Alcohol Tobacco and other Drugs Council (Tas) in Hobart, Tasmania | Product/service
Alcohol Tobacco and other Drugs Council (Tas)
Locality: Hobart, Tasmania
Phone: +61 3 6231 5002
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25.01.2022 Does someone have to be in crisis before seeing a specialist alcohol and other drug service? Where can family members access support? Who can make a referral? Meet the Holyoake Tasmania team to find out. They will introduce you to the evidence-based, flexible and client-focused Holyoake model, and talk about how to make a referral to this specialist service.... You can find contact details and more information about Holyoake and all of Tasmania's alcohol and other drug services at this link:
25.01.2022 As we prepare our Workforce Survey, take a look at the findings of the first National Workforce Survey to be administered since 2005:
25.01.2022 An imaginative display of cranes at the Spencer Clinic in North West Regional Hospital, Burine. Thank you for getting involved in International Overdose Awareness Day 2020 and for raising #overdoseawareness in the Tasmanian community.
23.01.2022 Ever wondered what residential alcohol and other drug rehabilitation in Tasmania is really like? Watch this video to meet some of Missiondale's dedicated alcohol and other drug specialists, and discover more about the recovery program on a peaceful rural property in Evandale, Tasmania. You can find contact details and more information about Missiondale and all of Tasmania's alcohol and other drug services at this link:
23.01.2022 We are here for World Hepatitis Day with the fabulous Rob Johnston and Cameron Brown. So glad to hear of all the great work being done by this team to raise awareness of Hep C and work together to eliminate it in the community.
23.01.2022 Confidential and free Hep C blood tests are available during December and January at Anglicare Tas in Glenorchy. See the event listings for full details.
23.01.2022 Part two airs tonight at 8:30pm on SBS Australia and you can catch the first installment on SBS On Demand Are you watching this series? What do you think of it so far? #AddictedAustralia... #AddictedSBS See more
23.01.2022 The Link Youth Health Services beautiful cranes display for International Overdose Awareness Day yesterday. Amazing work from the team for putting this together and being involved in the project again this year to raise #overdoseawareness. #IOAD2020 #EndOverdose
23.01.2022 Are you ready to transform your leadership capacity? Are you open to being inspired? Are you willing to be challenged? The 2021 Tasmanian Leaders Program could be for you!... Were offering an ATDC scholarship again in 2021, and previous scholarship recipient Damian (YFCC) is answering your questions today and tomorrow in our Regional Area Member Meetings. Join us on Zoom at 2:30pm today (Launceston) or 10am (Devonport)
22.01.2022 Yes. Jeremy Rockliff. Making naloxone (a fast-acting medication that reverses the effects of opioid overdose) available free to those who may need it. Thank you.
22.01.2022 Thank you to ATDC members Bethlehem House Tasmania for taking us on a tour of the 18 shipping containers that have transformed a garden into new independent #LivingPods! We met with a fantastic tour guide who welcomed us in to show us that these arent just shipping containers, they are warm, quiet, private and secure spaces. He generously shared with us how these living spaces (and the Beth House team) are making a positive impact on his life, and the lives of many other men... in Hobart. We also got a first look at a new social enterprise and solar heating solution prototype using recycled materials. Looking forward to seeing where this innovative idea leads in the future! Bethlehem Houses Open Day is part of Homelessness Week, see Shelter Tasmania for more info on other #HW2020 events in Tassie.
21.01.2022 Still sitting on your watch list but haven't gotten around to it yet? Friday the 13th of November is the last day to watch Frontline in Focus session 1 - The Legal Lowdown of Client Documentation You can also watch the video on our website -
20.01.2022 City Mission is seeking a caring and qualified individual to join the team at Serenity House on the North West Coast. Check out the full details here:
20.01.2022 Ted Noffs Foundation is lobbying Queensland politicians around alternatives to criminal interventions for young people with alcohol and other drug issues. "The idea is not this utopia where we get rid of jail and everything is decriminalised," Ted Noffs Foundation chief executive Matt Noffs said. When it comes to things like assault and robbery, we should never ever decriminalise those things, they need to be punished.... What Im arguing for, is that were able to treat the drugs the mental health issues. All of those things need to be treated separately and those young people need to be diverted."
