ArtKids Canberra | Art school
ArtKids Canberra
Phone: +61 405 014 180
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23.01.2022 Congratulations to one of our artKids assistants whose entry into Molongolo Conservation competiton won! You'll be able to see her and the Wellways Community group's art as part of the Jerrabomberra wetlands at Eyre St. Congratulations Debbie!
23.01.2022 Our Introduction to Realistic Drawing class kicked off in my studio this morning taught by the very talented artist, Valentyna Crane. Running a pure drawing class has been a dream of mine since I started artKids, but the after-school market didn't lend itself to this sole focus. So we brought together a Saturday morning group of very enthusiastic 9 to 14 yr old kids whose over-riding comment was, in the words of The Terminator, "I'll be back!" Can't wait for next Saturday's class. . . #artkidscanberra #valentynacrane #realisticdrawing #artclassesforchildren #Canberra #CBR #CanberraArtists #CBRarts #learning #drawing #sketching #painting #iteachkidsartclasseswhatsyoursuperpower #schoolholidayworkshops #afterschoolart
20.01.2022 Animals with attitude! Our artKids students have been busy recapping principles of design and drawing elements, to which they added the most important ingredient: their wonderful creativity. Please enjoy these beautiful artworks - can you choose just one favourite? We sure can’t! We love them all! #Canberra #cbr #cbrarts #artkidscanberra #canberraartists #artclassesforchildren #drawing #iteachkidsartclasseswhatsyoursuperpower
19.01.2022 Happy Monday! We hope everyone had a creative weekend and we wanted to share these beautiful abstract drawings with you. One of our artKids students, 7yo Jeremy, has show us in class how he is developing his own style, after a new idea he had. We had a great conversation about the importance of original works and about how conceptualisation of our surrounding world results in beautiful glyphs and sometimes original alphabets. We took this opportunity to introduce our class... to the wonderful work of Canberra-based artist G.W. Bot. Do you have a young artKid at home who enjoys making art? Our Saturday Junior class still has a couple of spots available! #canberra #cbr #cbrarts #artkidscanberra #drawing #conceptart #artclassesforchildren #iteachartclasseswhatsyoursuperpower
18.01.2022 I’d like to be under the sea in an octopus’s garden - the Beatles were not wrong and we are literally blown away by these underwater creations. During the last two weeks of the term, our artKids students learned about the Great Barrier Reef. We looked up amazing facts about the world's largest coral reef system and we used this knowledge in our art. We got our paints, oil pastels and scissors out and looking at Matisse’s cut outs, we invented our own unique underwater worl...ds. The Great Barrier Reef is home more than 1,500 species of fish incredibly, 10% of the world’s fish species live here. This video brings you a great variety of marine life into the comfort of your own home. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do. Do you have an artKid at home? Our School Holiday program kicks in on Monday with a great variety of fun activities to chose from. #canberra #cbr #artkidscanberra #cbrart #iteachkidsartclasseswhatsyoursuperpower #artclassesforchildren #drawing #collage #oilpastels
17.01.2022 Almost all of the paintings from my project An Ode to my City are in this calendar. The project was born during the first wave of COVID-19 in Australia (March... 2020). It was the way to remind myself and my followers on social media about our beautiful surroundings in #Canberra while we all were in isolation. Every painting is full of life, light, air and hope. I have long had the purpose to bring light and beauty to this world. My goal is to put focus onto positive and lovely parts of life thus uplifting and inspiring as many people as possible. With this in mind, I want to take a moment to inject some extra colour and aesthetics into your day. All the paintings from the project are under this hashtag #anodetomycity2020 See more
17.01.2022 Did you know? If you were able to land there, you wouldn’t be able to walk on Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus or Neptune because they have no solid surface! Space is a perpetual source of learning and amazement for both children and grownups. What better subject to start our School Holiday Program? Our artKids students learned how to turn geometric shapes into objects, how to use effectively colour blending with pastels, splatter painting and how to create artworks with compositions... that stand out. #canberra #cbr #artkidscanberra #cbrart #schoolholidayprogram #iteachkidsartclasseswhatsyoursuperpower #artclassesforchildren #drawing #mixedmedia #painting #pastels #colourtheory
17.01.2022 Wednesdays are for wonderful. We thought we’d pop into your feed with these eye-popping pop-ups made by our creative artKids students. (See what we did there?) #artkidscanberra #cbrarts #canberraartists #artclassesforchildren #drawing #canberra #cbr #learning #iteachkidsartclasseswhatsyoursuperpower
16.01.2022 - Thank you artKids Canberra, I am very happy with your lessons and I love the creativity you put into it. My favourite one is when we did the dragon. I have been inspired by your lessons and want to be an artist when I grow up and my artwork can be in real museums not just in my museum (aka my bedroom). From Matt. We love it when we receive beautiful messages like this from our artKids students! Thank you Matt - you are already an artist and we know that one day the Art Galleries and Museums around the world will be happy to exhibit your works. Stay creative and keep filling the walls. #canberra #cbr #cbrarts #artkidscanberra #cbrart #artclassesforchildren #painting #mixedmedia #iteachartclasseswhatsyoursuperpower
