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Australian Veterinary Behaviour Services in McLaren Vale, South Australia | Pet service

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Australian Veterinary Behaviour Services

Locality: McLaren Vale, South Australia

Phone: +61 8 7480 0597

Address: 116 Main Road 5171 McLaren Vale, SA, Australia


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18.01.2022 DO YOU HAVE A DOG OF COLLIE OR SIMILAR BREEDING?? Then please read on! We would never portray ourselves to be dog vets, and we strongly recommend you speak to ...a small animal vet regarding this post if you feel it could apply to you. This is simply to raise awareness amongst our clients and horse owners. We have been sadly reminded this week of a quirk of dogs with collie breeding, with a death of a friend of a friend’s dog following ingestion of horse faeces. Dogs of herding breeds (as well as some sight hounds and other breeds) can carry one or two copies of a gene known as MDR1. These dogs can be very sensitive to ingestion of the VERY commonly used worming drugs IVERMECTIN and MOXIDECTIN. Signs of ingestion are usually neurological and it can result in sudden death. The wormers are excreted in horse faeces post worming and affected dogs can have a history of tucking into horse poo. Studies have shown that ON AVERAGE ivermectin is excreted in horse faeces for 4 days after worming, and moxidectin for 8 days. We recommend preventing manure ingestion by dogs for 1 and 2 weeks respectively for these wormers. Please share or tag your friends - many horse people are also dog lovers so we’re hoping to get this message out there! (PS - can anyone guess which vet this gorgeous specimen belongs to - don’t worry he’s very healthy and is kept well away from the horse poo!) #horsemedsa #horsemedhills #horsevet #equinevet #bordercollie #colliebreed #mdr1 #horseworming

17.01.2022 AVBS Oct 2020 Pet of the Month Beau Beau is a 5 1/2 year old Australian Shepherd. He has been an AVBS patient since late 2016. Beau has a few problems on his list, but the biggest problem for him and his owners were separation anxiety and barking. Before coming to AVBS Beau visited a balanced trainer, who taught his owners to yank on his collar and throw chains on the ground when barking. This only escalated Beau's anxiety levels and did not improve his problems. Beau's nei...ghbours complained about his barking, which made this quite stressful for everyone. Beau barked almost all day when he was alone (despite having his doggy friend Turbo with him). He had been destructive when alone also and did some interior redecorating. Beau did not respond to medications quickly - by the 3rd type of medication we started to see improvement with his behaviour - this took almost 8 months to find the medication that helped him. Since then we have gradually tweaked the dose and combination and he has continually improved. He came in to see Dr Tracey in this month - and he is doing so well. He is now chilled at home when alone, no longer redecorating, and is just a happy little bloke. He is continually improving. Well done to Beau and his very dedicated owners! See more

16.01.2022 Meet dear Racer. Racer has been a client of ours over 12 months. Listen to her owner Kelly about their journey at AVBS and why there is no "quick fix" at AVBS. What we know about learning ..... it takes time.... Imagine trying to break an old habit or trying to change your regular routine, there will be times that you will 'fall" back into your old ways, unintentionally but it does happen. Be aware of any form of training that provides the problem to be "fixed" in one session, ask questions and most of all is it sustainable for you and your dog? Because every now again, we fall back into our old habits. See more

16.01.2022 Anyone else's dog looking like this tonight? This is Merv (excuse the grass seed haircut!!). We don't have thunder here yet but the weather has changed significantly 'suggesting' a storm. Merv was ok until we were out in the paddock and he saw lightening in the distance. Since then he has been hypervigilant, panting, drooling (more than normal!!!) And wanting to come inside, scratching at the door. ... Interestingly Merv's hearing has deteriorated so I doubt he will actually hear the storm if it hits. But as is typical of a phobic dog, he is picking up clues that a storm may be coming, and that in the past such an experience has caused terrible feelings with a panic attack. Poor Merv. And all of the other dogs just like him. Fortunately I recognised his milder signs and have put him in his 'safe place' with music turned up loud and he has settled quite well, particularly with lots of slobbery cuddles with his mum!!! It's okay to comfort your dog when it's worried. I'm laying with my child right now because she is scared of the lightening and thunder too. I would never ignore her crying out "mum I'm scared". Or punish her for it. Merv was telling me the exact same story in this video. He just can't speak English. Think about it.....

10.01.2022 "But a mother dog corrects the pups with a bite or growl, why can't I correct my dog with a NO or a lead correction?" 1. You're not a dog and your timing isn't ...always good enough or consistent enough for the dog to work out what he's being corrected for. 2. You're not a dog and are supposed to have a more evolved brain to work out ways to change behaviour without violence or the threat of violence. 3. You're not a dog and can't possibly communicate with a dog the way other dogs can. 4. You're not a dog. 5. You're still not a dog. 6. Still not a dog.

