Beck Davies Ceramics in Ballarat, Victoria | Visual arts
Beck Davies Ceramics
Locality: Ballarat, Victoria
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25.01.2022 Trimming on the Pottery Wheel It's been a busy week trimming all my wheel throwing students work. . I felt the pressure a bit as sometimes I mess up when trimming and go too far, I enjoy the feeling of the clay coming off and get a bit mesmerised and then end up going straight through the bottom of the pot .... . I do the same when pruning shrubs and trees, then spend ages apologising to the trees for taking away too much . . I absolutely did not want to do this with student work as it's pretty heartbreaking when you work so hard throwing a beautiful piece, only to have it ruined at the trimming stage. . I did once trim straight through the bottom of my daughter's first wheel thrown bowl and she still hasn't let me off the hook, she even warns people that I might do it to their pots. . . #beckdaviesceramics #potteryclassesballarat #potteryclasses #potteryworkshopsballarat #potteryworkshop #wheelthrownpottery #trimmingceramics #ceramics #pottery #bestofballarat #ballarat #visitballarat #bekindballarat #ballaratlife #ballaratmade #ballaratceramics #ballaratart #ballaratbusiness #ballaratlifestyle #ballaratmade #ballaratbest #ballaratlifestylemagazine #uncovervic #colourmehappy #letsgetmessy #playwithclay #tmmcteam See more
25.01.2022 Snow is magical, I am absolutely mesmerised
24.01.2022 Our wait list for Term 4 Course Bookings is almost full . . I guess with the current government announcements, regional Victorians are feeling pretty optimistic about reduced restrictions coming soon. I know I'm trying to be optimistic. . If you think you might like to join one of our 6 Week Courses please contact me on the website, or DM me, whatever works. ... . If a one off workshop is more your cup of tea then I recommend subscribing to our mailing list, as our subscribers will be the first to know when bookings are open and I can't stress how popular these workshops are, like, they book out really fast. . Website Contact . Subscribe . . #beckdaviesceramics #potteryclassesballarat #potteryclasses #potteryworkshopsballarat #potteryworkshop #ceramics #pottery #bestofballarat #ballarat #visitballarat #bekindballarat #ballaratlife #ballaratmade #ballaratceramics #ballaratart #ballaratbusiness #ballaratsmallbusiness #ballaratlifestyle #ballaratmade #ballaratbest #ballaratlifestylemagazine #uncovervic #colourmehappy #letsgetmessy #playwithclay #tmmcteam See more
24.01.2022 These plates were a little experimentation, trying to convey the power and joy of women in circle and woman's individual inner strength. . . #beckdaviesceramics #ballaratceramics #ballaratpottery #buylocal #shoplocal #ballaratbusiness #ballaratmade #handmade #homewares #ballaratlifestylemagazine #ballaratcreatives #creativeballarat #strongwomen #womenscircle #innerstrength #womeninspiringwomen #womenempoweringwomen #thismakerslife #makehomeyourhaven #homemakers #womanhandmade #sparkjoy #workfromhomemum #buyhandmade #happinessoverload #handmadeplate #tmmcteam @ Ballarat, Victoria
23.01.2022 The first batch of student work is finally out of the kiln after taking forever to dry in the cold Ballarat winter . . They sure do warm the place up though. @mazza65 & @heytherehannah_ these are heading your way this week. . The third slide is a little selection of my own experiments which I squeezed in too . ... . . #beckdaviesceramics #potteryclassesballarat #potteryclasses #potteryworkshopsballarat #potteryworkshop #potterystudentwork #ceramics #pottery #bestofballarat #ballarat #visitballarat #bekindballarat #ballaratlife #ballaratmade #ballaratceramics #ballaratart #ballaratbusiness #ballaratlifestyle #ballaratmade #ballaratbest #ballaratlifestylemagazine #uncovervic #colourmehappy #letsgetmessy #playwithclay #tmmcteam @ Ballarat, Victoria See more
23.01.2022 My brain hurts after a long Admin Monday. . . #beckdaviesceramics #beyourownboss #dontquityourdaydream #growthmindset #hustlehard #bossbabetribe #dreamersandoers #femalebusinessowner #femalehustler #girlbosses #girlbosslife #womenintheworld #womenwithambition #communityovercompetition #creativebusinessowner #mycreativecommunity #creativebusiness #creativesontherise #creativeprocess #herestothecreatives #tmmcteam