20.01.2022 Whats this?! Exciting things happening in the ATDC office today, prepping for International Overdose Awareness Day on Monday! #EndOverdose #IOAD2020
19.01.2022 Today is the last day! Make sure you catch this FREE case note training video while it's still available. You can also watch on YouTube
19.01.2022 ATDC members Bethlehem House Tasmania are having an open day on Monday for #HomelessnessWeek - some of the ATDC team will be going along, hope to see you there!
19.01.2022 The submission form is up and running again! There is one week left to get in your cranes pictures and be a part of #raisingawareness for #overdoseprevention. The date has been extended until Tuesday, 18th August. A huge thank you to for the 384 origami cranes that the Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre has folded (so far!) for International Overdose Awareness Day. ... Fold a crane. Start a conversation. #overdoseawareness If you are in the South and need some help taking pictures and submitting the photos, contact Katie, [email protected]. Submit your photos at
18.01.2022 Thank you Tasmania. Last year for International Overdose Awareness Day we asked you to help us reach the goal of 1,000 origami cranes, to use folding a crane as a gentle way to start a conversation, break down any stigma, and remember those that may have sadly already been lost to overdose. We couldnt have imagined that by 31st of August 2020 we would have over 10,000 origami cranes folded by you in support of overdose awareness.... 10,000 images make up this mosaic, representing a total of 10,035 origami cranes (5,796 cranes folded in 2020 and 4,239 cranes folded in 2019). Each origami crane has been folded to remember those lost to overdose and to wish for a world free from overdose harm. Go to our website for a closer look - #IOAD2020 #EndOverdose
17.01.2022 Ali and Liz dropped in to Anglicare Tas Devonport's crane making workshop for International Overdose Awareness Day today. Fantastic to see support from so many people in the North West, and we were really impressed with the effort the team put in to today's event! Anglicare's Devonport office is also home to a couple of the largest cranes we've ever seen made for Overdose Day!!... #IOAD2020 #EndOverdose
17.01.2022 We've had hundreds of crane photos flying in this afternoon, including 103 cranes folded by Minister Jeremy Rockliff and his team. So many cranes in fact, that we've now received over five thousand - yes, you read that right, more than 5,000 cranes for International Overdose Awareness Day 2020! Can we get to 6,000?... There's less than 7 hours left until midnight! #EndOverdose #IOAD2020 A note about other tributes in remembrance of those affected by overdose - Many people were concerned about getting their tribute in by the deadline, so we have decided to extend the submission of these until Overdose Day on the 31st of August.
17.01.2022 Rest in peace Dave. We remember you with respect and gratitude and acknowledge your contribution. A great bloke who shared his story and in doing so put a face to the issues that many vulnerable Tasmanians face on a daily basis. Thank you.
17.01.2022 ATDC eNews - August 2020 - Thank you to the many Tasmanians helping us raising awareness of the risks of overdose, by folding origami cranes for International Overdose Awareness Day. Crane submissions close TODAY Tues 18 August - theres still time to fold a crane and send us a photo! Just go to to submit your crane photo or tribute. #EndOverdose #IOAD2020
16.01.2022 It takes less than 5 mins to complete the ATDC Stakeholder Survey and you could win a $100 Visa gift card. If you have interacted with us in the last year and wish to provide feedback, please go here: Survey closes this Friday July 31, and we are thankful to the 80+ people who have already taken the time to complete it thus far.... Every comment counts and is listened to. The results will inform the ATDC 2019-20 Performance Report, which is due out in September.
16.01.2022 The final official count is in! And we are, once again, blown away by the strength of the Tasmanian community this year. 5,796 beautiful pictures of origami cranes for this years International Overdose Awareness Day! Thank you to all of the wonderful Tasmanian community who contributed to this years event and raised awareness for the stigma surrounding overdose. ... We will be visiting some of our members on the day, 31st August, to see their beautiful displays and join in their memorial events. The tributes submissions in remembrance of those affected by overdose will continue to be open up until 31st August. This wonderful 1,030 origami cranes submitted by Missiondale, City Mission North & North West TAS #EndOverdose #IOAD2020
14.01.2022 Great to have the support of Jeremy Rockliff and his team for International Overdose Awareness Day! We just delivered a mosaic poster to the Ministers electorate office in Devonport, drop in and have a look! #IOAD2020 #EndOverdose
14.01.2022 "We are, after all, one community and only by working together as one community, inside and outside of prison, can we really provide the support all those impacted need." Read the opinion piece from Ian Thomas, Director of the Tasmania Prison Service, in The Mercury Newspaper today.
