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25.01.2022 You’re going to want to save this post for future reference. Searching GREEN CLEANING DIY into any search engine is going to overwhelm - it’s a fact. A few things:... 1. CELEBRATE girl you typing it into the search bar is all sorts of fabulous. 2. I believe making swaps to a more natural home can be simple, speedy & cost effective. 3. I’ve done the searching for you so here’s my 5 faves that anyone can DIY. Bonus is you need just a few ingredients (& they’ll have a bunch of other uses too). All purpose spray Cleaning Paste Cleaning wipes (or baby wipes) Glass cleaner Mattress/carpet/stinky shoes refresher Swipe for the recipes. Ready for more inspo for GREEN CLEANING DIY but without the overwhelm? Download my FREE Detox Your Home ebook via my website. You’re welcome xx
23.01.2022 HAIR WASHING DRAMAS Hey girl with the oily hair dreading having to do the shampoo, condition & dry thing that apparently is necessary for decent looking hair. Been there. What about when you do some morning exercise and it creates that lovely hair line sweat glow that then is again that oily mess that needs a wash. Ain’t a quick process. ... NOW. Meet dry shampoo. I’m not talking the spray that you’ve used for years now. I love the fact that it works, don’t love the ingredients. What about if you could have the same fresh hair look with just 3 ingredients found in your pantry? Do it. Here’s how: 2TBS Tapioca 2TBS Cacao (if you’re blonde leave it out, if you’ve got gorgeous red locks add a little + some ginger/cinnamon trust me it’s good) 10 drops essential oils for bonus hair/scalp/aroma goodness I love rosemary, tea tree, geranium, lavender or peppermint or a combo of any. HOW TO: add to small glass jar or shaker bottle, dust or shake on, brush through & style with the added bonus of some boost of volume too. Have you tried this efficiency hack? Anyone who has loves it! BONUS: Need more easy natural swaps for your home? Head to my website (link in bio) + download my home detox ebook x
23.01.2022 I used to think that I could do everything by myself. I was capable, fiercely independent & resourceful, so why not? Well, then migraines happened & I would be DOWN & OUT for 24hrs minimum.... Then pregnancy happened & I was S.I.C.K. & barely functional (unless you call driving with a spew bucket normal) Then my 3rd child didn’t sleep unless she was on me or being pushed in a pram & I was T.I.R.E.D. & claustrophobic. Then 3 kids, 2 businesses, a reno, an OT career, a full social calendar (hello 2 huge families that love celebrating) and another business happened & life was F.U.L.L. But, me doing ALL the things wasn’t working and definitely wasn’t FUN. I started missing things. I felt overwhelm more regularly than I had ever experienced. I was more irritable than normal. I realised I wasn’t invincible and I couldn’t and shouldn’t be holding everything. So, a new belief formed: I AM CAPABLE BUT I CAN ALSO ASK FOR HELP. So, it’s a work in progress because my default is to I.DO.MY.SELF Take this as my reminder to you that you don’t need to I.DO.YOUR.SELF always you can outsource, ask for help, say no, re-prioritise. You’re still capable. You’re now just very human too. Anyone else have that I. DO. MY. SELF default? Give me a below. We gotta stick together!
22.01.2022 There's something so reassuring about being able to pick up the phone and ask grandma "what do I use to clean XYZ?" She's a library full of cleaning hacks from the "olden days". Grandad will often pipe up with his two cents worth and normally throws in, "you're too busy Megan, your grandmother used to stay home when she had little kids". Love them. ... Now, what if we took some of their wisdom on board from those "olden days" (not that asbestos was ok ) that simple is best plus a side of resilience, slow living and hard work is where it’s at. WHAT IF... Vinegar & water actually works EVOO can be used for more than just cooking Bicarb is more than brilliant Do you have a cleaning hack from the olden days? Spill your secrets pretty please
20.01.2022 Can’t wait to join a bunch of fab people for our first online masterclass-chatting the what, why, how of doterra essential oils. Book your spot for the zoom link. Perfect for current customers as a refresh OR to share with that friend or family member that’s been curious for a while now. Meg x
19.01.2022 VALUE When you realise you have stopped VALUING yourself as highly as you should. It’s time to STOP. RESET. REGROUP and RE-EVALUATE. Well, I’ve decided that’s what I need to do. Right. Now. ... VALUE has been a recurring theme in my life over the past few months. You know when little things happen and they all keep coming back to the same core issue that you need to address? AHHH. There’s only so long you can avoid dealing with it right? You know what I’m talking about perhaps for you it is something else. But, you know exactly what yours is already hey? What if we noticed this ‘thing’ early? What if we kept catching it before it impacted our day? What if we moved through it so that we could wake up bold and confident and free? What if our experience could be shared with someone else so they could do the same? You may notice around here I’m going to be popping up with more boldness, more confidence and more freedom to just be me and own that. I am not an expert in the worlds eyes but actually I am, because I have something of great VALUE to share with you. Since I’ve decided to step into that VALUE the stories from my people have been endless stories of gratitude for the story I shared that helped change their whole way of thinking stories of thanks for a welcome gift that helped them feel so empowered to make this investment really work for their home stories of amazement that little changes they had made with my help really had transformed their way of doing life. What is it that I can offer you too? A way of living that can help you wake up ENERGIZED, CONFIDENT, BOLD and ready to live intentionally and on PURPOSE. That’s where it’s at. I’m here for that. Are you here for that? Please VALUE you enough to say HECK YES + if you’re already HERE, share this with a friend who needs to be here too. Much love xx
