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25.01.2022 Happy Holi - Portfolio Template The Happy Holi template can be used by Educators to show the Holi celebrations that occur at the service. Celebrated this year on 28 - 29 March, Holi is popularly known as the Indian "festival of spring", the "festival of colours", or the "festival of love". The festival signifies the arrival of spring, the end of winter, the blossoming of love, and for many a festive day to meet others, play and laugh, forget and forgive, and repair broken re...lationships. Click the link to download:
25.01.2022 Supporting Children With Challenging Behaviour Challenging Behaviour is when a child does something that hurts themselves and/or other people. The following article provides information on the Impacts Of Challenging Behaviour, Addressing Challenging Behaviours, Involving Support Services, Strategies for Managing Challenging Behaviour and much more. ... For more information, please read the following:
25.01.2022 Art Work Sample The Art Work Sample is to be used to share a child’s artwork that they have created. The template consists of a box to add the child’s artwork through a photo or by cutting and pasting, 2 image boxes of the child creating the art sample, describing the art experience, linking to the early years learning framework and parent comments. Click the link to download:
24.01.2022 How To Achieve Quality Area 5 - Relationships With Children The following is a list of outcomes under each element within QA5, that can help services identify if they are achieving Quality Area 5. It also includes documentation to support each element. This list can be used as a guide for Self-Assessment purposes and the development of the Quality Improvement Plan. Quality Area 5 of the National Quality Standard focuses on educators developing responsive, warm, trusting and r...espectful relationships with children that promote their wellbeing, self-esteem, sense of security and belonging. Relationships of this kind encourage children to explore the environment and engage in play and learning. For more information, please read the following:
24.01.2022 October Calendar Of Events 2020 The following lists cultural and special events that are taking place in October 2020. This should help you to plan and organise for upcoming events and celebrations for October 2020. For more information, please read the following:
22.01.2022 Balloon Pop Painting - Art For Holi The Festival Of Colours Pop balloons filled with paint to create unique colourful splatter art. Click the link for instructions:
20.01.2022 School Readiness Program Th following article lists developmental skills that supports a child's school readiness. The skills are separated in each of the appropriate developmental learning areas. You can use the skills as part of your program in determining suitable experiences for the preschool children. The list of developmental skills are a essential part of a child's short and long term success when starting school. It is important to remember that the school readiness p...rogram should enable the children to use their current skills and interests as a basis for learning rather than requiring children to complete academic tasks. It is not necessary for children to be forced into completing academic tasks such as letter worksheets, number worksheets etc. For more information, please read the following:
19.01.2022 Free Webinars For The Employee Management and Development Resource The EM&D is a systematic approach to creating a work environment that supports employees to perform at their best and to continually improve from the time they join a service to the time they leave. ELAA and Victorian Department of Education and Training are delivering free webinars for the Employee Management and Development (EM&D) Resource.... For more information, please read the following:
17.01.2022 Process Of Self Assessment In An Early Childhood Setting The following article "Process Of Self Assessment" provides information on how to self assess, how to reflect on areas of improvements and reflective questions for each NQS. Self-assessment is an important process for services to critically reflect on current practice, recognising strengths and identifying opportunities for improvement.... For more information, please read the following:
17.01.2022 School Readiness Program The School Readiness Program template enables Educators to provide experiences for preschool children that best prepare children for formal schooling. Preschool children should develop skills in key learning developmental areas to be able to make effective transitions between the service to school environments. As children develop these skills you will be assisting each individual child's short and long-term success at school. Click the link to download:
17.01.2022 Growing An Editable Garden For Children The following article provides a list of edible flowers, herbs and vegetables that can be grown, gardening activities for children from 2 years old and more. One of the best ways to encourage children to grow a garden to develop a range of skills is to create an editable garden. An edible garden is a garden that contains flowers, herbs, seeds, berries and plants that can be eaten.... For more information, please read the following:
16.01.2022 Celebrating Australia Day Respectfully In Early Childhood Services On 26 January we celebrate Australia Day. A day to reflect on what we have achieved and what we can be proud of in our great nation. However, for Aboriginal Australians, it's a day of sorrow and loss. A clear reminder of their loss of freedom, loss of family, loss of culture - January 26 for Aboriginal Australians mourn the day by calling it Invasion Day. The following article provides inform...ation on the meaning of Australia Day for Aboriginal Australians, respectfully celebrating Australia Day at your service and more. For more information. please read the following:
16.01.2022 Writing Prompts and Phrases For Yearly Reports On Children The following articles are examples of writing prompts, comments such as a child's personality, cognitive development, interactions,, communication and language and more that can be used when writing yearly reports on the child. For more information, please read the following:
15.01.2022 Feel Good Friday @ Aussie Childcare Network Visit for an abundance of RESOURCES for early childhood Educators and Students. FREE ARTICLES that covers a variety of topics including NQF etc. FREE RESOURCES including a variety of experiences that children will enjoy, EYLF TEMPLATES - over 200 templates to download and use, ONLINE FORUM to interact with other Educators, up to date industry NEWS and more. Visit A...ppsessment: A Digital Documentation App for documenting children's learning in your own way. It includes parent portals, default templates, designs your own templates, private messages, generate reports, record child daily information, compatible with all devices and beautifully presented documentation. This Documentation App is created by Aussie Childcare Network for all LDC, FDC and OSHC centres @75c per child!! See more
15.01.2022 Writing Prompts and Phrases For Yearly Reports On Children The following are examples of writing prompts, comments that can be used when writing yearly reports on the child: Educators writing the report, the comments need to be descriptive. It must be based on observation of the child in different environments and engaging in different activities. Comments should not be comparative, judgemental or conclusive.... For more information, please read the following:
15.01.2022 How To Achieve Quality Area 4 - Staffing Arrangements The following is a list of outcomes under each element within QA4, that can help services identify if they are achieving Quality Area 4. It also includes documentation to support each element. This list can be used as a guide for Self-Assessment purposes and the development of the Quality Improvement Plan. Quality Area 4 of the National Quality Standard focuses on the provision of qualified and experienced educators who ...develop warm, respectful relationships with children, create predictable environments and encourage children’s active engagement in the learning program. A collaborative and ethical culture where professional standards guide all aspects of practice is critical to a quality service. For more information, please read the following:
14.01.2022 School Readiness Observation Checklist - FREE TO DOWNLOAD The School Readiness Checklist is a free template and provides a list of skills that preschool children may require before going into Big School. This template can be used to observe and record each child and support you in determining suitable experiences for those who are working towards specific skills. The list of developmental skills are an essential part of a child's short and long term success when starting school. Click the link to download:
14.01.2022 Early Childhood Teachers (ECT) Award Wages in Australia - Article Updated The following article has been updated to include Evidence of Qualifications, Rostered Days Off, Written Agreements for Time Off and more. For more information, please read the following:
12.01.2022 I Play I Learn - Free Portfolio Template The I Play I Learn template is free to download and can be added to a child's portfolio. It provides an opportunity to show what a child learns through play. Click the link to download:
12.01.2022 How To Achieve Quality Area 6 - Collaborative Partnerships With Families And Communities The following is a list of outcomes under each element within QA6, that can help services identify if they are achieving Quality Area 6. It also includes documentation to support each element. This list can be used as a guide for Self-Assessment purposes and the development of the Quality Improvement Plan. Quality Area 6 focuses on supportive, respectful relationships with families which ...are fundamental to achieving quality outcomes for children. Community partnerships that are based on active communication, consultation and collaboration also contribute to children’s inclusion, learning and wellbeing. For more information, please read the following:
11.01.2022 Supporting Doc QA1 - Checklist of Documentation Required for Quality Area 1 - Educational Program and Practice The Supporting Doc QA1 template provides a checklist of documentation that is required in order to achieve Quality Area 1 -Educational Program and Practice. Using this, you can check the documentation examples on the list that you currently use and have in place at your service in order to identify if you are in fact achieving Quality Area 1. This is great for Educational Leaders to use and to understand what documentation that you have or that is missing. Click the link to download:
10.01.2022 Look What I Built The Look What I Built template is for Educators to take a photo of a child's creation in which they had built using lego, blocks, cardboard boxes etc. A child spends time planning and creating their building only to end up packing it away before sharing it with their family at the end of the day. This template can be used as part of a display that showcases children's creativity. It also can be added to a child's portfolio. ... Click the link to download:
08.01.2022 Transition To School Statement - Editable Template This template provides details on the child's interests, strengths, preferred learning methods and more prior to starting school. The purpose of this transition statement is for educators to share their knowledge of the child with the school teacher in order to gain a better understanding on the best way to assist the child to transition from an early childhood settling to a primary school. Note: This is optional. ... Click the link to download:
08.01.2022 Progress of Outcomes This template can be used to document the outcomes the child has met (achieved) and the outcomes the child is working towards (working). This gives educators an understanding on how the child is progressing in their learning and development. From here educators can further plan for to support the child to achieve the outcomes they are working towards. The Progress Of Outcomes Template can also be used as a half yearly / yearly report for educators to sh...are with parents. It enables educators to show parents the outcomes their child has achieved and how the child will progress towards meeting outcomes in the future. Click the link to download:
07.01.2022 The Kindness Curriculum - Links To The EYLF The Kindness Curriculum presents activities designed to build the attributes of empathy, gratitude, perspective, honesty, self-compassion, self-acceptance, humility, collaboration, mindfulness, meditation, trust, affiliation and humour for all Australian children and students. The Kindness Curriculum has a range of activities that support young children to explore 12 attributes of kindness building agency, initiate their own learnin...g and develop their self-identity. The activities link to the EYLF Learning Outcomes. For more information, please read the following:
06.01.2022 Transition to School Statements To support preschool children transition to school, it is recommended that preschool educators complete a transition to school statement which is sent to the child's school. The Transition to School Statement gives a snapshot of a child’s strengths, perspectives, and personality. The following includes information, what to include and examples of transition to school statements.... For more information, please read the following:
06.01.2022 How To Achieve Quality Area 7 - Governance and Leadership The following is a list of outcomes under each element within QA6, that can help services identify if they are achieving Quality Area 6. It also includes documentation to support each element. This list can be used as a guide for Self-Assessment purposes and the development of the Quality Improvement Plan. Quality Area 7 focuses on effective leadership and governance of the service to establish and maintain quality en...vironments for children’s learning and development. For more information, please read the following:
06.01.2022 Descriptive Words For Documentation, Observations and Reports Whether it will be completing an observation, writing a report or even communicating with parents everything needs to be written. The following is a list of descriptive words that can be used while writing. For more information, please read the following:
05.01.2022 Writing A Personal Philosophy For Childcare The following article provides strategies for Educators on how to write a personal philosophy. It details what can be included, questions to think about and examples of personal philosophies. As an Educator, writing a personal philosophy is a great way for others to read what your values and beliefs are in regards to early childhood education.... For more information, please read the following:
05.01.2022 Splatter Painting - Art For Holi The Festival Of Colours Also known as the ‘festival of colours’, Holi is celebrated in India to mark the arrival of spring. This year, Holi will begin on March 28, which is a Sunday, and end March 29. Children will enjoy banging wooden spoons to watch the paint splatter to create works of art.... Click the link for instructions:
03.01.2022 Progressive Mealtimes In Early Childhood Settings Progressive mealtimes are giving an opportunity for children to choose when they want to eat within a certain timeframe instead of eating at a set time. The following article provides information on Progressive Mealtimes, Benefits and Drawbacks Of Progressive Mealtimes, Overcoming Drawbacks, Ideas To Implement Progressive Mealtimes and more. ... For more information, please read the following:
02.01.2022 Then And Now - Free Portfolio Template To Download For All! The Then and Now is a free template that enables educators to add a photo of a child at the beginning of the year and at the end of the year, to see how much they have grown! This can be used as a keepsake and added to the child's portfolio. Click the link to download:
02.01.2022 Summative Assessments In Early Childhood The following article provides information on summative assessments, how to write it, examples and more! Summative Assessment brings together information on what the child knows, understands and can do. You analyse this information, you tell a story and give an overview of a child's progress so far. This is the basis of summative assessment.... For more information, please read the following: