Astrology with Mark Ashmore in Bondi Junction | Local service
Astrology with Mark Ashmore
Locality: Bondi Junction
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21.01.2022 An earlier post than usual due to some of my own life happenings: As a warmup to the full moon Monday night (technically Tuesday 1:58am AEST) I thought I would cast a glance onto the Sun. Afterall it is the Sun providing the light reflecting onto the surface of our much beloved luna companion. The Sun is with Mercury and in sidereal Cancer bringing in some motherly love and a feeling of homelyness (haven't we had enough home already?!?). Mercury in same sign as the moon is ma...king us think about all the ways we are or are not being nurtured or at home with ourselves right now. Now Mercury is thinking more positively in Punarvasu - thoughts of expansion and things coming good again - yet the Sun is in Ashlesha bringing in more of a harsh and perhaps even poisonous sense of self. Be on the lookout for how you speak to yourself and others right now. So this sunlight is then filtered through the Moon who is sitting in the same sign (Capricorn) as Saturn. Saturn is promising hardwork pays off and gives long lasting victory in Uttarashada while the moon perhaps a little daunted by all the 'success' pressure is feeling somewhat quieter and inward in Sravana. Sravana is the listener or the ear so we need to silence our speech (both inner and outer) to hear clearly. Now this clarity may show you this light coming from the sun isn't perhaps as victorious or hopeful as either Mercury or Saturn are promising. When we get below the surface and slither into darker parts of our minds and bodies we can find all those places that cling and hide beneath our positivity or our hopes for it to 'all work out for the best'. The highest power of Ashlesha or the Nagas (the ancient serpents that rule this nakshatra) is to hypnotise us into these deeper states to find the poison to bring it up and out. Even poison itself can be an antedote to heal if used correctly. But yes like the snake, it's a dangerous game and not to be taken lightly. Though those who can possess or channel this energy are in possession of the greatest of treasures. Stay light (or dark in this case), Mark :) #fullmoon #vedicastrology #jyotish #snake #naga #sun #astrology #mercury #saturn #ashlesha #sravana
20.01.2022 Sunday the 9 nights of the divine feminine begins. In honour of this we will be dedicating Septembers kirtan to the Goddesses. This Sunday 6:15pm @yogatimebondi. Let's get our Shakti on!
19.01.2022 Part 2 of 2 The sun in Pushya is sending nourishment to ourselves and really we have to choose ourselves at the moment to win what we truly desire. Now the western definition of self is vastly inferior to the definition in the east. The Self in eastern culture not only incorporates the will but the spirit - the spirit is behind the ego which binds and energises us all. Sooooo no pressure! Regardless warming the inside first before you help others with their mask is a necessit...y (ok it's been a while since I've been on a long-haul flight to remember that quote). Now it is Pluto that wins this battle this full moon and is closest to the moon itself. Pluto rules the karmic laws of time and undercurrents of everything - again - no pressure! But coming back to the Rolling Stones in our times of relentless over stimulation and online connection we are often disconnected from what is truly at play. What you desire can often be a want convoluted in disconnection, projection and superficialities. A need is something fundamentally required that you may not even be aware is needed. Pluto is your planet here to rumble up from somewhere deep in you to supply this truth over the next few hours. Once this becomes apparent you may be surprised and hopefully relieved of all the rest plaguing the mind. And then the full moon can grant this long-lasting success as promised. Stay light, Mark :) #astrology #astrologersofinstagram #vedicastrology #jyotish #fullmoon #pluto #zodiac #horoscope #saturn
19.01.2022 Welcome to the final full moon (if you can see it - it's rainy here in Sydney) of this year - technically tomorrow at 2:28pm AEDT. 2020 was unequivocally a journey. All very different paths for each individual yet we have been on the same earth that carves the paths in the first place. It feels fitting to close out this full moon with a week of rain and thunderstorms. Considering the moon is in Ardra which often represents turbulent weather and the symbol of a teardrop...let ...this be the release you need to let go of all you have been holding on to, holding together and allow the emotions to arise, express and release. We have been through so much. Acknowledge this. The Moon and Venus are both on the outside of the karmic nodes with all the other planets now inside so the feminine principles of receptivity, love, nurturing and allowance are all important as we enter the new year with a Kal Sarpa (which means all planets are held in between the karmic axis of Rahu and Ketu). But let us leave that for another day and another blog. For now we let the storm come. Thunder, rain and lightning provide that transformative kinetic energy that shifts and moves. Electric, loud and ultimately rejuvenating - the peace comes after the release as we draw inward yet alert to this full experience that was this year. Thank you for reading - I'm super grateful for all the love and support - and see you in 2021. Stay light, Mark :) #astrology #vedicastrology #ardra #fullmoon #rahu #ketu #horoscope #astrologyforecast