19.01.2022 Where are my 80:20 girls at? Now, I’ve always wanted to do it all, fairly perfectly, 100% of the time and may have been told many times you always run like a bull at a gate. Love ya Dad. You’re right. I had to have the kitchen cleaned straight away before we enjoyed dinner.... If there was washing to do, it had to be done that day, folded & put away. Sitting through a whole movie felt impossible I had things to do. Then I had some aha moments. Repeatedly. It was like the universe was FORCING me to realise 100% isn’t sustainable. 80:20 was where it was at. I realised I could eat wholefoods & still enjoy a glass of red & simple cadbury milk chocolate. I realised I could invest in some quality clothing & still shop for birthday presents at kmart. I realised that I could work really hard and then binge watch a Netflix series. I realised I could whip up an all natural kids chest rub & still have plastic toys in our home. I reject the notion that we have to be all in, all of the time. I do love 80:20. I do love balance. I do love ease and flow and all the joy that comes with that. You can be 80:20 and you will be more than ok. Right? What’s your guilty pleasure that makes up your 20% - own it girl
18.01.2022 I am just going to say itI believe successful people are also organised people. You can call it obsessional or rigid or systems based or efficient but I’ve found there’s a freedom in being intentional with planning out your week & embracing it rather than reactively surviving it. Flow. Balance. Ease. Yes Please. Who is with me? Here’s what I love to do as part of our Sunday Reset:... Get on top of the household chores Washing on repeat Refresh those mattresses (hello bicarb & essential oils) Open those windows & get those diffusers on for fresh air feels Basic tidy everyone has a step of their mess they are learning to pick up when they walk upstairs Meal prep & grocery shop Sunday is markets day @northeystorganicmarket - choosing fresh produce to restock our fridge is like a healthy drug. Soak your fruit & vege (ACV + @doterraaunz lemon essential oil) to get rid of any residue that you don’t want to be eating (organic or not) Re-organise that fridge so you can use all the goodness you’ve invested in I love using glass containers from @seedandsproutco so we can see what is prepared Lunchboxes done Get some meals & snacks sorted. Plan your week & prepare Where are my goggles, shoes library books, book week costume?the dreaded questions just as you’re rushing into the car for drop of. We love our make shift ‘mudroom’ in our garage. Sync your calendar with your partner Create intentions & set up stations to help you achieve these Need more energy, sleep, focus, hydration, movement? Set up the little nooks to help you achieve those & pop reminders in your phone Refill any DIY products that need replenishing Quality time for you and with your people This may look different week to week but prioritising some time for YOU & your people in all the organisation is kind of the point. Sunday reset can get done first up or in little pockets or at the end of the day compartmentalise it so you can be present with your people when you’re with them. Pop a in the comments if you’re in love with the Sunday reset (or Monday maintenance or whatever day) or going to give it a go
18.01.2022 A note to my girls (and you)... You were created with a unique purpose. You are absolutely exquisite just as you are. You have the potential to empower many.... You can let go of the guilt of wanting more. You can step into ambition and big vision. You will always be a powerful leader in your home. You may do many things that go unseen. You are strong yet gentle. You are bold yet sensitive. You can be both generous and focussed on self. You are feminine and it’s a wonderful thing. You are valuable beyond belief. You are more resilient than you know. You are the hope this world needs. You can transform future generations. You are mine. You.are.loved. What if we spoke every word over ourselves? What if when we didn’t believe it we said it over and over until we did? What if we shared this with a woman that needs to speak this over their lives today? Choose that beauty YOU ARE [ ] Fill in the blank you wish your 18 year old self knew
18.01.2022 You’re going to want to celebrate YOU when you embrace the natural perfume trend. You’re also going to want to SAVE this post. I don’t think I really need to tell you all the reasons why ditching your perfumes is a really good idea. You might be thinking:... but I kinda adore the beautiful bottles I have sitting pretty on my dresser they make you feel all the feels when you spritz on because of the sentimental value & the memories attached. I kinda feel like they’re necessary to smell good & feel all feminine. Do you want the good news- you can have all of that without the endocrine disrupting, environmental impacts, unnecessary toxins & all that jazz So here’s my tips for making the switch to natural perfumes: 1. Wait until what you’ve got is empty & then make the switch (if you can wait that long once I knew, I knew) 2. Let family members know that you’re going more natural with your beauty products & subtly give them hints for more eco friendly, natural products 3. Purchase pre-made natural perfumes. I love these from doTERRA: Magnolia touch Rose touch Jasmine touch Neroli touch Hope touch Passion touch Peace touch Motivate touch Balance touch Cheer touch Clary calm Beautiful blend (limited edition) 4. Create your own blends. You just need a few essential oils (I go 15 drops per 10mL roller), fractionated coconut oil & a beautiful glass roller from @thevesselcollection You can: A. Pick intuitively & blend whatever you love B. Choose a TOP (citrus & mint), MIDDLES (florals & herbs) & BASE note (woods) C. Try some of these faves of mine: Bergamot, Ylang Ylang & Frankincense Clary sage, Patchouli & Hawaiian Sandalwood Lime, Geranium & Cedarwood Passion & Whisper Citrus Bliss & Balance 5. Go one step further and create beautiful rituals like aromatic dressing (fancy name for a squirt of fractionated coconut oil & your favourite oils in a bowl that you can drench your body in) & body serums to experience a whole body perfume that resets your nervous system too. There is something so lux about choosing your own perfume blends & creating a whole experience. What’s your favourite natural perfume
17.01.2022 Hello BOGO box goodness! You’re pretty epic. Option 1: Buy the BOGO box with all the weeks deals in one box. New customers also receive an Adaptiv touch and a gift from me . Box available all week or until sold out!... Option 2: Buy the daily deal Monday only: BUY on guard get tea tree FREE! More ideas http://bit.ly/3kbluJ9 Reach out for help joining or placing your order.
