Centre for Australian Progress | Non-profit organisation
Centre for Australian Progress
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25.01.2022 Last week, we were joined by Australia's leading economic thinkers, Emma Dawson from Per Capita Australia and Danielle Wood from Grattan Institute in an Economics 101 Virtual Briefing. Together they shared their insights and expertise on how to understand and talk about the economy in this moment, and how to shift the narrative for a fairer economic recovery. The webinar is now available below with closed captioning on Vimeo below.
25.01.2022 Following powerful First Nations voices, Donnella Mills, Carley Stanley and Keenan Mundine, who spoke on the critical issue of First Nations Justice, was Stephanie Kelton. Stephanie Kelton is one of the top international thought-leaders on Modern Monetary Theory. She shared her thoughts on building an economy for the people. What do you think?
23.01.2022 It's time to talk about a police-free future. Last month, the Minneapolis Council voted unanimously to disband the police force after years of work by organisers from MPD150 and other movements. Watch this session from our recent Virtual Progress online conference for a powerful conversation with campaigners from MPD150, moderated by Meriki Onus, co-founder of Warriors of the Aboriginal Resistance - WAR, for lessons and insights into what made it a success and how it can be applied to the Australian context.
23.01.2022 A massive win last week as the Economic Media Centre raised $86,000 at Australian Communities Foundation's first-ever live giving event. A big thank you to all the donors who have contributed vital funding to the Economic Media Centre to diversify the voices leading the public discussion on economic justice and shaping our national economic narrative. If you would like to make a donation get in touch with us, or head over to: https://give.communityfoundation.org.au/economic-media-cent
23.01.2022 Global expert in civil resistance, Erica Chenoweth, concluded her talk with a hopeful message to those leading the frontlines of civil resistance movements and social change.
23.01.2022 In a panel discussion about decarceration, Julia Amuta Whaipooti (Aotearoa/NZ) addresses how we need to rethink the global prison system and reallocate resources beyond removing concrete walls.
23.01.2022 Virtual Progress 2020 opened with Executive Director, Kirsty Albion, highlighting what we need to do to power our movements beyond the crisis: "These crises are intersecting, and they're also exacerbating but also exposing the injustices in our society, and we need to listen to those most impacted in order to understand how to fix it."
22.01.2022 We've announced the first two webinars for 2021 with organising experts, Dr Hahrie Han and Alicia Garza, who will jump start the year and share insights from their latest books in community organising and people-powered movements. - Webinar: Hahrie Han | Friday, February 12 at 10:00AM AEDT - Webinar: Alicia Garza | Tuesday, March 9 at 12:00PM AEDT ... Join us and register your place at: http://bit.ly/3gP1ZEk
22.01.2022 Want to learn how to supercharge your corporate campaigning skills? On October 28-29, join leading experts with lead facilitator Anita Tang in a unique two-day training on winning corporate campaigns, with a deep-drive into the strategies, case studies and skills you need to secure your next big win by engaging corporates. Places are limited with scholarships available First Nations people, people with disability, refugees and people seeking asylum and people of colour. Discounts are also available for teams.
22.01.2022 Cassandra Goldie believes we have a collective role to play to ensure a better life for all, to invest in a future that values people over profit.
21.01.2022 We just heard from Keenan Mundine, a proud First Nations man from Deadly Connections, who spoke honestly about his personal journey and the impact of criminal justice on First Nations people.
21.01.2022 Thinking about building your skills to lead systems change? We are looking for advocates, campaigners and changemakers from across Australia an Aotearoa New Zealand for the next cohort of 25 fellows to learn best practice public advocacy and senior campaigning from February to June 2021. Second round applications close on Sunday, November 1. Find out more and apply today!
20.01.2022 Global organising expert, Marshall Ganz, is currently opening the Plenary for Day 2. He has four decades experience in community and union organising and has trained thousands of grassroots organisers. He was also a key part of the Obama 2008 campaign, and is sharing with us his learnings and wisdom.