19.01.2022 As we enter this new moon phase together on Sunday afternoon with all the planets FINALLY out of retrograde we may feel like we are at a crossroad. We have had such backward motion for so long that we now do not know how to go forward. In fact through this we have come to learn the lessons of acceptance and the surrender of control yet in this we may have swung too far into passivity or denial. The Vishakha new moon shows us there are paths ahead of us and choices/actions are... now at last to be made/taken. A symbol for this moon is an archway and as we walk through this symbolic archway, like any commitment in our life, it is our responsibility and courage to guide us through this transition. And a transition is here my friends!Jupiter and Pluto are together in the sky as I write and these two together bring transformation, rumbling up what is buried deep in our subconscious to be expressed and it is now expanded to be fully seen and acknowledged by you. Ultimately this meeting of planets promises a final victory or completion of lessons and those stark truths you've witnessed over the past year or so. Let these rumblings be a guide to what you truly need rather than listening to your head. My Sagittarian friends this is the final week of you ruler Jupiter being in its own sign so be prepared for a few miracles along the way. This has been a long time coming for anyone with planets in this sign (as always remember this is not western astrology - but sidereal placements).The shakti of this moon herds in the fruits of your harvest - in fact there is many paths for your achievement ahead.Those with Libra in your chart this is a new beginning or that 'choice' I said earlier in the realm of all things libra - love. In fact for us all how are your hearts? Let love guide you this new moon. Stay light, Mark :) #libra #love #sidereal #vedicastrology #jyotish #astrology #horoscope #sagittarius #newmoon #retrograde #zodiac
18.01.2022 Part 2 of 2 This new moon in Pushya around 3am AEST tomorrow morning is said to be the most auspicious lunar mansion (section of the sky). Being a new moon the light is dim - there is a requirement of time out and being alone to feel this spiritual abundance or nourishment. It's a wonderful time to be in nature (particularly the ocean/river/lake) or a sanctuary of some kind and receive from the best energy there is: Mother earth (bhumi). It is said the planet Saturn influence...s this moon and as Shani (saturn) is directly opposite both the sun and moon it has a big part to play. As I wrote in the previous post Saturn is retrograde leading to all this tired energy. Now Saturn is not just a Grinch (though that is a comfortable energy for the planet) - the challenge, suppression and delay is there for a reason. Patience is most certainly a virtue in this chapter of our collective consciousness (or sadly UNconsciousness for some) as it allows time to unfold naturally rather than with force. We have all been in recovery mode or under the guise of controlling our little world's to overcompensate or escape this uncertainty or lack of control we truly have that without this slowing down we may miss the point. A pushya new moon of course like any moon doesn't hold all the answers or solve all our problems but this is surely a gem for this truly foreign moment we are navigating together. The Shakti is creating spiritual power to nourish the heart, mind and soul but you have to let it in and make time for it. Time is afterall a construct that Saturn rules over and the planet values your hard work and most of all your faithful patience. Stay light, Mark :) If you would like to book an astrology reading with me please click the link in bio. #saturn #pushya #newmoon #sun #moon #vedicastrology #astrology #jyotish #shakti
17.01.2022 Part 1 of 2 So tired of broken hearts and losing at this game Before I start this dance I take a chance in telling you... I want more than just romance @madonna We are yet again at an intriguing precipiceon the new moon at 9pmAEST tomorrow night. I know my previous full moon post was a little more scrunchie and a little less punchy promisinga spring injection but we are yet to see the payout of the change of slow and gaseous Jupiter and then Saturn at the end of the month. As the karmic nodes dangle at the edge of changing signs I'm drawn particularlyto Ketu (the south lunar node). Ketu is our past. Whether you look at the past in this life or ancestral past or past lives...something has to be surfaced that has been avoided or repressed or at least forgotten. In vedic tradition Ketu is a body without a head. Detached, mysterious, unconventional and its only objective: liberation. Now adding to this Ketu dangles between fire and water creating even more tension boiling this past up from the deepest of depths with nowhere to run. No way to avoid. What aren't you facing? What is holding you back? What is your deepest wound that keeps yourheart in a holding pattern in this life? Now you have nowhere to look but at it. #vedicastrology #astrology #jyotish #sun #moon #ketu #jupiter #saturn #horoscope #love #yoga #spirituality #newmoon