17.01.2022 EXHAUSTION. It’s a thing. You attempted an early night. You were disciplined & you drifted off early only to find yourself being woken numerous times by your little one, then your middle one, then the eldest & even the snoring husband. SERIOUSLY. ... You wake up resentful, just a bit peeved at the situation especially since you had a grand plan for a good sleep & plenty of energy to ENJOY this day. Out. Of. Your. Control. Today could go badly right? OR It could actually be your best day yet. My hubby’s words come to mind, today’s going to be the best day of my lifehe says this literally EVERY DAY. The kids repeat it. Back to my EXHAUSTION hack. You’ve got about 5mins & not much brain power to change the day around so all the fancy stuff ain’t gonna happen. So, choose you own (quick) adventure: A. Add a drop of EASY AIR or PEPPERMINT to the corner of a quick shower (probably make it cold since that’s meant to be AMAZING for your body & mind!) B. Spritz your face with a lush face mist try GERANIUM, GREEN MANDARIN & FRANKINCENSE with a splash of witch hazel then filtered water to the top. Easy, best if in the fridge for extra BAM factor. C. Reach for anything CITRUS, put a drop in your hands, rub together, cup over nose then BREATHE that good stuff in. A, B or C You could actually rotate between all 3 ALL day cuz let’s be real. You’ll be probably fading by 2pm and need something other than coffee or sugar to THRIVE til 8pm. What’s your choice?
17.01.2022 I still remember what survival mode looked like in our home: Rushing from one thing to the next Saying yes to everything then resenting the schedule Going into cranky, naggy, screechy mum & wife on the daily cuz TIRED of the juggle... Dealing with snotty noses and barking coughs on repeat & therefore disrupted work days & all the guilt that goes along with that I was not my best self. I was reactive and definitely not living life in a way that I wanted. There had to be another way right? Perhaps a way that was more proactive, purposeful, fun and with less snot & cranky factor. A life by design that was built on systems that promoted wellness & a lifestyle that we loved. What changed? The coffee with a trusted friend. The story she told of ordering a kit of essential oils to help overhaul her families lifestyle. The leaning into this idea that essential oils might just deliver what I was searching for. The trusting my gut & ordering them (despite knowing zilch & being completely sleep deprived) to up level in the wellness department for my home & my family. {INSERT Life.Changing.Moment.Here} If you want to hear of this lifestyle overhaul I speak of, our online masterclass Thursday night at 8pm is for you! Join me and a bunch of other coaches as we share our story, educate + empower. Lean on in beauty, I’ve got you. Perhaps that Life.Changing.Moment could be yours too. Add your fave below if you're keen to attend & I'll be in touch with your zoom link xx
16.01.2022 It doesn’t matter how low tox your home is if your mindset doesn’t match it! I was looking to replace our mattress a few years ago and spent hours upon hours trying to figure out which low tox option to go with I ended up feeling so overwhelmed & confused that I became stuck & just grabbed something familiar. Oh the relief. My brain was about to explode just trying to choose a mattress & I decided it wasn’t ok.... Did you know Stress in our mind = stress in our bodies = lowered immune & increase susceptibility to illness. No thanks. I know what it feels like to want to make the changes for a natural home & lifestyle but feel overwhelmed with the how to. I also know the value of finding the balance of a healthy mindset AND a healthy home. Wherever you are at in your journey to live a lifestyle you LOVE, embrace it I reckon. What is something you do everyday that helps you with a healthy mindset
16.01.2022 If you could be anywhere in the world this weekend, where would you be? Me- Groningen, Netherlands with my littlest bro.
