Batemans Bay Swimming Club | Sport & recreation
Batemans Bay Swimming Club
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25.01.2022 New members register here.
25.01.2022 Events for 20 March Freestyle Butterfly Breaststroke 400m freestyle ( championship event)
25.01.2022 Point score sub-junior 1st Ruby Bindon 2nd Kobi Barbara 3rd Annie FlemingPoint score sub-junior 1st Ruby Bindon 2nd Kobi Barbara 3rd Annie Fleming
23.01.2022 Who is coming to the Batemans Bay Swimming Club Camp in Narooma?
23.01.2022 This week we will run the following events; Freestyle, backstroke, butterfly and adult child relay. Please stay updated via Facebook. If the smoke is particularly bad we will cancel. Please note there is a swarm of bees at the pool. If you are allergic, please put your safety first. ... (Week 9 sprint night has been moved to January - date TBA). Next week 18 December is our last club night. The club will provide a free BBQ. We ask that all members please bring along a dessert snack to share. Events for this night will be Freestyle only, followed by some fun novelty relays. Could you please message the club and let us know if you attending on the 11 Dec and/or 18 Dec. Happy Swimming BBASC
23.01.2022 Coaches Award. Charlie JamesonCoaches Award. Charlie Jameson
23.01.2022 Determination Award Bailey WaterworthDetermination Award Bailey Waterworth
22.01.2022 Entries for 21 March at Narooma. Do you need help with entering?Entries for 21 March at Narooma. Do you need help with entering?
22.01.2022 Club Night 4 Memberships are now due. If you haven't seen the committee about issues with Membership all swimmers and one adult from each family should be registered by Wednesday. If you have used an Active Kids Voucher please ensure that this has been uploaded into the documents section. Events this week Freestyle 17m, 25m, 50m, 100m... Butterfly 25m, 50m, 100m Breaststroke 25m, 50m, 100m. Adult/Child relay. (Adults must be registered members of the club) Adults can swim with more than one child - different heats. Looking forward to another great night of swimming.
21.01.2022 Outstanding New Beginner Ruby BindonOutstanding New Beginner Ruby Bindon
21.01.2022 Club championships have been moved to Saturday 14 March 2pm. Any concerns PM the club.Club championships have been moved to Saturday 14 March 2pm. Any concerns PM the club.
21.01.2022 Child / child relay 1st Annie/Ruby Matthew/Erica 2nd Ava/Oscar Riley/Bill 3rd Dylan/ KobiChild / child relay 1st Annie/Ruby Matthew/Erica 2nd Ava/Oscar Riley/Bill 3rd Dylan/ Kobi
21.01.2022 Program change for tonight Freestyle Backstroke 800m Pizza
20.01.2022 2pm start tomorrow. No BBQ2pm start tomorrow. No BBQ
19.01.2022 Sorry Busy Week! It is Sprint Night tomorrow. All strokes 25m or 50m See you there!!
19.01.2022 Club Championship entries close tonight and I seem to be missing entries??????? Did you enter.Club Championship entries close tonight and I seem to be missing entries??????? Did you enter.
19.01.2022 Are you ready to get back in the pool? We would love to see all club members at the pool this Monday from 12noon. We have exciting news- Kurt Herzog a previous Australian Swim Team member has offered to come to Batemans Bay pool and do a free talk and swim clinic with our swimmers. This will happen THIS Monday 20th January at Batemans Bay Pool. #IMPORTANT# Please RSVP via email or Facebook how many swimmers are coming along so that we can let him know how many to expect.... The Swimming Club will also be holding a fundraising sausage sizzle- $2 each. Pool entry is payable direct to pool staff. This is an exciting opportunity for our swimmers and we hope you can make it. All welcome. See more
17.01.2022 Swimming Club is going ahead tonight. Sprint Night. The point score is close, don’t let the rain scare you off!!!Swimming Club is going ahead tonight. Sprint Night. The point score is close, don’t let the rain scare you off!!!
