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25.01.2022 Are you operating a small business or mentoring someone who is? Then this article is a must read for you! With less than 4 months until End of Financial Year it's important to make sure all information is is being compilated correctly. This way your accountant or tax advisor can ensure you are maximising your tax benefits!... By following these few simple pointers you will be ahead of the pack to make sure you are ready come 30 June. #tax #smallbusiness #taxadvice #bookkeeping #accounting #taxdeduction #taxrefund #taxtime #accountants #anytimeprofessionals
24.01.2022 ? - An ABN doesn't automatically make you a contractor. There are a number of tests that determine whether you fit the mould of being a contractor and an ABN isn't one of them.... ' 80% - The infamous 80/20 rule isn't a test to determine whether you are a contractor but a test involved with determining if your income is Personal Services Income (PSI). Why is the above important? Because if contracted workers are deemed employees then you run the risk of underpaying super, workcover and even payroll tax! If you're concerned about whether you are really a contractor or that the people working for you are contractors, we are able to help! #tax #taxadvice #taxhelp #contractor #subcontractor #accounting #accountinghelp #accountingadvice #anytimeprofessionals
24.01.2022 Need to speak to an accountant? Need help with bookkeeping? We’re open 24/7!... Check us out #bookkeeping #taxhelp #taxadvice #taxreturn #accountant #taxrefund #taxation #taxdeduction #accounting #tax #accountingandfinance #bas #anytimeprofessionals #accountingadvice #chattelmortgage #accountinghelp #novatedlease
24.01.2022 Are you a Performing Artist or Sportsperson? Want to know the SECRETS to MAXIMISING your TAX REFUND? We are holding a special live event for you! Simply check out our live feed from our page on Monday 12:30pm AEST to find out tax tips that will BOOST your tax return this year!... In the mean time why don't you try Anytime Professionals to prepare your return this year? Let our TRUSTED advisors take the hassle out of tax time. We're open 24/7 and you'll have a response in minutes! #tax #taxreturn #taxrefund #accountant #actor #acting #theatre #performingartist #sportsperson #sports #athlete
24.01.2022 Are you a property investor or looking to invest? Want to know the secrets on how to MAXIMISE your borrowings and BOOST your tax benefits with your investment loans? Anytime Professionals and Doolan Finance have teamed up to give you this informative presentation on how to make sure you make your investment borrowings work hard for you and INCREASE your TAX REFUND!
24.01.2022 It's quite common where you have an owner occupier on a big block looking to sub-divide and develop but it's important to understand the taxation impacts of doing so. So lets have a look at the common myth and trap if we are going to embark on this journey: - 50% . If your intent is to build and make a profit on the sale of your development, you will not be eligible for the Capital Gains discount as your '...gain' will be treated as 'profit'. This is because you have a 'profit making motive' which effectively means you are no different to a property developer. Even if this is the only development you will ever do your 'one-off' will be caught out! - The above myth leads us into the first trap. Because we've established you are a developer for the purposes of this excercise you will now have to charge GST on the sale of this property you have just developed. So when you plan on doing this kind of excercise it is super important to speak to your accountant or tax advisor first! #tax #taxhelp #taxadvice #taxreturn #bookkeeping #accountant #taxrefund #taxation #taxdeduction #accounting #anytimeprofessionals
24.01.2022 Another client testimonial. Absolutely love it when people find value in our service! Check out our revolutionary online service Anytime Profesionals at We quickly connect you to Accountanting and Tax Professionals with the skills you need, when you need it!... #tax #taxadvice #accounting #accountingadvice #taxreturn #taxhelp #accountinghelp #taxation #anytimeprofessionals
23.01.2022 Still haven't found the time to do your tax return? We're an accounting service that is available 24/7 and best of all, no appointment needed! We're Fast... We're Qualified & Insured We've Got The Expertise You Need We're Safe & Secure We're Available To Help You Right Now! Here's what our most recent clients have had to say about Anytime Professionals Scott B - " , was nice to hear ways to improve my tax. !" Sven O - " and " Kevin D - "Excellent great to deal with and " Shyam B - "Excellent job, and and " Kristy C - " and . !" Post your tax return task today and see how we can help you.
23.01.2022 Made money through cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin? Gains made by investing in cryptocurrency is currently a key compliance area for the ATO. DON'T GET CAUGHT OUT and speak to one of our professionals today to find out the taxation implications for your investment!