23.01.2022 A bit of colour for the feed... Straight from our garden... P E R F E C T I O N . Also Ned's location whilst weeding and mulching took place today, thought life puppy . #beckdaviesceramics #garden #roses #prettyinpink #colourmehappy #ihavethisthingwithcolour #happycolours #ilovecolour #coloursplash #colourlove #colourcrush #dailydoseofcolour #tmmcteam #nedsadventureswithbeckandjosh @erebuschaos
21.01.2022 Wednesday night Wheel Workshop was a blast. Vanessa and Taylah really pumped out some great work for our last Term 3 workshop . . It was such a nice way to close out life as we knew it before Iso 2.0. Thanks for coming to hang out ladies, @taylahgibbs . Today we are back into homeschooling and it's been a roller-coaster morning already .... . I'll be trying to keep posting videos of my making, to keep our Pottery Joy flowing through these crazy times. Stay safe everyone and let's kick this virus in the butt . . . #beckdaviesceramics #potteryclassesballarat #potteryclasses #potteryworkshopsballarat #potteryworkshop #ceramics #pottery #bestofballarat #ballarat #visitballarat #bekindballarat #ballaratlife #ballaratmade #ballaratceramics #ballaratart #ballaratbusiness #ballaratlifestyle #ballaratmade #ballaratbest #ballaratlifestylemagazine #uncovervic #colourmehappy #letsgetmessy #playwithclay #tmmcteam See more
21.01.2022 When it comes to earrings I'm all about contrast, these green leaf earrings really pop with my favourite red outfits . . There's only 6 days left in our massive SPRING SALE and all our earrings are at a ridiculously low price. . Visit the website now to add some colour contrast to your wardrobe or these make a great add on gift for any of your girlfriends.... . . . #beckdaviesceramics #ballaratceramics #ballaratpottery #buylocal #shoplocal #ballaratbusiness #ballaratsmallbusiness #ballaratmade #earrings #handmade #ballaratlifestylemagazine #ballaratcreatives #creativeballarat #jewellery #ceramicjewellery #ceramicearrings #wearableart #artisanjewellery #handmadejewellery #jewelleryofinstagram #jewelleryaddict #handcraftedjewellery #oneofakindjewellery #jewellerygifts #ilovejewellery #womanhandmade #workfromhomemum #buyhandmade #happinessoverload #tmmcteam
19.01.2022 Bear is loving his new Beer Stein . (Currently filled with rum haha) . Happy Father's Day to the best bloke I've ever met , and the only man I know who can really rock a headband . @joshuachewyerbacher .... . #beckdaviesceramics #fathersday #beerstein #beermug #wip #happybear #ballaratceramics #ballaratpottery #buylocal #shoplocal #ballaratbusiness #ballaratsmallbusiness #ballaratmade #mugs #handmade #homewares #ballaratlifestylemagazine #ballaratcreatives #creativeballarat #thismakerslife #makeyourmanhappy #womanhandmade #workfromhomemum #buyhandmade #happinessoverload #tmmcteam See more
19.01.2022 Oh my goodness I'm getting so excited by the prospect of reopening the studio for Term 4. . Our subscribers will be the first to know when bookings for courses and workshops are open, and as a special treat I'm giving them 24hrs to book before I open it up to the public. . Pottery classes sold out super fast in Term 3 and I expect Term 4 will be no different. ... . If you don't want to miss out, then hit the SUBSCRIBE link below. . . #beckdaviesceramics #potteryclassesballarat #potteryclasses #potteryworkshopsballarat #potteryworkshop #ceramics #pottery #bestofballarat #ballarat #visitballarat #bekindballarat #ballaratlife #ballaratmade #ballaratceramics #ballaratart #ballaratbusiness #ballaratsmallbusiness #ballaratlifestyle #ballaratmade #ballaratbest #ballaratlifestylemagazine #uncovervic #colourmehappy #letsgetmessy #playwithclay #tmmcteam See more
19.01.2022 A sneaky Wednesday night workshop for Lindsay and Penny, they've been friends since uni days. . Another successful night of wheel throwing. . I've trimmed their pieces up today and they've come up a treat. ... . . @lindzface23 #beckdaviesceramics #potteryclassesballarat #potteryclasses #potteryworkshopsballarat #potteryworkshop #ceramics #pottery #bestofballarat #ballarat #visitballarat #bekindballarat #ballaratlife #ballaratmade #ballaratceramics #ballaratart #ballaratbusiness #ballaratsmallbusiness #ballaratlifestyle #ballaratmade #ballaratbest #ballaratlifestylemagazine #uncovervic #colourmehappy #letsgetmessy #playwithclay #tmmcteam See more