17.01.2022 Thank you to everyone for a strange but great season. It will go down in the history books. There are a few swimmers that also need to check their mail box for a surprise - these awards are encouragement awards from the committee for a number of reasons; Remi Cummins Shanae Alvey Kayliah Alvey... Richard Allen Liam Hopman Abbey Falvell Our AGM Date will be announced later this month. With everything going on this is for the best. NSW Swimming have asked us to update our constitution which I will email out to committee members to look at over the coming weeks. I wont mention everyone indiviudally for their support this season.. you know who you are. It is such a great positive sporting club for our kids. It has been a pleasure to work alongside you all. See you next season. We will still have a club - where will we be swimming (Bay or Moruya???) Hopefully we are told soon. Stay safe and healthy. I will send out parcels as soon as awards arrive (please give me a little bit of time). Jeni
16.01.2022 Club Night 6 Freestyle 25m, 50m, 100m Backstroke 25m, 50m, 100m Medley 75,m, 100m, 150m, 200m. See you there!
15.01.2022 Thank you to everyone for a 'strange' but great season. It will go down in the history books. There are a few swimmers that also need to check their mail box for a surprise - these awards are encouragement awards from the committee for a number of reasons; Remi Cummins Shanae Alvey Kayliah Alvey... Richard Allen Liam Hopman Abbey Falvell Our AGM Date will be announced later this month. With everything going on this is for the best. NSW Swimming have asked us to update our constitution which I will email out to committee members to look at over the coming weeks. I won't mention everyone indiviudally for their support this season.. you know who you are. It is such a great positive sporting club for our kids. It has been a pleasure to work alongside you all. See you next season. We will still have a club - where will we be swimming (Bay or Moruya???) Hopefully we are told soon. Stay safe and healthy. I will send out parcels as soon as awards arrive (please give me a little bit of time). Jeni
15.01.2022 Sprint Night shield 1st John Fleming 2nd Bill Eppelstun 3rd Sophie EppelstunSprint Night shield 1st John Fleming 2nd Bill Eppelstun 3rd Sophie Eppelstun
14.01.2022 Swimming Club is going ahead tonight. Sprint Night. The point score is close, dont let the rain scare you off!!!Swimming Club is going ahead tonight. Sprint Night. The point score is close, dont let the rain scare you off!!!
14.01.2022 Age Champions 5yrs 1st Beatrix Fleming 2nd Lucy Bindon ... 6yrs 1st Indiana Allen 7yrs girls 1st Annie Fleming 2nd Zara McCarthy 7yrs Boys 1st Oscar Jameson 2nd Matthew Shalders 3rd Joshua Millard 8yrs 1st Kobi Barbara 2nd Rogan Hage 9yr girls 1st Ruby Bindon 2nd Amy Collins 3rd Erica Shalders/ Heidi Flavell 9yrs boys 1st James Allen 2nd John Fleming 3rd Henry Allen 10yr girls 1st Rosie McPartland 2nd Summer Hage 10yr boys 1st Nicholas Wain 2nd Charlie Jameson 3rd Mitchell Beby 11 yrs boys & girls 1st Bronte Eppelstun 1st James Collins 12yrs girls 1st Bailey Waterworth 12 yrs Boys 1st Bill Eppelstun 2nd Riley Beby 3rd Rhys Barbara 13 yrs girls 1st Sophie Eppelstun 2nd Ava Jameson Open Boys short course 1st Bill Eppelstun 2nd Riley Beby 3rd Nicholas Wain Open Girls short course 1st Sophie Eppelstun 2nd Rosie McPartland 3rd Bronte Eppelstun Long distance 12& under Boys 1st Riley Beby 2nd Nicholas Wain/ James Collins/ Bill Eppelstun Long distance 12 & under Girls 1st Rosie McPartland 2nd Bronte Eppelstun 3rd Bailey Waterworth Long distance Open Girls 1st Sophie Eppelstun 2nd Ava Jameson
14.01.2022 Friday nights Interclub championship at Moruya has been cancelled!Friday nights Interclub championship at Moruya has been cancelled!
14.01.2022 Thank you to those that are attending the AGM on Monday. I have sent out the Zoom Link to these people. If you have not received the link please contact the club ASAP.
