ATQLD in Gladstone, Queensland | Recruiter
Locality: Gladstone, Queensland
Phone: +61 1300 242 425
Address: 26 Beckinsale Street 4680 Gladstone, QLD, Australia
Likes: 1994
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25.01.2022 Happy Saint Patrick’s Day from the team at ATQLD! #stpatricks #stpattys #saintpatricksday #rockhamptonregion #ATQLDclosingthegap #apprenticesandtrainees #rockhampton #gladstone #biloela #centralqueensland #queensland #yourtradecareer #biloelaregion #closingthegap #gladstoneregion #ATQLD #gtoclosingthegap #closingtheworkskillsgap
24.01.2022 It’s amazing what apprentices can do when getting the right guidance. Nothing like learning on the job and getting your hands dirty
23.01.2022 APPRENTICE PROFILE- TYLER GASSMAN- 3rd-year Electrical Apprentice How are you liking your trade so far? It's good. It has been enjoyable so far. What is your favourite thing about working in this industry? Definitely the different exposure we get. We do different things each day.... What is your least favourite thing about working in this industry? Changing of crew/roster regularly. What are your hobbies outside of work? Fishing, shooting and helping my mate on my days off. If you could tell yourself some advice before you began your apprenticeship, what would it be? Don't get stuck in one area. What are you most excited for once you finish your Apprenticeship? Hopefully, get a job as a fulltime qualified Electrician. Thanks, Tyler! #electrical #apprentice #3rdyear #electricalapprentice #apprenticesandtrainees #rockhamptonregion #yourtradecareer #closingtheworkskillsgap #ATQLD #rockhampton #gladstone #biloela #gtoclosingthegap #centralqueensland #ATQLDclosingthegap #closingthegap #biloelaregion #gladstoneregion #queensland
22.01.2022 2021 is here and so is its first weekend, so get out there and enjoy! We will be back to see you all Monday! #weekend #relax #chill #summer #rockhamptonregion #queensland #yourtradecareer #centralqueensland #gtoclosingthegap #closingtheworkskillsgap #gladstone #closingthegap #ATQLDclosingthegap #biloela #rockhampton #biloelaregion #gladstoneregion #ATQLD #apprenticesandtrainees
22.01.2022 APPLY NOW!!! CLOSING VERY SOON! ENGINEERING-TECHINCAL TRAINEESHIP BASED IN ROCKHAMPTON WITH ASHTON ENGINEERING OR To apply please email your resume and covering letter to [email protected] #technicalengineering #ashtonengineering #rockhampton
21.01.2022 SQW UPDATE Our Construction Trainees have flown through their work in our shed, so we now have them starting the renovations at the back of our office. They are doing such a great job! #workskillstraineeships #atqld #skillingqueenslandersforwork #skilling #queenslandgovernment #igniteyouroppurtunities #workskills #gladstone #rockhamptonregion #ATQLDclosingthegap #ATQLD #centralqueensland #gladstoneregion
20.01.2022 GRADUATES: You are done!! 2020 has been one for the history books for the entire world, and you had to work on graduating throughout! You should all be so incredibly proud of yourselves for that achievement. It is now time to move forward and fully join the big wide world! ... So go get em! #graduate #endofschool #twentytwenty #classof2020 #timetoPARTY #yourtradecareer #rockhamptonregion #queensland #ATQLDclosingthegap #apprenticesandtrainees #gladstoneregion #closingtheworkskillsgap #rockhampton #gtoclosingthegap #closingthegap #biloela #centralqueensland #ATQLD #gladstone #biloelaregion
20.01.2022 Today we attended a safety speech where we were able to listen to Patrizia Cassaniti inform us of her son Christophers' devastating work accident where he lost his life due to unsafe scaffolding at only 18 years old. Listening to Patrizia tell her son's story was heartbreaking but we would like to thank her and the entire Touched by Christopher team for bringing these events to construction worker's attention and everyone else within this industry so we are able to correct them before more accidents happen.