08.01.2022 Meet Nellie xx Listen to her dedicated owners about their experience at AVBS. Adelaide’s ONLY Veterinary Behaviour ClInic

07.01.2022 Happy cats .... happy life

06.01.2022 We are sure you are all aware that as of tonight our state is entering a strict 6 day lockdown. Veterinary services are still considered essential, and at this stage we will continue to operate as normally as we can under the new restrictions. -All consultations booked in will be simply made a zoom consultation instead of face to face. If you are coming to our clinic please take note of the following rules: - pay by contactless methods including card or over the phone if you... can. - only one person to come into the clinic - maintain social distancing, use hand sanitizer provided and wear a mask as per lockdown protocols. - please do not come into the clinic if you are supposed to be self isolating, have recently been in contact with anyone who is supposed to be self isolating, have had a COVID-19 test and are awaiting results or if you are feeling unwell. We understand that this is a stressful time and we will do everything we can to keep you updated. Please be patient with our staff in clinic and on the phone, we are doing everything we can to keep you, your pet and ourselves safe and healthy.

05.01.2022 Something to think about ....

05.01.2022 Pet of the month *Coco* Coco came to AVBS in August 2020. Little Coco weighed in at a titchy 2.5kg and caught the eye of all the staff at AVBS. Sadly, little Coco was in a car accident, after the trauma of the accident life was no longer the same for Coco, she suffered post traumatic stress disorder and Coco’s world became a place of fear and she no longer had the ability to cope. Prior to the accident, Coco was a confident and social girl, this soon changed, Coco saw everyt...hing and anyone as a threat! Her level of fear was debilitating and was getting progressively worse to the point Coco’s owner could not leave her home alone. Coco’s life consisted of constant panic attacks displaying fear based aggression toward most people and dogs. Coco’s owner was desperate for help. In August 2020 Coco became a client of AVBS, she was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, including post traumatic stress disorder, noise sensitivity, fear related aggression, and resource guarding aggression. After 6 short months of being with AVBS, Coco has blossomed. Life is no longer the dark and scary place she once saw. At Coco’s most recent AVBS visit, the clinic staff were amazed to see Coco’s transformations. Coco was walking comfortably past a busy cafe full of people, under threshold and remaining calm. No lunging, growling or reacting. Very different to the days that she had to be carried in a carrier everywhere. AVBS would like to wish Coco and her dedicated owner Skye Pet of the Month! Well done team! See more

04.01.2022 Mollywombatfrenchie It is lovely to receive such lovely feedback from our AVBS owners: "I wanted to share with you all just how far we've come since our first visit with Dr Tracey on 27th November 2019." "I'm so pleased I could help her to get to a happier place. She's playing more, is cheekier than ever, doing zoomies every so often. She's responding well to the new training and I'm able to get some respite so i can concentrate on my studies as well."... "Thank you so much for all the help so far." Below is a visual representation from Molly's owner of her recent behaviour compared to a year ago. Green represents no anxiety present and best state for learning, orange indicates arousal levels are increasing and the red zone indicates high levels of arousal and anxiety. Well done Molly and family! AVBS Team x

02.01.2022 Don't hesitate to contact us ..

01.01.2022 Did you know that our pets (and other animals) can suffer long term suffering from one traumatic experience, or prolonged exposure to a distressing situation. Signs that you may see that your pet isn't coping: - Withdrawal - Tension... - Hypervigilance - Problems socially - Reduction of play - Reluctant to explore - Self soothing and comfort seeking behaviour (Dr Jacquie Ley, BVSc (Hons), FANZCVS (Veterinary Behaviour), PhD DECAWBM 2021).

01.01.2022 What an amazing story... we couldn't be any prouder of this boy. Well done Trevor and Kathleen xx

01.01.2022 Meet Roger, his owners have the our "understanding your dog and their needs" book. Six amazing chapters full of information and activities to do with your dog.

01.01.2022 WOW what a storm last night in Adelaide. If your clinic has been inundated with concerned owners about their pet's behaviour last night, this will be the recorded webinar for you and your clinic. Join Dr Jacqui Ley BVSc (Hons), FANZCVS (Veterinary Behaviour), PhD DECAWBM for a webinar about treating our pets with anxiety. With the silly season upon us with fireworks and possibly more storms, be prepared to diagnose and treat these pets that require assistance during these sca...ry times. Our clients are depending on us to help with their loved family members. Click here for the webinar, only $49.95, view once, view as many times as you like. It will be available until 14th of Dec, 9am.

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