15.01.2022 Asking for help does not make me weak. REPEAT. I am trying my hardest to reset the belief that I need to do it all myself (go back a post). Many of you have told me you're in the same boat. It's like the world, our childhood, our experiences has taught us to be independent is to be strong and asking for help is a sign of weakness. ... I call BS. So, let's pretend we've shifted the belief and we are ready for action. Here's what you're telling me you have done plus some of my own tricks: Hired a cleaner, weekly. Delegated jobs to the hubby, often. Asked grandparents for specific help with the kids. Said no to some events & learnt to be ok with that. Booked little family getaways. Learnt the reminders function on my phone was necessary. Paid the car wash to detail my car on the regular - game changer Bought pre-made nutritious meals sometimes, said yes to tuckshop & even takeaway! 80:20 Attempted to stop comparingstill learning. Realised that if others asked me for help, I would say yes. Booked a babysitter for date night. Kid swaps with friends/family. Help a sister out. What’s something you’ve outsourced that you wished you had done earlier?
15.01.2022 ARE YOU EVEN AUSSIE if... You didn’t have TEA TREE somewhere in your house? So grateful I’ve got my hands on this pure form of this Aussie plant goodness. Versatile. Simple. Effective.... Let’s say you have one OR you get one. Here’s my fave ways to use it: Add to a CLEANING spray. Water, squirt of natural dishwashing liquid, oils. DIFFUSE with lemon and lavender for fresh air Baby or cleaning WIPES with lavender and lemongrass Combine with basil and lavender in a roller for EAR SUPPORT or add a drop to a cotton wool ball and pop near ear (never in) Dab on BLEMISHES aka zits, pimples Add to spritzer with lavender + frankincense for an OUCHY spray Add to spritzer with rosemary + lavender for a NIT DETERRANT spray OR be extra fancy and add a squirt of root to tip serum or natural conditioner for a DETANGLER too Make a NAPPY BALM with lavender + frankincense & our lovely salve recipe DRY SHAMPOO for the win. Simple add with tapioca + cacao + choose some hair lovin’ oils like rosemary, geranium, lavender & of course TEA TREE. WELLNESS BOMB roller: tea tree, lemon, frankincense, oregano + on guard topped with a carrier oil. Use it for that wellness boost you need daily OR every few hours if not 100%. See, every household needs some TEA TREE goodness. Make sure it’s quality + pure so you know every drop is supporting your home + body safely. What’s your fave way to use TEA TREE in your home
15.01.2022 So much love for my little family. @charlotteraephotography ... School holidays always gets me reflecting on how I want them to experience life. Refocusing on quality time & just us together more & being ok with that. Gosh I love getting to know them all a little better as they grow. Paul-big visions, big encourager of others Coop-resilient & thoughtful S girl-vibrant & extroverted C babe-all the hugs & I love you mummy Lola-slowing me down since 2020 Me-learning always, wanting more, love that they’re my people Do you have a way you practice affirming in your family? Inspire me
12.01.2022 Soaking up all the family time. Also...pool, beach, couch & park time. Merry Christmas. Love from our fam to yours.... Peace. Joy. Hope. Love. xx See more
12.01.2022 GO GREEN cleaning trio
11.01.2022 Set your alarms! BOGO kicks off Monday at 9am AEST!
11.01.2022 You’ve gone to bed dreading doing the next day You wake up wanting to be back in your cozy bed again already You’re part way through the day & realizing you’re rushing through cuz you just want it to be over You’re in survival mode. Fight flight freeze is your norm.... Yep. I reckon most people are just in survival mode for a chunk of every day if not all week. Been there. Hate that state. Need to stop and breathe? I do. We have so many things we can try (once we are even aware of this state of unrest)-mindfulness, brain training, exercise, meditation, journaling. Whatever we choose, being able to cue into that need, name an emotion, process that & move to regulation is where it’s at right? Then to repeat that & start teaching or modeling it to the next generation....it’s a learning curve. I shared 1 thing in my IGTV I use in my toolkit to stop the survival mode state. Breathe BUT reach for a mood oil. Why? Our sense of smell (olfactory system) is linked to our limbic system where our memories & emotions are stored. It means we can AROMATICALLY ANCHOR into a state. Eg. remember those visits to grandmas house every time you smell lavender? Good or bad? Eg. remember how it felt to fall in love when you smell that first boyfriends cologne on a stranger walking past? Eg. remember that holiday in that place where those flowers grew? So, why not create a new memory of calm + grounding or energy + enthusiasm? These 4 blends have been carefully created to support particular needs because every plant has a different profile of properties. We have: citrus bliss: invigorating elevation: joyful balance: grounding lavender peace: restful Ps. The bundle is just $124 or buy separately NOW WHAT? 1. Choose what you’re drawn to or what you know you probably need. 2. Add a drop in your hand, cup over nose + take those breaths. Not sure how to breathe? Try square breathing-in for 4, hold for 4, out for 4, hold for 4. 3. Repeat. Frequently if needed. Yes you can diffuse, make roller perfumes, add to a room mist, add to bath salts BUT simply breathing is where it’s at to be intentional about changing from survival to neutral. What’s your fave oil to use to BREATHE
11.01.2022 Are you a believer in what’s meant to be will be? Not sure how I would do life if I wasn’t. We left Hervey Bay at 10am yesterday and arrived home (via our 2nd tow truck) at 6pm. It was a big day.... Broken down on the side of a busy highway was not in my plan. (swipe for the reality of a fam a little shaken & waiting for our emergency tow behind a concrete wall as safe as we could be) We had planned to drop our kids at grandparents for a sleepover on the way home, unpack slowly & without the nagging mum mode setting in, head out for our gym Xmas event & fit in a bit of Xmas shopping before picking our cherubs up today. Didn’t happen. Looked different. Very different. Emergency dentist trip today thrown in too . The whole day was out of my control. Completely. But I was reminded by multiple wise people (including a stranger) that there must be a reason it all happened the exact way it did. That helps. A lot. Like what if we were going to be in an accident or my kids needed me last night (which one did!)-we were slowed down & we tried to see it as a blessing. Perhaps when things happen out of our control there’s a message there, a moment to be had, a reflection point. It sure as heck helped me be more patient, more contained & more at peace while we waited. Are you a believer in things happening for a reason? Give me a below if you are.