22.01.2022 TODAY IS THE LAST DAY TO GET YOUR TAXES DONE! Did you know if you plan on doing your own taxes then today is your last day to do it? Don't give yourself a headache over it! Let one of our professionals give you a hand in completing your 2017 tax returns. We are open 24/7 and have professionals around the clock available to cater for all things accounting!... Post a task today at
22.01.2022 1 DAY LEFT TO LODGE YOUR TAXES! Remember you have until October 31st to lodge your income tax returns for 2018! Anytime Professionals helps fast track you to an accountant with the skills you need, when you need them! You don't even need to leave home to get your taxes done.... Visit to get your taxes done today!
21.01.2022 Need Tax Advice Now? We're like having your very own accountant on demand! We're Fast... We're Qualified & Insured We've Got The Expertise You Need We're Safe & Secure We're Available To Help You Right Now! Here's what our most recent clients have had to say about Anytime Professionals Scott B - " , was nice to hear ways to improve my tax. !" Sven O - " and " Kevin D - "Excellent great to deal with and " Shyam B - "Excellent job, and and " Kristy C - " and . !" Post your task today and see how we can help you.
20.01.2022 Love hearing from clientele who have used our service! Check out this testimonial from Sinead who recently used Anytime Professionals because she didn't have time to see an Accountant. #tax #taxreturn #taxadvice #accountant #accountingadvice #taxhelp #anytimeprofessionals
20.01.2022 Are you aware that there is a to assist small business with the review of an ATO decision? This new service was introduced March 1st and was implemented to help small businesses decide if it is worth going to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) to challenge the ATO on a decision made impacting them. So if you've been affected by an ATO decision and are wanting preliminary advice then this is now available to you.... The Concierge Service will provide you access to experienced tax lawyers which will provide advice and all it costs is $100! You can find more information on the ASBFEO website: #tax #taxhelp #taxadvice #taxreturn #bookkeeping #accountant #taxation #accounting #taxrefund #taxdeduction #accountingandfinance #anytimeprofessionals
19.01.2022 ? ! Theo Albrecht - Co-Founder of the German supermarket chain 'Aldi' was kidnapped in 1971 and paid a ransom to his kidnappers for his freedom.... This ransom was later argued to be a tax deductible as the cost was regarded as a 'business expense'. #tax #interestingfacts #taxdeduction #anytimeprofessionals
19.01.2022 Still haven't done your tax return? Want it done NOW? Anytime Professionals is a 24/7 service that connects you to our tax professionals!... All our professionals are qualified and insured to help you with your tax problems. Simply visit the link below, post your job and let our professionals take care of the rest!
19.01.2022 Claiming relocating costs for a job as a deduction? Might want to tread carefully when doing so. A recent case (McKenzie v FCT [2019]) involved a tax payer who was a member of the defence force tried to claim relocation expenses when moving from Canberra to Perth which were ultimately disallowed by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT). It's important to distinguish between 'getting the work' as opposed to 'in the course of doing the work' as this will be the difference b...etween claiming a deduction or not. #tax #taxrefund #relocation #taxadvice #taxdeduction #anytimeprofessionals #accounting #accountingadvice
18.01.2022 Here at Anytime Professionals we are constantly improving our knowledge and skills. Today we learn about property investment and tax! #tax #taxreturn #taxadvice #taxhelp #property #propertyadvice #propertyinvestment #accounting #accountingadvice #accountinghelp #anytimeprofessionals
18.01.2022 Tax Tip - Car Allowance, Lease or Salary Package? That is the golden question! Check out this amazing article which gives you some insight on the pros and cons of each option.
17.01.2022 "I need my taxes done" "I have a quick tax related question" "I don't have time to do my BAS this quarter"... "The ATO site doesn't really talk to my situation" "Where can I find accounting and tax advice at a time that suits me?" Does this sound familiar at all? We hear you loud an clear! Anytime Professionals connects you to qualified accounting and tax professionals with the skills you need, when you need it. From simple tax queries to more complex accounting matters we are here to help. It's completely free to post your task to our platform so why not give us a try today? #tax #ato #taxreturn #accounting #taxadvice #accountingadvice #BAS
15.01.2022 TAXES ARE DUE!! Less than a week until the October 31st deadline means it's never been a better time to use Anytime Professionals! Let us take the burden out of doing your taxes this year. Visit and let us fast track you to one of our qualfied tax professionals today!
