Australian Brumby Photography By Carol Hancock in Adaminaby, New South Wales | Photography and videography
Australian Brumby Photography By Carol Hancock
Locality: Adaminaby, New South Wales
Phone: +61 433 039 101
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25.01.2022 Was working through my archives this morning and came across this photo I took of Mumma and Annie NOV 19. This was just hours after the filly was born, something that I feel very grateful for witnessing and will always hold dear to my heart. Photo Copyright to Carol Hancock
25.01.2022 Today at Bombala markets, Coma and say hi! I will be here until 2pm.
23.01.2022 I was wandering about with a fellow photographer and look what we came across!! Now isnt he something special, with a mane like no other!! I absolutely love sharing the Australian Brumby with you all and would like to thank each and every one of you for your support in 2020. Happy New Year!! Photo Copyright to Carol Hancock
23.01.2022 As I head up the mountains to immerse myself for a couple days, dont forget about the Christmas Card pack of 5 we have here. With Covid here lets go back to sending cards and dont forget 100% Profit goes to the Brumbies. They are $25 posted. The Photos that are part of a pack of 5 cards are below with Copyright to Carol Hancock. To order comment on this post or send me a message, they are here now ready to be sent out. KNP Dynamite and his herd will thank you x
20.01.2022 There is nothing like the feeling of Brumbies galloping close by. This mob was surprised by our presence after fleeing the sight of horse back riders and wasted no time to move to what they perceive as safer ground, they didn’t even give us a look in but gosh the experience of thundering hooves close by will always leave me in awe. Photo Copyright to Carol Hancock
20.01.2022 Calendars now available online!!!! And if you subscribe to paperpocket they are offering 25% off.
20.01.2022 My trip to the mountains this time round has to be cut short but thankfully before I had to leave, I sighted none other then POSTERBOY!! This fella really is coming into himself and a force to be reckoned with, his first mare is looking quite in foal and he has secured a second mare to be part of his growing herd. Everyone is looking well and Posterboy most certainly looks a real treat!!! Photo Copyright to Carol Hancock
19.01.2022 Well the snow is practically gone, and the Brumbies are enjoying the fresh sweet grass out on the plains. This photo was taken 10 days ago on Aug 30 whilst I was out with the snowshoes. This Stallion and his mare were separated from a larger mob that he has flanked for many years due to being stuck on the wrong side of a deep creek. I can now confirm everyone has been reunited and peace has settled among the herds once again. Photo Copyright to Carol Hancock
18.01.2022 Spring time is truly in the air, the young bachelors are being sent on their way, so of course they causing mayhem wherever they go. They roam the plains in groups, constantly jousting with each other as each and everyone fine tunes their fighting skills for when the time comes to secure a mare of their own. These two boys look to be 2 or 3 year olds and a part of 8 bacholars, they seemed to be playing tag and rotating to joust it out with the chestnut boy, who in turn just kept bringing it to the table. Photo Copyright to Carol Hancock
18.01.2022 I know this fella is a crowd favourite and with those pointy ears and long flowing mane, how could he not be! His pretty young mares have foaled and all doing well, but it looks to me what I thought was a hoof Mark is actually a birth mark on his side! Just checked past photos up to a year ago and it is definitely there! Thank you Colleen Clancy your help in solving the puzzle!! Photo Copyright to Carol Hancock
18.01.2022 An Australian Brumby foal, even at days old they have the spirit to survive! This foal has been born to a maiden mare, she is proving to be quite the relaxed type of mother, no problem the foal has attitude to boot!! Photo Copyright to Carol Hancock
17.01.2022 It was so so lovely spending time with Seb and his ladies this morning. He has one new foal within the herd and 3 mares ready to go any day now. He is here with young Ebony, this will be her third foal and second to Seb. Photo Copyright to Carol Hancock
16.01.2022 Early Morning antics with the Bachelors, it is a continuous display of mock fighting that rarely gets serious. As the sun attempts to break through the fog, The grey is overseeing the antics and he seems to always take on the all important role of referee and he will step in and break things up if he feels they are getting to carried away. The grey is also the fella that suffered the arrow and as you can see he has healed quite nicely on this side, it does seem to have some remnants left in his flank causing quite the bump, on his other side he does have an open wound that is healing well, I suspect caused by something else, however he is not lame or unwell within himself and as always we will keep an ongoing eye on him. Photo Copyright to Carol Hancock
16.01.2022 It has been a month since KNP Dynamite and his small herd have come in off the Coolamine Plains finding themselves at White Alpine Equine. For all those that are following the journey here is my latest blog update.