13.01.2022 Overall pointscore winner Ruby BindonOverall pointscore winner Ruby Bindon
12.01.2022 Hi Club members and families, Can we all check in. Are you and your family OK! Can we help you as a ‘family’ in any way? Thinking of you all. BBASC
12.01.2022 Sportsmanship Award James AllenSportsmanship Award James Allen
12.01.2022 Thank you to everyone who returned and participated in club night on Wednesday. I can tell you that the point score is very close in all divisions. Approx 6 points between first place and tenth place at the moment. Keep up the good work in achieving your personal best times. Good luck to all swimmers as they prepare for their school swimming carnivals. There have been some changes to the 2019/2020 club night events. Please see the attached schedule. These changes were nece...ssary due to the fires and the number of families affected. Please also see attached the flyer for the Inter-Club Carnival at Moruya on Friday 14th Feb at 6pm. Events and how to enter will be released shortly. Please keep this date free, we need all of our swimmers present at Moruya, so we can bring home the trophy. Last season it was a draw between the Bay and Narooma. Club Championships: Entries are now open. Please email or use the manual cards in the clubroom to enter events. All entries for Club Championship will close on Friday 21 February. All swimmers at the club are eligible to enter. The main rule for championships is that you must have competed in the event you enter at least twice during the season. 10year olds also compete in 100m events. A full list of rules and regulations is listed in the clubroom. I have attached the schedule of events for this years Championship. See more
12.01.2022 Swimming Club has been cancelled for the the last 2 weeks. The Interclub Carnival has been cancelled (some of us are still camping/cabining if you want to still join us) Presentation Night will be sometime after the school holidays. Watch this space for information. In the meantime could all black books and trophies make there way to me.
12.01.2022 With just over 6 weeks until swim club starts back up, the committee is in full swing organising the new covid safe plans, planning the upcoming season and are ...excited to see everyone back on the first Wednesday of term 3 for our first week of our come and try night. We look forward to welcoming swimmers from the Batemans Bay Swimming Club whilst they take a short club break whilst the new pool gets constructed. #moruyaswimclub #ourclub #comejoinus See more
11.01.2022 Point score Junior 1st Bailey Waterworth 2nd Rosie McPartland 3rd Bill EppelstunPoint score Junior 1st Bailey Waterworth 2nd Rosie McPartland 3rd Bill Eppelstun
11.01.2022 Club Night 3 Freestyle 25,50,100 Breaststroke 25,50,100 200m Free Kids Relay ... Reminders: You only need to message entries if you haven't filled out the paper form. Once you start swimming a longer distance you can't go back to a shorter distance and still get points. Please select entries carefully - limited changes will be made on club night. Looking forward to another perfect swimming club night. Thank you to all the volunteers.
11.01.2022 President’s Award Jess Waterworth A truly amazing person!!President’s Award Jess Waterworth A truly amazing person!!
11.01.2022 Hi members. Can you please vote for Batemans Bay swimming Club. Share away with family and friends
10.01.2022 Another great swimming day. Well done to everyone who swam today and helped out!Another great swimming day. Well done to everyone who swam today and helped out!
10.01.2022 Club Registrations are now open for the 2019/20 Swimming Season. Message the club for further details or come along to our first club night Wednesday 16 October.
10.01.2022 Point Score Senior 1st Ava Jameson 2nd Riley Beby 3rd Sophie EppelstunPoint Score Senior 1st Ava Jameson 2nd Riley Beby 3rd Sophie Eppelstun
10.01.2022 Age champions Relay winners Club champions Announced later on today!Age champions Relay winners Club champions Announced later on today!
10.01.2022 Greg Hammond Award Henry AllenGreg Hammond Award Henry Allen
10.01.2022 No squad training today!!
10.01.2022 Will you attend the Interclub Carnival on March 21 @ 1pm ? Bay pool.Will you attend the Interclub Carnival on March 21 @ 1pm ? Bay pool.
09.01.2022 Club Night One is nearly here. Please email or Facebook message entries. Sprint Night All strokes 25m or 50m. BBQ dinner will be available.Club Night One is nearly here. Please email or Facebook message entries. Sprint Night All strokes 25m or 50m. BBQ dinner will be available.
08.01.2022 Just a reminder that the AGM and Presentation Night is on 8 May Wednesday at 5:30pm. Tickets are $10 per person attending. No tickets will be sold at the door. If you plan on attending and have not paid yet could you please transfer money into the Batemans Bay Swimming Club Bank account BSB 641800 Account no 032501423. Could you also please email or message the club... that you will be attending. We need to confirm numbers by Friday next week. See more
08.01.2022 Thanks to our new committee for 2019/2020. Looking forward to another amazing season. President/ Registrar: Jeni McCarthy Vice-president: Kelly Jameson Secretary: Kellie Hage Treasurer: Zoe Fleming... Committee Daniel Beby Grace Eppelstun Nikki Allen Theresa Hopman Jess Waterworth Elliott Wain Belinda Shalders Di White Thanks everyone.