16.01.2022 Biomes in a jar. How beautifully clever are these creations of our artKids students? Check out the detailed animals and their habitats - there are so many to spot: from quolls to stags, from foxes to flamingoes, giraffes and penguins...and if you watch till the end, you might have some great surprises too. We can’t help but love the burgerland and minecraft biomes. #canberra #cbr #artkidscanberra #cbrart #iteachkidsartclasseswhatsyoursuperpower #artclassesforchildren #drawin...g #collage #oilpastels Music: Early Hours Musician: @iksonmusic
16.01.2022 Following the prompts of Newcastle Art Gallery , our artKids students took on the challenge of drawing a whimsical self portrait, using simple shapes and observing perspective. We followed along the Art Cart at Home series, learning about Michael Bell’s self portrait Starting the after party , winner of the Kilgour Prize 2020’. The end result - some seriously beautiful and original portraits. We hope you enjoy them as much as we do. ... #canberra #cbr #artkidscanberra #cbrart #iteachkidsartclasseswhatsyoursuperpower #artclassesforchildren #drawing #portrait #selfportrait #charcoal #newcastleartgallery #artcart #NAGfromhome Music: Rain Musician: @iksonmusic
15.01.2022 We had a great re-start of our artKids after school program! First week in and our students are already regaling us with beautiful portraits of their teachers. Looking forward to a term filled with colourful and creative learning. Do you have an artKid at home who would love to join our program? Contact us to check available spots at your local school or in one of our popular Saturday classes. #canberra #cbr #cbrart #artkidscanberra #artclassesforchildren #drawing #painting #mixedmedia #iteachartclasseswhatsyoursuperpower
15.01.2022 Happy Birthday to the amazing artist Bob Ross, who famously said "There's nothing wrong with having a tree as a friend." We couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate but showcase this pencil drawing by 6yo Benjamin. We love how complex his drawing is and how by using just one pencil he achieved different tonalities and quite a sophisticate shadow. Benjamin used his imagination for this drawing, which makes it even more remarkable - check out the clever mark making and the ...accuracy of the trees’ shadows! #artkidscanberra #iteachkidsartclasseswhatsyoursuperpower #canberraart #cbrart #drawing #artclassesforkids #artclassesforchildren
15.01.2022 Happy Halloween! Whether you celebrate it or not, take the opportunity to have a fun time with your loved ones. Share a chocolate, a giggle and - why not? - get creative together. We hope you enjoy these quirky Halloween-inspired artworks created by our artKids students as much as we do. Have a go at making your own and please feel free to post yours in the comments. Music: Do It Musician: @iksonmusic... #artkidscanberra #iteachkidsartclasseswhatsyoursuperpower #canberraart #cbrart #drawing #artclassesforkids #artclassesforchildren #halloween
14.01.2022 All ready for our whole school art incursion at Curtin Primary School. Today's art activity...printmaking with Yr 1! . . .... #artkidscanberra #artclassesforchildren #Canberra #CBR #CanberraArtists #CBRarts #learning #drawing #sketching #painting #teendrawingclass #introdutiontodrawingclass #adultdrawingclass #realisticdrawingclass #iteachkidsartclasseswhatsyoursuperpower #schoolholidayworkshops #afterschoolart #schoolincursions #creativethinkingforkids See more
12.01.2022 Easles! So excited to have received our delivery of easels for our Introduction to Realistic Drawing class this morning. I still remember my first day in art school standing at an easel for the first time and feeling like a 'proper' artist. This morning's focus: perspective. Next Introduction to Realistic Drawing class starts again in Term 4. Enrol online wia our website now. . .... . #artkidscanberra #realisticdrawing #artclassesforchildren #Canberra #CBR #CanberraArtists #CBRarts #learning #drawing #sketching #painting #teendrawingclass #introdutiontodrawingclass #adultdrawingclass #realisticdrawingclass #iteachkidsartclasseswhatsyoursuperpower #schoolholidayworkshops #afterschoolart See more
12.01.2022 Hello Fraser Primary School and a most hearty welcome to our newest students! We are very excited about our partnership with Fraser Primary After School Care . Our carefully tailored Drawing Class is now available to Fraser Primary students on Tuesdays between 8am-9am and on Fridays from 4pm to 5pm. Do you have an artKid at home but not enrolled in the Before/After School Care? Contact the lovely staff at Fraser Primary After School Care and secure a spot in our class. #artkidscanberra #iteachkidsartclasseswhatsyoursuperpower #canberraart #cbrart #drawing #artclassesforkids #artclassesforchildren
09.01.2022 "Yeah!" for our first group of students through our Realistic Drawing program - so impressed by their enthusiasm and dedication. And "yeah!" again to the talented Valentyna Crane, Artist for teaching them. We'll be running the foundation course of drawing skills for 10+ year olds in Term 4 again as well as our inaugural group moving onto faces. Enrol now!
