Australia in Timor-Leste | Government organisation
Australia in Timor-Leste
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25.01.2022 Parabns ba F-FDTL nia graduadu sira husi programa Fasilidade Formasaun Lian Ingls iha Metinaro. Iha peridu ida nee, estudante sira kontinua ona ho sira nia estudu ba lian Ingls iha fasilidade ho plataforma online neeb hetan apoia husi Austrlia no ms tuir klase iha sala laran. Ida nee hanesan dalan aprendizajen ida neeb mak independente no kreativu tebes. Formasaun lian Ingls hanesan komponente prinsipl ida husi Austrlia nia Programa Kooperasaun Defeza (sigla I...ngls: DCP) ho Timor-Leste, neeb fornese abilidade komunikasaun no relasaun internasional neeb valiozu ba F-FDTL nia membru sira. *** Congratulations to the F-FDTL graduates of the English Language Training Facility at Metinaro. This term, students have continued their English language studies at the Australian-supported facility using online and face-to-face classes. This is a great way to be independent and creative in learning. English language training is a core component of Australias Defence Cooperation Program with Timor-Leste, which provides F-FDTL members with valuable skills for international engagement.
25.01.2022 Embaixadr Peter Roberts haksolok tebes atende serimnia intrega Ekipamentu ba Protesaun Pesol (sigla Ingls: PPE) iha SAMES Timor-Leste hamutuk ho organizasaun GAVI, Unio Europeia em Timor-Leste, ADB Timor-Leste, Unicef Timor-Leste no Organizasaun Mundil Sade Timor-Leste. Ekipamentu hirak nee inklui luvas, mskara N95 no mskara sirurjia nian, mskara protesaun oin, kulu protesaun, luvas sirurjia no ropa ba protesaun pesol nian. Materil hirak nee sei distribui ba s...entru sade sira iha munsipiu tomak inklui ms RAEOA Oecusse hodi f protesaun ba traballadr lia frente sira. Haksolok tebes bele kolabora apoia ba Palcio das Cinzas hodi responde ba COVID-19 iha Timor-Leste. *** Ambassador Peter Roberts was delighted to attend the handover ceremony of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) at SAMES Timor-Leste (Timor-Lestes central pharmacy) along with GAVI, Uniao Europeia Timor-Leste, ADB, UNICEF Timor-Leste and World Health Organization Timor-Leste. The equipment includes gloves, surgical and N95 masks, face shields, safety goggles, surgical and examination gloves, and coveralls. It will be distributed to health centres in all municipalities including RAEOA Oecusse to keep frontline workers safe. Great to be able to collaborate in support of Palacio das Cinzas response to COVID-19 in Timor-Leste!
25.01.2022 Obrigadu ba diskusaun ne’ebé mak eksellente tebes. Austrália no Timor-Leste hala’o ona serbisu hamutuk no metin hasoru COVID-19. Austrália nia inisiativa ba Seguransa Saúde no Asesu ba Vasina Rejionál ho totál montante Dollar Australiana millaun atus-lima (500) sei tulun ita nia rejiaun hodi rekopera, harii hikas no prósperu. ***... Thank you for the excellent discussion. Australia and Timor-Leste have worked hand-in-hand on COVID-19. Australia’s AUD500 million Regional Vaccine Access and Health Security initiative will help our region to recover, rebuild and prosper.
24.01.2022 Ita interese hakarak hatene esperinsia serbisu iha Austrlia tuir programa Eskema Traballu Pasfiku (sigla Ingls: PLS)? Programa Eskema Traballau Pasfiku nee fornese espasu ba Timoroan hodi serbisu iha Austrlia ba tinan tolu (3). Maun Cornelio dos Santos husi Covalima daudaun nee iha hela Austrlia. Mai ita lee nia istria iha nee. *** Interested to know what its like working in Australia on the Pacific Labour Scheme? The Pacific Labour Scheme enables Timorese to work in Australia for up to three years. Maun Cornelio dos Santos from Covalima is in Australia now. Read his story here.
23.01.2022 Daudaun nee ita iha hela Darwin? Karik ita hakarak haree filme gratuita ho lian Tetum iha loron Sbadu kalan semana ida nee? Mai hamutuk ita haree exibisaun filme husi Embaixada Austrlia ba filme Top End Wedding, filme nee uza ona lian Tetum, ho subttulu Ingls, iha Deckchair Cinema. Hah loke iha tuku 6 lorokraik ba jantar no sei hah loke filme iha tuku 7:30PM. Ida nee inklui ona ba han kalan, hemu no ms popcorn. Atu bele partisipa iha eventu furak ida nee, neeb... halao parseria ho Cinema Lorosae favr RSVP no ami sei kontaktu ita-boot sira hodi rezerva fatin ba ita. Iha eventu nee tuur fatin limitadu no ms sei aplika regra medida hasoru COVID nian. Bele kontaktu ami liuhosi Facebook ka direta ba iha [email protected] *** Are you in Darwin? Want to watch a fabulous free outdoor movie in Tetum this Saturday evening? Come along to the Australian Embassys special screening of Top End Wedding, in Tetum with English subtitles, at Deckchair Cinema. Doors open at 6pm for dinner the film starts at 7:30pm. Dinner, drinks and popcorn included. To attend this wonderful event, hosted in partnership with Cinema Lorosae please RSVP and we will contact you to reserve you a place. Seats are limited and COVID-safe requirements apply. RSVP via our Facebook event or directly to [email protected]
23.01.2022 Embaixada Austrlia haksolok tebes hodi fo koese ekipa asesor sira husi programa Governasaun ba Dezenvolvimentu (singla iha Inglesh GfD) ba apoiu Unidade Planeamentu, Monitorizasaun, no Avaliasaun (UPMA) - Gabinete Primeiru Ministru (GPM) nian. Asesor hirak nee, hamutuk ho sira nia belun iha UPMA-GPM, apoia Governu Timor-Leste perpara planu no orsamentu ba rekuperasaun ekonomia ps-COVID-19. Sira apoiu Komisaun Rekuperasaun Ekonomia dezenvolve Planu Rekuperasaun Ekonomia (P...RE) ba kurtu no mdiu prazu hodi tulun Timor-Leste hakat sai husi COVID-19 no ms harii ekonomia ida forte. Ekipa dadaun nee servisu besik liu ho Ministriu Finansa hodi fornese asistnsia tkniku ba Lia Ministriu no Autnomu Ajnsia sira atu asegura medidas PRE alia iha Orsamentu Estadu ba 2020 no 2021. Tempu ida nee hanesan tempu neeb mak okupadu tebes ba ekipa refere, tanba sira nia serbisu sei asegura proposta orsamentu reflekta ba medidas hirak neeb mak sei tulun haforsa Timor-Leste nia rekoperasaun ekonomia husi COVID-19. Obrigada ba ekipa neeb halao servisu makaas. *** The Australian Embassy is pleased to introduce the team of Governance for Development Program local advisers supporting the Office of the Prime Ministers Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Unit (UPMA). These advisers, together with their government counterparts in UPMA, are supporting the Government of Timor-Leste in preparing budget plans for post-COVID-19 recovery. This follows support to the Economic Recovery Commission to develop the Economic Recovery Plan, which included short and medium-term economic measures to help Timor-Leste overcome COVID-19 and build a strong economy. The team is currently working closely with the Ministry of Finance to provide technical assistance to relevant line ministries and autonomous agencies to ensure Economic Recovery Plan measures align with the 2020 and 2021 State Budgets. This is a very busy time for the team, as their input will ensure that the proposed budgets reflect the measures that will boost Timor-Lestes economic recovery from COVID-19. Thank you to the team for their hard work!