14.01.2022 Ali and Liz dropped in to Anglicare Tas Devonports crane making workshop for International Overdose Awareness Day today. Fantastic to see support from so many people in the North West, and we were really impressed with the effort the team put in to todays event! Anglicares Devonport office is also home to a couple of the largest cranes weve ever seen made for Overdose Day!!... #IOAD2020 #EndOverdose
14.01.2022 100 beautiful origami crane pictures submitted from a student at the University of Tasmania. Thank you for participating, Thi Chang Nguyen, in this years #overdoseawareness day cranes project. Want to be involved and show your support? Fold an origami crane and submit a picture or tribute at in time for International Overdose Awareness Day, 31st August, 2020. Fold a crane. Start a conversation. #talkaboutoverdose ... Katie, ATDCs Events Officer, is available to give crane folding tips, send origami paper and resources. Contact her at [email protected]
13.01.2022 Its #WorldHepatitisDay! Even if you dont realise it, you probably know someone who is affected by hepatitis B or C. Show them you care and share this post #HepDayAus #LetsTalkHep
13.01.2022 Look at all those cranes! Thank you to the team at Cornerstone Youth Services for folding so many cranes for International Overdose Awareness Day 2020! Last week The Examiner Newspaper, Launceston spoke to our Alison (ATDC CEO) and Alison Roberts (Cornerstone) about why our Overdose Day campaign has captured the imagination of so many Tasmanians. #EndOverdose #IOAD2020
12.01.2022 What can we learn from tobacco campaigns to facilitate greater awareness in the public around this health issue? We do need to remember though that the majority of Australians do not drink at risky levels, despite the perception that we are a nation of heavy drinkers. There is about one fifth though of Australians that do put their health at risk, how do we reach those people?
11.01.2022 Weve had hundreds of crane photos flying in this afternoon, including 103 cranes folded by Minister Jeremy Rockliff and his team. So many cranes in fact, that weve now received over five thousand - yes, you read that right, more than 5,000 cranes for International Overdose Awareness Day 2020! Can we get to 6,000?... Theres less than 7 hours left until midnight! #EndOverdose #IOAD2020 A note about other tributes in remembrance of those affected by overdose - Many people were concerned about getting their tribute in by the deadline, so we have decided to extend the submission of these until Overdose Day on the 31st of August.
10.01.2022 Webinar coming up - 24 Nov!
09.01.2022 Do you have a passion for delivering amazing client outcomes? Can you dive right into the detail without being overwhelmed? Have you got experience in delivering projects, programs or community events? We're looking for a Sector Development Project Officer support the delivery of activities that will build the capacity and capability of our sector.... And what does this mean? Click here to find out Applications close 9am, Monday 7 December 2020
08.01.2022 Anyone planning to catch this tonight? "Addiction is one of the most stigmatised of all health conditions. The accompanying shame and stigma can result in a delay of up to 20 years from when somebody starts developing a problem with alcohol, drugs or gambling before they seek help. That is far too long, and as a consequence many Australians and their families suffer in silence. We must come up with a better way of helping people. We’re hoping this treatment program will not o...nly help the ten participants, but also be a catalyst for systemic change. We stand with other agencies around the country who advocate for increased investment in treatment and support programs. It is simple, evidence based treatment is a proven, cost effective way for governments to tackle problems associated with drug use. Our members do this everyday and we have numerous stories of people who have turned their lives around. Watch it and let us know what you think!
08.01.2022 Worried about yours or someone elses alcohol/other drug use? Here is a handy site, run by Turning Point, to check in: It also offers 24/7 alcohol and other drug counselling support.
