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Banksia Australian White Sheep Stud in Inverleigh, Victoria | Agriculture

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Banksia Australian White Sheep Stud

Locality: Inverleigh, Victoria

Phone: +61 428 794 500

Address: 2480 Hamilton Hwy 3321 Inverleigh, VIC, Australia


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25.01.2022 A walk through the ewe & lamb paddock.

22.01.2022 We just finished watching series 1 of Clarkson’s Farm and haven’t laughed so hard in ages So many relatable moments with the sheep and farming activities. Here’s a short clip:

21.01.2022 A lovely surprise in the mail today. A big thank you to Silk Southdowns (Simon, Kate and family) for organising and running the Rona Sheep Show 2020. Full credit also to Lexie Thomas for doing a great job judging!

21.01.2022 A little bit of Monday lamb spam. Our first set of triplets @ Banksia. This maiden ewe had no issue having the lambs but wasn’t sure what to do with 3. So I’ve yarded her to encourage the bonding process and she is feeding all 3 successfully. I really like the outlook on this ewe.

19.01.2022 A lovely day to wean the April/May 2020 ewe and wethers lambs.

18.01.2022 Banksia 190002 @ 15 months with twin ewe lambs. These lambs are less than 24 hours old and I’m already excited by their potential.

18.01.2022 A selection of the Banksia April/May drop ram lambs @ 5 months old. Yarded today for some halter training, in the hope that not all the 2021 shows will be cancelled

14.01.2022 Congratulations and thank you to Helen and Terry on the purchase of your foundation AW stud stock from Banksia. It’s always an honour to help a new stud start up.

13.01.2022 A Sunday lamb check-in

09.01.2022 It’s going to be a noisy night! Another mob weaned, this time it was the July embryo transfer lambs. The Highlander recip ewes did a stellar job raising this lot. Really pleased that we ran this ET program, learnt heaps and hugely worthwhile to extend the genetic reach of some quality donor ewes.

05.01.2022 The Banksia maiden ewes are all now done lambing. 10 days from start to finish

01.01.2022 A 15 month old maiden AW ewe with twins born this afternoon. The mothering instinct is strong!

01.01.2022 With all our 2019 rams now sold, we are looking forward to seeing our 2020 ram lambs grow out. Banksia will be hosting an open day and sale in May 2021. Stay tuned for further details.

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