15.01.2022 Founders of Anytime Professionals were awarded Victorian IPA Practice Of The Year for 2018! Very humbled to have received such an award and look forward to continue to help our community with all things Accounting! #accountant #accounting #tax #taxadvice #accountingadvice #bookkeeping #BAS
15.01.2022 Has your ABN been recently cancelled? ATO has been cracking down on dormant ABN's and will continue to cancel them in due course. If you've had your ABN cancelled you can have it reinstated by contacting the ATO or via your registered Tax Agent.... #taxhelp #taxadvice #taxhelp #taxadvice #taxreturn #bookkeeping #taxrefund #taxation #accountant #accounting #taxdeduction #tax #anytimeprofessionals
15.01.2022 ! Just a friendly reminder that March Quarter Business Activity Statements (BAS) are due at the end of the month. ?... Anytime Professionals have registered BAS Agents who are gurus with all software and are ready to assist you right now! It's completely obligation free to post a task. So give us a try today and ! #taxhelp #taxadvice #taxreturn #bookkeeping #accountant #taxation #taxrefund #accounting #taxdeduction #accountingandfinance #tax #BAS
14.01.2022 Have you bought and sold Cryptocurrency like Bitcoin in the last 12 months? Think the tax man will never find out? Think Again! Check out the video below which will give you the ultimate guide to what happens when you buy and sell Cryptocurrency like Bitcoin.... #cryptocurrency #tax #freewebinar #accounting #capitalgainstax #bookkeeping
14.01.2022 The Shadow Treasurer, Chris Bowen, has accepted a recommendation that LRBA's be outlawed. If you're thinking of borrowing money to purchase an asset inside your Self Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) then keep this in mind for the timing of your decision in case there is a change of governement.... #taxhelp #taxadvice #taxreturn #bookkeeping #taxation #accounting #accountant #taxdeduction #tax #taxrefund #accountinghelp #accountingadvice #anytimeprofessionals #smsf
14.01.2022 A tax refund for Christmas!? If you still haven't done your taxes let one of our tax professionals help you to MAXIMISE your REFUND. Wouldn't that be a nice Christmas gift indeed? Get your taxes done today by visiting ...
14.01.2022 Anytime Professionals was on set for Today Show Extra today to talk about the October 31st deadline looming! Remember we’re here to help you with your tax returns so post your task today at
13.01.2022 Ever wanted to know what profession receives a tax refund boost at end of financial year? Put it this way, we should have all become sergeons... :P
13.01.2022 Who doesn't love a decent tax return!? If you love a good tax refund then give us a If you haven't been getting a good tax refund, then you clearly haven't tried Anytime Professionals!... We have highly skilled tax professionals that will have you feeling like
12.01.2022 Tax time is fast approaching. Our professionals are here to help so post a task now! Simply sign into Anytime Professionals and post a task describing what you would like our professionals to do for you. Go to our website at #taxhelp #taxadvice #taxreturn #bookkeeping #smsf #taxation #accounting #accountant #taxdeduction #tax #taxrefund #anytimeprofessionals #accountingadvice #accountinghelp
12.01.2022 Tune into TODAY EXTRA this morning from 9am to us talk about Anytime Professionals and how it can help you lodge your taxes by October 31st! Let us take the headache out of all things tax and accounting for you. Visit to see how we can help you today!... #tax #taxrefund #taxreturn #taxagent #accounting #accountant
12.01.2022 Just a friendly reminder that it is BAS time! Need help? We've got you covered! Anytime Professionals have fully qualified Bookkeepers ready to help you RIGHT NOW!... Post your BAS task today at #taxhelp #taxadvice #taxreturn #bookkeeping #accounting #taxation #accountant #taxdeduction #tax #taxrefund #accountingadvice #accountinghelp #anytimeprofessionals #bookkeepers #bas
12.01.2022 Chasing that BIG tax refund that you hear everyone talking about? With lots of satisfied clients already using our service It's never too late to lodge your tax returns and Anytime Professionals have qualified tax professionals ready to make sure you get the most back! Simply visit the link below, post your task of wanting your taxes done and sit back, relax and wait for the professional offers to help roll in! #taxhelp #taxadvice #taxreturn #bookkeeping #smsf #taxation #accounting #accountant #taxdeduction #tax #taxrefund #anytimeprofessionals #accountingadvice #accountinghelp
11.01.2022 Looking for a quicker way to prepare your Business Activity Statement (BAS)? Check out this article which outlines some tips and tricks to assist you with completing that December BAS!