23.01.2022 Semana ida ne’e iha Austrália tomak, hala’o eventu barak hodi selebra semana NAIDOC (National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee) nian. Iha Canberra, ansiaun Ngunnawal Warren Daley lidera seremónia icár bandeira no fuma ba ami nia kolega sira iha Departamentu Relasaun Exteriór no Komersiu. Durante semana NAIDOC ami sei subliña susesu sira hotu no selebra susesu ba Austrália Indígena sira no kontinua ko’alia kona-ba impotánsia husi ema Aborigen no Torres Strait ...Islander sira nia kultura no eransa nu’udar parte ida husi Austrália nia identidade nasionál. *** This week there have been events all over Australia to mark NAIDOC week. In Canberra, Ngunnawal elder Warren Daley led a flag-raising and smoking ceremony for our colleagues at the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. During NAIDOC week we highlight the successes and celebrate the achievements of Indigenous Australians and continue conversations on the significance of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and heritage as part of Australia’s national identity.
22.01.2022 Oportunidade ikus! Obrigadu ba hirak ne’ebé mak hatama ona sira nia dezeña ba Kartaun Natál. Ami simu imajen dezeñu ne’ebé furak de’it! Atu fó hanoin katak simu dezeña ba kartaun Natál ne’e sei taka iha loron Segunda 16, 2020. Ita bele hatama ita nia dezeña liuhosi Messenger, diretamente ba Embaixada ka liuhosi email. ... **** Last chance! Thanks to everyone who has already submitted their Christmas Card designs. We’ve received some great pictures! Remember, entries close on Monday 16 November. You can submit your drawings via Facebook Messenger, directly at the Embassy or via email. Full details below. Detallu hatudu tuir imajen mak aneksa ho informasuan ida ne’e.
21.01.2022 Austrlia nia Programa Governasaun ba Dezenvolvimentu (sigla Ingls: GfD) sente orgullu f apoiu ba OXFAM hodi halao peskiza ba COVID-19 nia impaktu iha Timor-Leste. Relatriu foun rua kona-ba feto iha setr agrikultura no ms iha setr informal. Charg daffaires Philippa Venning haksolok tebes partisipa iha lansamentu ba relatriu importante hirak nee hamutuk ho Ministru Turizmu, Komrsiu no Indstria (MTKI) S.E. Jos Lucas do Carmo da Silva no reprezentativu sira husi S...ekretria Estadu ba Igualdade no Inkluzaun no Ministriu Koordenadr ba Asuntu Ekonmia (MKAE). Oxfam in Timor-Leste halao ona parseria ho peritu sira husi Universidade Nasionl Timor-Leste hodi ezamina COVID-19 nia impaktu ba feto sira iha setr agrikultura, no kolabora ms ho Institutu Mata Dalan no Universidade husi Austrlia, Monash University kona-ba oins setr informal hetan impaktu husi COVID-19. Ita bele asesu relatriu hirak nee iha lian Ingls no Tetum tuir link eletrnika tuir mai nee: Feto sira iha setr agrikultura: Setr Informal iha Timor-Leste: c Ministerio do Turismo, Comrcio e Indstria | Secretaria de Estado para a Igualdade e Incluso-SEII | MCAE *** Australias Governance for Development Program is proud to be supporting Oxfam research the impacts of COVID-19 in Timor-Leste. Two new reports are on women in agriculture and the informal sector. Charg daffaires Philippa Venning was pleased to join the Minister of Tourism, Commerce and Industry (MTCI) Jose Lucas do Carmo da Silva and representatives from State Secretary of Equality and Inclusion and the Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs for the launch of these important reports. Oxfam partnered with experts from the Timor-Leste National University to examine the impact of COVID-19 on women in the agriculture sector, and collaborated with the Mata Dalan Institute and Australias Monash University on how the informal sector has been impacted by COVID-19. You can access the reports in English and Tetum at: Women in the agriculture sector: Informal Sector in Timor-Leste: c
20.01.2022 Maun Cornelio dos Santos (Nelio) husi Lepo, Covalima nuudar traballadr Timoroan ida husi traballadr rua-nulu-resin-lima (25) tuir grupu primeiru neeb selesionadu ba programa Eskema Traballadr Pasfiku (sigla Ingls: PLS). Maun Nelio serbisu ona iha fatin produsaun naan nian iha Midfield Group iha Warrnambool, Austrlia desde tinan 2019. Ami vizita Maun Nelio hodi husu tuir no hatene oins maun Nelio nia kondisaun durante peridu surtu COVID-19 depoizde ami haree nots...ia ida kona-ba maun Nelio iha pjina dijitl @DevPolicy neeb pblika iha semana kotuk. Maun Nelio, ho nia kolega sira, iha kondisaun diak deit. Iha sira nia serbisu fatin iha Midfields, nia aprende liutan kona-ba agronegsiu, manan osan no haruka osan neeb nia rai hamutuk ba nia famlia hodi apoia nia feton-naan sira nia edukasaun. Maun Nelio iha komprimisu hodi serbisu diak liuhosi oportunidade ida nee no bainhira fila ba Timor-Leste, nia planu atu harii uma ida ba nia inan-aman, investe ba negsiu agrikultura no kontinua ninia estudu ba iha nivel mestradu. Maun Nelio gradua husi Universidade Nasionl Timor-Leste iha rea Agronomia. Hau fiar katak se ita hakarak muda ita nia moris husi kiak ba moris diak, nee sei presiza inisiativu no ms dixiplina. Hanesan buat seluk ms iha moris, serbisu iha nee iha ninia dezafiu, maib hau haksolok ho oportunidade ida nee. Karik ita seidauk haree notsia semana kotuk nian kona-ba maun Nelio nia istria, ita bele haree iha nee: *** Cornelio dos Santos (Nelio) from Lepo, Covalima was one of the first group of 25 workers selected for the Pacific Labour Scheme (PLS). He has been working in meat processing with the Midfield Group in Warrnambool, Australia since 2019. We checked in on Nelio to see how he was during COVID-19 after we saw his story on the @DevPolicy blog which we shared last week. Nelio, and his colleagues, are doing well. At Midfields he is learning more about agribusiness, earning money and sending savings home to support the education of his brothers and sisters. Nelio is committed to making the most of this opportunity and on return to Timor-Leste plans to build a house for his parents, invest in an agricultural business and study for a masters degree. Nelio graduated from the National University of Timor-Leste in Agronomy. I believe that if we want to move from poverty to prosperity its going to take initiative and discipline. Like anything in life, work here has its challenge, but I am grateful for the opportunity. If you missed it last week, read more about Nelios story here:
20.01.2022 Ksolok tebes hodi haree katak momentum hirak nee kontinua lao ba serbisu hodi apoia Timor-Leste nia r Guardian-class Patrol Boats foun rua hodi too mai Timor. Reprezentante husi Austrlia nia Programa Kooperasaun Defeza (sigla Ingls: DCP), F-FDTL Komponente Navl no Ministriu Defeza Timor-Leste hasoru malu bebeik, inklui ho Austrlia nia Departamentu Defeza liuhosi vdiokonfernsia husi Canberra. Liuhosi esforsu hamutuk ida nee, daudaun nee prepara hela buat hotu ho...di simu r refere hodi too mai husi Austrlia iha tinan 2023. Krditu ba fotografia: Departamentu Defeza Austrlia *** Great to see momentum continue on work to support the arrival of Timor-Lestes two new Guardian-class Patrol Boats. Representatives from Australias Defence Cooperation Program, F-FDTL Naval Component and Timor-Lestes Ministry of Defence are meeting regularly, including with Australias Department of Defence via video teleconference from Canberra. Through this collaborative effort, everything is being prepared for when the boats arrive from Australia in 2023. Photos credit: Department of Defence
20.01.2022 Austrlia orgullu tebes hodi apoia asesu neeb justu ba #COVID-19 nia vasina ba ami nia nasaun viziu sira iha Sudezte zia no Psifiku, inklui ms Timor-Leste, ho dalan apoia inisiativa foun #COVAX husi Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, aliansa ba vasina refere. Ami fiar katak vasina COVID-19 neeb dezenvolve ona tenkesr seguru, efetivu no disponivel ba ema hotu, las deit ba hirak neeb mak bele sosa ka prods vasina ne. Hamutuk ho ami nia viziu sira, ita sei haforsa re...jiaun nee nia seguransa sade *** Australia is proud to support fair access to #COVID19 vaccines for our neighbours in Southeast Asia and the Pacific, including Timor-Leste, by supporting a crucial new #COVAX initiative by Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, the vaccine alliance. We believe COVID-19 vaccines developed should be safe, effective and available to all, not just those that can afford to purchase or manufacture it themselves. Together with our neighbours, we will strengthen our regions health security.
