APM in Sydney, Australia | Occupational safety and health service
Locality: Sydney, Australia
Phone: +61 2 9279 0748
Address: Suite 2, 56 Clarence Street 2000 Sydney, NSW, Australia
Website: https://apm.net.au
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25.01.2022 If youre a keen gamer you may well have played Rocky, better known as RockyNoHands - who has multiple Guinness World Records to his name, using his QuadStick! See him in action https://bit.ly/2PcQtFK #Gamer #Fortnite #LivingwithDisability #GuinnessWorldRecord
25.01.2022 Its been a busy day for members of the APM Marketing team who joined The Omalas Project to prepare and provide food for people in need. Taking over the food van, the team created 140 meals including Mexican spiced cauliflower tacos with avocado, salsa and lime cream, and mini brioche cheeseburgers. The meals go to around 70 people at Foundation Housing in Fremantle, Western Australia.... The Omalas Project relies on the help of volunteers to provide good food to disadvantaged people every week and APM is delighted to support them. For information on how to support this great project, or join them for a rewarding day of feeding hungry people, head to their Facebook page: https://bit.ly/31zSNO1 #EnablingBetterLives #EveryoneDeservesGoodFood #Community #Volunteering #GivingBack
25.01.2022 Mental health, even living with complex mental health conditions doesnt mean youre not able to reap the benefits of working. There are many benefits to having a job and finding work for people living with biopolar disorder. Find out more: https://bit.ly/2QPUDo5 #EnablingBetterlives #APM #BipolarDisorder #MentalHealth
25.01.2022 Did you know some fonts were designed to be easier to read for people with visual and learning disabilities? Theres been so much information on signage, flyers and screens - the font makes a big difference. Comic Sans is not your only accessible font option(!) 3 tips to get you started on finding the best accessible fonts:... Look for a legible font with optimum character recognition - can you distinguish between your B and 8? Your capital I and lower case l, easily? Sans Serifs fonts are best for online - letters that are clear and not over-styled have the best visibility on screen Avoid excessive formatting (italics, bold, underlining, EXCESSIVE CAPITALISATION) of your text Find out more from Vision Australia: https://bit.ly/2XO05vj #accessibility #WCAG #visualimpairment #didyouknow
24.01.2022 Have you met the other Superman? Paul Nunnari has been a wheelchair user since he was 11 years old. Hes a silver medal-winning Aussie Paralympian, professional speaker, a grand finalist on Australias got talent AND hes got a Guinness World Record to his name for Most 360 degree rope rotations in a wheelchair hanging by one arm in 1 minute (team of two) - he set the record, but then broke his own record on the show in Italy with a total of 77 spins! Watch this amazing feat:https://bit.ly/30RZ4Eu #aussieaussieaussie #guinnessworldrecord #peoplewithdisability #livingwithdisability
24.01.2022 If you loved Switched at Birth and Breaking Bad - whether you know him as Campbell or Junior - youll know RJ Mitte. Hes undergone some of the intense physical and speech therapies which can be necessary for people living with cerebral palsy - particularly when it came to correcting his severe toe walking! Find out more about the man who has set up his own anti-bullying campaign #CutTheBull, sat on boards and was a broadcast reporter for Channel 4 at the Rio 2016 Paralympics https://bit.ly/2DRgvMA #SeeTheAbility #RJMitte #DisabilityStories
24.01.2022 More than 20% of employers surveyed by the Australian National Skills Commission are looking to hire new employees Find out more which roles are in-demand for employers and job seekers: https://bit.ly/3fPs1Fu #EnablingBetterLives #APM #DisabilityEmployment #DisabilityEmploymentServices
24.01.2022 Stroke Foundation National Stroke Week starts tomorrow This has to be one of the most incredible stories of stroke awareness: A brain researcher recounting the experience of her own stroke. Jills story is one of the most popular TED talks of all time! Watch or read this incredible talk (transcript included): https://bit.ly/33SqRqw... #strokeawareness #FASThero #nationalstrokeweek #EnablingBetterLives See more