16.01.2022 Part 1 of 2 So you've fallen down. Things didn't turn out the way you wanted them to. Currently you're thinking 'is it even worth trying again?'. My answer: Yes. "If it at first you don't succeed then dust yourself off and try again." Aaliyah/some wise prophet... The new moon beginning to crescent late Saturday morning AEST is in the star of renewal Punarvasu. Punarvasu has a lot to say about giving something a second (third or fourth etc) try after failure and it working out. Some things in life are not instantaneous and often it is a game of timing, luck, fate, karma, skillset and heck even attitude. Is there something in your life that you poured your heart into previously that needs a revisit at this time? Now let's put current affairs of the world on the bookshelf just for today and dream again without constriction. Mars and Venus are together in Ashlesha this new moon adding some passion and spice yet they are directly opposite in the sky to Saturn. So there is a feeling of frustration, suffering, resentment underneath all of these amorous vibes (especially as Mars is not strong at present). Ashlesha is often where we have some poison or toxicity in the heart -known as the clinging star - is there something or someone in your past you're still hung up on that isn't beneficial for present/future projection? This is definitely something for you to look at or suffer through if avoided at this time. Be careful with reactive/hurtful words of your own over the next few days especially with those you love. #jyotish #newmoon #astrology #horoscope #zodiac #mars #venus #cancer #gemini #astrologyforecast #heart #aaliyah #punarvasu #ashlesha #shatibhisha
16.01.2022 Welcome to the final full moon (if you can see it - it's rainy here in Sydney) of this year - technically tomorrow at 2:28pm AEDT. 2020 was unequivocally a journey. All very different paths for each individual yet we have been on the same earth that carves the paths in the first place. It feels fitting to close out this full moon with a week of rain and thunderstorms. Considering the moon is in Ardra which often represents turbulent weather and the symbol of a teardrop...let ...this be the release you need to let go of all you have been holding on to, holding together and allow the emotions to arise, express and release. We have been through so much. Acknowledge this. The Moon and Venus are both on the outside of the karmic nodes with all the other planets now inside so the feminine principles of receptivity, love, nurturing and allowance are all important as we enter the new year with a Kal Sarpa (which means all planets are held in between the karmic axis of Rahu and Ketu). But let us leave that for another day and another blog. For now we let the storm come. Thunder, rain and lightning provide that transformative kinetic energy that shifts and moves. Electric, loud and ultimately rejuvenating - the peace comes after the release as we draw inward yet alert to this full experience that was this year. Thank you for reading - I'm super grateful for all the love and support - and see you in 2021. Stay light, Mark :) #astrology #vedicastrology #ardra #fullmoon #rahu #ketu #horoscope #astrologyforecast
15.01.2022 Part 1 of 2 No, you can't always get what you want You can't always get what you want You can't always get what you want... But if you try sometime you just might find You get what you need - Rolling Stones There is a need within you at this time that surpasses the desire to change out of discomfort. There is a need that is waiting to be announced victorious if you let it. It may take a little bit of patience. It may take a little bit of struggle. Yet it is yours for the taking. Yes. I am the Riddler. The full moon that bondsin Uttarashada(tomorrow midday AEST) is a strong one. And depending where it rises in your chart is putting you to work to bring something to completion or success. Now there are a myriad of options here - but you know of what I speak, don't you! You don't - keep reading ;) Saturn and Pluto are back in the mix this full moon - they have had such an impact since the days before 'the plague' that it's hard to remember a time without their immediate presence. Saturn and Pluto hovering around the moon like the song above are singing you to truth, reality and deep karma. Looking at the chart exactly for the full moon tells me there is something to let go of, a courageous step to be taken, to grant you this victory promised by the lunar rays. #astrology #astrologersofinstagram #vedicastrology #jyotish #fullmoon #pluto #zodiac #horoscope #saturn