19.01.2022 Isn't it amazing how quickly a pot can be transformed with a little simple trimming. . The piece goes from a wonky looking piece of clay to a beautiful piece of functional artwork. . Trimming is not my favourite thing to do, but the results are definitely one of my favourite parts of the process. ... . . #beckdaviesceramics #ballarat #ballaratceramicclasses #ballaratceramicworkshops #handmadeceramics #australianmade #pottery #australianpottery #wheelthrownpottery #potteryprocess #functionalware #art #artist #studio #studiopotter #homewares #interiors #interiordesign #potterslife #trimmingceramics #exhibition #handmade #maker #homewares #thismakerslife #makehomeyourhaven #homemakers #womanhandmade #womeninspiringwomen #tmmcteam See more
18.01.2022 Ballarat has really turned it on today, so freezing but so beautiful. . . #beckdaviesceramics #ballarat #snowinspring #wonderland #snow
18.01.2022 Nathan's art project today is making me feel all kinds of colourful happy . . Do you know what else is making me feel happy? . It's the exciting news that the studio will be open again in Term 4 and we can resume pottery classes.... . Get on our mailing list now to have the first chance to book. . . #beckdaviesceramics #potteryclassesballarat #potteryclasses #potteryworkshopsballarat #potteryworkshop #ceramics #pottery #bestofballarat #ballarat #visitballarat #bekindballarat #ballaratlife #ballaratmade #ballaratceramics #ballaratart #ballaratbusiness #ballaratsmallbusiness #ballaratlifestyle #ballaratmade #ballaratbest #ballaratlifestylemagazine #uncovervic #colourmehappy #letsgetmessy #playwithclay #tmmcteam See more
18.01.2022 There's only 16 WEEKS TILL XMAS ... . Which sounds like a long time but the biggest challenge in Australia right now would have to be the 4-6 week delays in postage with Australia Post . . So why not take advantage of our massive Spring Sale and get a one of a kind handmade gift for your loved ones ahead of time. ... . You guys have been shopping up a storm in our online store with many pieces already snapped up and I'm super super grateful for all your support . . Spring Sale link . . #beckdaviesceramics #springsale #ballaratceramics #ballaratpottery #buylocal #shoplocal #ballaratbusiness #ballaratmade #mugs #handmade #homewares #ballaratlifestylemagazine #ballaratcreatives #creativeballarat #coffee #cafe #espresso #tea #tealovers #coffeelovers #thismakerslife #makehomeyourhaven #homemakers #womanhandmade #sparkjoy #workfromhomemum #buyhandmade #happinessoverload #handmademug #tmmcteam See more
18.01.2022 Clean Studio So nice to have a clean and organised studio again. It won't be this clean once students start arriving next week. . All ready for our photoshoot tonight with @visitballarat for #madeofballarat.... . . #beckdaviesceramics #potteryclassesballarat #potteryclasses #potteryworkshopsballarat #potteryworkshop #ceramics #pottery #bestofballarat #ballarat #visitballarat #bekindballarat #ballaratlife #ballaratmade #ballaratceramics #ballaratart #ballaratbusiness #ballaratsmallbusiness #ballaratlifestyle #ballaratmade #ballaratbest #ballaratlifestylemagazine #uncovervic #colourmehappy #letsgetmessy #playwithclay #tmmcteam See more
18.01.2022 Making just for the fun of it today... . Remember to have some play time in your week . . .... #selfcare #playwithclay #followyourpassion #soulfood #soul #dowhatyoulove #athingforcolour #lovinglife #livingthedream #lovewhereyoulive #lovewhatyoudo #makersgonnamake #lifegoals #love #light #livethelittlethings #makeyousmilestyle #thehappynow #calledtobecreative #createyourhappy #calledtocreate #createeveryday #creativelife #creativelifehappylife #creativityeveryday #livecreatively #herestothecreatives #seekinspirecreate #creativity #tmmcteam See more
17.01.2022 Thanks Kathy for the great review, we had a great time in your workshop and I'm sure you're going to love doing the 6 week course next term.