19.01.2022 Haksolok Loron Mundiál Ba Sintina! Koñese Sr. João do Carmo Pinto, aman husi oan nain 10, nomós nudár manorin iha ensinu báziku iha Postu Administrativu Viqueque. Sr. Pinto nia família konstrui sira nia sintina iha tinan 2015 no agora dadaun nia kolabora ho membru sira iha nia komunidade hodi atinji estatutu Livre Husi Soe Foer Boot Arbiru liuhusi programa Area La Soe Fo’er Boot Arbiru (ALFA), ne’ebé hetan suporta husi asisténsia Austrália nian liuhusi Parseria ba Dezenvolvim...entu Umanu (PHD). Sr. Pinto subliña mos katak, Iha sintina ida nudár prioridade ba ita nia saúde, ita tenke koidadu ita nia-an no hetan saúde diak, ho nune’e ita presija atu sintina iha fatin ne’ebé los hodi evita moras nia hada’et. Hanesan manán nain ba ijiene no sanitasaun, Sr. Pinto dala barak fó hanoin ba nia viziñu sira hodi konstrui no koidadu sira nia sintina tamba se karik sira laiha sintina sei afeta laos ba sira deit, maibe afeta mos ba ema seluk iha komunidade. Nia fahe mensajen ba Loron Mundiál Sintina nian, hau hein katak ita kontinua informa ba ema hotu-hotu kona-ba importánsia atu ita iha sintina tamba ida ne’e sei hamenus moras. *** Happy World Toilet Day! Meet Sr. João do Carmo Pinto, a father of 10 children and basic education teacher in Administrative Post Viqueque. His family built their toilet in 2015 and he is currently engaging with members of his community to achieve Open Defecation Free status through the Area La Soe Fo’er Boot Arbiru (ALFA) program, supported by Australian Aid through Partnership for Human Development Australia Timor-Leste. He highlights, Having a toilet is a priority for our health, we have to look after ourselves and stay healthy, therefore we need to defecate in the right place so that we can avoid spreading diseases. As a champion of good hygiene and sanitation, Sr. Pinto frequently reminds his neighbours to build and maintain their toilets because if they do not have a toilet it will not only affect them, but also other people in the community. He shares his message for World Toilet Day, I hope we are continuing to inform all people about the importance of having their own toilet because it will reduce disease.
18.01.2022 Parabns ba Tecnologia da Informao e Comunicao (TIC) Timor I.P (Information and Communication Technology Timor Agency) ba lansamentu Timor-Leste nia painel informasaun COVID-19. Plataforma ida nee fornese informasaun neeb mak koreto e zatu no atualizadu kona-ba mudansa ba situasaun COVID-19 iha Timor-Leste. Uza mapa, tabuleta no figura, plataforma nee fornese informasaun kona-ba COVID-19 ba pbliku, inklui ms kona-ba Timor-Leste nia asaun hodi prevene no mitiga has...oru pandemia ninia impaktu. Austrlia liuhosi programa Governasaun ba Dezenvolvimentu (sigla Ingls: GfD) haksolok tebes hodi apoia TIC dezenvolve no jere plataforma refere. Bele vizita ba pjina nee: hodi haree informasaun hirak nee. *** Congratulations to Tecnologia da Informao e Comunicao (TIC) Timor I.P (Information and Communication Technology Timor Agency) on the launch of Timor-Lestes COVID-19 dashboard. This platform provides accurate and up-to-date information on the evolving COVID-19 situation in Timor-Leste. Using maps, tables and figures, the platform provides the public with information on COVID-19, including Timor-Lestes response to prevent and mitigate the impacts of the pandemic. Australia, through the Governance for Development (GfD) program, is pleased to support TIC develop and manage the platform. Check it out at:
18.01.2022 Ita boot hatene saida mak tenke halo karik ema ruma derrepente moras ka asidente no hetan kanek? Semana ida ne’e ami nia funsionáriu balun parsitipa hela kursu kona-ba primeiru sokorru. Nune’e, importante ba ita atu hatene saida mak ita bele halo hodi ajuda iha tempu emerjensi ruma. *** Would you know what to do if someone suddenly falls ill or has been injured? This week some of our staff have been participating in a First Aid course. So important to know what to do to help in an emergency.
18.01.2022 Ita iha interese hakarak sosa karreta ida? Embaixada Austrlia konvida ita hodi tuir lelaun ba karreta-uzadu haat tuir kondisaun neeb mak iha. Informasaun detalla klaru liutan no orriu haree karreta bele hetan informasaun iha: Loron ikus hatama pedidu interese ba lelaun mak loron Kuarta, 30 Setembru 2020 oras tuku 4 Lorokraik. *** Interested in buying a car? The Australian Embassy invites bids on four used motor vehicles on a where is, as is basis. Details including viewing times are available at The deadline for the submission of bids is 4pm Wednesday 30 September 2020.
17.01.2022 Embaixada Austrlia haksolok tebes hodi entrega tanki-bee hamutuk 253 resin ba Programa Nasionl Dezenvolvimentu Suku (PNDS) hodi enkoraza fase-liman no prevensaun ba COVID-19 iha PNDS nia fatin konstrusaun sira. Tanke hirak nee sei distribui ba suku atus-rua-lima-nulu-resin-tolu (253) neeb mak sei harii sira nia projetu infraestrutura komunitria ho apoia finanseiru husi PNDS, hanesan ba bee no ms ba sistema irrigasaun sira. Austrlia diretamente f apoia finanseiru ba... projetu iha suku atus-ida-lima-nulu-resin-rua (152), ho valr osan hamutuk millaun hitu (7) Dolar Austrlia, nuudar parte ba ami nia kontribuisaun ba Timor-Leste nia rekoperasaun ekonomia COVID-19. *** The Australian Embassy was pleased to hand over 253 water tanks to the National Village Development Program (PNDS) to encourage handwashing and COVID-19 prevention on PNDS construction sites. The tanks will be distributed to 253 villages (sukus) who will soon begin building their own community infrastructure projects with PNDS grants, such as water and irrigation systems. Australia is directly funding the projects in 152 sukus, valued at AUD7 million, as part of our contribution to Timor-Lestes COVID-19 economic recovery.