06.01.2022 Worried about yours or someone else's alcohol/other drug use? Here is a handy site, run by Turning Point, to check in: It also offers 24/7 alcohol and other drug counselling support.
06.01.2022 We have many incredible people in the Tasmanian alcohol and other drug sector, and we got to meet one today. This is Kyle Perry who works at Velocity Transformations in Hobart. Kyles first book The Bluffs has been Number 1 around the country in sales recently. He wrote it in 2016 and one of the characters is based on a client he had worked with on the north west coast. His portrayal of Tasmania was also very relatable. Its a great gripping read with alcohol and other dr...ugs portrayed in a nuanced and clever way interwoven with characters that are recognisable to our sector. Amazing! Congratulations Kyle! Kyle Perry Author
05.01.2022 Are you a change maker? Do you understand how community service organisations operate? Have you got experience and insights into introducing new systems or ways of operating? You could be our new Consumer Engagement Project Officer!... Go to to learn more.
05.01.2022 Always Was, Always Will Be. Just five words, but these five words carry immense significance. "Always Was, Always Will Be. recognises that First Nations people have occupied and cared for this continent for over 65,000 years."... Always Was, Always Will Be. is the theme for #NAIDOC Week 2020, and we encourage everyone to read more about the theme here Want to find more about local #NAIDOCWeek events? Connect with ATDC members Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre South East Tasmanian Aboriginal Corporation - SETAC Circular Head Aboriginal Corporation Or check the events calendar National NAIDOC #NAIDOC2020
04.01.2022 Tru Giang brightening up the University of Tasmania with 120 beautiful origami cranes. Thank you for being a part of the project again this year and for helping #raiseawareness for #overdoseprevention. Fold a crane. Start a conversation. #31st ... Photo submissions have been extended until Tuesday, 18th August. Submit them at Have some questions? Need some resources? Holding an event on Overdose Awareness Day? Contact Katie, [email protected]
04.01.2022 What's this?! Exciting things happening in the ATDC office today, prepping for International Overdose Awareness Day on Monday! #EndOverdose #IOAD2020
04.01.2022 Finished folding cranes and ready to submit photos for International Overdose Awareness Day? Hold tight! Were having some issues with our website today, so youll have to hold on to them a little while longer. Well let you know as soon as its working again. Havent folded a crane yet? You can still find all the info you need on - including instructions on how you can fold your own crane.... #EndOverdose #IOAD2020
02.01.2022 The Link Youth Health Service's beautiful cranes display for International Overdose Awareness Day yesterday. Amazing work from the team for putting this together and being involved in the project again this year to raise #overdoseawareness. #IOAD2020 #EndOverdose
02.01.2022 In Tasmania, on average, one person is lost to overdose every week. This tragic loss is one reason why Tasmanians are throwing their support behind raising awareness of the risks of overdose, by folding origami cranes for International Overdose Awareness Day on the 31st of August. Theres still time to fold a crane and send us a photo - weve extended the deadline to Tuesday 18th of August.... #EndOverdose #IOAD2020 Photo by Linh Phung
02.01.2022 A big thank you to Ruth Forrest for submitting pictures of 101 beautiful hand-folded, origami cranes for #overdoseawareness day. If you would like to try your hand at #foldingacrane and participate in raising #awareness of the impact of overdose on the Tasmanian community visit the ATDC website to find out how: Fold a crane. Start a conversation. ... Contact Katie, [email protected], if you want some origami paper, resources or need a tutorial in crane folding.
01.01.2022 *Kate shared her story with us and we were privileged to share it with you to highlight the issues that people who overdose can face. Subscriber only content here. *name changed
01.01.2022 There are a lot of opinions about whether supplying children with alcohol (this includes giving them a sip as well) leads to good or bads outcomes for them in their adult life. Heres a study thats looked at this issue across time and in the Australian context. Parental supply of sips in one year was associated with increased risk of binge drinking and alcohol-related harms a year later, compared with no supply. As the quantity of alcohol supplied increased, so too did the risk of adverse outcomes, said Ms Aiken"
01.01.2022 Congratulations and Happy Birthday to a high performing and well regarded community organisation!
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