20.01.2022 A few weeks ago, the community in Minneapolis achieved a huge win. In a historic vote, the Minneapolis Council unanimously agreed to disband its police force. In one of the breakout rooms, ‘A Police-Free Future: Lessons From MPD150’, Arianna Nason, Jae Hyun Shim and Molly Glagow, shared their journey working to achieve this through MPD150. We can all imagine a police-free future - that’s what brings us together, no matter our approach to organising.
19.01.2022 The First Nations Fellowship is a leadership course curated by and for First Nations changemakers in best practice campaign strategy and community organising. From March to May, the program will be led by expert trainers Larissa Baldwin from GetUp! and Laura O'Connell Rapira from the Foundation for Young Australians (FYA) with supporting facilitators. We encourage all First Nations changemakers to apply for this highly anticipated program. Applications close on Friday, December 18.
19.01.2022 Democracy in Colour's Neha Madhok illustrates a powerful vision for our future, with fundamental systems change, where every person living and working in Australia is valued and protected.
18.01.2022 Reflecting on some powerful words from Marshall Ganz during the opening plenary session, where he spoke on the topic of ‘Organising In This Moment’. Turning individual resources into power is the heart of organising - Marshall Ganz #VirtualProgress2020 #MarshallGanz #Organising
18.01.2022 Powerful words from Bonnie Leung, Vice-Convener of the Civil Human Rights Front, speaking in a side event on ‘Fighting for Democracy: Hong Kong’.
17.01.2022 The economic narrative is grounded in stories of debt, deficit and austerity. Right now we should be arguing for large-scale government investment in public services and jobs that are socially and environmentally good. Today at 11:00AM AEST (10:30 ACST | 9:00AM AWST), join Emma Dawson, Executive Director of Per Capita Australia and Danielle Wood, CEO of the Grattan Institute, as they share their expertise in how to understand and talk about the economy in this moment. They will answer your questions on Economics 101, and provide insight into why spending makes good economic sense in this crisis. RSVP at: https://bit.ly/3jK3F2l
16.01.2022 "Don't talk about us without us." Find out about how you can support Deadly Connections and other campaigns for First Nations justice by watching highlights from Carly Stanely's plenary at Virtual Progress.
16.01.2022 "Fight for this world with us" This powerful keynote on racial justice from Democracy in Colour Co-Director Neha Madhok is a must see from at our Virtual Progress conference earlier this year. Want to support their work? Join their Solidarity Network at https://democracyincolour.org/solidarity-member/
16.01.2022 Now is the time to listen and learn from a range of Aboriginal voices. Here are some ways in which you can show solidarity and support First Nations people in their ongoing fight for justice today: Counteract have compiled a valuable set of resources on being a supportive ally including readings, listening to Indigenous voices, general tips and other resources: https://bit.ly/39jdrpH The Commons Social Change Library have compiled a list of insightful podcasts about decolonis...ation, First Nations justice and Invasion Day: http://bit.ly/3sVY5Pz Please also consider following and supporting First Nations justice organisations - Warriors of the Aboriginal Resistance https://www.facebook.com/WARcollective - The Dhadjowa Foundation https://give.communityfoundation.org.au/dhadjowa-foundation - Seed Indigenous Youth Climate Network https://www.seedmob.org.au - ANTaR https://antar.org.au - Sisters Inside https://www.sistersinside.com.au - Change The Record https://changetherecord.org.au - Koorie Youth Council https://koorieyouthcouncil.org.au - Pay the Rent https://paytherent.net.au Image credit: Warriors of the Aboriginal Resistance
15.01.2022 Join journalist and author Paddy Manning and Climate and Health Alliance's Fiona Armstrong for a discussion on the health risks of climate change, and the stories of loss and courage from people on the frontlines of Australia's worst climate-fuelled disasters. Date: August 18 Time: 1:00PM AEST, 12:30PM ACST & 11:00AM AWST Register: via the link below
14.01.2022 Today is a day to mourn, reflect, listen and stand in solidarity with First Nations communities in their fight for justice. Please check out the Invasion and Survival Day rallies taking place today throughout the country and ensure you follow the COVID safety regulations in place in your region.