15.01.2022 Part 2 of 2 The full moon in Uttara Bhadrapada has a strong connection with Saturn. After much buildup of tension (ie 2020) this moon can bring the release and cleansing we need to feel the rain pour from above onto our weary spirits. This rain provides relief and also rejuvenation after a lot of pressure from the year behind us. To think there is still 3 months ahead of us on what could be the longest year in recent memory just shows you the power of Saturn. Saturn rules tim...e. Time has changed for us all as we have adapted to new structures, routines, habits. Whether we have embraced or denied has caused either a successful adaptation or more suffering. Saturn has hovered around Pluto and Jupiter this year. Those with Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces (signs ruled by these 3 planets) in their chart have been deeply moved this year and more so been called upon to show the way forward. These signs are also the more mature or evolved (in no way better or cooler than the other constellations) along the mala of the zodiac so it's not surprising that their skills and wisdom are in need with where we on earth are building towards. Scorpio begins investigating the deeper truths and secrets, Sagittarius to learning and teaching a higher purpose, Capricorn to achieving and directing that purpose, Aquarius to sharing that with and bettering the community and Pisces to transcend and surrendering the self. So you can see the enormity of this year by this planetary relationship between these three celestial planets. But for tonight let's all take off the rocks on our shoulders, have a seat, take a breath and in the words of tsunami @ladygaga - Rain. On. Me (couldn't help a pop reference). Stay light, Mark :) #vedicastrology #jyotish #astrology #horoscope #zodiac #fullmoon #saturn #jupiter #pluto #scorpio #sagittarius #capricorn #aquarius #pisces
13.01.2022 Kirtan this Saturday night @thelivingroomyogaschool 7pm. It's going to be a fun one with @georgiebrownlee on the drum and ukulele. Let's chant in summer together!
13.01.2022 Come they told me Pa rum pum pum pum A new born king to see Pa rum pum pum pum... Our finest gifts we bring Pa rum pum pum pum To lay before the king Pa rum pum pum pum, Rum pum pum pum, Rum pum pum pum The full moon peaks at 8am tomorrow morning so tonight is our chance to soak in the luminescent rays of this Revati full moon in sidereal Pisces. Being the end of the zodiac belt and the final nakshatra this presents the end of a journey and beginning of a new one. We are ready to say goodbye, continue forth and begin a new adventure. Revati relates to nourishment similar to Pushya. Yet there is protection offered as we transcend this part of our life. This moon is a caretaker of our soul as it moves from one stage to the next and being in pisces this uplifts us spiritually to something grander and more expansive than before. The symbol is the drum which is used by shamans to create a hypnotic rhythm to alter the state of our minds allowing deeper dimensions. It's time to connect, meditate and devote. All things Pisceans love. Those with Pisces strong in their chart will be ultra sensitive as the boundaries blur from this reality into the spiritual dimensions and will become a beacon to others to shine the light onto the adventures before them. I wish you well as you tread a new path tonight and hope the light of the Revati moon shimmers for one and all! Stay light, Mark :) #vedicastrology #jyotish #astrology #fullmoon #revati #pisces
12.01.2022 Her violet sky, will need to cry And if it doesn't rain then everything will die She needs to heal, she needs to feel Something more than tender... Come September Everything wrong gonna be alright Come September @natalie_imbruglia Spring calls at last here in the southern hemisphere and in the astrological sky we awaken into a lot of forward moving change and strength. I don't know about you but it has felt like we have been held back for so long this year, like an elastic band stretched so far that it has weathered and frayed, becoming ultimately weakened and almost unresistant. Yet there is some hope left in that old elastic (scrunchies are back in, no?) and this month is the month to start seeingsome movement and power invigorated back into it - I'm talking about you - leave the elastic metaphor be :) In the past few months I have been yammering on about Jupiter and Saturn in retrograde. These two massive planets play out transpersonallyin our lives. Meaning in a more connective and collective way than just one individual. Mid May began to see these two planets move backward causing us to also go inward, retreat and halter even further than we had since earlier in the year. Jupiter being our higher wisdom begins to move forward from the 13th of this month allowing us to feel (and more importantly see) expansion, hope on the horizon and adventure once again. Saturn on the 29th turning direct allows us to begin our work again and feel like we are climbing vs stagnating. Now retrogrades can be a gift - take what you have learned, what you had to change due to having to adapt and use those skills to better the forward movement. In the sidereal (observable) sky many of the planets are in signs they feel at home in so there is much support above to see you through as long as you help it along and put it into action. The full moon tonight and tomorrow in Shatabhishabrings us to a healing crisis. Mirroring action needs to be taken as the planets start to strengthen and move forward - it is up to us to make all of our world(s) a better place. Stay light, Mark :) #astrology #vedicastrology #jyotish #fullmoon #jupiter #saturn #horoscope #shatabhisha #spring