24.01.2022 If youre living with an injury, illness or disability and looking for work, were here to help Its tougher than ever for job seekers as we navigate the COVID-19 pandemic, we know what employers are looking for and can connect you with a job suited to your capacity. To find out more, or Register:https://bit.ly/351uZVC #EnablingBetterLives #APM #disabilityexmployment #livingwithdisability
24.01.2022 As the global pandemic has forced many businesses to re-assess how they build and foster inclusive workplace environments, this interview with Karen Knight, Vision Australia General Manager Client Services, covers how businesses can be more inclusive for people with disabilities and the value of looking past stereotypes and misconceptions around working with disabilities to develop truly diverse workplaces: https://bit.ly/2IqQPbE #EnablingBetterLives #APM #WorkingwithDisability #DiversityandInclusion
23.01.2022 When a spinal cord injury changed Maccas life - he made sure he did his research to get the right support for his quadriplegia. Read Maccas incredible story and how APM Communities and the NDIS National Disability Insurance Scheme are helping him live a better life: https://bit.ly/2PL2se0 #EnablingBetterLives #APM #APMCommunities #SpinalIjuryAwareness #SpinalIjuryAwarenessWeek
23.01.2022 Even while living with chronic pain, Heidi has found a role she loves and describes her colleagues "just like a family" Shes just one of the many job seekers with long-term conditions APM help through our Disability Employment Services program. Read Heidis story: https://apm.net.au/heidi #EnablingBetterLives #PainAwarenessMonth #APM #ChronicPain #DisabilityEmployment
22.01.2022 This week its Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Week (SCIAW) Most people are aware a spinal cord in jury can change your life, but most people may not be aware of the small changes they can make for their premises or businesses to be more accessible Read Karens story: https://bit.ly/3jQizE0 #EnablingBetterLives #SCIAW2020 #SpinalCordInjury #Accessibility
22.01.2022 Meet Shannon He's one of the real participants from our Employment Services ad campaign The videos were filmed in Western Australia in September with strict measures in place to ensure everybody maintained COVID-19 precautions. Thank you to everyone involved including Fins Seafood in Fremantle and the many creative minds at Wunderman Thompson Australia . Find out more: https://bit.ly/3mMPDyu... #EnablingBetterLives #APM #WorkingwithDisability See more
22.01.2022 The effects of living with multiple mental health conditions can be wide-reaching. Mitchell worked with his APM Employment Consultant on some all-important job interview techniques, and he didnt let his ADD, PTSD and autism stop him from finding a role where he really shines Read Mitchells amazing story: https://bit.ly/30PBvwc #EnablingBetterLives #MentalHealth #findingwork #DisabilityEmployment
21.01.2022 As we continue to grow our APM health businesses, our team members across the country are seeing the real value of supported workplaces and the importance of access to high quality mental health services. Were proud to support R U OK Day and hope every workplace is able to take time for some simple and supportive conversations with their colleagues today and whenever they need it. #MentalWellbeing #Health #MentalHealth #RUOKDay #EnablingBetterLives
21.01.2022 "Living in a rural area, I don’t have a wide choice of doctors. I would prefer someone who has experience with deafness, who knows to focus on the medical issues instead of my ears, and can look past the glaring label of deafness.." Telehealth, particularly during COVID-19 has enabled greater access to healthcare. Specifically for those living in remote areas, who are immunocompromised or have communication requirements like Asphyxia. Read her lived experience of seeking gen...eral medical help living with a hearing disability: https://bit.ly/35lf7Nz #EnablingBetterLives #APM #Telehealth #LivingwithDisability #Deaf
19.01.2022 Did you know Sitting Volleyball has been a Paralympic sport since 1980? If you have ever wanted to try one of the most fast-paced paralympic sports, Volleyball WA are running two "have a go" sessions this month! Register to get involved: https://bit.ly/34JyoZ7 #EnablingBetterLives #VolleyballWA #ParalympicSport #SittingVolleyball