13.01.2022 One of our most sought after training programs, Management Masterclass, is coming up on September 17-18. Led by Executive Director, Kirsty Albion, this two-day training will offer you some of the best tools, frameworks and strategies in best practice management across advocacy and non-profit settings. The masterclass will be adapted and run online via Zoom. Places are limited and filling up. Find out more and register your teams below!
13.01.2022 Tomorrow, organising expert Dr Hahrie Han joins us at 10:00AM AEDT to share insights from her latest research outlined in her book: Prisms of the People: Power and Organizing in 21st Century America. Hahrie's research uses data from six movement organisations and focuses organisational design choices that shape the people, their leaders, and strategies that will help you understand how grassroots groups achieve their goals. Join us tomorrow and register below to be part of the conversation.
12.01.2022 Leading the conversation on the 'Forever Industries', Dr Anne Poelina says this is a critical time for us to transition from fossil fuels into the renewable sector with the respect and wisdom of First Nations people.
12.01.2022 We've launched a new economics resources hub! The hub brings together recent reports, research, articles and webinars to help support your work to secure major economic reform and policy decisions in favour of government spending on people, public services and sustainable industries. It features a recording of the federal budget briefing hosted last week with experts from Per Capita, Grattan Institute and Essential. Check out the hub below!
12.01.2022 Day 2 of #VirtualProgress2020 is minutes away from kicking off! Join us at 9:15am AEST for our opening plenary which will cover 'The Future of Workers' Rights', 'Organising in This Moment' and 'Lessons from the Disability Justice Movement'. Easiest way to join is directly on our hopin online conference platform here: hopin.to/events/virtualprogress2020... Haven't registered yet? Tickets are 50% off for day two - sign up here: https://hopin.to/events/virtualprogress2020
12.01.2022 The Economic Media Centre has officially launched, connecting journalists with diverse media talent and fresh perspectives on key economic issues including government spending, housing, workplace issues, health and aged care, education and tax reform. Find out more, meet some of the spokespeople and get involved below!
11.01.2022 As part of the Race Class Narrative Action project, messaging expert Anat Shenker-Osorio has published a winning messaging guide based on research into perception and persuasion, with specific recommendations on how to effectively engage our base and persuade the middle. The guide weaves together economic empowerment, racial justice, and gender equity, and more. The core narratives can be adapted to your particular needs and circumstances, with examples of how the language of our overarching narrative and shared values can be utilised across multiple different campaigns and focuses. Check out the guide: https://bit.ly/3hw1Y77
10.01.2022 The bushfires, followed by COVID-19, has placed a spotlight on the interconnected nature of the climate and housing crises, with housing distress experienced by renters, people living on social security and regional Australians further exacerbated by the pandemic. In the panel discussion, ‘Our House is on First: Addressing the Climate and Housing Crises Together', co-author of A Planet to Win: Why We Need a Green Deal, Daniel Cohen, shared his experience in the space and his thoughts on why a successful climate plan must also tackle the housing crisis.
10.01.2022 From First Nations leaders including Donella Mills, Carly Stanley and Keenan Mundine, to renowned international thought leaders including Marshall Ganz, Anat Shenker-Osorio, Tinselyn Simms and Stephanie Kelton, this morning has been full of powerful stories, bold visions and big ideas from activists, change makers and organisers. These urgent and critical topics included ‘Decarceration Beyond the Pandemic’, ‘Migration with Dignity’, ‘Race-Class Messaging’, ‘First Nations Jus...tice’, ‘What Can We Learn From Mutual Aid in COVID-19’ and ‘Effective Strategy in a Crisis’, among other important issues. Up next, starting at 1:30pm AEST, we will hear from over 40 more leaders including Nerita Waight, Crystal McKinnon, Apryl Day and Karly Warner. Join in to catch sessions on ‘Imagining a Future We Can Create Together - First Nations Justice’, ‘The Forever Industries: First Nations Peoples and the Renewables Revolution’ and ‘Prioritising Accessibility in Online Comms and Events’, among many others. Don’t have a ticket? There is still time to join in! Simply register here: hopin.to/events/virtualprogress2020
10.01.2022 Join us tomorrow at Australian Communities Foundation's first-ever live giving event from 5:30PM AEDT. We will hear from four ambitious projects tackling big national issues, including the Economic Media Centre's Andrea Ho and Jessica Kendall, who will pitch for your support to diversify the voices shaping our economic narrative. Find out more about the event and register below.