16.01.2022 Sooooo..... where does an artist take her fella on date night? . To a painting studio filled with women and wine of course. . He might have been out outnumbered but it never phased Josh one bit @joshuachewyerbacher.... . We honestly had the best fun @pinotandpicassoballarat, we laughed, we sang, we danced and we created our own masterpieces for the house . . This is possibly my new favourite place in Ballarat, I'm definitely going again, who wants to join me for a date night? . I'm also thinking this will be a great venue for my upcoming 40th Birthday next year. . . #beckdaviesceramics #datenight #ballaratpaintingworkshop #pinotandpicassoballarat #winenot #acrylicpainting #artistinthewild #masterpieces #bestofballarat #uncoverballarat #ballaratlifestylemagazine See more
15.01.2022 In true ISO 2.0 style, I've decided to have a Spring Clean Out . . Not only is a spring clean out good for your mental health, but this one has benefits for you too, as everything in the online store will be discounted by 15% . . That's right E V E R Y T H I N G including already reduced sale items . ... . Plus If you're a Ballarat Local we offer free pick up, just select "Local Pick up" at checkout . . Sale on now . . #beckdaviesceramics #springsale #ballaratceramics #ballaratpottery #buylocal #shoplocal #ballaratbusiness #ballaratmade #mugs #handmade #homewares #ballaratlifestylemagazine #ballaratcreatives #creativeballarat #coffee #cafe #espresso #tea #tealovers #coffeelovers #thismakerslife #makehomeyourhaven #homemakers #womanhandmade #sparkjoy #workfromhomemum #buyhandmade #happinessoverload #handmademug #tmmcteam See more
15.01.2022 Our "Little Hands Mugs" are the perfect size for children and cheeky monkeys . . They hold only 200ml, which is a great volume for kids, think no more leftover drink to tip down the sink. . These handmade mugs can be used for warm or cold drinks and will allow your child to feel special, like they are one of the adults.... . And they are dishwasher safe, making easy clean up for you. . We have only 2 Little Hand Mugs left in the shop and they are at an unbelievably low price as part of our spring sale. So why not treat your little person and see more smiles from them in your morning. . Shop link . . . #beckdaviesceramics #ballaratceramics #ballaratpottery #buylocal #shoplocal #ballaratmums #mums #ballaratdads #dads #ballaratparents #parents #ballaratbusiness #ballaratmade #homewares #mugs #handmade #ballaratlifestylemagazine #ballaratcreatives #creativeballarat #thismakerslife #makehomeyourhaven #homemakers #womanhandmade #sparkjoy #workfromhomemum #buyhandmade #happinessoverload #handmademug #tmmcteam See more
14.01.2022 Some of today's wheel workshop scenes. Plenty of colour, plenty of smiles. Plenty of messy fun. Thanks for coming to hang out Yashi and Kathy. . . #beckdaviesceramics #potteryclassesballarat #potteryclasses #potteryworkshopsballarat #potteryworkshop #ceramics #pottery #bestofballarat #ballarat #visitballarat #bekindballarat #ballaratlife #ballaratmade #ballaratceramics #ballaratart #ballaratbusiness #ballaratlifestyle #ballaratmade #ballaratbest #ballaratlifestylemagazine #uncovervic #colourmehappy #letsgetmessy #playwithclay #tmmcteam
14.01.2022 It has been a huge day in the studio today, but it was so nice to have a break from homeschooling and get back to work. . I've been super busy glazing all my students work. Blue glaze seems to be a crowd favourite . . The kiln is loaded and the delay timer set (a super handy feature).... . Now to put my feet up, ready for admin day, which will this week be tomorrow, maybe a Tuesday will make it less tedious ?? . . #beckdaviesceramics #potteryclassesballarat #potteryclasses #potteryworkshopsballarat #potteryworkshop #ceramics #pottery #bestofballarat #ballarat #visitballarat #bekindballarat #ballaratlife #ballaratmade #ballaratceramics #ballaratart #ballaratbusiness #ballaratlifestyle #ballaratmade #ballaratbest #ballaratlifestylemagazine #uncovervic #colourmehappy #letsgetmessy #playwithclay #tmmcteam See more
