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25.01.2022 www.apricotkerneloilaustralia.com
23.01.2022 11 benefits of aloe vera. bit.ly/2WZClBz
21.01.2022 This was the same gesture I gave the doctor that told me that I had 3 months to live.. & that was 10 years ago..:) you can read my story by clicking on the link below X https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B00KTUGSYS
19.01.2022 Be sure to watch TODAY this Sunday at 8.15am & see for yourself what the amazing benefits are when you start drinking Ketones. https://www.facebook.com/ketoloseweight/
18.01.2022 "PREVENTION OF CANCER IS THE ANSWER BEFORE CURE ................................OF CANCER!!".......................................... ................................YOU CAN DO IT!!..................................... ................................THINK ABOUT IT!!................................... "BLITZ CANCER THE NATURAL WAY NOT THE TOXIC WAY!!" .................................SAY NO TO CHEMO & RADIO!!.............
14.01.2022 You can read my story of survival here.. I said no..you can too... https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B00KTUGSYS
08.01.2022 https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B00KTUGSYS
07.01.2022 Why Vitamin B17 and other natural methods rather than drugs, radiation, or chemo therapy? The "medical profession" kills over 300,000 people every year in the U....S. hospitals alone! Now they say Medical errors leading to patient death are much higher than previously thought, and may be as high as 400,000 deaths a year, according to a new study in the Journal of Patient Safety. Think about it for a moment. The Vietnam war went on for ten years according to some sources and others say it was 20 years and killed as high as 1,100,000 people all together. If you take 1,100,000 divided it by 10 years you get 110,000 people dead per year. Please understand what I am saying here, you have two armies with guns, hand grenades, helicopters, etc. trying to kill each other and both sides combined over a period of ten years kill 110,000 people per year on the average! Now the medical association in the U.S.A kill three times that many people on accident in the hospitals where you are going to go to get help with your illness!? OK, good luck to you on that. Radiation and chemo therapy have a 3% success rate only up to 5 years. Personally, I think you should do a little more study before you walk into a death trap like that, don’t you? One more note There has never been a verified case of anyone ever dying from eating apricot seeds. The medical profession will try to scare you into the drug arena but ultimately it is your choice. Vitamin B17 also called Laetrile or Amygdalin is among the main components of food in cultures like Hunzas, Eskimos, Abkasians etc. No wonder these tribes have never ever reported a cancer case. As per dedicated Biochemist Dr. Ernst Krebs, instrumental in bringing B17 to the modern world, we need at least a minimum of 100 mg of B17 or around 7 apricot seeds to almost guarantee a cancer free life. Here are some of the major foods that contain this amazing cancer fighting substance: 1. Seeds of Fruits or Kernels: These have the highest concentration of B17 in nature apart from bitter almonds. Seeds of apricot, cherry, apple, peach, nectarine, plum, pear & prune contain good amounts of laetrile. 2. Nuts: Macadamia, Bitter Almond and Walnuts. 3. Beans: Burma, Broad (Vicia faba), lentils (sprouted), mung (sprouted), lima, Scarlet runner, Rangoon. 4. Berries: Nearly all wild berries- Chokeberry, Blackberry, Christmas berry, Elderberry, Raspberry, Cranberry, Strawberry. 5. Grasses: Acacia, Aquatic, Alfaalfa (sprouted), Milkweed, Sudan, Minus, white dover, wheat grass. 6. Seeds: Flax, Chia, Sesame. 7. Miscellaneous: Fuschia plant, Bamboo shoots, Yew tree (Fresh Leaves, needles), Wild Hydrangea. As per Dr. Krebs, the required daily dose of B17 (as cancer preventive) can be obtained by following either of the below methods. Method 1: Eating B17 containing whole fruits but avoiding eating more seeds than you would have eaten if you have had whole fruit. For instance, if you eat 3-4 apples per day, the amount of B17 in the seeds of 3-4 apples is sufficient. There is no need to consume a pound of seeds. Method 2: One apricot or peach per 10lbs of body weight is more than enough to be used as a cancer preventive, though exact numbers can vary from individual to individual as per dietary habits and metabolism strength. For instance, a 170lbs woman can consume 17 peach or apricot kernels per day and should have biologically sufficient amount of daily B17 intake. An important thing to note- Too much of anything is bad. Eating more seeds or kernels than required may produce some side effects. It is important to consume these foods in biologically reasonable amounts. You can get maximum amount of Vitamin B17 from your food when eating them in sprouting or raw form. However, some tampering or moderate cooking of food will still have good amounts of B17. Dr. Ernst Krebs, dedicated researcher & biochemist isolated Vitamin B17 (Laetrile) in apricot seeds. After years of testing of study, he was convinced about therapeutic value of B17. In order to prove its non-toxicity, he injected it to himself. As he had predicted, there weren’t any distressing or harmful side effects. B17 was not harmful to normal cells but deadly when came in contact with cancer tissues. Many take B17 or Laetrile in natural state (apricot seeds or bitter almonds) or in form of tablets. Here’s how B17 works: Cyanide in apricot seeds is surrounded by something that cancer loves- Sugar! Cancer cell eats the sugar and in the process releases cyanide, which only attacks cancer cell. It is important that patients must drastically lower down their sugar consumption when undergoing B17 therapy. Laetrile does not contain any ‘free’ HCN (Hydrogen Cyanide). When laetrile and the enzyme beta-glucosidase come in contact, laetrile breaks down in 1 molecule of HCN, 1 molecule of benzaldehyde & 2 molecules of glucose. Only the cancer cells in the body contain this enzyme. The logic is simple- HCN must be manufactured and shouldn’t be freely floating around. If there are no cancer cells in the body, HCN will not be formed as there is no beta-glucosidase. Some doctors also advise taking B17 tablets and seeds together, preferably with a gap of 2 hours between taking them. Some components present in the seeds aren’t present in tablet form of laetrile. These components contain other important nutrients which increase effectiveness of B17. Forty Foods Rich in Vitamin B17 Apple seeds, Alfalfa sprouts, apricot kernels, bamboo shoots, barley, beet tops, bitter almonds, blackberries, boysenberries, brewer's yeast, brown rice, buckwheat, cashews, cherry kernels, cranberries, eucalyptus leaves, currants, fava beans, garbanzo beans, gooseberries, huckleberries, lentils, lima beans, linseed meat, loganberries, macadamia nuts, millet, millet seed, peach kernels, quince, raspberries, sorghum cane syrup, spinach, sprouts (alfalfa, lentil, mung bean, buckwheat, garbanzo), strawberries, walnuts, watercress, yams. The FDA claims that laetrile is toxic. This is an absolute lie. Read the first chapter of Alive and Well (which is in the link below) to see how absurd the FDA claim is. It is only toxic to cancer cells. http://www.whale.to/m/binzel.html