18.01.2022 Ever wondered how learning fun new skills can change your life? 16 years ago the worlds first PhD on circus training was written by Perth-based trainer, performer and educator Reg Bolton - Why Circus Works: How the values and structures of circus make it a significant developmental experience for young people. Circus WAs programs hinge on this fascinating (and fun!) research that circus training is a powerful tool for development and recovery. Find out more:https://bit.ly.../33QEPco #EnablingBetterLives #APM #mentalhealth #circuswa
17.01.2022 Every Thursday youll find Marshall diligently at work, hes part of a team of volunteers at the Byford Baptist Church Free Food Market Read how Marshall gives back to his local community: https://bit.ly/3kBKZTx #EnablingBetterLives #APM #APMCommunities #Volunteering
16.01.2022 After five years of hunting for a job, Andrew found employment and the support he needed. His mental health struggles are all-too-familiar for many job seekers, and Andrew's story is a reminder of the incredible resilience we're capable of: https://bit.ly/3kseq9z #EnablingBetterLives #APM #MentalHealth #Jobseeker
16.01.2022 17 23 August is Healthy Bones Action week You can take 3 easy actions to improve the health of your bones Check out the Bone Health Foundation website, with more information for kids, adults and seniors on boosting their bone health at any age: www.bonehealth.org.au/bone-health-for-all
16.01.2022 Your goals for after school dont have to hit the backburner - if youre in your final year at school with a disability or health condition, and you want to get to work, were here to help Find out more about Disability Employment Services: https://bit.ly/30bPzzM #APM #EnablingBetterLives #SchoolLeavers
15.01.2022 The 12th of August marks United Nations International Youth Day Today we celebrate young people of all abilities, their voice, and their important contributions to all organisations and causes, as we should every day! Find out more about World Youth day 2020: www.un.org/en/observances/youth-day... #YouthDay #EnablingBetterLives #GlobalAction #UnitedNations See more
14.01.2022 Theres one "have a go" session left of sitting volleyball Open to all abilities, just make sure you keep your pelvis on the ground! Register to get involved: https://bit.ly/34JyoZ7 #EnablingBetterLives #VolleyballWA #ParalympicSport #SittingVolleyball
14.01.2022 Darwin man Aiden clearly remembers the day his life changed for the better in 2014 while on a celebratory family holiday cruise in the Pacific Ocean. Aiden lives with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, and a change to a warmer climate and the ability to transfer his NDIS plan easily from Tasmania to his new home in Darwin has dramatically improved his quality of life Read Aiden's story: https://bit.ly/2ItdAvM #APMCommunities #EnablingBetterLives #GoodNewsStory #EhlersDanlosSyndrome
13.01.2022 A lower limb deficiency might affect your mobility, but it doesnt disqualify you from the benefits of work Finding a role suited to your capacity enables you to manage your responsibilities. However theres so more long-term benefits to work beyond smashing through your To Do list: https://bit.ly/2CMkVE9 #EnablingBetterLives #APM #returntowork #amputee
12.01.2022 Meet Birdie - some of her friends who live near the forest became unwell and to stay home. She is worried about her friends Birdies story was created by the Childrens Health Queensland and the Queensland Centre for Perinatal and Infant Mental Health to support the mental health and wellbeing of babies, young children and families through the COVID-19 pandemic. Check out Birdies story:https://bit.ly/2Fbn2Cd
12.01.2022 Theres more to say after "Are you ok" Continuing a conversation after someone says theyre not ok can feel hard, but it can change a life. After you ask the question - even after today - its important to listen, encourage action and check in with your loved one - R U OK Day #ruokday #ruok #EnablingBetterLives #mentalhealth
12.01.2022 Fans of Stranger Things will recognise this smile - its Dustin Henderson, played by Gaten Materazzo. Did you know Gatens delightful smile is due to a bone condition called Cleidocranial Dysplasia (CCD)? Hes undergone four major surgeries, occasionally wears a dental prosthesis and advocates for CCD charities: https://bit.ly/2D4eufU #CleidocranialDysplasia #CCDsmile #LivingwithDisability
10.01.2022 Happy Fathers Day to all the important men in our lives We hope you have a special day, however you celebrate! #FathersDay
10.01.2022 Regular physical discomfort can limit your mobility, but not all your career options if youre looking to return to work: https://bit.ly/2Z2F0y8 #EnablingBetterLives #APM #Arthritis #workingwithdisability #Osteoarthritis #ArthritisAustralia