16.01.2022 Look at this young bacholar!! Many years ago we had a chestnut stallion roaming the plains with a big beautiful blaze and a belly splash known as Red, he was captured maybe 4 years ago along with his herd. The Stallion went to VBA and is now known as VBA RED. This is the first obvious sign that any progeny of his remain, of course others maybe about but how special is this boy!! I for one am pretty excited about following his journey and this sighting really has just made my day.. Copyright to Carol Hancock
16.01.2022 Calendar update: I want to thank you all for your support in the the pre-sale of the 2021 Calendar, On my original post I stated that postage dispatch and release date was the 10th of SEPT. I have just received an update from the publishers and regret to advise that both postage dispatch and release date is now during the week of the 14th. The Publishers are delayed due to the Printers advising delays on their end due to Covid 19. I apologise for this and once I have these Ca...lendars in my hot little hands I will be Instant messaging those that have pre-purchased with the news that they are indeed on their way. Thank you all for your understanding it really is appreciated. Cover is father and son, Paleface and Bogong sharing a moment, for those that have not prepurchased will have copies for sale from sometime next week. See more
15.01.2022 I am looking after the Arts and Crafts CoOp today in the Old Post office here at Adaminaby. On top of stocking some of my favorite prints, I have brought in some extras to put on sale of up to 80% off!! If you are about come in and check it out or simply have a looksie and a chat, I am here until 3pm. Photo copyright to Carol Hancock
14.01.2022 With foaling in full swing it is the time where Stallions really get their opportunity to secure mares, Stallions are focused on serving or often distracted by bachelors causing absolute mayhem.This opens the door to other lead stallions that have possibly already done their duty and bachelors are just not game to challenge to let mares know that he too is available. This fella was doing exactly that! A young maiden, even though secured by another stallion was sending him a bit of flirty eye and he most certainly was letting her know he would be a willing participant. Photo Copyright to Carol Hancock
14.01.2022 Look what we have here! Flanking a herd, waiting patiently certainly has paid off for this fella. This Stallion I posted about on OCT 2nd with my thoughts of Brumby type, he was definitely alone but flanking a stallion that had 4 very heavily pregnant mares, looks like two foaled the same night and he managed to secure one the youngest one. The Mare isnt too happy about not being with the other mares but they are still in the vicinity of her original mob. By the looks of the foal it also looks like this fella did a sneaky while the dominant blue roan stallion had his eyes on the other mare. :-) Photo Copyright to Carol Hancock
13.01.2022 When I sit among the Brumbies the hours just disappear, getting to know each and every personality, their bonds and friendships outside the mobs just constantly fascinates me. During downtime among the trees, I noticed an older stallion leaving his mob to approach a group of 10 + bachelors, he went on to greet three out of the ten, the last fella who I might add didnt want to interact. After he gave in and went through the greeting, it resulted in some affectionate face rubbing. I suspect the three are his sons, that I cant confirm but a definite bond and acknowledgment was showing whilst the other 7 the older boy didnt give two hoots about. This photo shows that moment with the older stallion almost smiling and the younger seemingly acting like a teenage boy and scrunching his nose in distaste. Photo Copyright to Carol Hancock
12.01.2022 The diversity and resilience of the Australian Brumby never stops amazing me. These bachelors have been roaming in an area that is quite hard to reach, I have been stalking them since the fires via the binoculars and today I finally got the opportunity to photograph them, they didnt hang about for long but thank goodness long enough to get a couple of snaps. Look at that wound on the black, he is healing beautifully and no signs of lameness whatsoever, it absolutely astounds me how well they heal with no intervention whatsoever. **Note** this mob is no where in the vicinity of a trap site. Photo Copyright to Carol Hancock
12.01.2022 Monkey See Monkey do, I just love how the youngsters stand by the Stallion to understand what life is all about. Whilst a mob approached in the distance, these two definitely wanted to stay close for some day to day learning inside the world of Brumbies. Photo Copyright to Carol Hancock
11.01.2022 Spending time in the mountains during the Christmas and New Year break is a real treat!! I stumbled across these young colts last night and am pretty sure I photographed the Palomino boy as a foal three or four years ago.... will dig them up. This boy sure is maturing into one stallion that is worthy of his own herd! and I cant wait to follow his journey as he matures even more! Photo Copyright to Carol Hancock
07.01.2022 I was reading an article about how Brumbies are inbred and weedy lil "things". I beg to differ and am quite often in awe of how nice some of them are. This photo I took today of a stallion that I have watched grow up from a colt and my goodness by anyones standards one cannot deny that he is a very nice horse! He doesn't have his own mare or herd yet but I suspect that is not too far away as he does flank another Stallion.Have a great long weekend everyone and whatever you choose to do please be safe! Photo Copyright Carol Hancock
07.01.2022 As a photographer we are always looking for that perfect photo to share. Part of being perfect is catching the light to compliment your image not detract. Very rarely does it all align, so I thought with the rain still gracing us with its presence I would share one, that like many others that don’t quite make the cut. I was sitting observing mares and foals when this stallion disappeared behind me to warn off a bachelor, once warned I captured him galloping back to his sma...ll herd, catching him in full flight was pretty cool but unfortunately I was shooting straight into the sun. That with all the water on the ground and the glare just doesn’t make it that perfect photo. I like all other photographers come home with more not so perfect photos then perfect and may never grace a wall but the hours I spend with the brumbies is something that I am very very grateful for, along with the experiences and moments I get to witness, perfect photo or not. Photo Copyright to Carol Hancock See more
06.01.2022 Markets in the Green In Adaminaby today until 1pm. We are here with a fundraiser for KNP Dynamite. If you in the area drop by and say hello!!!! We have a canvas to Raffle, Cards company to boot.