14.01.2022 Cocktails from @freightbar might have tipped us over the edge of sobriety but by golly they are delicious. . Pic 3 says it all . @plateupballarat @pianobarballarat #ballaratbignightin #feelconnectedballarat #shoutoutballarat
12.01.2022 Handmade ceramics are a wonderful gift to remind those you love that you're thinking of them, no matter how far apart you are. . I packaged up this beauty and sent it out this week. The customer bought it for a girlfriend she hadn't been able to have a cuppa with in a long time. This gesture really warmed my heart . . It was sent with a gift card containing a beautiful heart felt message from the sender, plus a couple of choccies (which we prepared and included for them...). . The recipient will no doubt think about their friendship every time she has a cuppa in her new handmade mug. What a wonderful moment to be just a small part of. . If you would like to send some love out to your distant friend/s, just order online and we'll do the rest. . Spring Sale now on . . #beckdaviesceramics #springsale #ballaratceramics #ballaratpottery #buylocal #shoplocal #ballaratbusiness #ballaratmade #mugs #handmade #homewares #ballaratlifestylemagazine #ballaratcreatives #creativeballarat #coffee #cafe #espresso #tea #tealovers #coffeelovers #thismakerslife #makehomeyourhaven #homemakers #womanhandmade #sparkjoy #workfromhomemum #buyhandmade #happinessoverload #handmademug #tmmcteam See more
11.01.2022 I was supposed to be cleaning the studio today, but alas that was not to be as I threw some extra large pieces on the wheel instead. Procrastination at it's finest. . First slide: The extra tall pieces (maybe vases). . Second slide: Some big mugs to be.... . Third slide: A recent 250ml cup for comparison. . . #beckdaviesceramics #ballaratceramics #ballaratpottery #wheelthrowing #ballaratbusiness #ballaratmade #homewares #mugs #vases #handmade #ballaratlifestylemagazine #ballaratcreatives #creativeballarat #coffee #cafe #espresso #tea #tealovers #coffeelovers #thismakerslife #makehomeyourhaven #homemakers #womanhandmade #sparkjoy #workfromhomemum #buyhandmade #handmade #happinessoverload #handmademug #tmmcteam @ Ballarat, Victoria See more
11.01.2022 Photoshoot ready... just blending into my natural habitat . . . #beckdaviesceramics #photoshoot #visitballarat #madeofballarat #tryingtoblendin #ballaratpottery #ballaratpotteryworkshops #ballaratpotteryclasses
08.01.2022 ISO 2.0 is giving me the space to experiment with my own style . This is just a test piece and still needs a little tweaking but it's still pretty exciting. . What do you think of this new style? . ... Should I release a collection of these? . . #beckdaviesceramics #ballaratceramics #ballaratpottery #experimentwithclay #shoplocal #ballaratbusiness #ballaratmade #homewares #mugs #cups #handmade #ballaratlifestylemagazine #ballaratcreatives #creativeballarat #coffee #cafe #espresso #tea #tealovers #coffeelovers #thismakerslife #makehomeyourhaven #homemakers #womanhandmade #sparkjoy #workfromhomemum #buyhandmade #happinessoverload #handmadecup #tmmcteam See more