12.01.2022 Let me introduce you to a sanskrit word - Gandanta. Gandanta means 'knot'. This knot in the thread that is the constellations tightens whenever we meet between the water and fire signs. It is in between these two opposing elements where we find an intensity. I think of it like when water and fire meet we come to boiling point. It is within this boiling point a complete balance and focus is needed otherwise an element overpowers and kills the other. Fire is either extinguished... by water or water is evaporated by fire. The knot in this case tightens and creates immense difficulties but when harmonised we can continue along the thread simmering our way to safety. Mercury, Mars and the Sun are all at this knot in our skies. This affects those with sidereal Gemini, Virgo, Aries, Scorpio and Leo quite intensely at this moment in time. Think of the knots or struggles in your life right now and realise the more you resist and push away the tighter the entanglement. What is needed is for you to focus and take one balanced step after another with as little attachment to the past or future as possible. This suffering places you at a junction of wonderful spiritual potential if you can only walk that tightrope with a drishti or focused gaze. All of us will be feeling this though on our intellectual mind, our energy levels and our self esteem. There may be quite a lot of intense noise or friction right now in these areas of our lives. The new moon is draining this energy down into the lunar darkness in Magha on Tuesday night heading into Wednesday around midday AEST. Magha is the mighty lion in sidereal Leo with the power to leave the body and commune with the ancestors. It is in this new moon the manipura or solar plexus (around the stomach/abdominals) can be meditated on to find strength and an inner nobility. Due to the communication with our own ancestors there is something from the past to heal or recover to take you forward out of these knots we are journeying through. Stay light, Mark :) #astrology #newmoon #jyotish #vedicastrology #gandanta #magha #gemini #virgo #aries #scorpio # leo #mercury #mars #sun #horoscope #manipura #solarplexus
11.01.2022 Om Shanti! A prayer for peace at Bhakti Emerging this past weekend in Byron Bay. We shall be chanting this baby at my winter solstice kirtan next Wednesday 23rd @yogatimebondi 6:30pm. Adding a little more intention and meditation for this event to make it a potent winter offering. See you there
08.01.2022 I am incredibly excited to announce my next musical adventure @heartlightmusic (heartlight) - it's been a long dream in the making - after holding hundreds of kirtans I get to lay down some of my favourite bhajans I wrote along the journey. If you're into kirtan, mantra and music that uplifts the soul please follow my new page @heartlightmusic for updates - we are recording NOW and will keep you in the loop of release dates
07.01.2022 Phew!!! Is anyone else feeling this at the moment? There seems to be friction in the air - a stark contrast between liberation and suffocation. A limbo between not wanting to return yet also a fear of stepping out into the unknown. Cue Elsa. Now before I break out into a belting ballad about yearning for something more (thanks Disney for that childhood dissatisfaction) I want to look at the stars coming up for this new moon solar eclipse this weekend. YES another bloody ecli...pse. 5pm AEST Sunday will be around the maximum intensity of this solar eclipse (which will not be visible here in Australia). Now even though the shadow is not visible does not mean the karmic energy isn't brewing. All the action is in Gemini in Mrigashira for this upcoming conjunction of the celestial lights (sun and moon) and Mercury also has a say as the planet is close-ish-by. All this mercurial energy may heighten our intellects into overdrive. Overthinking, worrying, anxiety - yet it may also bring those Aha moments of genius constructing brilliant ideas to adapt/problem solve. In fact Mrigashira moon marks the beginning of a search with the shakti of fulfilling that search. So as I so often do: What are you searching for? Get creative. Write a list, journal, use the power of your words and voice to workshop ideas to realise what you are truly searching for at this time. We have all gone through a massive ordeal this year. 2020 has brought out the big guns (or let's call them the 'big hearts' in need of a better saying) and we all need to now search for how we fit into this new and bigger paradigm. Listen to your big heart that has expanded during this time and feel into how you can now operate from there rather than the old habitual way. This moon promises fulfillment so be clear in what you are searching for. Stay light, Mark :) #vedicastrology #jyotish #solareclipse #newmoon #gemini #mrigashira