16.01.2022 Thanks to Laboratorio Nacional de Sade and @Menzies School of Health Research for the tour of the soon to be completed laboratory facilities for COVID testing. It was great to see a demonstration of the new AusDiagnostic pipetting robot. This automated system will help the laboratory achieve faster results with a higher throughput. Australia is proud to fund the laboratory extension and the procurement of this important equipment through our support to Menzies School of He...alth Research. *** Agradese ba Laboratriu Nacional Sade no @Menzies School of Health Research lori ami hodi haree estensaun fasilidade laboratriu ba teste COVID nian neeb sei kompleta iha tempu badak nia laran. Ami sente haksolok tebes hodi haree demonstrasaun ba ekipamentus rob Ausdiagnstiku ida nee. Sistema automtika nee sei fasilita teste laboratriu hodi atinji rezultadu lais liu tan. Austrlia orgullu hodi finansia estensaun laboratriu no kompra ekipamentu importante nee liu husi ami nia apoiu ba Menzies School of Health Research.
15.01.2022 Diskusaun anuál asuntu defeza nian! Liuhosi ami nia parseria defeza nian, ami serbisu hamutuk hodi responde ba COVID-19, dezenvolve seguransa marítima no fahe esperiénsia iha edukasaun no treinamentu militár. Agradese ba Comodoro Aéru Steve Edgeley, Diretur Jerál Pasífiku no Timor-Leste, Sue Bodell, Sekretáriu Adjuntu Reforsa Partisipasaun Indo-Pasífiku nian, Koronel Calisto Coliati, Xefi Estado Maior F-FDTL, no Sr. Martinho Gonçalves, Diretur Jerál Ministériu Defeza, hodi li...dera palestra tinan ida ne’e. *** Great annual defence talks! Through our defence partnership we are working together to respond to COVID-19, develop maritime security and share experiences in military education and training. Thanks to Air Commodore Steve Edgeley, Director General Pacific and Timor-Leste, Sue Bodell, Assistant Secretary Indo-Pacific Enhanced Engagement, Colonel Calisto Coliati, F-FFDTL Chief of Staff, and Sr Martinho Gonçalves, Ministry of Defence Director General, for leading this year’s talks.
14.01.2022 Aprende língua foun ne’e lori tempu no dedikasaun maibé, nia benefísiu bo’ot tebes iha ita nia moris tomak. Tinan ida ne’e, funsionáriu públiku 33 no ema ho defisiensia 16 hetan apoiu hodi hasa’e sira nia abilidade língua Inglés liuhosi programa kursu badak finansia husi Governu Austrália! Treinamentu língua Inglés akadémiku dezeña ona hanesan parte ida ba edukasaun, serbisu, no dezenvolvimentu kareira no apoia ona estudante balun husi kursu badak ne’e hodi hetan oportunidad...e serbisu foun. Karik ita bo’ot ema ho defisiensia ka funsionáriu públiku, tanba-sá mak la rejistu ita bo’ot nia interese hodi aplika ba iha kursu badak língua Inglés tuir mai, ne’ebé mak sei realiza iha 2021 liuhosi email [email protected]. Ita bo’ot mós bele tuir ami nia pájina Facebook ba oportunidade hirak tuir mai. *** Learning a new language takes time and dedication, but the benefits can last a lifetime. This year 33 public servants and 16 people with disabilities were supported to improve their English language skills through a short course program funded by the Australian government! The academic English language training was designed as a pathway to education, jobs, and career development and has already helped some short course students to find new work opportunities. If you are a person living with disabilities or a public servant, why not register your interest in applying for the next round of English language short courses, which will be held in 2021 by emailing [email protected]. You can also follow our page for further opportunities.
14.01.2022 Ohin marka aniversriu rua-nulu-resin-ida (21) desde INTERFET, Forsa Multinasionl tuir ONU nia mandatu tuun iha Timor-Leste. Tinan kotuk Jenerl Dom Peter Cosgrove, antigu komandante ba INTERFET no governadr jerl Austrlia, mai iha Timor-Leste nuudar Konvidadu de Onra ba eventu komemorasaun sira ba loron nee nian. Iha serimnia ida neeb nakonu ho sentimentu iha Palsiu Governu, Dom Peter presta omenajn ho lia fuan: ... Ami haree ita nia susar maib ami haree ms ita nia fuan boot. Ami haree destroisaun maib ami ms haree determinasaun hodi konstrui no ultrapasa fali dezafiu sira. Ami haree ita nia tristeza maib haree ms ita nia optimizmu no ita nia alegria wainhira ita hanoin kona-ba futuru ho esperansa. Ami mai hodi ajuda ita-boot sira, maib ita-boot sira f inspirasaun mai ami. Ami mai iha nee hodi halao ami nia knar militr nian, maib wainhira ami fila fali ami sente diferente, ami sente diak liu tanba ita boot sira f mai ami ita nia konfiansa no hadomi. Ami nia knar nee nakfila sai hanesan privilju. *** Today marks the 21st anniversary of the arrival of INTERFET, the United Nations-mandated multinational force. Last year General Sir Peter Cosgrove, the former commander of INTERFET and Governor-General of Australia, was Timor-Lestes Guest of Honour for the commemorative events. In a moving ceremony at the Palcio do Governo, Sir Peter paid tribute: We saw your suffering but we saw your courage. We saw the destruction, but we saw your determination to rebuild and overcome. We saw your sadness, but we witnessed your optimism and your joy at your hopeful future. We came to help you, but you inspired us all. We came to do our military duty, but when we left, we felt different, we felt better, because you gave us the gift of your trust and affection. To us, our duty became privilege.
14.01.2022 Haksolok tebes haree pesol nain rua-nulu-resin-ualu (28) neeb serbisu iha lia frente husi uma mahon, serbisu apoia legl, organizasaun juventude, governu no fasilidade sade nian no ajnsia governu sira nian hodi hah tuir kursu ba nivel Sertifikadu III iha rea Serbisu Sosal liuhosi Austrlia nia Programa Nabilan. Partisipante ba formasaun nee sei kompleta klase formasaun ho oras atus-ida (100) too fulan Novembru no iha momentu hanesan ms sira halao nafatin sira n...ia serbisu babain! Sira sei aprende tpiku oioin inklui igualdade jneru, estrutura legl, kestaun defisinsia, akonsellamentu, jestaun kazu no kuidadu-aan atu nunee sira bele fornese serbisu ho kualidade neeb diak liu no kuida kliente vulneravl sira. Kursu nee ms sei tulun trabaladr sira harii koneksaun entre fornesedr serbisu sosil sira. Tinan ida nee, partisipante sira mai husi organizasaun oioin inklui PRADET, Fokupers, F-FCJ, Casa Vida, Salele, Uma Pas Baucau, Uma Pas Viqueque, Youth off the Streets, Uma Pas Manufahi, Key Population, Belun no Ministriu Sosil Solidaridade no Inkluzaun. *Gabinete Ministra da Solidariedade Sosial e Incluso | Fokupers Timor | Casa Vida | Belun | Youth Off The Streets Overseas Relief Fund - Timor-Leste *** Great to see 28 frontline workers from crisis shelters, legal aid services, youth organisations, health facilities and government agencies start their Certificate III in Social Services through Australias Nabilan program. The students will complete 100 hours of class until November on top of their regular jobs! They will study a range of topics including gender equality, legal frameworks, disability issues, counselling, case management and self-care to enable them to deliver better quality services and care to vulnerable clients. The course will also help workers build connections and networks among service providers. This year, students come from a range of organisations including PRADET, Fokupers, F-FCJ, Casa Vida, Maluk Timor, AlFela, Marie Stopes Timor-Leste, CODIVA, Centro Esperansa ba Feto - Uma Mahon Salele, Uma Pas Baucau, Uma Pas Viqueque, Youth off the Streets, Uma Pas Manufahi, Key Population, Belun and the Ministry of Social Solidarity and Inclusion.
