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Bassendean Youth Services in Bassendean, Western Australia, Australia | Social service

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Bassendean Youth Services

Locality: Bassendean, Western Australia, Australia

Phone: +61 8 9279 2329

Address: Cnr West & Guildford Rds 6054 Bassendean, WA, Australia


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25.01.2022 GRAVIT8 2020 CANCELLED:( Storms?.... in February?.... Yes, it looks like rain on Friday so the skatepark elements of GRAVIT8 will have to be cancelled... But its still worth coming down for the indoor activities. Theres still going to be the indoor activities like Virtual Reality games, Hot Lap Racing Simulator, Fortnite LAN and of course FREE FOOD AND SLUSHIES! So come down to the Bassendean Youth Centre Friday 28th from 4-10pm for all the freebees

21.01.2022 Have you stocked up on treats for those 'trick or treaters' yet? Register your house as a Halloween destination at: or If you're trick or treating, don't risk a grumpy reception...check out the map of 'keen' households at: *You may have noticed all of the wrapped treats in the pic. Even though we are generally not fans of individual packaging, the Health Department have recommended it this time round as a COVID measure*

19.01.2022 Heads up guys! Using skateparks is prohibited from tomorrow until further notice Netflix anyone....?

19.01.2022 The Town of Bassendean operates a Community Support Line to assist local residents. Give us a call if you are finding things tough right now, or even if you just need to reach out to someone for a chat. We're here, and happy to help or just listen. Call 9377 8099

19.01.2022 Bassendean Neighbour2Neighbour The Town of Bassendean is proud to partner the Old Perth Rd Collective to establish the Bassendean Neighbour2Neighbour Facebook G...roup! This initiative is a part of the Town's medium term coronavirus response under the banner 'Neighbour Assist' In recent weeks many community members have come forward offering to assist in any way they can Neighbour2Neighbour provides a portal where those seeking some help with the basic tasks in life can reach out to others in the community for informal volunteering Neighbour2Neighbour's purpose is solely to link those who can offer practical help with those who need it Those offering to share or seek goods will be pointed to the Town's established Facebook 'Sharing Groups' Please be sure to read the Group's pinned 'Announcement' where it explains that you take up offers of assistance at your own risk Those experiencing more complex barriers are encouraged to access the Town's 'Community Support Line' on 9377 8099 from Monday 30th March onward

18.01.2022 A reminder that from tomorrow, 5 December 2020, particular businesses must maintain contact registers. While there are no community cases of COVID-19 in WA, con...tact registers will help the WA Department of Health to complete COVID-19 contact tracing, if required. This is an additional measure to keep the community safe, in the event of an outbreak. The free SafeWA app provides an easy way for businesses and individuals to register their details. More information is available here: Information in other languages:

18.01.2022 Applications are now open for the 2020 WA YMCA Youth Parliament. Follow the links to find out more.

17.01.2022 Neighbour Assist - Community Support Hotline Residents of the Town can access personal support, referral and practical assistance through the Community Support ...Hotline A staff member will work with you to design and deliver the support you may need during the current difficult circumstances Call the Support Hotline on 9377 8099

17.01.2022 Bassendeanus Recyclus is back again! If you're planning your gift shopping, take a moment to consider the items and associated waste you're bringing into a love...d one's home. Maybe its time to consider 'experience' gifts rather than physical items. Just think of all that wastefull packaging you'll be avoiding!

16.01.2022 Trick or Treating for Dummies PART 3 Supervision?... Its up to Mums and Dads to decide how old their kids need to be to trick or treat independently, so just use your best judgement when heading out. Remember though those kids might be riding a sugar rush so be careful when crossing roads, especially at twilight. Facemasks make it doubly dangerous! Make an evening of it Its so much more fun when you can make an outing of it by inviting some classmates and their parents. It’s a great opportunity to get to know your neighbours too! Keen on Halloween is not just for the kids. It gets you out on your local streets to meet other Mums and Dads who are on the same parental 'journey' as you How do you ‘trick’ instead of ‘treat’? Look. Just don’t go there.... You have to crawl before you can walk, and as it’s a fairly new phenomenon on the Australian landscape, we’re probably not that open to being pranked. ‘Treat or Treat’ just doesn’t sound right though does it? Find out more on trick or treat tips here:

15.01.2022 Are you Keen on Halloween? Decorate your letterbox on the night to let your neighbourhood know that you are open for ‘trick or treating’! or...... Why not register your house so people know where to go to ‘trick or treat’? You don't even need to live in the Town of Bassendean! To register go to: View the map of those households participating at: ...and after you've finished pounding the streets, head down to the BIC Reserve in Bassendean for a special 'Halloween Markets'! Photos, games, prizes, food.... All from 5-9pm!

14.01.2022 Jacob's back again!

14.01.2022 FOGO...Coming soon to a verge near you! Get all your FOGO questions answered here:

14.01.2022 Trick or Treating for Dummies: PART 1 What are the ‘rules’?... Well... there’s no 'rules' to trick or treating, but because we Aussies are relative rookies in this area, here are some tips on etiquette: Where do I find a home that’s ‘keen’ to participate? Just head to the ‘map’ page which will not only show you which houses are happy to participate, but also lets you know what are the best hours to come around. Go to: How do I approach a home to trick or treat? It’s recommended you simply knock on their door and yell Trick or Treat? when someone answers. It’s OK for Mum or Dad to tag along too. Find out more on trick or treat tips here:

12.01.2022 This year's Halloween is kinda special as it falls on a Saturday, and as a sequel to last year's amazing 'Spookfest' we are running a special 'Halloween Markets...' on BIC reserve from 5-9pm. Now there's a great destination after you've finished your 'trick or treating' for a professional photo of that amazing costume, Halloween games, or dinner from the food trucks if Mum and Dad are over all those sugary treats. Why not register your house so people know where to go to ‘trick or treat’? To register go to: View the map of those households participating at:

12.01.2022 Trick or Treating for Dummies PART 2 It’s a bit of a transaction... If possible/suitable, kids get dressed up in their spooky outfits, and households reward those efforts with a tasty treat. Be sure not to turn away kids who haven't had an opportunity to dress up though. Handfuls of treats? Households will generally have a basket or some sort of container containing treats. It’s probably not an invitation to grab a handful, but rather one or two treats so that there are plenty left for others. Same goes for unattended treat baskets just take a couple. Single use plastics? *UPDATED - See below* If you’re dressing up or decorating, make sure you keep that stuff for next year instead of binning it and buying new each time. Even better, get your craft on and make your own! Those plastic wrapped treats are not great either. Piles of single use lolly wrappers are not a great look around your house for the following few weeks, and even worse blown around our suburban streets. Find out more on trick or treat tips here: *UPDATE* The Health Department have just provided the following COVID19 advice: Only hand out individually wrapped treats Don't share clothing or face masks Interact in the front yard rather than at the front door Opt out if you have any respiratory symptoms Carry and use hand sanitiser Remember the 2 sqm rule

12.01.2022 In response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, Bassendean Youth Services will not be running its after school drop-in program until further notice. Staff will still be able to provide assistance, referral and support to those in need, by contacting 9279 2329 or [email protected] We will always return calls, so leave a message if the phone is unattended.

12.01.2022 Stay Home, Eat Local Compiled by Alison Healey on the 6054 group's page

11.01.2022 Good news dudes... The Youth Centre is back open from this Thursday afternoon! 3pm - 5pm to start with, increasing as restrictions are relaxed.

10.01.2022 We've managed to find some old recycling footage from the Town's archives.... Get all your FOGO questions answered here:

10.01.2022 Keen? Are you 'keen' to have families come knocking on the evening of Halloween? Register on the 'Keen on Halloween' website to display your house on the map.... If you are a 'trick or treater', check out which streets are the 'hot spots' in your area. ...and it's even more fun this year as the Town of Bassendean are running a special 'Halloween markets' that you can attend after trick or treating! Come to the BIC Reserve from 5-9pm for Halloween games, a photo of your amazing costume, or a meal that's not made from sugar!

10.01.2022 Our first webinar on COVID-19 fully filled up within 48 hours! We've decided to add an additional FREE LIVE webinar for anyone who missed out. If you need some... positivity and motivation right now - make sure you join us next Thursday night (5pm-5:30pm) for webinar two. You can register via this link here: See more

09.01.2022 Who recognises this guy?

07.01.2022 Don't forget mosquito Repellent when trick or treating! Don’t be victim to these vexatious vermin, it’s vital to be vigilant not vague!! They’re not vegan, these voracious vultures will vie for your veins! ... The Village of Bassendean vow to vouchsafe voters with repellent salve vapor. Vanquish the vicious vampires for the Halloween vibe!! A limited supply of RID insect repellent will be available from the Customer Service Center upon request. Want to know more about how to 'do' Halloween? Head to:

06.01.2022 Hey guys, just because the Youth Centre is closed during the coronavirus outbreak, doesn't mean you can't get help. Feel free to give Greg a call or a text on 0417 924 969 if things are tough or there's something you need. Oh... and that yellow thing in the pic is what old people used to make phone calls (and it had to be attached to the wall...)

06.01.2022 Due to popular demand, we bring you the return of..... 'Bassendeanus Recyclus' Get all your FOGO questions answered here:... See more

06.01.2022 Watch this space.... We're back open later this week!

05.01.2022 By a dude who used to work at the Youth Centre...

04.01.2022 A fresh lick of paint after a busy school holidays

04.01.2022 Youth Mental Health During COVID-19 Webinar The City of Stirlings Youth Development team have partnered with headspace Osborne Park, Helpingminds and Stirling Youth Advocates to deliver a webinar to talk about supporting young people through COVID-19. Some of the topics include how to stay connected, how to create a routine at home, how to help a friend whos struggling and current services available.... Why not join the webinar on the 24th of April at 2:00 PM. Registrations required at

02.01.2022 Have you heard of TEDxYouth@Perth?

01.01.2022 One for the Trekkies.... FOGO... The final frontier... These are the initiatives of the Town of Bassendean.... It's mission........ (ahhh... you know the rest!)

01.01.2022 Its almost here Halloweenies! If you and your kids are 'keen' to be involved in trick or treating this Saturday, check out the 'Keen on Halloween' map. That wa...y you can be assured of a friendly reception. The Town of Bassendean has become the hub for all things Halloween, and this year you can finish your night at the special Halloween Markets on BIC Reserve. There'll be all sorts of games and competitions, and you can even get a pro photograph of your amazing costume for free! Head down between 5-9pm!

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