07.01.2022 Part 2 of 2 The Moon and the Sun in Uttara Phalguni shines a little more light on what's happening. With the shakti to bring prosperity through union there needs to be an inner marriage. Like a scale with two opposingsides the two ends need to slide harmoniously paced toward one another creating a balanced merging. It is only through this inner wedding that outer ones can start to present themselves. As so simply yet beautifully said above by the material girl herself there... is a longing for more commitment or a fusion of soul(s). This may well be felt romantically but it can also be dharma (purpose) related or most beautifully spiritual (moksha). Where do you feel a separation in this present moment? Like Ketu without a head there is a longing to be one again. Two opposites forever dancing, circling, longing for one another. Wherever this is for you in this life it takes internal love and commitment to bring halves back to whole. Like the sun and moon coming together every month on the new moon this unity begins a journey us humans have forever been in the dance of - the journey back to oneness. Stay light, Mark :) #vedicastrology #astrology #jyotish #sun #moon #ketu #jupiter #saturn #horoscope #love #yoga #spirituality #newmoon
06.01.2022 What's this all about? Astrology is a science that dates back to our early ancestors. They believed and observed that there was a correlation between the energy of the stars above to the energy on our Earth below. Therefore exploring where the planets and luminaries were at the time of birth is like a celestial blueprint into what makes you, you. Drawing upon over 16 years of study and observation a reading can delve into:... * Your psychological portrait * A forecast on present and future trends * Compatibility and themes in your relationships * The harmony or discord of a location of travel or abode * Karmic patterns and spiritual direction Bookings are essential in advance and I would love your birth details (at least a day) prior to prepare an extra potent reading. Readings can be given in Tropical or Sidereal upon request. Skype is available for out-of-towners :)
05.01.2022 In the Vedic tradition Ganesha is the elephant headed god who one chants to to begin new projects. More so he clears the path ahead for abundance and success. So with this in mind (and spirit) this is the album art for my first single 'Ganesha' to be released on my birthday Feb 10th on all streaming apps. You can also preorder now on iTunes and Amazon. Om Gam Ganapatye Namaha #ganesha #heartlightmusic #devotionalmusic #mantramusic #kirtan
05.01.2022 Part 1 of 2 As I write this morning Saturn is closer to our earth. This phenomena called stationary makes the planet of time, reality and suffering appear still in our skies. This stillness intensifies the planet to us and therefore affects our lives often showing in both internal and external ways. The promising (put on your silver lining hats please) part to this cease of motion causing this depression and reality checking is that it is creating an incubation or safe space once again look at what isn't working in our lives. With all the lockdowns, rules, quarantines and repressions to the everyday life we mere mortals have faced this year it's surprising that there is anything left to look at - but hello there it is! Now the promise I hinted at is that Saturn is in its own sign Capricorn stationed in Uttarashada. Uttarashada has the shakti to long lasting victory. Today is a day to slowly and methodically move that mountain as Saturn starts steadily moving forward at 2:45pm AEST after a long reversal in the heavens above. This movement (like a tortoise slow and measured at first) will start to lift those chins to a spot on the horizon, herald in purpose (remember that?!) and shine the way to more aspirational living. #vedicastrology #jyotish #astrology #horoscope #zodiac #fullmoon #saturn #jupiter #pluto #scorpio #sagittarius #capricorn #aquarius #pisces
05.01.2022 Part 2 of 3 --- From all this the planets have kept moving around Pluto and Saturn creating the shit show we now find ourselves in. Why is this happening? Well this is perhaps for us all to tune into and see what comes up from our own reserves of intution. My two cents are leaning into the three main planets who are causing it to begin with. Ketu rules our past and karma brought through in this life from our past actions. It does this to keep the balance and also evolve us hi...gher up the spiritual path. It ultimately wants detachment and connection with the divine. Saturn cares about the everyday person and doesn't like hierarchy, authority or those in power above others. It also like to depress or create suffering when there is deceit or delusion. Pluto in its highest octave wants us to transform into more powerful and potent beings bringing in an almost psychic connection to the universe and each other. When in its lower vibration it tends to play god, manipulate and being addicted to the dark parts of humanity. #vedicastrology #astrology #pluto #eclipse #newmoon
04.01.2022 Part 1 of 2 This will be the day That you will hear me say That I will never run away... I am here for you Love is meant for two Now tell me what you're gonna do If I gave you diamonds and pearls Would you be a happy boy or a girl If I could I would give you the world But all I can do is just offer you my love @prince And so we come to another new moon. Another new beginning. Another new cycle of lunar time. Technically new at 6:31am AEDT on Saturday morning the next two nights will be most crucial in resetting, shedding and letting go of the remanence of the Pisces full moon prior. And wow, have we all had to let go this year. In the vedic sky we've had the rare pleasure of two Virgo full moons in a month which is more so compounded by its planetary ruler Mercury recently retrograding until the 3rd of Nov. Virgo is about healing, being of service and analysing. When in balance this sign can purify energy that is out of alignment and discern what is best needed. When out of balance it can cause anxiety, over critical thinking and doubt. The moon falling in Chitra is calling on us to use this Virgo energy to refine all the parts of life that need healing. Like an architect drafting plans for a new building we all need to have meticulous attention to detail and forethought of what we truly want to fashion ourselves into. Without this thoughtfulness (another beautiful Virgoan trait) we can't realise our beauty - inner to outer. Chitra uses the energy of Mars, which is also retrograde in our skies until mid November, asking us to formulate a plan of action. With both rulers Mercury and Mars going backward and being important to this new moon we are at a turning point but it will take work and planning. A great time to make lists, journal, workshop ideas, let go of old plans that aren't working or not what you want anymore etc. But even more so above the ideation phase it's a time to get busy and work toward something. #virgo #chitra #horoscope #retrograde #mercuryretrograde #jyotish #vedicastrology #astrology #zodiac #mercury #mars #newmoon #moon #pearl#astrologersofinstagram #astrologyposts #horoscopes #astrologyreadings #spiritual #sprituality
03.01.2022 As we enter this new moon phase together on Sunday afternoon with all the planets FINALLY out of retrograde we may feel like we are at a crossroad. We have had such backward motion for so long that we now do not know how to go forward. In fact through this we have come to learn the lessons of acceptance and the surrender of control yet in this we may have swung too far into passivity or denial. The Vishakha new moon shows us there are paths ahead of us and choices/actions are... now at last to be made/taken. A symbol for this moon is an archway and as we walk through this symbolic archway, like any commitment in our life, it is our responsibility and courage to guide us through this transition. And a transition is here my friends!Jupiter and Pluto are together in the sky as I write and these two together bring transformation, rumbling up what is buried deep in our subconscious to be expressed and it is now expanded to be fully seen and acknowledged by you. Ultimately this meeting of planets promises a final victory or completion of lessons and those stark truths you've witnessed over the past year or so. Let these rumblings be a guide to what you truly need rather than listening to your head. My Sagittarian friends this is the final week of you ruler Jupiter being in its own sign so be prepared for a few miracles along the way. This has been a long time coming for anyone with planets in this sign (as always remember this is not western astrology - but sidereal placements).The shakti of this moon herds in the fruits of your harvest - in fact there is many paths for your achievement ahead.Those with Libra in your chart this is a new beginning or that 'choice' I said earlier in the realm of all things libra - love. In fact for us all how are your hearts? Let love guide you this new moon. Stay light, Mark :) #libra #love #sidereal #vedicastrology #jyotish #astrology #horoscope #sagittarius #newmoon #retrograde #zodiac
02.01.2022 Part 1 of 2 Two big players are still deep in retrograde in the celestial heavens at the moment - Jupiter and Saturn. These two are fundamentally what I look at in a reading to ascertain what's challenging and expanding in someone's life right now. With the moon (mind) losing its light to the new moon phase on Monday night AEST we are all kinds of tangled, knotted and most of all TIRED! I can't tell you the amount of people I have spoken to who have expressed feelings of exha...ustion. Jupiter represents our higher knowledge, what advice we follow and our purpose (dharma) which seems to be up for review at the moment...if not blocked from our sight. Saturn governing time, lessons and structure is also having its say and deepening the inner lessons into states of lethargy or even apathy/depression. Joint with these two planets Neptune and Pluto on the outer rims of our solar system also reversing in the sky...Neptune rules the heights of spirit, Pluto the depths of rebirth...there is much inner movement far away from us. If that makes any sense?!! Let me walk you further. These 4 planets I have mentioned are further out away from us and the sun (soul). Being further away in astrology they symbolise more of an impersonal or collective relationship to us. Therefore things feel less personal, out of your control and in the hands of something greater. Now greater can be a community, council/government, world or the divine (up for your interpretation). Why I share this is - try not to personalise these feelings at the moment. Without having to mention all that is playing out in the world (WE ALL ARE FULLY AWARE) realise there is much at work out of your hands, and that's ok. These are bigger shifts than any individual and these shifts are at a churning, gestating and preparation stage. When they move forward will be the relief on the personal front (Mid-late September for Jupiter and Saturn). Hang in there! #newmoon #jupiter #saturn #neptune #pluto #jyotish #vedicastrology #astrology