13.01.2022 Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance simu ona Austrlia nia kontribuisaun hamutuk millaun ualu-nulu Dollar Austrlia, neeb mak sei tulun hodi garante asesu ba vasina ba nasaun hotu ho justu no hanesan iha mundu tomak, inklui ms Timor-Leste. *** Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance has welcomed Australias $80 million contribution, which will help to guarantee fair and equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines for countries around the world, including Timor-Leste.
13.01.2022 Obrigadu ba ami nia belun sira husi F-FDTL, Portugal no Brazil tanba tulun Austrlia nia Programa Kooperasaun Defeza nia asesr foun sira hodi prepara-aan atu mai serbisu iha Timor-Leste. Kada tinan, Austrlia nia asesr sira aprende lian Tetum no Portuguese hodi nunee sira bele serbisu metin liutan ho F-FDTL no Ministriu Defeza. Ami haksolok tebes katak F-FDTL no asesr internasionl sir abele tulun sira hodi prtika liuhosi vdiu telekonfernsia. Fotografia: F-FDTL nia m...embru sira hanesan Kapitaun David Santos, Tenente Noemio Sequeira, SADJ Oktoheri Fernandes no asesr foun sira prtika liuhosi plataforma online. *** Thanks to our friends from the F-FDTL, Portugal and Brazil for helping the next Australian Defence Cooperation Program advisors prepare to work in Timor-Leste. Each year, Australian advisors learn Tetun and Portuguese so that they are able to work closely with the F-FDTL and Ministry of Defence. We were thrilled that the F-FDTL and international advisors could help them practise via video teleconference. Photos: F-FDTL members Capt David Santos, Ten Nomieo Sequeira, SADJ Oktoheri Fernandes and the new advisors practise online. F-Fdtl Falintil
13.01.2022 Parabns ba Loron Mundil Literasia! Mai koese mana Tomsia Soares, Koordenadr Eskola ida iha Munispiu Liquica bainhira mana Tomsia sei eskola iha eskola primria, mana Tomsia iha mehi hakarak sai nuudar manorin nain ida. Mana Tomsia halao ona papl hanorin no apoia ona estudante sira nia literasia ba tinan tolu-nulu resin ona. Nia dehan, Ida nee importante tebes ba alunu sira iha klase ida (1) no rua (2) hodi aprende no dezenvolve sira nia abilidade kona-ba hak...erek no lee nian tanba buat rua nee sai hanesan fundamentu ba aprendizajen iha futuru mai. Liga ba Loron Mundil Literasia nia temtika tinan ida nee, Prosesu aprendizajen no hanorin literasia durante peridu krize COVID-19 no tuir mai, mana Tomsia fahe ninia hanoin, Ami husu ema hothotu atu fase sira nia liman antes tama iha klase laran, uza mskara no mantein distnsia sosil durante prosesu aprendizajen, no medida hirak nee efetivu tebes. Mana Tomsia nia eskola hetan apoia husi Austrlia no Timor-Leste nia programa parseria ba edukasaun, Apoiu LIderansa liuhosi Mentoria no Aprendizajen (ALMA), neeb mak hasae lideransa no manorin nain sira nia kapasidade hodi hadiak prtika hanorin no aprendizajen ba estudante sira husi klase 1 too 6. *** Happy International Literacy Day! Meet Tomsia Soares, a School Coordinator in Liquica Municipality who dreamt of becoming a teacher when she was in primary school. Mana Tomsia has now been teaching and supporting students literacy for over 30 years. She notes, It is important for students in grade 1 and 2 to learn and develop their abilities in reading and writing because it is a basic foundation for future learning. Linked to this years International Literacy Day theme, Literacy teaching and learning in the COVID-19 crisis and beyond, Mana Tomsia shares, We are requiring everyone to wash their hands before entering to classroom, wear a mask and maintain social distancing during the learning process, which is really effective. Tomsias school is supported by Australia and Timor-Lestes partnership education program, Apoiu Lideransa liuhosi Mentoria no Aprendizajen (ALMA), which builds leadership and teacher capacity to improve teaching practices and student learning in grades 1-6. Partnership for Human Development Australia Timor-Leste
12.01.2022 Were hiring! The Australian Embassy is seeking a registered nurse with a minimum of 3 years experience to fill the position of Nurse/Clinic Office Manager at the Embassys Clinic. Applications are due Monday, 5th October 2020 at 4.30pm. For full details see: ***... Ami rekruta hela! Agora daudaun Embaixada Austrlia rekruta hela enfermeira rejistrada ho esperiensia mnimu tinan tolu hodi prienxe pozisaun hanesan Enfermeira/ Jerente Klnika iha klnika Embaixada nian. Loron ikus hatama aplikasaun mak Segunda, 5 Outubru 2020 oras tuku 4.30 lorokraik. Informasaun klean liu tan, bele haree iha link nee:
11.01.2022 Durante fulan haat ba kotuk joven sira neebe mak involve ona iha organizasaun Juventude ba dezenvolvimentu Nasionl (sigla Ingls: JDN) halao ona atividade hodi eduka joven sira seluk iha Timor-Leste kona-ba mtodu prevensaun ba COVID-19 no ezemplu husi nutrisaun neeb diak. Atividade nee fornese ona ba joven rihun barak iha rai-laran liu husi edukasaun online, seminriu, klase ba tein nian no festivl hahn saudavl. Austrlia nia voluntriu Bernie McEvoy momentu ne...e halao serbisu ho organizasaun JDN nuudar mentr ba programa nian antes fila ba nia rai tanba COVID-19. Felizmente, nia konsege bele kontinua f apoia husi nia uma iha Austrlia parte Sul. Hau hetan privileiju apoia joven hirak nee nuudar voluntriu remotas liuhosi programa Australian Volunteers Program, Bernie dehan. Hau involve no apoia liu husi partisipa iha reuniaun ba revizaun no planeamentu nian liu husi aplikasaun Zoom, prepara material ba edukasaun, fornese supervizaun ba ekipa no individuu no prepara relatriu. Serbisu husi dook, dalaruma hasoru difikuldade, maib f esperansa mai hau kona-ba juventude JDN sira nia abilidade hodi halo planu no implementa programa neeb hasae komunidade moris-diak no sade. Haree ba saida mak JDN atinje ona iha komunidade, liuliu ho joven sira, nee inspira hau hodi kontinua halao voluntriu. *** For the last four months young people involved in Juventude ba Dezenvolvimentu Nasionl (Young People for National Development, or JDN) have been working to educate other young people across Timor-Leste on prevention methods for COVID-19 and examples of good nutrition. Thousands of young people across the country have been reached through online education, workshops, cooking classes and a health food festival. Australian volunteer Bernie McEvoy was working with the organisation as a program mentor before returning home because of COVID-19. Fortunately, she has been able to continue her support remotely from her home in South Australia. I have had the privilege of supporting these young people as a remote volunteer through the Australian Volunteers Program, says Bernie. My support has involved participating in planning and review meetings through Zoom, preparing educational materials, providing supervision on an individual and team basis and preparing reports. Working remotely, while challenging, has highlighted to me the capacity of JDN young people to plan and implement programs that enhance the health and wellbeing of their community. Seeing what JDN achieves in the community, particularly with young people, inspires me to continue to volunteer.