20.01.2022 Originally called Armistice Day, to commemorate armistice agreement that ended the First World War on Monday, November 11, 1918, at 11 a.m.on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, Remembrance Day is a day of reflection and reminiscing about our lost loved ones. We commemorate through donning a red poppy, the symbol of Remembrance Day. Lest We Forget. #reflect #lestweforget #lostones #ww1 #armisticeday
20.01.2022 And we are back! Why don't you celebrate by heading over to our website and having a look through what we do and how we can boost your business? Come on... we know you want to ... #welcomeback #its2021 #timetogettowork #backtothegrind #ATQLD #apprenticesandtrainees #queensland #biloelaregion #closingthegap #gtoclosingthegap #centralqueensland #rockhamptonregion #yourtradecareer #gladstone #biloela #ATQLDclosingthegap #gladstoneregion #rockhampton #closingtheworkskillsgap
19.01.2022 We have been curious lately about what people love about their area. We asked Jess about why she loved living in Gladstone, and she said 'The opportunities within our Industry and Manufacturing Sectors'. When we asked Angie, she said 'Because it is a small, close-knit community and we have great opportunities for school leavers.' ... Donovan said 'The well-maintained parks and recreation areas.' So what about you? What do you love about where you live? #community #lovewhereyoulive #local #engage #rockhamptonregion #biloela #yourtradecareer #ATQLDclosingthegap #gladstoneregion #closingthegap #centralqueensland #biloelaregion #apprenticesandtrainees #ATQLD #closingtheworkskillsgap #gladstone #queensland #rockhampton #gtoclosingthegap
17.01.2022 SQW UPDATE How quickly are our sheds coming together! They look so great, we are so stoked at how far our Construction Trainees have come since they started their traineeships! Good work guys!! #igniteyouroppurtunities #queenslandgovernment #workskillstraineeships #skillingqueenslandersforwork #skilling #atqld #workskills #biloela #closingthegap #rockhampton #biloelaregion #yourtradecareer #gtoclosingthegap #rockhamptonregion #gladstoneregion #centralqueensland #closingtheworkskillsgap #ATQLDclosingthegap #ATQLD #queensland #apprenticesandtrainees #gladstone
16.01.2022 Don't forget to follow us on our other channels! Instagram- @at.qld LinkedIn- ATQLD... #socialmedia #platforms #channels #gladstone #apprenticesandtrainees #ATQLD #gtoclosingthegap #gladstoneregion #rockhampton #closingthegap #biloela #rockhamptonregion #ATQLDclosingthegap #yourtradecareer #queensland #closingtheworkskillsgap #centralqueensland #biloelaregion
16.01.2022 Recently, we upgraded to a new phone system. Meaning we have a few phones leftover that we want to put to good use. If there are any Kindergartens, daycare centres, prep teachers etc that would like some for play phones, please contact us. They will not come with any extra cords. #donated #kindergartens #daycare #free #ATQLD #closingtheworkskillsgap #gtoclosingthegap #biloelaregion #apprenticesandtrainees #gladstoneregion #rockhamptonregion #gladstone #yourtradecareer #ATQLDclosingthegap #centralqueensland #closingthegap #queensland #biloela #rockhampton
16.01.2022 Today we are going to chat with Drue DeGit, a 4th year Diesel Fitter. How are you liking your trade so far? It has been great. It is a great experience. What is your most favourite thing about working in this industry? Getting to learn new things involving the trade I am completing.... What is your least favourite thing about working in this industry? Working in the hot weather. What are your hobbies outside of work? Gym, and hanging out with friends. If you could tell yourself some advice before you began your APprneticehsip what would it be? To have more work experience in the trade you are going into. What are you most excited for once you finish your apprenticeship? Go to different workplaces and work as a qualified tradesman. Thanks, Drue! #apprenticeprofile #dieselfitter #fitter #ATQLD #biloelaregion #rockhamptonregion #centralqueensland #queensland #closingthegap #gtoclosingthegap #apprenticesandtrainees #gladstone #biloela #ATQLDclosingthegap #rockhampton #closingtheworkskillsgap #gladstoneregion #yourtradecareer
15.01.2022 Apprentices and Trainees Queensland are proud to stand with Zonta to say no to violence against women and to child marriage. #16DaysOfActivism #ZontaSaysNO #EndViolenceAgainstWomen #QPS #yourtradecareer #queensland #centralqueensland #ATQLDclosingthegap #closingthegap #apprenticesandtrainees #closingtheworkskillsgap #rockhampton #ATQLD #gladstone #gtoclosingthegap #rockhamptonregion #gladstoneregion #biloela #biloelaregion
