest ASD research coming out of the ANU, and information on how you can get involved. Our research is all about understanding more about ASD and trying to make a practical difference in the lives of people with ASD - hopefully you're as passionate about it as us!
15.01.2022 Researchers at the Australian National University are inviting teenagers with High Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder (HFA) and their families to participate in an online study on stress, coping and anxiety and depression in teenagers with HFA. This study will examine how psychologists, teachers and other people can assist teenagers with HFA to better cope with their experience of stress. Participation in the study will involve: ... - Completing an online questionnaire that asks questions about stress, coping, anxiety and depression - Completing another, shorter questionnaire in three months If you and/or your child are interested in participating in this research, click on this URL: If you have any questions about the research, please contact Beth, the researcher, at [email protected]. Please note that the ethical aspects of this research have been approved by the ANU Human Research Ethics Committee (ANU Ethics Protocol Number 2014/462). Thank you very much! This is the very first study of it's kind, and with your help we can make a real, practical difference in the lives of teenagers with HFA!
14.01.2022 Researchers at the ANU are looking for teenagers who have been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder and their families to participate in an online study on stress, coping, anxiety and depression in teenagers with ASD. If you fall into this group, we would really appreciate your input! You can find out more about our study here: You can make a real, practical difference by participating in this research, and we SO appreciate your help!... If you have any questions, feel free to message us!
14.01.2022 Some great tips on Sue Larkey's website regarding growing up on the Spectrum!
14.01.2022 Can you lend a helping hand and participate in some research looking to help teens with high functioning ASD? Head to to find out more and complete the online survey!
13.01.2022 YOU can make a real, practical difference to the lives of teenagers with high functioning ASD! All you need to do is... - COMPLETE our online survey at (if you are a teen with high functioning ASD or have a teen you can do it with) - SHARE information about our study, so it can reach as many people as possible... It's that simple! THANK YOU for making a difference!
10.01.2022 Did you know that we are the ONLY group in Canberra conducting research related to the experience of teenagers with High Functioning ASD, and how likely they are to experience mental health problems?! And one of only a few groups in Australia?! Our research is going to make an immense difference to the lives of teens with HFA, but we can't make that difference if we don't get the number of participants we need for our research! We need YOU to help us get there - we need teena...gers with HFA and their parents to complete this survey - If you don't fall into that category, tell someone who does about what we're doing! Let's work together to make a difference!
09.01.2022 Wow Kayla - we LOVE your story! You are proving people wrong! Stories like Kayla's are exactly why we are doing our research - we want to try and help make sure other children with HFA don't have to have the same bad experiences that Kayla had to. Participate in our study today to help make a real, PRACTICAL difference in the lives of teenagers with ASD!... You can access our study here:
06.01.2022 Are you on the Autism Spectrum and over 18 years of age? You are invited to participate in a research project! The research examines autistic traits in individuals. In particular, the study aims to revise an existing screening questionnaire for Autism Spectrum Disorder to ensure that it is able to effectively identify both males and females that might lie on the Autism Spectrum. We propose that, as it stands, some females may be slipping through the screening and diagnostic... process. We hope that this can be improved! The study involves the completion of a quick anonymous questionnaire. If you would like to participate, please follow this link: Your participation is much appreciated!
05.01.2022 We want to make a real, practical difference in the lives of people with ASD, and we can't do that without a bit of help! If you're a teenager with High Functioning Autism, or your child is, you can help make a difference to the treatments available and knowledge people have by completing this online survey: Your response will be used to change the way we understand ASD, and help other teenagers cope more effectively!
03.01.2022 Did you know that people diagnosed with ASD experience higher levels of stress, anxiety and depression when compared to the general population? Our research wants to change that! Head to to find out more about one of our projects that focuses on teenagers with high functioning ASD.
01.01.2022 Interested in helping us understand the impact of stress on teenagers with ASD? There is almost NO research in this area, which means there is so much we don't know. Participating could make a huge difference!