11.01.2022 From all of us at Anytime Professionals we wish you a very Happy Easter and a hope you all enjoy your long weekend!
10.01.2022 What's a quick and painless way to get my taxes done by someone who is a tax professional? No need to even leave your seat ladies and gents, we got you covered :)
10.01.2022 Buying a new car and want to know how you can save BIG tax dollars in the process?? Ever hear the words 'Salary Sacrifice' or 'Novated Lease' being thrown around as the answer? Anytime Professionals is here to help give advice on how buying a new car can help minimise your tax bill!... Let one of our qualified accounting professionals help you answer the questions you have today, fast!
10.01.2022 Are you an Uber driver looking for an easy way to complete your Business Activity Statement (BAS)? Anytime Professionals in here to help! Simply post your task today and one of our professionals will respond back to you.
10.01.2022 With quite a lot covered in last nights budget, here are the two main takeway points impacting individuals and business alike. (Starting EOFY 2018/19) For persons earning $37,000 or less will receive up to an extra $55 in their pocket.... Between $37,001 - $90,000 will receive up to an extra $550 in their pocket. $90,001 - $125,999 will have their maximum tax offset of $1,080 reduced by 3 cents for every dollar over $90,000 (previously was $530 reduced by 1.5 cents for every dollar over $90,000). - & In a win for small business, the write-off will be increased from $25k to $30k with effect until 30 June 2020. The bar has also beeen raised to allow businesses who turnover up to $50mil to access this concession. #tax #taxhelp #taxadvice #taxreturn #bookkeeping #accountant #taxation #taxrefund #accounting #taxdeduction #anytimeprofessionals
10.01.2022 Did you know that you may be eligible to claim Protective equipment including face masks and gloves on your upcoming tax return! All of Anytime Professionals Accountants are registered with the ATO and ready to help you! Tax time is fast approaching. Our professionals are here to help so post a task now! Simply sign into anytime professionals and post a task describing what you would like our professionals to do for you. Go to our website at #taxhelp #taxadvice #taxreturn #bookkeeping #smsf #taxation #accounting #accountant #taxdeduction #tax #taxrefund #anytimeprofessionals #accountingadvice #accountinghelp See more
09.01.2022 $ - ? A too common question we get. Is this golden deduction really worth it? Before we go through some examples we need to make some assumptions. The first is that we are using 2019 tax rates over a 10 year period, the second is that the individual in question is a sole trader and finally that we are purchasing a car worth $20k which can ordinarily be depreciated at 25%.... In our first example we have a sole trader on $50k a year. With the Write-Off you are immedietly better off in year one (by $3,750) but then from year 2 onwards the tax rate spiked and ultimately made them worse off by $1,145. In our second example we have a sole trader on $100k a year. With the Write-Off you are immedietly better off in year one (by $5,550) but then from year 2 onwards the tax rate spiked. However over a 10 year period were better off by $395. So to answer the question of 'is it worth it?' would beg to question each individuals set of circumstances. In some cases it can be quite valuable. But in others it could merely be a sugar hit which makes you pay in the long run... To see our comparisons visit the following link: #tax #taxhelp #taxadvice #taxreturn #bookkeeping #taxation #accounting #taxdeduction #taxrefund #accountingadvice #accountinghelp #anytimeprofessionals
09.01.2022 By declaring #taxdeductions for accounting fees as a "rort", #Labor has not only attacked the accounting profession, it has attacked millions of hard working taxpayers, says IPA.