10.01.2022 Iha findesemana kotuk Embaixada Austrlia haksolok tebes bele hola parte sai nuudar uma nain hodi loke filme Top End Wedding iha lian Tetum, ba komunidade TImoroan sira iha Darwin no ba sira nia belun Austrlia sira. Obrigadu barak ba ema hotu mak partisipa ona iha kalan kmanek ida neeb furak tebes hodi selebra relasaun neeb metin entre Darwin ho Timor-Leste. Notsia diak ba maluk sira iha Dili. Iha tempu badak filme Top End Wedding ms sei ba mai loke iha Timor laran!... Informasaun detallu liu tan kona-ba ami-nia parseria ho Dili International Film Festival no Cinema Lorosae sei f sai iha tempu badak nia laran. Krditu ba vdiu: Andrew Hyde *** Last weekend the Embassy was delighted to host a special screening of Top End Wedding, in Tetum, for the Timorese community in Darwin and their Australian friends. Thanks to everyone for such a great evening celebrating the close ties between Darwin and Timor-Leste. And good news for those of you in Dili. Top End Wedding will be coming soon to screens all over Timor-Leste! More details of our partnerships with Dili International Film Festival and Cinema Lorosae coming soon. Video courtesy of Andrew Hyde.
10.01.2022 Haksolok tebes haree ekipamentu rua ba responde emerjnsia nian too iha Timor-Leste ohin loron ho aviaun militr Royal Australian Air Force. Governu Austrlia sei haruka ekipamentu tolu tan iha semana hirak tuir mai. Hamutuk, sasn hirak nee sei tulun hodi prepara ba kualkr kazu COVID-19 mosu iha Timor-Leste ho dalan fornese ekipamentu protesaun pesol neeb sufisiente no materil esensil sira hodi kuida pasiente pozitivu too lima-nulu (50) iha fatin izolamentu sira. ms ho aviaun refere pesol Defeza no ekipamentu ba F-FDTL ninia ezersisiu Harii Hamutuk, nuudar atividade multilaterl anul neeb foka ba dezenvolvimentu kapasidade enjearia nian. *** Great to see two emergency response kits arrive in Timor-Leste today on a Royal Australian Air Force plane. The Australian Government will send a further three kits in the coming weeks. Together, these kits will help prepare for any further outbreaks of COVID-19 in Timor-Leste by providing enough personal protective equipment and essential supplies to treat around 50 positive patients at isolation facilities. Also on the flight were Defence personnel and equipment for the F-FDTLs Exercise Harii Hamutuk, an annual multilateral activity focused on developing engineering capability.
10.01.2022 Ohin Timor-Leste selebra nu’udar Loron Nasionál ba Juventude. Tempu ida hodi reflete no fó onra kontribuisaun ne'ebé juventude sira halo ona ba Timor-Leste. Austrália hamutuk ho Timor-Leste rekoñese Timor-Leste nia juventude sira nia susesu hodi hamosu dezenvolvimentu ba sira nia nasaun. Embaixada Austrália sei taka ohin loron ba Loron Nasionál Juventude. Bainhira presiza asisténsia konsulár ne’ebé urjente, favór kontaktu númeru +61 6261 3305. *** ... Today Timor-Leste observes National Youth Day. A time to reflect and honour the contribution young people have made to Timor-Leste. Australia joins with Timor-Leste in recognising the achievements Timor-Leste’s youth continue to make to the development of their nation. The Embassy will be closed today for National Youth Day. For urgent consular assistance please contact +61 2 6261 3305.
10.01.2022 Mai deskovre oins Australian Volunteers Program nia voluntriu ida neeb halao ona serbisu ho ninia kolega sira iha ONG HIAM-Health hodi fahe informasaun kona-ba Timor-Leste nia ai-marungi neeb mak riku ho nutrisaun. Nu udar mentr ba komunikasaun ida, mana Annamarie Reyes apoia ninia ekipa hodi fahe informasaun kona-ba ai-marungi no mensajen importante seluk kona-ba sade, hodi tulun hatan ba problema malnutrisaun iha Timor-Leste. Vdiu nee foka no halo iha fulan Outu...bru tinan 2019. *** Discover how an Australian Volunteers Program worked with colleagues at HIAM-Health to spread the word about Timor-Lestes nutrition-rich moringa plant. As a communications mentor, Annamarie Reyes supported her team to share information about the moringa plant and other important health messages, to help address malnutrition in Timor-Leste. This video was filmed in October 2019.
10.01.2022 Programa Koperasaun Defeza Austrália durante ne’e serbisu hamutuk ho Enjeñaria Kombate F-FDTL halo atividade kontra-minas no operasaun armamentu inexplozivu. Uza aparellu treinamentu foun ne’ebé halo husi plástiku, membru F-FDTL sira bele prátika sira nia abilidade iha senáriu realístiku sira. Miñas simuladas no detetór minas sira kuaze atu hanesan ho saida maka forsa Austrálianu sira uza no sei ajuda Enjeñaria Kombate F-FDTL hodi dezenvolve sira nia abilidade no prosedimentu... atu serbisu ho seguru iha área perigozu sira. *** Australia’s Defence Cooperation Program has been working with the F-FDTL Combat Engineers on counter-mine and unexploded ordnance operations. Using new training aids made of solid resin (plastic), the F-FDTL members are able to practice their skills in realistic scenarios. The replicas and mine detectors are very similar to what is used by the Australian Army and will support F-FDTL combat engineers develop the skills and procedures to work safely in dangerous areas.
09.01.2022 Parabéns ba ekipa hotu ne’ebé mak partisipa ona iha Kampionatu Debate Nasionál iha Lian Inglés ba Daruak! Bainhira ita hala’o debate hanorin ita abilidade importante sira hanesan pensamentu krítiku, komunikasaun no advokasia. Debate mós fó espasu ema hodi reflete no konsidera ema seluk nia pontu-de-vista. Abilidade di’ak hirak ne’e sei fó espasu ba juventude sira hodi kontribui ba públiku no tulun sira forma sira nia nasaun nia dezenvolvimentu. Manan na’in ba tinan ida ne’e... hala’o ho susesu ne’ebé boot tebes ekipa husi Instituto São João de Brito, João Saldanha University no UNTL. Parabéns mós ba Mellor Oradór na’in tolu Silviana (instituto São João de Brito), Amandina (UNTL) no Nelia (UNTL). Embaixada Austrália haksolok tebes bele apoia kompetisaun ne’e, hamutuk ho Sekretáriu do Estadu ba Juventude no Desporto, Knua Juventude Fila-Liman husi UNDP Timor-Leste, Telkomcel, MGiel Unip Lda, UNITAL no Be-Lafaek. Eventu ne’e organiza husi Grupu Debate Timor-Leste. *** Debate Congratulations to all the teams who participated in the 2nd Timor-Leste National Varsity English Debating Championship! Debating teaches important skills including critical thinking, communication and advocacy. It also enables people to reflect and consider other points of views. All great skills to enable young people to contribute to public life and help shape their country’s development. Well done to this year’s winners the teams from Instituto São João de Brito, João Saldanha University, and UNTL. Congratulations also to the three Best Speakers Silviana (Instituto São João de Brito), Amandina (UNTL) and Nelia (UNTL). The Australian Embassy was proud to support the competition, together with the Secretary of State for Youth and Sports, KJFL of UNDP Timor-Leste, Telkomcel, MGiel Unip Lda, UNITAL and Be-Lafaek. The event was organised by the Timor-Leste Debating Group.