10.01.2022 I call BS on green cleaning being for people with too much time on their hands, the hippies, the extremists & the earth mummas. Let’s just all agree it makes sense to use natural things whenever possible. Period. It doesn’t have to be complex.... It can be very cost effective. It doesn’t have to take much time. Here’s the basics you’ll find in my cleaning cupboard: bicarb good quality vinegar water just water Castile soap natural dishwashing liquid essential oils + fractionated coconut oil With these I can make: all purpose spray window spray anti mould spray hand wash body wash mattress, carpet, upholstery refresh fabric softener cleaning paste makeup brush cleaner air freshener a bunch of natural first aid hacks and MORE, I am sure of it. Next time you’re doing the groceries-grab the bicarb, vinegar + dishwashing liquid. I’ll hook you up with the essential oils + a discount code for bottles (for forever so the will love you you Earth mumma you ) PLUS all the recipes + the right amount of hand holding is available from yours truly
09.01.2022 I was striving for this thing called CONTENTMENT, thinking it was the gold standard of living. Then I wasn't. As I grow older & experience more of the world through my kids I am coming to accept that contentment isn't something I want. I kind of want the opposite but not in a perfectionistic way.... I want to be more I always want to grow I desire to go deeper into the wounds that allow me to understand my emotions I am ok with being triggered & becoming curious as to why I want to always set higher standards of living to look to I am committed to doing the work to love myself more Should we ever really reach a place of satisfaction? Should we seek peace but also hold tight to the wisdom of forever growing into a better version of ourselves? For the sake of our people, our world, ourselves perhaps contentment needs a shake up and peace within the messiness of growing is where it’s at? I want to surround myself with those that push me further, draw me deeper and allow me to be discontent with the norms. Tell me, do you think you’ll reach a place of true contentment or do you never want to?
07.01.2022 What if work was a place where you showed up as your best & the people around you celebrated that? What if you set that as an intention in 2021.... I my job & desire to expand in that space even more this year. Use my strengths Grow through my weaknesses & Impact lives around me more positively... Many of us return to our work places this week or are in preparation mode so perhaps in the same way we set intentions for our lives it’s time to set intentions for our work-whatever that looks like for you. Swipe for my fave rollers, diffuser blends & self care loves to support those intentions to thrive at work. Create your space. Prepare your faves. Show up as your best. Bless lives including your colleagues. Be intentional. Celebrate your gifts. Choose who you want to be in your workplace. Shine. Have you got a must have oily for work that helps you show up as your best? Inspire us girl
07.01.2022 Ever feel like you know absolutely nothing? Like one minute you kinda have it all sorted & feel somewhat expert in at least a few things then...back to knowing nothing? I have this moment often.... It’s humbling. Necessary. Motivating. Uncomfortable. Hopeful. 2020 I think forced this moment more times than ever before. Grateful for that. I realised I have much to learn about myself, kids, husband, family, friends, career, environment, world, strengths, weakness and even values and beliefs. Who even am I? So. As I welcome 2021 I claim more knowing nothing & starting from scratch. Expanding my knowledge. I love choosing a word for my year. A word that sits deep and drives my journey. A word that brings hope and peace and direction. A word that is mine. E X P A N S I V E My word for 2021. I know I really don’t know exactly what it means but I have a year to learn. Always learning. Expansive Expander Expanding Expand What’s your 2021 word?