08.01.2022 Committee meeting postponed till Monday 1 April.
07.01.2022 Club Championships are going ahead. If your child is unwell, please let us know and we will reschedule their events.Club Championships are going ahead. If your child is unwell, please let us know and we will reschedule their events.
07.01.2022 Moruya Pool will be opening 5th October 2020. Learn to Swim and Squad will be commencing 12th October 2020. Please see attached 2020-21 Fees & Charges. LTS booking will taken as of Monday 21st September 2020. Watch this space for more information on how to book
07.01.2022 Encouragement Award Lucy Bindon Olivia MacDonaldEncouragement Award Lucy Bindon Olivia MacDonald
07.01.2022 Hi Batemans Bay Club Members; What a year it has been! I have been working closely with NSW Swimming and planning a way forward for the 2020 - 2021 Swim season. Below are some important points for members; * If you havent received your trophy or award prize for last season, it is on its way. Covid19 hasnt helped this process. ... * AGM will be held Monday 10 August at 5:30pm. Please email the club if you are able to attend. Our back up plan is a zoom AGM if we are in lockdown. NSW swimming requires us to have a core committee to keep the club going - even thou we wont be swimming at the Bay Pool this season coming. Nominations for the following positions can be emailed to the club; President/Registrar Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Publicity We will hold a brief Committee meeting after the AGM to deliver the plan forward for the Batemans Bay club and the season ahead. Could members also please respond below if they are interested in swimming at Moruya next season on a Wednesday night. Any questions please contact us. BBASC Committee
06.01.2022 President's Award: Theresa Hopman. Thank you Theresa for everything you do for the Batemans Bay Swimming Club.
06.01.2022 Encouragement Award Oscar JamesonEncouragement Award Oscar Jameson
06.01.2022 Sprint night tomorrow night. Also Adult/child relay and child/child relay.
06.01.2022 Entries for 21 March 2020 Interclub Championships are now live on Swim Central. Any problems contact the club via facebook or email.
06.01.2022 Bob Turner Dedication Award Beatrix FlemingBob Turner Dedication Award Beatrix Fleming
05.01.2022 Quick committee meeting tonight at 5:40pm!!Quick committee meeting tonight at 5:40pm!!
04.01.2022 Attention all members. Swimming Club has been cancelled tonight due to the forecast and advice of smoke hazard and a swarm of bees that have settled at the pool. This night will be moved to the end of January. Please pass the message on. Thanks Jeni
04.01.2022 Who’s coming for pizza tomorrow night... last club night for the season!
04.01.2022 Thanks to everyone who came along to our first club night for the season and all the volunteers who made it run so smoothly. Events for next week.. (slight change) Freestyle 17, 25, 50, 100 Backstroke 25, 50, 100 Medley 75, 100, 150, 200... Message your entries to the club.
03.01.2022 We Are Back Next Wednesday 22 Jan Sprint Night All Strokes. Free BBQ Dinner. Who's coming??
03.01.2022 Merry Christmas to all our members and families! Key dates 2020 22 January sprint night 6pm 14 February Interclub carnival Moruya TBA 7 March Club champs 1pm
02.01.2022 Week 18 Wednesday 13 March Freestyle 25,50,100 Breast stroke 25,50,100 Championships (entries already in - no changes will be made) ... 200m Freestyle 100m Medley 200 Medley I will be away next week. Please help each other out. There are only 2 weeks to go after next Wednesday. Save the Date Presentation night will be Wednesday 8 May @ 5:30pm.
01.01.2022 Quick reminder. Tomorrow night freestyle and novelty relays. Free sausage sizzle. Please bring a plate to share! Have a Merry Christmas ... Stay safe. See more
01.01.2022 Presentation Day! Watch our Facebook posts today. Winners of all categories will be announced. Trophies and prizes will be sent to winners in the post over the next 4 weeks. Congratulations to all!Presentation Day! Watch our Facebook posts today. Winners of all categories will be announced. Trophies and prizes will be sent to winners in the post over the next 4 weeks. Congratulations to all!
01.01.2022 Presidents Award Jess Waterworth A truly amazing person!!Presidents Award Jess Waterworth A truly amazing person!!
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