08.01.2022 VAGA SERBISU! Agora daudaun Embaixada Austrlia rekruta hela Koordenadr ba Dezenvolvimentu Rurl nian. Pozisaun ida nee sei halao Embaixada nia serbisu importante sira iha rea dezenvolvimentu rurl, agrikultura no seguransa alimentar. Loron ikus hatama aplikasaun mak Sesta, 11 Setembru 2020. Informasaun klean liu tan, bele haree iha link nee: *** VACANCY! We are looking for a Coordinator - Rural Development to join our amazing team at the Australian Embassy. The Coordinator will assist with the Embassys important rural development, agriculture and food security work. Applications close on Friday, 11 September 2020. Click here to learn more:
08.01.2022 Ami sente haksolok tebes tanba hamutuk ho UNFPA Timor-Leste ami bele entrega ona ekipamentu no material mdiku nian neeb presiza hodi bele uza iha sala maternidade nian iha fasilidade izolamentu iha Vera Cruz. Ekipamentu hirak nee sei tulun parteira sira hodi fornese tratamentu neeb seguru ba kualkr inan feton hirak neeb mak iha kondisaun pr-natal, intrapartu, no ps-partu mak hetan COVID-19. Ministriu Sade simu ona ekipamentu hirak nee liuhosi Ministra Sade Dra.... Odete Maria Freitas Belo, no Palcio das Cinzas no inklui ms ho kama ba partus nian, mkina temperatura ba beb foin moris, kariu no ropa protesaun ba pesol sade sira. *** Pleased that together with UNFPA Timor-Leste we were able to hand over the medical equipment and supplies required to fit out a maternity ward at the Vera Cruz isolation facility. This equipment will enable trained midwives to provide safe antenatal, intrapartum and post-partum care for any pregnant women with COVID-19. The equipment was received by Minister for Health, Dra. Odete Maria Freitas Belo, and Palcio das Cinzassente and included an automatic delivery bed, radiant warmer for newborns, trolleys and protective gowns.
06.01.2022 Semana nee PNTL halao ona treinamentu ida neeb foka ba iha protesaun labarik no feto sira husi abuzu. Vise-Ministru Interior S.E. Antnio Armindo lansa kursu nee hodi kombate Agresaun Seksul no Abuzu Hasoru Labarik, neeb mak sei sai kursu dahuluk husi haat mak sei fornese ba Investigadr sira iha Unidade de Pessoas Vulnerveis (sigla Ingls: VPU) Detetiva husi Australian Federal Police, Sarjentu Leesa Alexander husi Austrlia nia Programa Dezenvolvimentu Polsia Timo...r-Leste (sigla Ingls: TLPDP), no Unio Europeia em Timor-Leste hamutuk ho UNDP liuhosi Spotlight Initiative, halao serbisu hamutuk ona ho PNTL hodi elimina forma violnsia hotu hasoru feto no labarik feto sira. *** This week the PNTL has been running a training course focused on protecting women and children from abuse. Vice Minister of the Interior Antonio Armindo opened the PNTL course combatting Sexual Assault and Child Abuse, which is the first of four courses that will be delivered to all 108 Vulnerable Persons Unit Investigators. Australian Federal Police Detective Sergeant Leesa Alexander from Australias Timor-Leste Police Development Program (TLPDP), and the Unio Europeia em Timor-Leste and UNDP Timor-Leste through the Spotlight Initiative, have been working together with the PNTL to eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls.
06.01.2022 Embaixada Austrlia kontente tebes bele partisipa hamutuk ho Ministru Defeza, Xefe Estadu Maior F-FDTL, Ministru ba Asuntu Kombatentes no Libertasaun Nasionl no ms membru sira husi komunidade diplomtiku hodi lansa obra ba hadiak hikas fali Muzeu Forte Balibo. Liuhosi parseria ho Balibo House Trust no Market Development Facility, projetu nee sei dezenvolve muzu ida nee hodi hatudu Timor-Leste nia riku ho istria, apoiu ba turizmu iha rejiaun ida nee. Nunee ms sei f ...onra ba veteranus hirak neeb halao ona serbisu iha Balibo no nasaun Timor laran tomak, no ita f onra ba sira nia korazen no sakrifsiu hodi selebra aniversriu loron INTERFET iha fin-de-semana ida nee. *** The Australian Embassy was delighted to join the Minister of Defence, F-FDTL Chief of Staff, Minister for Former Combatants and National Liberation, and members of the diplomatic community to launch work on upgrading the Balibo Fort Museum. In partnership with the Balibo House Trust and Market Development Facility, the project will develop the museum to showcase Timor-Lestes rich history, supporting tourism in the region. It will also honour veterans who served in Balibo and across the country, and we pay special tribute to their courage and sacrifice as we commemorate the anniversary of the INTERFET deployment this weekend.
05.01.2022 Liuhosi Programa Kooperasaun Defeza, Austrlia haksolok tebes halo parseria ho Timoroan nia kompaia Logos Training Centre iha Delta, Hudilaran hodi fornese formasaun nivel avansadu ba Ministriu Defeza no F-FDTL. Iha tan kursu balu planeia ona ba tinan 2021. *** Through the Defence Cooperation Program, Australia is pleased to be partnering with Timorese company Logos Training Centre at Delta, Hudilaran, to provide advanced training to the Ministry of Defence and F-FDTL. More courses are planned for 2021.
05.01.2022 Ohin loron tinan ida liu ba! Ami sente onradu ba okaziaun Austrlia nia Primeiru Ministru Scott Morrison (ScoMo) no Ministra Asuntu Estranjeiru Marise Payne bele partisipa iha komemorasaun aniversriu Konsulta Popular ba dala rua-nulu (20). Ohin marka ms tinan ida ona ba loron istriku Tratadu Fronteira Martima tama ba vigor. Ami sente onradu hodi kontinua serbisu hamutuk nuudar belun no viziu hodi harii rejiaun forte ida. ... *** One year ago today! We were honoured that Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison (ScoMo) and Foreign Affairs Minister Marise Payne were able to participate in the commemorations for the 20th anniversary of the Popular Consultation. Today also marks one year since our historic Maritime Boundary Treaty entered into force. We are honoured to continue working together as friends and neighbours to build a stronger region.