06.01.2022 Silent Auction! ****Bidding has now Close **** Congratulations to Eliza and Wendy, This print is going to a home where Brumbies are loved. In Honour of One eye!! To assist in raising funds for KNP Dynamite and his herd, I am offering Poster Boy up for Silent Auction. This photo was face of the 2016 Sydney Protest Rally and has graced covers of magazines, furthermore it is how he got his name as Posterboy! To be Auctioned 50cm x 75cm Archival Canvas tha...t has a 75 year guarantee with Black Floating Frame (or unframed if preferred). Your bid can be placed by Private message. 100% of profit is for the Brumbies with Auction closing 4 pm. Any questions? Please ask. This print makes a statement and looks absolutely spectacular on any wall so don’t hold back and make a bid, you may just be the winner! Photo Copyright to Carol Hancock. Once again Auction closes 4 pm Sunday and bids placed by Private Message.To assist in raising funds for KNP Dynamite and his herd, I am offering Poster Boy up for Silent Auction. This photo was face of the 2016 Sydney Protest Rally and has graced covers of magazines, furthermore it is how he got his name as Posterboy! To be Auctioned 50cm x 75cm Archival Canvas that has a 75 year guarantee with Black Floating Frame (or unframed if preferred). Your bid can be placed by Private message. 100% of profit is for the Brumbies with Auction closing 4 pm. Any questions? Please ask. This print makes a statement and looks absolutely spectacular on any wall so don’t hold back and make a bid, you may just be the winner! Photo Copyright to Carol Hancock. Once again Auction closes 4 pm Sunday and bids placed by Private Message. See more
04.01.2022 *******Market dates ******* I will be at Cooma Rotary Markets tomorrow (Sunday) the 14 NOV and Sydney folks I will be at the Kirribilli Markets on the 6th December. If any one has any requests of a certain print to view just mention it and it shall be organized. i will have framed canvases and acrylics on offer so If you are looking to do some Christmas shopping come and say hi!
04.01.2022 Now spring is upon us the Brumbies head to the plains to foal, Nearly every mob seems to have a new addition and this fella is no exception! Welcome to the world little one, here is hoping you have a long and healthy life wild and free. Mum looks to be a first time mum and is absolutely doting on her new born foal, it was just a delight to sit and watch them bond before he took his first nap in the morning sun. Photo Copyright to Carol Hancock
03.01.2022 The plains are a precarious place to be for a mob of young bachelors, The lead stallions are well aware they are out to cause trouble and the majority will come charging if you happen to come within cooee of his mares. These boys stood in a stalemate between numerous mobs each unwilling to choose a path out. safe to say when they made there decision they hightailed and not one looked sideways until a safe zone was reached. Photo Copyright to Carol Hancock
02.01.2022 Good news!! Calendars have arrived!! Those that have pre-payed they will be in the mail to you within 48 hours. We also now have Christmas Cards with hand picked photos to share the Christmas joy in Packs of 5 available. $25 pack of 5 with 100% profit going to the Brumbies. If you have ordered and pre-payed for a calendar no extra postage is needed. If postage is required it will be $7.50. Photos below of each card. Thank you to each and every one of you for your support it really is appreciated. All copyright to Carol Hancock.
01.01.2022 This mare like many on the plains isnt far from foaling at all. With snow now being on the forecast I do hope she hangs on until this weather front has all but passed. Photo Copyright to Carol Hancock
01.01.2022 Another surprise this morning, not out onthe plains but with White Alpine Equine and the mare from Coolamine KNP Electra. A very large and boofy colt that is full of curiosity and wobbly legs. Welcome to the world Jasper may your life be full of peace and love, I already know that you are in the best hands with Nikki and Mel as your guardians and they will guide you safely through to whatever your life may bring. Photos Copyright to Carol Hancock
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