02.01.2022 I am incredibly excited to announce my next musical adventure @heartlightmusic (heartlight) - it's been a long dream in the making - after holding hundreds of kirtans I get to lay down some of my favourite bhajans I wrote along the journey. If you're into kirtan, mantra and music that uplifts the soul please follow my new page @heartlightmusic for updates - we are recording NOW and will keep you in the loop of release dates
02.01.2022 There have been so many awe-inspiring and mind-blowing discoveries in space the past few years that the potential for life 'out there' is getting more and more in our grasp. Saturn's moons are surprisingly showing more and more signs of life. Fun fact: Did you know on Saturn it rains diamonds? Cue Marilyn in spaceship. If only we could find (and sustain) life 'in here' we would be set. The picture is of the degraded yet not forgotten dwarf planet Pluto. It has a sea in the sh...ape of a heart. The icy heart sea on Pluto is obviously poisonous to us humans. This basically is astrological Pluto in a nutshell. Enticing, hypnotic, alluring yet deadly. But death is the gift of Pluto and a journey we all must take throughout our many chapters of living both psychologically and physically. Pluto kills to transform and alchemise; rising from the ashes into something different and often improved/evolved. Think of the Phoenix or the caterpillar/butterfly. Pluto remarkably and most rare has been retrograde for almost the same dates/duration as Saturn and in some way has mirrored the experience we have all been feeling as voiced in my previous post. Old patterns/paradigms shifting and regurgitating. Pain, traumas and triggers all up for grabs and unavoidable. Like Hades of the underworld who Pluto symbolises we all must pay a fee to cross from one reality to another and it may often be a painful experience even if it upgrades your experience in the end. Pluto represents raw power from our depths and kinetically beyond so there is much to be felt and moved as he now turns direct as Saturn did recently. When asked recently at a studio I teach at why I haven't blogged about the recent new moon I realised there are bigger things afoot right now in the sky and much to be worked through. Yet ultimately it is NOW we can move forward out of the cocoon of the past 5 months. Spreading our wings for the very first time. Stay light, Mark :) #astrology #jyotish #pluto #saturn #ketu
01.01.2022 Part 1/2 --- Finishing up my final yoga class this morning indefinitely was a surreal experience. A rainbow of emotions coexisting altogether from anxiety to numb disbelief to heart-bursting connection to gratefulness. Seeing faces I see more often than my friends and family and realising it may be quite a while until we meet again in the same room = harrowing for so many reasons. With all this running through my head and body I have sat down this afternoon to write my new mo...on post. So bare with me and I will bare with you. We enter this new moon to an unpredictable world ahead. Forced into isolation we are all confused and scrambling for answers. What does this mean? How long will this last? What will be the fallout? Etc etc etc. I have no answers personally - I can only use the stars above as I have been taught by my teachers (and them from theirs and so on) and hopefully this fills your own heart with some solace. So what the trump is happening in our stars to cause such events? In my own humble opinion I bring us back to the 26th of December 2019. Last boxing day (and we have been boxed indeed since this date in many ways) was a solar eclipse. The Sun and Moon together in Mula nakshatra. Mula means roots and is ruled by the goddess of destruction Kali. Kali is most certainly ripping down what we have built (it may even feel like she is holding your manic head right now) and bringing us back to our foundations or roots. Now an eclipse is a BIG deal in vedic astrology. Eclipses are our karmic retribution and can be times of great unrest both mentally and materially. Ketu the south node (which caused the eclipse) rules over viruses. Jupiter was also with this new moon and jupiter expands what he touches. At the same time Pluto the planet of death and transformation was with Saturn the planet of suffering, the masses and the elderly. Now the canvas seems to be painting itself. #astrology #newmoon #jyotish #sidereal #vedicastrology #pluto #saturn #ketu #jupiter
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