The Salvation Army NSW & ACT Division in Auburn, New South Wales | Church
The Salvation Army NSW & ACT Division
Locality: Auburn, New South Wales
Phone: +61 2 8644 0110
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25.01.2022 Time to Celebrate - Good News Stories Albury Corps We have been so blessed to be part of our Sunday Discipleship huddle group. Love the people, fellowship and time together.
24.01.2022 Time to Celebrate - Good News Stories! Canberra City Corps Recently welcomed four amazing people as new Adherents of Canberra City Salvos. Witnessing this fabulous milestone in the beauty of the National Arboretum ... simply glorious!
23.01.2022 Start new leadership conversations, pick up on old ones, hold online leadership discussions, in discipleship groups and more. Download your copy today... or contact Mark Townsend and Tamaryn Townsend for more info...
22.01.2022 Please pray for the people of Indonesia
22.01.2022 Less than two weeks to go! Dont forget to mark this in your diaries!
22.01.2022 Over the weekend The Salvation Army NSW/ACT Division hosted the event - "Eyes High - Taking New Ground". This great event saw Salvos across the state coming to...gether online and in small groups to be inspired, encouraged and equipped. The event consisted of worship along with encouragement from the Divisional leader Lt Colonel Miriam Gluyas. Territorial leaders Commissioners Janine and Robert Donaldson spoke as did inspiring communicator Phil Wall from the UK. An elective on leadership in a post-COVID environment is now available across the Division for further teaching and discussion. If you missed out you can still catch up here: See more
21.01.2022 Time to Celebrate - Good News Stories Cardiff Corps We have utilised the COVID lockdown to our advantage. We have used the time out from holding meetings, to build strong pastoral relationships with our folk. ... We began with building a team of volunteers who were given a delivery list and began delivering care packs and sermons, to each of our folks home every Sunday morning. We handmade cards and colouring in inspirational bible verses and writing personal notes which we mailed each week to our folks. As the weeks went on, an increase in love and appreciation for us occurred. As some restrictions eased, we began a women's Scriptural Meditation group based on the book "Praying in Color" and Lectio Devina. Each person is given a journal and we look at a bible verse and then focus in on just one word in the verse whilst we consider what it means. We prayerfully write and draw the word, and its various meanings and then enlarge this work into what God is saying to each of us about this word and how it applies to our lives. The time has been especially spiritually enriching and has helped build relationships and movement onto the pathway of discipleship. As restrictions eased, we began "Home Church groups" at the church for groups of up to 10 people, using arm chairs we collected from our op shops. We conducted a mini service with a specific focus on sharing and testimony time. Now in our Home Church group sharing time there is excellent sharing and feedback about how people suddenly know people they have gone to church with for years, and how enjoyable this time has been. We even have people bringing in bible verses and poems they have found, as well as people sharing in this intimate sized group who would never have shared before. Our momentum has been building and there has been a definite shift in the thinking of our people. As the months have gone on, we have shared the Mission Priorities in our newsletters with a highlight each week explaining what it may mean for our Corps. We have gradually shared our proposed new vision and how God is calling our corps to reach into our community, not just exist on the fringe of our suburb where nobody even knows we are there. At first all people could think about and ask was whether their self-serving social groups could still happen. Now we are at the point of people engaging and volunteering to do new things such as serving pre-packed meals to the needy at a ministry we are partnering with Westlakes Corps.
21.01.2022 When this is over, I want us to never take for granted the power of connecting with another face-to-face. - Nicola Poore
20.01.2022 When this is over, I want us to continue to be creative in ways that we engage with community and share the Gospel. - Gavin Watts
20.01.2022 Time to Celebrate - Good News Stories Tuggerah Lakes Corps (Corps Officer - Captain Bill Geracia) The corps has had children signed up all year for kids in the kitchen and we ran it nearly all of term 1 and then due to COVID we couldn't run it again until term 4. This past term has seen children from our community in the program and these were children who have been waiting since March! We have been keeping in touch with these families throughout the year and all of them in term 4. We are more than halfway through the term and we have seen amazing things. Two children have asked if they can come to church and youth group and 4 have asked for Bibles. Every week during the devotional time in the cooking demonstration these children have asked insightful questions about God. The parents have been texting me, sending me photos of the food their children are creating at home, thanking me for the time the leaders have invested in their children and are grateful that we are teaching them a new skill. It is so exciting to see the connections being made with these children and their families.
20.01.2022 When this is over, I want political and community leaders to keep laying aside partisanship as we all work together for the common good. - Lyn Edge
19.01.2022 I hope everyone can join us for Eyes High. Sunday 20th September at 10am!
19.01.2022 When this is over, I want us to never forget what we have been through and run with what God is asking of us for the future. - Lea Palmer
19.01.2022 Friends, A great challenge for us all. I invite you to pray and ask God for your part in this. A very key deal. ... Bless you! Lt Col Miriam Gluyas NSW/ACT Divisional Commander
19.01.2022 Time to Celebrate - Good News Stories Eastern Beaches Corps (Maroubra), Keven and Jo Williams A man at Eastern Beaches was recently saved. He was riding his bike past the hall, and thought - I’ll pop in and see what’s happening at the Salvos’. Jo and Kev were meeting with the other ministers who use the hall - so they invited this guy, and others who were there for lunch, to be part of the discussion. The Gospel was presented and he found salvation. He is a participant in ...the Pathways expression which was his first contact with TSA. Hallelujah! Also Jo and Kev are so grateful for the support of Support Officer (Meg Dale) who started her 1 day a week there today. Also Chaplain - Craig Harlum will do ever Tuesday morning at Eastern Beaches - Part of thr ALT plan which sees the Chaplains work across the area. Good news!!! Praise God.
18.01.2022 Time to Celebrate - Good News Stories Gunnedah Youth (Corps Officer Marika Wallis) Our Youth and Young Adults from Gunnedah Corps had a fantastic time on our YOUTH MISSION RIDE which was made possible thanks to the youth Grant we received earlier this year. ... They filled gift bags with locally made gifts such as goats milk soap, jam, lip balm, artworks, plus treats such as bags of chocolates and chips. Each participant was asked to choose their favourite Bible verse which was printed on their favourite colour of paper and glued on the bags. We ironed the mission ride logo to the shirts and proudly wore them in Salvos colours. It was alot of fun to share the love of Jesus with members of our community as we rode along the bike path, around the golf course and past the skate park. We then enjoyed a relax and a BBQ lunch provided by our Amazing CO Marika Wallis.
18.01.2022 When this is over, I want us to NOT go back to doing what we have always done but rather embrace the new thing that WILL spring up from his season of sabbath. - Bindy Lupis
18.01.2022 When this is over, we will have a sharpened intent, understanding where we meant to be and what we are meant to do, with a long-term view that is radically liberated from self. - Melanie Anne Holland
17.01.2022 Good News Stories - Time to Celebrate!! Shire Salvos (Menai and Miranda) Our Sunday Services are on hold but we have home church style ‘Connect Groups’ in homes and a couple at our hall. People involved in these are feeding back that this is a wonderful season of going deeper in their relationship with Jesus and building more intimate relationships with each other (when some would have walked in and out on a Sunday previously). We provide an online worship and message package, along with group questions.. which some groups use, but the only criteria for starting a ‘Connect Group’ was to have kingdom conversations and pray together. When people ask ‘when is church back’, we can say ‘it’s back it looks different.. and we’d love you to get involved’.
16.01.2022 The Salvation Army Project CSC (Connect Support Community) is a unique expression of God's love in north-west Sydney. It's all about the holistic support of fam...ilies of children with additional needs or medical complext backgrounds. "Our heart is to make sure people know they don't have to do their journey alone," says Liam Holland, Project CSC Co-Leader. "People will know who Jesus is by the way that we love people." #livelovefight Alli Holland Project CSC
16.01.2022 RAP Artwork Animation Artwork for The Salvation Army Australia Reconciliation Action Plan (2020-2022): "Our Strength. Our Truth. Our Journey." The artists are Sue Hodges, Tanita Paige, Emma Park and Terrence Whyte. Our first national RAP artwork represents The Salvation Army's journey of reconciliation - past, present, and our vision for the future.
14.01.2022 "Christ Our Hope in Life and Death" as sung by Matt Papa
12.01.2022 Do you have a passion to welcome, care for and share the love of Jesus with a new arrival to Australia? Friendship from someone that cares and is willing to be a friend can go a long way in helping new migrants gain a sense of belonging and connection in Australia. You can be a friend to a new migrant by simply: Connecting over the phone/web chat Get to know their story and build a friendship... Sending a care package Inviting them for a meal Invite them to your life group & other church activities (in person or online) Culturally appropriate support will be provided to assist you in the friendship. For information on how you can be connected with an individual or family near you, in NSW/ACT contact Alphonse Mulumba on 0419 293 268 or [email protected] #dearneighbour #welcome #salvosthatwelcome
09.01.2022 Less than two weeks to go! Don't forget to mark this in your diaries!
09.01.2022 Time to Celebrate - Good News Stories Streetlevel In this season it can be difficult to see the impact of what were doing day to day. ... We recently did a quick calculation today and since weve started doing take away lunches from the laneway weve prepared and served approximately 9000+ meals. Let that sink in for a bit. 9000+ meals have been prepared and packed by this team. Weve served these meals on sunny days when its warm and everything is relatively easy. Weve also served these meals on stormy days when the rain is coming in sideways and weve had to hold our shelter down so it wouldnt blow away. Every day no matter the weather, if weve got team members away or whatever else is going on - we keep turning up. Each person that comes for a meal interacts with one of our team. For many (especially during the lock down) this was the only human interaction they had. Ive personally heard time and time again how this regular check in got someone through a tough time with isolation or helped them get out of the house when they were battling depression. For some who come, weve known them for a while and weve seen these relationships grow. For some, theyve found their way to us in this hard season and found a place of help, assurance, acceptance and love.
07.01.2022 Time to Celebrate - Good News Stories Canberra City Corps Recently welcomed four amazing people as new Adherents of Canberra City Salvos. Witnessing this fabulous milestone in the beauty of the National Arboretum ... simply glorious!
07.01.2022 Get ready!! Eyes High is THIS SUNDAY!!! Tune in at 10am!
06.01.2022 We recently celebrated Jim Burton from Bonnells Bay Corps. Jim received an Order of Champions award for: Over 35 years of ministry particularly to men and women and their families living with and recovering from addiction. Well done Jim!!!
06.01.2022 Friends, I love that we all get to be life-long learners. Here’s some thoughts about some of the things that we may have learned, unlearned and relearned during this time.... Good days if we can grab hold of what the Spirit is saying. Bless you Miriam NSW/ACT Divisional Commander
05.01.2022 Calling all people, all over the world, to pray for Lucas Cairns right now. Praying for miracles of healing, and we continue to surround the family with love and prayer.
04.01.2022 When our eyes are high and focussed on the Father Things that once seemed so important, Things that seemed to define us for moments, or days or months or even years, Things that bind us up and keep us trapped are loosed... When our eyes are high and focussed on the Father Our conversations wont be limited to, Our finances whether they be plenty or want or, Our compliance too much of it or not enough or, Our comforts, or our rights, or our pleasures, Our conversations wont be limited to, Our issues the things we disagree with each other on or, Our relationships fractured and dysfunctional as they so often are. For, on those days, when our eyes are high and focussed on the Father Oh then my friends the Father will lead us to daily keep making room in our lives for Him For spending time in His presence for seeking Him through His Word and in prayer It will lead us to daily make room in our lives For conversations that stretch us beyond an opinion or an attitude, For new thinking that transforms what threatens to define us, For creativity and passion to serve God for the sake of others, For a posture of mercy and grace towards one another, For a heart that beats with the needs of the lonely, the hurting, the lost, the young, the poor, the angry For the one whose ready to give up, the one who thinks they will never get beyond what theyre feeling right at this moment Yet Lord even before we lift our eyes high to you you have already seen us . Your people, Your Army and so we not only raise our eyes high but we raise our voices to praise Your name forever more . - Beth Twivey
04.01.2022 Time to Celebrate - Good News Stories Young/Cootamundra Corps Jane Baines recently received her ten year service recognition. We are truly blessed to have Jane in our team here in Young/Cootamundra (even helping other corps in our ALT when needed). She is amazing at what she does and she is such a wonderful person, we would be lost without her.