07.01.2022 Do you think it’s ok if I think self care IS getting groceries done on my own? I keep seeing a post going around about the fact that self care isn’t that and I kinda disagree. Like, who gets to choose what self care is?... The gorgeous Karen from @genius_project_daily asked me how I went with self care when we chatted & my initial response was to say I’m TERRIBLE at it. Then I had to PAUSE & wonder a little more. You see, if I went by what the world says self care isyes I am terrible: No massages No sleep ins Minimal nights out with the girls Never a weekend away by myself Hardly ever sit, sip on a cuppa & read a book FAILING. But, what if self care to me means embracing MINI moments of focussing on me without feeling selfish like: Groceries on my own while hubby does bedtime Saying no to more events then my introverted self can manage comfortably Buying myself flowers that I can absolutely enjoy looking at for weeks Exercising daily & leaving some of the morning chaos to hubby to manage Working on my small business & not apologising for that Perhaps I could choose more luxury, BIG moments of self care that I absolutely embrace & again not apologise for: Spa facials that are a whole experience that I’m aiming to book in quarterly Weekly dates with the hubby on a daycare day More dinner dates or long lunches with my girls So, how about you do your type of self care girl, groceries solo might be what you can easily enjoy this week & I celebrate that with you. What’s one thing you would love to add to your MINI or BIG moments of self care in 2021?
06.01.2022 Today, I did a hard thing. Just a mini triathlon but still one tough event on my body but even more so on my mind. The inner critic was so loud.... Surprisingly so so loud. Then my bike chain came off and it got a heck of a lot louder. BUT, I’ve done some work and continue to learn that my mind is stronger. So I drew on that knowledge. I chose to speak truth and say shhhh to that loud, nasty, sometimes harsh critic that tends to cause fear and worry and self doubt. Today I was of course so grateful for my body that has helped me do many hard things. BUT I was more proud of my mind that worked harder. I am strong. I am fit. I am a triathlete. I can do hard things. You’ve got this. You’ve got this girl. You’re smashing it girl. Make them proud. REPEAT. This year is about E X P A N D I N G and with some exceptional human beings (swipe for my @fitstop_stafford fam) that were there silencing their inner critics and doing a hard thing, I expanded. I am allowed to be proud of that. Allowed to celebrate. What’s that inner critic saying to you? What is it going to take to say shhhhh!!! What’s the one phrase that you use to silence that inner critic that robs you of freedom & joy and absolute EXPANSIVENESS? I would love to know
06.01.2022 School is back baby (almost). As much as I love my cherubs gosh it’s time for us to all have a little space and embrace all that the 2021 school year has for us. A few things we are also embracing:... Lunchboxes packed the night before Water bottles refilled Bags packed with the extras for the following day. Winning. Morning diffuser blends to set the tone. My faves: wild orange + peppermint litsea + spearmint citrus bliss Kids essentials next to the lunch bags. Hello habit stacking goodness. They need their food so their basics will be right there with it. My faves: stronger roller down the spine for immune support choose your own adventure: brave, calmer, steady rolled on the palms + deep breath in Hair detangler + no nit spray-obviously. Car diffuser for the trip there & trip home. Transitions are hard for many. Create rituals that match the need. My faves for the car: Lemon Myrtle Onguard + easy air Wild orange + peppermint Nourishing afternoon tea on the go or at home + let them move their bodies before the homework needs to get done. My faves: vege + fruit platter smoothie pimped with collagen sorbet bliss balls + popcorn Homework station with diffuser blends + rollers + a timer - short stints for us. My faves: Rosemary + wild orange + peppermint Intune + wild orange (hides the intensity of intune) Kids thinker roller Magnesium/Epsom salt bath for the wind down. My faves: Aromatouch, lavender peace or lavender + tea tree Early nights with visualisation, massage (add lavender peace or copaiba + ice blue for tired muscles) & affirmation. Nightime diffuser blends to create a space for wind down. Bonus if yours has lights - the kids pick what colour they want each night so it acts as a night light too. My faves: Easy air + lavender peace Onguard + frankincense Juniper Berry + bergamot Little habits. Little rituals. Little people feeling all the love as they embrace all that school in 2021 will mean for them. What’s one thing that’s a game changer to help the school routine flow in your home?
05.01.2022 Anyone else around here tired as heck? This photo right here takes me back to our annual camping trip that means slowed down day’s with my people. Craving it right now. The peace, the space, the pace, the memories. When I start to feel the overwhelm, dread, physical exhaustion & blah feelings coming on I know something needs to shift. Stat. I don’t get there often but when I do - I notice.... I am not ok with sitting in that blah or wanting the days to pass so I can jump ahead to a different time. I am not a fan of not wanting to do any particular day. I am also not here to waste any moment-what it today was going to be the best day of your life? So, now what? I visualise the me I want to and need to show up as in this world. I speak positive over my day, my life, others lives. I work to reset my body-early bed, rest, good food, water, supplements. I talk it out to someone who doesn’t push me to feel ok but is able to be with me in whatever emotion is there. I move into action mode- slow but action. I say no to what I can, reprioritise, simplify & intentionally plan my day, week and month to match my vision. I reflect on what situations have got me to this point & remember them. If you’re in the blah + the wanting to escape the hustle of end of year ASAP-I see you. Tomorrow is a new day. Here’s your permission slip to notice it, be with it + embrace what it is teaching you. Tell me below - where is your happy place that you’re visualising right now?