10.01.2022 Kera Sherwood-O’Regan, from Activate, just shared her thoughts on how we can work together to deconstruct ableism throughout our movements. It is really essential to recognise that our progressive movement does have an ableism problem. #VirtualProgress2020 #ThingsDisabledPeopleKnow
10.01.2022 Thanks Camille Mora, so thrilled to have you joining us! We’ve got some amazing sessions and speakers lined up for Day 2 - will you join us? Sign up here: https://hopin.to/events/virtualprogress2020
08.01.2022 In the session on ‘Creative Storytelling as a Tool for Self-Determination’, William Tilmouth from Children’s Ground shared his journey around using storytelling to advocate for social justice issues. He also spoke about why the voices of those with lived-experience need to be heard and centred in any discussions around solutions.
08.01.2022 On September 17-18, join expert speakers Kelly O'Shanassy, Loren Days and Glen Berman who will lead case studies, workshops and share strategies in best practice management. Places are strictly limited and places are almost full. Find out more and register your teams today at: https://australianprogress.org.au//management-masterclass/
07.01.2022 Damian Griffis, from First Peoples Disability Network, also spoke during the plenary this morning. He shared a beautiful story of how In traditional language, there is no comparable word for ‘disability’. This is a wonderful thing, in that Indigenous Australia, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are not labelled. It is more - come as you are.
07.01.2022 During the morning plenary, Michele O’Neil from Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU), spoke on the ‘Future of Workers’ Rights’, sharing behind-the-scenes lessons from the campaign to secure JobKeeper in response to the widespread job losses due to the pandemic. Specifically, Michele recognised the role that activists and organisers have played during the crisis and how cross-sector organising is crucial to building powerful movements led by people most affected. #VirtualProgress2020 #Union #FutureOfWork
05.01.2022 Disability rights and inclusion activist and speaker, Imani Barbarin, Founder of Crutches and Spice by Imani Barbarin, just spoke in the opening plenary on the disability justice movement. #VirtualProgress2020 #ThingsDisabledPeopleKnow #PatientsAreNotFaking
05.01.2022 The federal budget will be the first recession budget to be handed down in 30 years. Critical decisions to increase public spending or cut taxes will be made in the coming weeks -- each having long term implications on the future of our country. To support civil society’s work to secure major economic reform and policy decisions in favour of government spending on people, public services and sustainable industries, we are hosting an expert economic briefing on Wednesday, Sept...ember 23 with Emma Dawson from Per Capita Australia, Danielle Wood from Grattan Institute and Peter Lewis from Essential. The virtual briefing which will include a prediction of what’s expected on October 6th, mapping of likely threats, political analysis, as well as strategic communications and messaging advice to strengthen your campaigns between now and budget. To join the virtual briefing, RSVP via the form here: https://bit.ly/3iCrZms This session will be live-captioned.
05.01.2022 And that's a wrap for Day 1! Thank you so much to all of our speakers, attendees and sponsors. We can't wait to join you first thing tomorrow for a guided meditation at 8:30am AEST, lead by Suparna Bhasin. Weren't able to tune in today, but want to join in tomorrow? All tickets are now 50% off. Secure your spot for Day 2 at: https://www.virtualprogress.org.au/register
02.01.2022 Over the coming weeks we'll be sharing a few highlights from our Virtual Progress conference Australia's largest ever online social change conference held in response to the COVID-19 crisis.
01.01.2022 International criminal justice advocate, Bianca Tylek, just shared with us in the panel discussion ‘Decarceration Beyond the Pandemic’, how abolition is about rebuilding new systems that are fair and just. What could it look like if we had a world free of police and prisons?
01.01.2022 In the First Nations justice panel at Virtual Progress, Nerita Waight speaks truth to power about dismantling the structures and supporting the movements that fight to end systemic racism.
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