07.01.2022 Our Spring Coloured Earrings are the perfect gift when you're not quite sure what to get someone . . They also make a nice add on gift, I mean who doesn't love receiving a package that has extra surprises in it? . They are super lightweight, so much so you forget you're wearing them. ... . They come in a variety of colours, all you have to do is pick your friend's favourite colour. . And they are subtle, as in, for those who might be a little scared to wear colour, these earrings are a nice subtle pop of colour without being too in your face. . You'll find our Spring Coloured Earrings in the Spring Sale which runs till the end of September. . . . #beckdaviesceramics #ballaratceramics #ballaratpottery #buylocal #shoplocal #ballaratbusiness #ballaratsmallbusiness #ballaratmade #earrings #handmade #ballaratlifestylemagazine #ballaratcreatives #creativeballarat #jewellery #ceramicjewellery #ceramicearrings #wearableart #artisanjewellery #handmadejewellery #jewelleryofinstagram #jewelleryaddict #handcraftedjewellery #oneofakindjewellery #jewellerygifts #ilovejewellery #womanhandmade #workfromhomemum #buyhandmade #happinessoverload #tmmcteam See more
07.01.2022 COLOUR COLOUR COLOUR Term 3 student work has come out of the kiln and how happy does all that colour make you feel. . For me I'm super happy, well done to all my students because these look amazing!!... . If colour excites you, send me a dm with your email address and I'll add you to our mailing list. That way you'll get a notification when we resume classes and workshops. . . #beckdaviesceramics #potteryclassesballarat #potteryclasses #potteryworkshopsballarat #potteryworkshop #ceramics #pottery #bestofballarat #ballarat #visitballarat #bekindballarat #ballaratlife #ballaratmade #ballaratceramics #ballaratart #ballaratbusiness #ballaratlifestyle #ballaratmade #ballaratbest #ballaratlifestylemagazine #uncovervic #colourmehappy #letsgetmessy #playwithclay #tmmcteam See more
07.01.2022 The end of term is such an exciting time as all the beautiful and colourful artworks come out of the kiln and start filling up the studio. . My students have created some seriously lovely work. . .... #beckdaviesceramics #potteryclassesballarat #potteryclasses #potteryworkshopsballarat #potteryworkshop #ceramics #pottery #bestofballarat #ballarat #visitballarat #bekindballarat #ballaratlife #ballaratmade #ballaratceramics #ballaratart #ballaratbusiness #ballaratsmallbusiness #ballaratlifestyle #ballaratmade #ballaratbest #ballaratlifestylemagazine #uncovervic #colourmehappy #letsgetmessy #playwithclay #tmmcteam See more
06.01.2022 Spent yesterday in the sun planting all new succulent babies in the studio gardens. Those tall ones in the back look like wonky soldiers all lined up . . . #beckdaviesceramics #studiogarden #potterystudio #ballarat #ballaratpottery
06.01.2022 Throwing a Cup on the Pottery Wheel. I promised you some videos of the pottery process during ISO 2.0 and I'm a woman of my word . . Here's a little time lapse of me throwing a Cup (soon to be a mug) on the the pottery wheel .... . Don't be fooled though, the video is 2x the original speed, if only I could throw this fast . . . #beckdaviesceramics #potteryprocess #potteryigtv #potteryclassesballarat #potteryclasses #potteryworkshopsballarat #potteryworkshop #ceramics #pottery #bestofballarat #ballarat #visitballarat #bekindballarat #ballaratlife #ballaratmade #ballaratceramics #ballaratart #ballaratbusiness #ballaratlifestyle #ballaratmade #ballaratbest #ballaratlifestylemagazine #uncovervic #colourmehappy #letsgetmessy #playwithclay #tmmcteam See more
06.01.2022 Butter wouldn't melt in his mouth (Ned did however keep knocking my magazine off my knee so that his could lay his head there, so needy ) . . #beckdaviesceramics #nedsadventureswithbeckandjosh #germanshorthairedpointer #ballaratdogs #ballaratpuppies #adorablepuppy #puppiesofinstagram #puppylife #puppyoftheday #dailydoseofcute #furfriends #doggylove #dogmodel #quarantinewithdogs #dogmumlife