09.01.2022 From all the team at Anytime Professionals we would like to wish you all a very merry Christmas!
08.01.2022 Single Touch Payroll (STP) is nearly here and for those who employ people you MUST be in the know. Can't avoid it so might as well embrace what is inevitably coming! The ATO has released a really great factsheet for those in the dark. You can check it out here: For those looking for low costs or free STP solutions you can also check out this page: #tax #stp #taxadvice #taxhelp #accounting #accountingadvice #anytimeprofessionals
08.01.2022 Still haven't done your tax return? Wanting an easy way to get it done? Anytime Professionals has you covered! We have tax professionals at your disposal and the good news is that you don't even have to leave home! ... Don't let tax be a hassle and post your task today:
08.01.2022 **AS SEEN ON THE TODAY SHOW** Chasing that BIG tax refund that you hear everyone talking about? With lots of satisfied clients already using our service It's never to late to lodge your tax returns and Anytime Professionals have qualified tax professionals ready to make sure you get the most back!... Simply visit the link below, post your task of wanting your taxes done and sit back, relax and wait for the professional offers to help roll in!
08.01.2022 Are you unsure on whether you're eligible for JobKeeper? Our professionals are here to help and guide you through these trying times and ready to respond to your tasks. Simply sign into anytime professionals and post a task describing what you would like our professionals to do for you. Go to our website at now... #taxhelp #taxadvice #taxreturn #bookkeeping #smsf #taxation #accounting #accountant #taxdeduction #tax #taxrefund #anytimeprofessionals #accountingadvice #accountinghelp See more
07.01.2022 Are you a Performing Artists or Sportsperson? Want to know all the SECRETS when it comes to TAX time and your profession? Then our next Facebook Live event is for you! We will be showing you all tips and tricks on how to MAXIMISE your tax refund this Monday the 9th of July. ... Tune in to our facebook page at 12:30pm AEST to hear all about it! Give us a if you're a performing artist and a if you're a sportsperson! #taxtime #tax #accounting #actor #actress #sport #taxrefund #taxaton
06.01.2022 Tim is a qualified CPA accountant and registered tax agent who has experience in preparing forms that are required to be lodged with the ATO. He is also a Xero Certified Advisior, proficient in MYOB and Quickbooks. Tim and other professionals are available to assist you with all things accounting! Post your task today at
06.01.2022 With only 4 weeks left to lodge your 2018 tax returns there has been no better time to try Anytime Professionals! Let us take the headache out of doing your 2018 tax return. Give us a try today!
06.01.2022 ... & ' ? The AAT has found that the Channel 7 reality show 'Bride & Prejudice' isn't a documentary. What does this have to do with tax you might say? A tax break is given to those who produce Australian content that are considered documentaries but NOT reality TV shows.... Points for thinking outside the box though! #taxhelp #taxadvice #taxreturn #tax #bookkeeping #accountants #taxrefund #taxation #accountant #accounting #taxdeduction #anytimeprofessionals
06.01.2022 Always wanted to start your own business but not sure where to go for advice? We have qualified accounting professionals ready to give you advice to help give your new business idea the legs it needs to succeed! Anytime Professionals - Speeding up the process of finding an accountant with the skills you need, when you need them. Check us out today at
05.01.2022 Need your tax return completed? Anytime Professionals is here to help! We are a 24/7 service available to help with all things tax and accounting. All professionals are fully qualified and insured so you know you are getting quality service from the best in the field. But don't just take our word for it, see what are clients say about our service already.... Simply post your task today!
05.01.2022 Here’s what some of our clients have to say about Anytime Professionals! With the 31st of October deadline fast approaching there has never been a better time to get your taxes up to date. Simply post your job today at Anytime Professionals. A 24/7 service you can trust that covers all things accounting!
05.01.2022 Let's talk about the power of an offset account and why it can ! First of all - ?? Simply put - it's an everyday account that is linked to your loan. When the bank goes to charge you interest on your loan it looks at what is sitting in that account and charges interest on the difference instead.... So if you're now thinking 'well that's nice but my loan has redraw so I might as well just put it on there and redraw it out when I need it.' Same-Same, Right? ! By paying off a loan and redrawing it . By putting it into you have. Why is that so important? Well, if you redraw on your investment loan for private purposes you will have a mixed purpose debt as the purpose of the loaned funds have changed. However if you simply took the money from your offset account you ' ' ! #taxadvice #tax #accountingadvice #anytimeprofessionals
05.01.2022 ? New laws have been passed taking effect from the 1st July 2019 which state that any payments that haven't met withholding requirements will be denied a deduction. ?... Well, if you have an employee and you fail to withhold amounts when required to do so then you will not be allowed to claim a tax deduction for that payment. ? If you have a contractor that hasn't supplied an ABN then you are required to withhold an amount equivilant to the top marginal rate (currently 47%). Failure to do so will result in a denial of a deduction. It's more important than ever to review contractor arrangements to ensure that they truly are contractors in the eyes of the ATO and not deemed employees. You definitely don't want to be caught out by this new law as it could have significant consequences to the bottom line! #tax #taxhelp #taxadvice #taxreturn #bookkeeping #taxation #taxrefund #accountant #accounting #accountinghelp #accountingadvice #taxdeduction #anytimeprofessionals
04.01.2022 Are you a Performing Artist or Sportsperson? Want to know the TAX SECRETS to MAXIMISE your tax refund? Check out our latest video!