15.01.2022 Make sure you pop into our Gladstone office to get a ticket before race day!
15.01.2022 Congratulations to ATQLD'S School Based Apprentice Of The Year 2020 - John Juguilon from North Rockhampton State High School. We are so impressed by your determination & positive attitude, this achievement has been well earned. #apprenticeoftheyear #gtoclosingthegap #rockhamptonregion #yourtradecareer #ATQLD #centralqueensland #queensland #rockhampton #apprenticesandtrainees #ATQLDclosingthegap #closingtheworkskillsgap
15.01.2022 SQW UPDATE Our Construction trainees are absolutely smashing this job out! Between painting, gap filling, and getting up on scaffolding (which was proudly donated by High Risk Solutions PTY LTD), they have definitely been kept busy! ... How awesome do our workshops look now!? #progress #construction #painting #skillingqueenslandersforwork #workskills #igniteyouroppurtunities #skilling #workskillstraineeships #queenslandgovernment #atqld
15.01.2022 National Road Safety Week is next week and now more than ever we need to raise awareness about road safety and how important it is that you survive your drive. #NationalRoadSafetyWeek #survivethedrive #centralqueensland #biloela #rockhamptonregion #closingthegap #closingtheworkskillsgap #ATQLD #queensland #biloelaregion #gladstone #yourtradecareer #gtoclosingthegap #apprenticesandtrainees #rockhampton #gladstoneregion #ATQLDclosingthegap
15.01.2022 How good is this to see get ready Gladstone, great things are coming!!!
15.01.2022 'Tis the season to reduce & recycle! At Christmas, Australians buy more, travel more and eat more than any other time of the year. To help reduce the environmental & finanacial impact of these festive activities, Planet Ark has come up with 12 simple, positive actions- The 12 Do's of Christmas. Why not get your household or business on board with these simple tips? #reducereuserecycle
13.01.2022 We are so happy to see that Tara is settling in at her new placement Strong Communities Ltd She will be missed around our Gladstone office that’s for sure! #atqld #igniteyouroppurtunities #skillingqueenslanders #trainees #gladstoneregion #workskills #workskillstraining
13.01.2022 Happy International Women's Day! The women in our office are greatly appreciated and we are proudly celebrating them today for all their hard work they continue to put into this organisation. You are all amazing!... #internationalwomensday2021 #IWD2021 #internationalwomensday #StrongerTogether #WomensHistoryMonth #strongwomen
12.01.2022 APPLY NOW ENGINEERING-TECHINCAL TRAINEESHIP BASED IN ROCKHAMPTON WITH ASHTON ENGINEERING OR To apply please email your resume and covering letter to [email protected]
12.01.2022 SQW UPDATE Today our Construction Trainees were busy completing their theory work in Applying Basic Leveling Procedures. A big thank you to Site Skills Training for providing the equipment to teach our trainees. Site Skills Training RTO. 32531 #skillingqueenslandersforwork #igniteyouropportunities #workskills #atqld #queenslandgovernment #construction
11.01.2022 Our community partner Gladstone Seafarers Centre are running the Lucky Duck Derby on the 2nd May. Tickets are $4 and are available for purchase at our Gladstone office reception
11.01.2022 We are beyond excited to welcome Gabby Lawes to the team as our new Business Admin Trainee. Gabby started with us doing work experience while finishing Grade 12 at Toolooa State High School and she fit in so well, we just had to have her! Welcome, Gabby! Here is Gabby with our field officer Jakob and Jodie Luce from MEGT Australia Jakob Leeson. #gabby #welcome #businesstrainee #newstaffmember #team #ATQLDclosingthegap #closingtheworkskillsgap #ATQLD #closingthegap #gladstoneregion #gladstone #rockhamptonregion #queensland #apprenticesandtrainees #biloelaregion #rockhampton #centralqueensland #yourtradecareer #biloela #gtoclosingthegap
10.01.2022 Today we had our Awards Ceremony for Biloela! It was so great to see how hard our apprentices have been working, and it was even better seeing them receive their awards for 2020. We would like to congratulate:... Noah Chapman- 1st Year Apprentice Award Nominee Benjamin Ramsay- 1st Year Apprentice Award Winner Cooper Boon- 2nd Year Apprentice Award Nominee Anthony Pelling- 2nd Year Apprentice Award Winner Jackson Wright- 3rd Year Apprentice Award Nominee Tyler Gassman- 3rd Year Apprentice Award Nominee Mitchell Williams- 3rd Year Apprentice Award Nominee Joshua Warmington- 3rd Year Apprentice Award Nominee Joshua Smith- 3rd Year Apprentice Award Winner Padraic Wilkie- 4th Year Apprentice Award Nominee Lachlan Moller- 4th Year Apprentice Award Winner Lachlan Moller- Overall Apprentice of the Year 2020 Shoutout to Simmons Bakery and Rita Blue Cafe from Biloela for the delicious catering! #awards #winners #atqldawardsbiloela #gtoclosingthegap #queensland #centralqueensland #ATQLDclosingthegap #ATQLD #rockhampton #closingtheworkskillsgap #yourtradecareer #biloelaregion #gladstoneregion #biloela #rockhamptonregion #closingthegap #apprenticesandtrainees #gladstone
09.01.2022 This week we were stoked to have Senator Anthony Chisholm visit us in Gladstone. He received a tour around our facilities and got to witness our Skilling Queenslanders for Work, Construction Trainees hard at it. Thank you so much, Senator Chisholm, for popping in to see us!... #senatorchisholm #facilitiestour #atqld #skilling #workskills #workskillstraineeships #skillingqueenslandersforwork #queenslandgovernment #igniteyouroppurtunities #gladstoneregion #rockhamptonregion #biloela #ATQLD #closingtheworkskillsgap #centralqueensland #closingthegap #biloelaregion #apprenticesandtrainees #gladstone #yourtradecareer #gtoclosingthegap #queensland #ATQLDclosingthegap #rockhampton
07.01.2022 Decembeard/ Decembhair- December 1st - 31st Bowel Cancer Australia’s hair-raising fundraiser encouraging you to get hairy while raising awareness and funds to help beat bowel cancer. Face, head, legs, body - if it's hair - let it grow or let it go!... Get beardy or hairy (anywhere) - the options are limitless, and the choice is yours. -Grow a beard or some chin stubble and promote your facial hair -Dye, decorate shave or trim your precious hair and create something amazing -Fake some luscious locks or make a hair-inspired creation -Donate the amount you spend on shaving/grooming or by skipping your next waxing appointment You can join the hair-wagon any time, so what are you waiting for? #decembeard #letitgrow
05.01.2022 APPLY NOW- SCHOOL LEAVERS ENCOURAGED TO APPLY!!! Ashton Engineering is looking for an Engineering-Techincal Trainee to join their team in Rockhampton.
04.01.2022 SQW UPDATE Our Construction Trainees are making such great progress! Today they have been adding mesh to the top of the newly erected walls in our workshop among many other activities. They are doing such a great job!!... #skilling #atqld #igniteyouroppurtunities #skillingqueenslandersforwork #queenslandgovernment #workskillstraineeships #workskills
02.01.2022 APPLY NOW- SCHOOL LEAVERS ENCOURAGED TO APPLY 1ST YEAR APPRENTICE FITTER AND TURNER AT QUEENSLAND NITRATES PTY LTD BASED IN BILOELA/MOURA ... APPLICATIONS CLOSE 29TH DECEMBER 2020 or send your resume and supporting documentation to [email protected]. #job #fitterandturner #biloela #rockhampton #ATQLD #gladstoneregion #centralqueensland #closingtheworkskillsgap #queensland #yourtradecareer #gtoclosingthegap #ATQLDclosingthegap #biloela #rockhamptonregion #apprenticesandtrainees #biloelaregion #closingthegap #gladstone
02.01.2022 Today is World Kindness Day and we think that it is time to #MakeKindnessTheNorm We would love to have all our followers complete one act of kindness; we have included some below! It's time to be kind! ... #worldkindnessday #RandomActsofKindness #gladstoneregion #biloelaregion #gladstone #queensland #rockhampton #rockhamptonregion #ATQLDclosingthegap #closingtheworkskillsgap #gtoclosingthegap #centralqueensland #ATQLD #apprenticesandtrainees #closingthegap #yourtradecareer #biloela
01.01.2022 This one is sure to spark up some conversation! We have a question... When should you take down your Christmas decorations? Boxing Day? Christmas is over!... The end of December? All of December is basically Christmas! Just don't? No effort needed next year if you just keep them up... What do you think?! #decorations #christmas #rockhampton #queensland #ATQLD #ATQLDclosingthegap #closingtheworkskillsgap #rockhamptonregion #gtoclosingthegap #gladstoneregion #biloelaregion #apprenticesandtrainees #centralqueensland #gladstone #biloela #yourtradecareer #closingthegap
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