05.01.2022 Embaixada Austrlia haksolok tebes hamutuk ho Diretr Jerl Ministriu Agrikultura no Peskas (MAP), Diretr sira husi Institute Nasionl ba Sade (INS), Ministriu Sade (MS) no ho parseiru sira seluk hodi partisipa iha eventu lansamentu formasaun agrikultura sensvel ba nutrisaun foun ba pesol profesionl sade sira. Australia liuhusi ami nia programa TOMAK, kontente bele apoia dezenvolvimentu treinamentu ida nee neeb lidera husi INS hodi hadia seguransa ai-han no nutris...aun iha Timor-Leste. Formasaun ida nee hasae konxinsia ba ligasaun entre agrikultura no nutrisaun no enkoraza profesionl sade sira hodi promove hadiak prtika nutrisaun nian bazeia ba hahn neeb mak disponivel tuir poka. Formasaun ida nee komplimenta formasaun neeb ekstensionista sira husi MAP simu ona hodi apoia famlia agrikultr sira atu kuda no han hahn neeb nutritivu liu ba sade neeb diak liu. Ami hatoo ami nia parabns ba INS, MS no MAP ba susesu ida nee. *** The Embassy was excited to join the Director General of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF), Directors from the National Institute of Health (INS), Ministry of Health (MoH) colleagues, and other partners yesterday to launch a new nutrition-sensitive agriculture training for health professionals. Australia, through our TOMAK program, was pleased to support the development of this training led by INS, to improve food security and nutrition in Timor-Leste. The training builds awareness of the link between agriculture and nutrition and encourages health professionals to promote improved nutrition practices based on the seasonal availability of food. It complements training already provided to MAF agriculture extension workers who are supporting farming families to grow and eat more nutritious foods for better health. We congratulate INS, MoH and MAF on this achievement. Palcio das Cinzas | Ministerio Agricultura e Pescas | Instituto Nacional de Sade
04.01.2022 Durante surtu COVID-19 Konsellor sira iha PRADET Fatin Hakmatek no Uma Mahon sira kontinua halo atendementu ba kliente sira neeb hetan violnsia maske sira rasik iha situasaun neeb defisil. Hodi garantia Konsellor sira nia bem-estar nunee bele kontinua f atendementu ba kliente sira hotu, Nabilan halo workshop kona-ba jestaun estrs no bem-estar. Konsellor sira no ekipa Nabilan hotu kontente hodi hetan enerjia pozitivu husi workshop ida nee no haforsa komprimisu hodi aj...uda ita nia komunidade durante tempu defisil ida nee. Governu Austrlia nia Programa Nabilan orgullu tebes hodi suporta ema servisu iha lia-frente atu ajuda feto no labarik sira neeb esperinsia violnsia iha Timor-Leste. *** During the COVID-19 pandemic, counsellors from PRADETs Fatin Hakmatek and shelters continued to attend to clients experiencing violence despite also facing personal challenges like the rest of the community. To support their well-being so that they can continue to assist all clients, the Nabilan Program held a workshop on stress management and well-being. The counsellors and the Nabilan team felt positive energy throughout the workshop and strengthened our commitment to help the community during this difficult time. The Australian Governments Nabilan Program is proud to support frontline workers helping women and children experiencing violence.
03.01.2022 Viajen naruk ida! Cinema Lorosae nia projetr foun ida foin too iha Dili iha semana ida nee nia laran. Michael Smith, nudr fundadr Cinema Lorosae lori rasik ninia projetr nee husi Sydney, ho aviaun militr Australian Air Force mai Dili. Ho projetr neeb too ona iha Dili, Cinema Lorosae, halao parseria ho Embaixada Austrlia sei loke filme Top End Wedding (iha lian Tetum!) iha fatin-fatin iha Timor laran. Akompaa Austrlia nia filme furak ida nee iha eventu Dili... International Film Festival no ms iha ita boot nia munispiu iha tempu badak. *** What a ride! Cinema Lorosaes new projector landed in Dili this week. Founder Michael Smith personally flew the projector to Sydney, from where it was able to catch a ride with the Royal Australian Air Force to Dili. Now that its arrived, Cinema Lorosae, in partnership with the Australian Embassy, will be screening Top End Wedding (in Tetum!) all around the country. Look out for this great Australian film coming to the Dili International Film Festival and your local district soon. Pixelasia Productions Dili Southern Sun journey
02.01.2022 Australians in Timor-Leste please note the Government of Timor-Leste has extended the State of Emergency until 4 October in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Australians who require consular support in Timor-Leste can call the Australian Embassy on 332 2111 during local business hours (0830 to 1630). For urgent consular assistance outside these hours please contact:... +61 2 6261 3305 from overseas (including Timor-Leste) 1300 555 135 from within Australia +61 421 269 080 from SMS For non-urgent inquiries, email [email protected] For up-to-date travel advice, please subscribe to Smartraveller.
02.01.2022 Karik ita iha ideia ba negsiu ida mak sei hamosu impaktu sosil ba tempu naruk? Governu Austrlia hakarak konvida ita-boot sira ba parseria #inclusivebusiness hodi tulun apoia rekoperasaun ekonmiku husi #COVID-19 iha Timor-Leste. Governu Austrlia sei fornese apoia orsamentu neeb mak tuir rekerimentu too Dolar Austrlia rihun-atus-lima (AUD500,000) ba ideia iniasiativu neeb mak susesu iha selesaun. Iha Timor-Leste, ami buka halo parseria iha rea: agrikultura, ai-han no nutrisaun, inkluzaun finanseiru no turizmu. Aplikasaun sei taka iha loron 4 Novembru 2020. Atu hatene klean no aplika ba inisiativu ida bele haree tuir stiu ida nee: Atu hetan informasaun klaru liu iha lian Tetun, bele kontaktu ba [email protected] #DFATbpp *** Do you have a business idea that could make a lasting social impact? The Australian Government is calling for business partnerships to help support COVID-19 economic recovery in Timor-Leste. The Australian Government will provide matched funding of up to AUD500,000 to successful initiatives. In Timor-Leste, we are seeking partnerships in: agriculture, food security and nutrition, financial inclusion and tourism. Applications close 4 November 2020. Click here to learn more and apply: For more information in Tetum please email [email protected] #DFATbpp
02.01.2022 Mai koese Seora Apolonia Belo Soares! Mana Apolonia nuudar inan ida husi oan nain haat (4) no halao knaar nuudar delegada ida iha Konsellu Suku iha ninia Suku Namenei, Quelicai iha Baucau. Mana Apolonia ms iha defisinsia ida no ativu ba tinan barak ona iha ninia komunidade nia leet. Desde eleita nuudar Delegada ida, mana APolonia tulun ona nia komunidade hodi rejista dadus kona-ba feto vulneravel, haforsa feto iha lideransa no partisipasaun iha atividade dezenvolvim...entu nian, no ms apoia diskusaun kona-ba feto nia nesesidade no preokupasaun sira. Mana Apolonia ms tulun fahe informasaun ho ninia komunidade kona-ba feto no labarik sira nia direitu, inklui kona-ba utiliza inisiativu husi governu hanesan Bolsa da Me. Tanba mana Apolonia nia serbisu nuudar Delegada ida, bainhira Programa Nasionl Dezenvolvimentu Suku hah implementa sira nia prmiu ba fundu neeb hetan apoia finanseiru husi Governu Austrlia nuudar parte ida husi programa rekoperasaun ekonomia hasoru COVID-19, komunidade f votus ba mana Apolonia sai nuudar Prezidente Ekipa Jestaun Komunidade. Bainhira eleita nuudar Prezidente, mana Apolonia espresa nia hanoin, Hau iha defisinsia maib hau la hanoin katak hau iha limitasaun. Hau orgullu tebes tanba hau hetan fiar husi feto no komunidade sira hodi sai nuudar Delegada Suku no ms Prezidente ba ekipa komunidade nian hodi implementa PNDS. Fiar ida nee f forsa no validade mai hau hodi kontinua kontribui ba hau nia suku nia dezenvolvimentu. *** Meet Senhora Apolonia Belo Soares! Apolonia is a mother of four children and a Delegate in the Suco Council in her home village of Namenei, Quelicai in Baucau. Apolonia has a disability and has been active in her community for years. Since being elected as a Delegate she has been helping her community register data around vulnerable women, strengthening womens leadership and participation in development activities, and supporting discussions about the needs and concerns of women. Apolonia also helps share information with her community about womens and childrens rights, including how to utilise government initiatives like Bolsa da Mae. Because of Apolonias work as a Delegate, when the National Village Development Program began implementing their new PNDS grant funded by the Australian Government as part of COVID-19 economic recovery, the community voted for Apolonia to be the Community Management Team President. On her election as President, Apolonia shared: I have a disability but I dont think that I have any limitation. I am really proud because I was trusted by the women and the community to be both a Suco Delegate and the President of the community team for the implementation of PNDS. This trust gives me strength and legitimacy to continue to contribute to the development of my village.
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