07.01.2022 Oooh! Look what's happening...NEW! NEW! NEW! We are running process art classes now for 3 - 5 year olds. Covid-19 put us back by a term or two but we are now ready to 'spring' into a new term with two locations: The Link at Ginninderry, and Turner Baptist Hall. If you'd like to see one of our artTots classes in your area, message me. Please share with all your lovely friends who are parents of 3-5 yr olds. Visit
06.01.2022 Let’s talk about Intent and Process. While most artists set working with intent and with a specific outcome in mind, we are seeing more and more intuitive art making the rounds on the galleries spaces. An intuitive artist sets working without a specific goal; they let their hands do the work and follow the process, letting the artwork build its own pace and its own story. It is a very common happening with young children too; learning through direct experience and through ind...ividual exploring is something we encourage our artKids to do. Along the years, we have seen many beautiful masterpieces being made this way. We are very proud of this collage made by young Mila. Initially, the face was an accidental ghost print that looked like a face. We encouraged Mila to give it a new form and the result is truly amazing. We particularly love how Mila signed her work like a true artist, including the year of making. #canberra #cbr #artkidscanberra #iteachkidsartclasseswhatsyoursuperpower #artclassesforchildren #primtmaking #collage #collageart See more
06.01.2022 Our artTots have been busy this week, exploring and creating beautiful artworks inspired by Lucy Cousin’s book, Hooray for Fish. Our process art approach shifts the focus on children making, doing, trying and experimenting with materials to create unique art experiences and on encouraging them to find unique ways of expressing themselves. Do you have an artTot at home who would love exploring with us? ... Hop on our website and book a trial class: #canberra #cbrarts #canberraart #artkidscanberra #arttotscanberra #iteachkidsartclasseswhatsyoursuperpower #processart
03.01.2022 Hey artKid friends, our wonderful tutor Valentyna Crane has her gorgeous calendar printed and ready to go anywhere. And if you love her paintings, you'll love coming along to one of our adult Paint-Like-Valentyna classes coming soon. In the meantime, treat yourself to her calendar...I have mine in the kitchen so everyday I get to admire her work. Pssst! Would make a great Christmas present!
03.01.2022 Half-way through our wonderful School Holiday Program run out of Turner Hall. My teachers, assistants and I really enjoy colouring in right now...not the least bit stressed! #artkidscanberra #artforkids... #schoolholidayart #iteachkidsartclasseswhatsyoursuperpower See more
02.01.2022 Sharks! Inspired by Damien Hirst’s 1991 art installation which uses a real shark, our artKids used their observational drawing and assemblage skills to create our own shark in a tank. #canberra #cbr #artkidscanberra #cbrart #schoolholidayprogram #iteachkidsartclasseswhatsyoursuperpower #artclassesforchildren #drawing #mixedmedia #painting #watercolour #colllage
02.01.2022 Giraffes can’t dance... or so the book said. They sure are a lot of fun and when other occasional animal friends pop onto the paper, it’s a party and a feast for your eyes! Enjoy these beautiful creations made by our artKids students. Got an artKid at home and you think they would enjoy our art classes? Give us a try - our School Holiday Program is open for enrolments. ... #artkidscanberra #cbrarts #canberraartists #artclassesforchildren #drawing #canberra #cbr #learning #iteachkidsartclasseswhatsyoursuperpower #canberra #cbr #artkidscanberra #iteachkidsartclasseswhatsyoursuperpower #artclassesforchildren #drawing #painting Music for this video: Harmony Musician: @iksonmusic
01.01.2022 Concentration all round in our Introduction to Realistic Drawing class today with the very talented @artist.val.crane It's lovely to see this group of 10+ year olds passionate about improving their drawing skills. This is the foundation class, a pre-requisite to our 'Realistic Drawing' series of classes. Contact me for details of our next Introduction class now. . . .... #artkidscanberra #realisticdrawing #artclassesforchildren #Canberra #CBR #CanberraArtists #CBRarts #learning #drawing #sketching #painting #iteachkidsartclasseswhatsyoursuperpower #schoolholidayworkshops #afterschoolart #preschoolprocessartclasses See more
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