10.01.2022 Today is National Health and Physical Education day! What better way to celebrate than with a dance?! Let the Rollettes show you how its done #Disability #Dance #Rollettes
07.01.2022 If youre a fan of Ninja Warrior, you might have spotted local Perth Veteran Mark Daniels. This is just another string in the bow of this incredible mans achievements - which include competing in the Invictus Games, since losing his right leg 3 years ago. Watch his full run and interview: https://bit.ly/2Dd9BAP #Veteran #Amputee #LivingwithDisability #ADF
06.01.2022 Today is the first day of National Stroke Week If you suspect someone might be having a stroke, you can identify it using the F.A.S.T method: Face - has their mouth drooped? Arms - Can they lift both arms? Speech - Is their speech slurred?... Time - Call 000 if you see any of these signs Stroke Foundation #NationalStrokeWeek #StrokeWeek2020 See more
05.01.2022 Researchers at UNSW and NeuRA - Neuroscience Research Australia conducting a study about technology use in older adults on the autism spectrum. Does this sound like you or someone you know? Theyre looking for participants who are...... 50 years or older living in Australia have a smartphone or tablet have the capacity to provide informed consent able to complete the study either through online video call, phone or email
05.01.2022 Ellie started in the pool eight weeks after her amputation surgery at age 3 as part of post-surgery rehabilitation When she was 11, she stumbled across the 2004 Athens Paralympic Games. Shes one of Australias top Paralympic medal winners, and shes heading to the Tokyo Paralympics to defend her gold medal Read Ellies story:https://bit.ly/2GuhBz5 #paralympics #livingwithdisability #amputation #amputee #swimming
05.01.2022 Our friends living with asthma know the benefits of a deep, relaxing breath. This year, were taking a breather during asthma week - its been a big year! Asthma Australia have created a checklist of 7 ways you can incorporate some slower moments into your day. Download the checklist: https://bit.ly/3jAGJCD #AsthmaWeek2020 #MentalHealth #EnablingBetterLives
04.01.2022 After an injury to her arm, APM helped Julie secure a role which has brought significant positive changes to her life - and shes excited to spoil her first great-grandchild! Read Julies story: https://bit.ly/2FcD13f #EnablingBetterLives #APM #LivingwithDisabililty
04.01.2022 Its Red Nose Australia day, today! Red Nose has reduced the rate of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in Australia by 85%, but there is still more work to be done. Whether youre donning a red nose at work, or remembering someone special, all donations go towards saving little lives and supporting grieving families: www.mycause.com.au/page/230973/rednoseday #rednoseday2020 #getsillyforaseriouscause
04.01.2022 Speech Pathology week kicks off this week Heres to all the wonderful humans who benefit from and work in the industry of Speech Pathology. People with communication disabilities may not have the most visible impairment, and we have speech pathologists to thank for helping people literally find their voice! Speech Pathology Australia #EnablingBetterLives #speechpathologyweek2020 #speechpathology
03.01.2022 Support from her family and the NDIS National Disability Insurance Scheme helped Faradiba step out of her fear, onto her bike and across the finish line in the Northern Territorys K2DC bike challenge. Read her story https://bit.ly/2E2EYPw #EnablingBetterLives #APMCommunites #APM
01.01.2022 Just two days into his job trial, Aaron was offered employment! Living with autism and lower limb deficiencies didn't stop him from working towards his long-term career goals, with the support of his Employment Consultant. Awesome job, Aaron - we wish you every success Read his story: https://bit.ly/2JNTehk #EnablingBetterLives #APM #Victoria #JobSeeker #Autism #LimbDeficiency #LivingwithDisability #WorkingwithDisability
01.01.2022 21 years after being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, Rob started sailing after he was asked by sailing gold medallist Jamie Dunross to have a crack at the Rio Paralympics Read Robs journey from chef to passionate sailor and how he was able to continue his passion for the water thanks to APM and the NDIS: https://bit.ly/31HpBDU #EnablingBetterLives #APM #APMCommunities
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