03.01.2022 An invite for Salvos to attend this online event ...
03.01.2022 Time to Celebrate - Good News Stories WEDNESDAY HOPE GROUP/COMMUNITY TABLE NORTHSIDE CHATSWOOD, Glenda and Randall Brown Our Community Connect Coordinator identified isolation and loneliness as one of the key areas of need amongst the people coming to us for support and financial help.... She began inviting people to a morning tea drop in on a Wednesday morning. Out of this several people asked if they could meet to discuss Spiritual things. This evolved into a lunch time Hope Group (Community Table). This group meets weekly at the church. All provide something for lunch. They share their lives, read Bible passages and discuss or they’ve read books together. They regularly have up to 15 people and they support and care for each other in life. When one is sick, the others put in money to buy flowers and support and ensure they are visited and cared for. They meet up for dinners and lunches for birthdays and pray for each other. It’s become it’s own church really. People are finding Jesus, being discipled and going back out sharing their faith and making disciples. They have also volunteered as a group to provide lunch and morning teas to volunteers at Christmas Cheer and they all volunteer in other capacities throughout the year. Church at it’s best.
03.01.2022 If you speak to any corps officer, most would tell you that they didn’t go to training college to spend their officership balancing budgets or looking after admin. But good stewardship means that it is an essential part of the job. One corps, however, has had a ‘secret weapon’ in this area Lin Clee.... #livelovefight
01.01.2022 Time to Celebrate - Good News Stories Hawkesbury Corps Tuesdays in the Hope Food Market are always such a positive day for community members and volunteers alike. Providing free fruit, vegetables and bread, as well as very low cost grocery hampers is a service our community members continue to express their gratitude for. We are regularly seeing new faces each week as more people are impacted financially by COVID-19 and as others find out about our service for the first time.... Each week we gather to pray together before we open and we give thanks for the privilege it is to serve our community in the name of Jesus. One of the issues we have seen an increase in is women fleeing domestic violence with children in their care, and needing financial and material assistance. This Tuesday we had another woman contact us only just having moved out of the family home and having very little furniture, no food and no idea what she should do to make herself and her children safe. One of our team was able to speak with her in regards to her next steps having some experience to draw from, our Food Market volunteers were able to put together a generous pantry filling hamper of groceries and household products, and through our Family Store we are able to supply some of the furniture her family needs. This woman was absolutely blown away and cried with relief to have food for her kids and being shown compassion and generosity with no expectation of repayment. Not only did God bring this lady to us, not only did we have another day serving community members with kindness and compassion, but through our contact with Family and Community Services, we were able to supply two more hampers of food to families in crisis with large families to feed. Because of our partnerships with Secondbite and Hawkesbury Community Kitchen we were able to generously give to these community service workers as they support these families. And to top off an already heartwarming day, one of our new volunteers helped us connect with the program coordinators of One80tc providing residential rehabilitation services to men and women in the Hawkesbury area. They were very happy to come and take what they could use from our leftover fruit and vegetables and bread as well the items in our Food Market to feed their participants. A new connection and partnership has begun with another community program which has seeing lives transformed with the love of Jesus at its heart. It's so exciting to see what God is doing with our humble Hope Food Market!
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