04.01.2022 WHEN YOU KNOW BETTER, YOU DO BETTER Well, so they say. I’ve decided that sometimes you can know a LOT of things but the ‘doing’ needs to happen one.thing.at.a.time. Being pregnant prompted me along this journey of choosing natural wherever I could. I wasn’t just choosing things for me anymore but for my unborn babe too. That’s a heck of a lot of pressure right? ... I knew that multiple coffees wasn’t ideal. I knew eating deli meats & uncooked meats wasn’t ideal. I knew cleaning with toxic chemicals wasn’t ideal (delegated to the husband obviously). I knew going a thousand miles an hour wasn’t ideal. I knew being stressed 24/7 wasn’t ideal. I knew eating processed foods wasn’t ideal. I knew forgetting to drink enough water wasn’t ideal. I knew drinking alcohol or using illicit substances (probably not my jam anytime of my life haha) wasn’t ideal. I made sacrifices, choices, decisions based on keeping myself and my babe safe, healthy and strong. Let’s pretend for a second you’re not pregnant. Let’s pretend for a second that just YOU matter. Let’s pretend for a second that the sacrifice, choice and decision is for NOW. This season. Your life. Let’s pretend choosing natural wherever possible is worth it today. For you and for future generations. I am reminding you today that we DO know many things and we CAN do many things, better. One. Thing. At. A. Time. What might your one thing be that’s worth doing better today? Drinking an extra glass of water Going to sleep a little earlier. Spending 10mins to breathe. Fueling your body with the good stuff. Making that all purpose spray with all the natural stuff. Choosing a natural perfume. Investing in a forever frypan. Giving back. Taking your shopping bags. Moving your body. Whatever your one thing is know I’m here cheering you on . If something I’ve shared resonates-reach out, I am here to help you DO the things. PS. Say hello to my nephew Johnny growing in his mumma’s belly @thebare.women
04.01.2022 This whole self care movement kinda makes me feel like a failure. Yes, I’ve used the term A LOT but, I think it’s time to shake things up. I used to think self care = massages.... Firstly, I actually don’t even like massages! Anyone else feel the same way? Secondly, I am not a fan of wasting $100 forcing myself to self care. Thirdly, don’t really have ‘time’ for that, busy lady here. So, it seemed like I was failing in the self care department. Cue more pressure on myself to achieve even in SELF CARE! Then I realised that I was actually smashing those self care goals. I just wanted to watch a movie or 2 episodes in a row of a series Coles solo on a Saturday night seemed like bliss Using a gua sha with my face serum was just divine Giving myself an extra 5 mins to try the dry body brushing pre shower was a bit lux Spending some time meal prepping was all sorts of satisfying Investing in business coaching felt like a heck yes to myself Ordering an organic cleanse bundle was a treat for my body & mind Using my child free day to get my hair done was so much easier than tag teaming with the hubby So, maybe this self care thing can be whatever the heck we need it or want it to be? Maybe I don’t need to tick off massage to achieve the self caring goal? Pop a below if you’re choosing self lovin’ activity today whatever it looks like (no judgement if massages are YOUR thing girl!)
04.01.2022 My birthday girl. I often catch myself saying gosh S is so needy. Yep, I just said that. I say that because it’s my own stuff getting in the way actually. ... REFRAME time. What I should be saying is...she’s full of energy, loves connecting, is such a wonderful performer, thrives on quality time and is such a kind, creative and passionate girl. She lives big. Loves big. Let’s her emotions get big. Then we hug big. She’s different to me in many ways so I find it hard to know how to parent her well. She tells me (loudly) & I need to listen much much more really. This girl is going to change the world and I’m going to try and let her, her way. S girl. You are a beauty and I love how you live BIG in all ways. Thank you for tolerating my terrible parenting at times and loving me back anyway. I am still learning. Love mumma xx Ps. If you haven’t read the 5 love languages...read it
04.01.2022 The next time you find yourself judging that mum at the park on her phonemaybe don’t? I used to believe the story that I was less than for returning to part time work between kids. I used to think I was failing at mum life if I didn’t go to playgroup. I used to wonder if maybe taking my kids to the park then using the time to catch up on a bunch of life admin tasks while they played was not great parenting.... I used to tell myself letting my kids watch tv while I worked in our small businesses was selfish. Then I realised: I wasn’t the only one attempting to juggle mum life, career, small businesses, family & friends and a bit of self care too. There is no perfect way to juggle it all. No gold standard (except maybe the one I make up in my mind) and definitely no textbook that tells us how. To the girls attempting to do the juggle in some balanced, graceful, inspiring way - well done! To the girls who feel the juggle is messy, chaotic and constantly changing to fit with life I see you too To all those attempting to navigate the juggle, what is the most common spot you work from (cuz let’s be real-it’s probably not your divine office space like this one from @threebirdsrenovations )