04.01.2022 HANDBUILDING... What on earth is it? Do you know what the term "Handbuilding" in pottery means? . If your answer is "no" then this is the video for you. ... . In this video I take you through the the main techniques used in handbuilding and then how you can apply these to make some really beautiful pieces, by showing you examples of my own handbuilding work. . We still have 5 available spaces in our 8 week handbuilding course which starts next week. If you would like to join me in the studio please head to the website to book, you can find the link in my bio or go directly to the link below; . . . #beckdaviesceramics #handbuiltpottery #potteryclassesballarat #potteryclasses #potteryworkshopsballarat #potteryworkshop #ceramics #pottery #bestofballarat #ballarat #visitballarat #bekindballarat #ballaratlife #ballaratmade #ballaratceramics #ballaratart #ballaratbusiness #ballaratsmallbusiness #ballaratlifestyle #ballaratmade #ballaratbest #ballaratlifestylemagazine #uncovervic #colourmehappy #letsgetmessy #playwithclay #tmmcteam See more
03.01.2022 Holy Moly you guys are amazing... Term 3 classes and workshops are nearly all booked out. . I'm so incredibly grateful to have been so supported in my first term and still can't believe this is my life now. . Thank you, thank you, thank you . ... . Now if you want to do a workshop, you better be quick because they are nearly all gone (at least until Term 4). . Head to website to book . . #beckdaviesceramics #potteryclassesballarat #potteryclasses #potteryworkshopsballarat #potteryworkshop #ceramics #pottery #bestofballarat #ballarat #visitballarat #bekindballarat #ballaratlife #ballaratmade #ballaratceramics #ballaratart #ballaratbusiness #ballaratlifestyle #ballaratmade #ballaratbest #ballaratlifestylemagazine #uncovervic #colourmehappy #letsgetmessy #playwithclay #tmmcteam See more
02.01.2022 Even though the studio is closed to classes, don't forget the online store is still open, with plenty of colourful pieces still available. . #Repost @beckdavies_ceramics (@get_repost) Oil/Wax Burners online now. ... . Smells always have a way of transporting me to a different time and place . . Lock down can make you feel a bit like a caged rabbit , so why not pop online grab yourself one of these beauties and some of your favourite essential oils/melts and transport yourself to your favourite place. . . . #beckdaviesceramics #ballaratceramics #ballaratpottery #buylocal #shoplocal #ballaratbusiness #homewares #oilburners #waxburners #handmade #ballaratlifestylemagazine #ballaratcreatives #creativeballarat #aroma #sweetsmells #essentialoils #spiritual #soothing #selfcare #goodforthesoul #thismakerslife #makehomeyourhaven #homemakers #womanhandmade #sparkjoy #workfromhomemum #buyhandmade #happinessoverload #australianceramics See more
02.01.2022 First day of Highschool and First day of VCE for these two babes. Hope they have a great first day . . . #beckdaviesceramics #firstdayofschool #teenagerstakingovertheworld #mybabes
02.01.2022 Available for Booking Online Now!! . Term 4 pottery courses and workshops are now live on the website. . We kick off in the week starting 12th October and this will be the last batch of sessions for 2020.... . . . #beckdaviesceramics #potteryclassesballarat #potteryclasses #potteryworkshopsballarat #potteryworkshop #ceramics #pottery #bestofballarat #ballarat #visitballarat #bekindballarat #ballaratlife #ballaratmade #ballaratceramics #ballaratart #ballaratbusiness #ballaratsmallbusiness #ballaratlifestyle #ballaratmade #ballaratbest #ballaratlifestylemagazine #uncovervic #colourmehappy #letsgetmessy #playwithclay #tmmcteam See more
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