04.01.2022 Working anywhere, anyplace, anytime. It’s no accident why we are called Anytime Professionals. We really do work at anytime for our clients and sometimes our office is in a car park
04.01.2022 , . Which one is right for you? Check out this awesome article which really breaks down well the Pros and Cons of each so that you can make an informed decision!... #allowances #taxadvice #tax #novatedlease #chattelmortgage #newcar #workcar #tax #accounting #accountingadvice #accountingandfinance #taxrefund #anytimeprofessionals
04.01.2022 With the bookies currently having Labor as the favourite to win the election ($1.12 last time I checked), let's have a quick rundown of what they're proposing and how it will impact: - Labors policy will be to scrap the refunding of Franking Credits for those who do not have any tax owing. Those particularly will be self-funded retirees but will exclude those in receipt of a government pension. - Any investor who has negative ret...urns from their investments i.e. negative gearing will have their losses 'quarantined' and will only be able to be applied against investment gains. If this is to come to fruition there would be grandfathering provisions to ensure past investments aren't impacted and that it also doesn't apply to new residential property. - Currently if you dispose of an asset after 12 months you are generally entitled to a 50% reduction on the gain. The proposal is to halve this amount again so the reduction becomes 25%. There is uncertainty as to whether this will apply to small business entities that are also eligible for an extra 50% discount on active assets. #tax #taxadvice #accounting #accountingadvice #taxhelp #anytimeprofessionals
04.01.2022 Had a friend send me this one. Must admit I had a giggle #taxhelp #taxadvice #taxreturn #bookkeeping #smsf #taxation #accounting #accountant #taxdeduction #tax #taxrefund #anytimeprofessionals #accountingadvice #accountinghelp
03.01.2022 Anytime Professionals team staying on top of it all so clients know they’re getting nothing but the best! #tax #fbt #fringebenefitstax #IPA #accountants #taxadvice
02.01.2022 If only there were a simple way to get my taxes done...wait a minute, there is! Anytime Professionals has fully qualified tax professionals available to get your tax return lodged and MAXIMISE your REFUND! Don't risk getting a fine from the ATO and try our easy to use service today....
01.01.2022 There has been significant announcements from both state and federal government in the last 24 hours which you are all seeking answers to questions you might have. As to be expected our industry have been inundated with enquiries relating to these announcements and we believe that our professionals can address the majority of your questions. Some government measures in place that our professionals can help with relate to the following: Support for Individuals such as how t...o access Jobseeker payment (including Sole Traders or Self-Employed) as well as info around the $750 payment. Support for Business which includes: o How the ATO will assist with BAS payments. o How the Federal Government will assist with their cash boost. o How the Victorian Government will help with taxes (such as payroll tax), fees (like liquor licencing) and land tax. o How the Banks will assist with obtaining additional credit and mortgage holidays. Early access to Super and changes to super minimum drawdowns for self-funded retirees. It is important to note that none of this is law and although it is highly likely to pass there could be some changes made between when this information is received by you and when it actually passes. We would also like to ask clients to be vigilant for scammers during this period. Unfortunately times of stress and need are opportunistic for scammers and that no government department will ever ask you for money or bank account details. Finally we want to emphasise a simply message and that is we are here for you! We know everyone is doing it tough in some way shape or form and that after last night’s announcements some of us will be doing it tougher. Our professionals are here for you with any questions you may have.
01.01.2022 ' ! ' ? If you've left your BAS until the last minute let us take the burden out of preparing it. We have fully qualified Tax and Bookkeeping professionals !... Post your Bookkeeping task today - #bookkeeping #tax #taxhelp #taxadvice #taxreturn #taxdeduction #accountants #accounting #taxation #accountant #taxrefund #BAS #anytimeprofessionals
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