03.01.2022 Are you the kinda gal who has her workout gear & joggers next to her bed? Game changer. You see you can have all the intention of getting up and going for that walk, run, gym session, swim, Pilates or yoga & yet when the alarm goes off the next step is just too much. BUT ... if you wake and see your gear (make it lovely stuff while you’re at it) ready to slip on, perhaps it’s just a little easier to get going. What if your whole home could support your wellness goals? What if you could create little spaces that acted as reminders to help you live your best life? What if each room of your home had a space that said: you’ve got this girl! just breathe I AM.... fuel your body with the good stuff move, play, rest well choose natural What if each nook you created had a purpose? One that matched your daily habits & goals & intentions. Kinda forces me to take a step back and wonder what those wellness goals need to be right now & adjust the nooks accordingly. Let’s start somewhere: 1. Choose a space. 2. Check your intention for that space. 3.Create a goal or habit. 4. Match that goal to that space. 5. Create the nook. My spaces change. They need to as my goals and intentions shift. They need reorganising, refocusing, readjusting to become functional once again. For that season and that time. Pop your fave room of your home below. I am curious! Let’s freshen up that space girl (& while we are at it refocus on living that best life that awaits us)
02.01.2022 Let’s start speaking to ourselves like we do someone we love ok? I have been told before that I’m a tad critical. Thanks for those family genes Dad. Love ya. I like to reframe it somehow as a strength but in the end, it’s probably truth.... You see, I have realised that I have very high expectations of others but more so of myself. I guess you could use it to grow as a human and become the best version of yourself. But, most of the time that noisy inner critic is just plain mean. I’ve noticed a lot of others around me having a noisy inner critic lately too Fun fact: my love language is words of affirmation. So, when I’m critical of myself or hear negative words from others it’s big, messy and highly effective at disrupting my self confidence, self worth & self love. Life changing moment: learning that I could counteract the negative self talk by speaking truth over my life, on repeat. You are beautiful You are loved You are valuable You are worthy You deserve goodness You were chosen for a purpose step into it You are fearfully & wonderfully made Even more life changing speaking truth over others lives that lifts them to a place of self love to be able to do the same for themselves. Here’s your reminder to speak to yourself like someone you love ok? Give me a below if your love language is words of affirmation too
01.01.2022 I'm not into Spring Cleaning. I'm into all year round Spring Cleaning mindset. Have you ever started decluttering & couldn't stop? Have you ever got so far into a deep clean that you miss the entire day?... Have you ever seen a little bit of dust on the skirting boards then went to town on every.single.one? Have you found yourself buying containers for puzzles, baskets for the linen cupboard & matching pantry jars? I hear ya! Gosh, the feeling that comes post declutter, tidy & clean is like none other. I'm guessing it's a happy hormone being released big time. What if we Spring Cleaned our HOME BODY and MIND? What if we could tackle it in a way that was: - simple - quick - sustainable - oh so satisfying I'm in Pop a below if you're ready to set up a Spring Cleaning mindset for the long term
01.01.2022 Let me introduce myself for anyone who is new around here. Welcome. Ps...read to the end if you’re brave! Today I am 34. I am right where I am meant to be and absolutely living life to the full. I am happy + overflowing with gratitude for what I am able to do. I am also stretched and challenged to go further, dream bigger and impact more of the world with a message of HOPE + peace. Well that was deep right? That’s me and I am learning more and more to embrace that and ...never ever apologise for my intensity and striving nature. I am intense and I do strive for more + love to fill my days with lots of good stuff. I am passionate about everyone being able to live the life they are called to-stepping out into who they need to be so this world can benefit from them and their uniqueness. I am a wife, mumma, business owner x2 (need plumbing? or to kick some wellness goals with essential oils?) & OT. I love empowering women. Always have. Always will. @paulghayes and I have been through some highs and pretty huge lows. We have done the work (especially him-so proud) & continue to desire to grow more . We love sharing our story to anyone who is ready to listen + love to encourage others in their journey of wellness. My heart behind this @a_raw_journey community is to share my story of loving life and living a full life. It always will involve finding balance in work, play, rest...community...being raw and vulnerable...and getting back to living as close to nature as possible-its empowering stuff. If you are ready to jump on this journey reach out...let’s do it together. @charlotteraephotography See more
01.01.2022 Hey there lover of laundry. Said no one (except me!) ever. That’s right. I actually am all about the empty laundry baskets. It’s a thing. LOVE washing... LOVE hanging out clothes LOVE folding LOVE (Do NOT!) seeing all my neatly folded clothes put away in a big ball of mess! Work in progress for my kiddies (& hubby). Anyway, I digress. Our laundry is a small, very used, very loved space. What if I told you that you can find a bunch of chemical bad boys in your laundry. When you think about it, those bad boys are going on your skin + that ain’t pretty. Think synthetic smells, synthetic dyes, synthetic cleaning products, synthetic materials. It’s a big room of potential chemical poop storm! BUT, like always around here...little steps ok? I got ya! Think: Washing powder Fabric softener Soaker Stain removal Linen spray Dryer balls Washing machine cleaner The list goes on. Q. What’s one thing you would love to switch to natural in your laundry space? Tell me below & I’ll share my fave swaps!
01.01.2022 Calling all of you who love this idea in theory but feel overwhelmed by where to start. Let’s just go super simple. I’ve got ya. See you at 8 (with something extra to make it even easier for you) x
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