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BeBetter in Maryborough, Queensland | Alternative & holistic health service

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Locality: Maryborough, Queensland

Phone: +61 402 534 216

Address: Milton street 4650 Maryborough, QLD, Australia


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22.01.2022 I wanted to share with you all my epic fail for today This is my second failed attempt at mastering blueberry chocolate chip muffins. Anyone who knows me knows that I don't follow many recipes and love getting into the kitchen to try and create my own recipe for something. This however was my epic fail, but the mixture tasted amazing but did not hold together or look good. Instead of putting it all in the bin I have put it in a container in the freezer and have decided I co...uld use it as a crumb on the top of something instead. I couldn't help but think about how this fail may relate to our lives. We may feel like our life is a failure (we have all made mistakes) Life (or 2020) has not turned out how we think it would. We all have insecurities and areas that we struggle with, no one is perfect! Some people may seem to have it all together and seem perfect, but no one on this earth is perfect. I struggle with self confidence (as many of you may) Life is a journey and we are learning and going through struggles all the time, past experiences make us who we are today and daily struggles shape and mould us into who we are. Now is your time in history! My muffins today did not turn out how I wanted them to, they were broken, but they still have a purpose (just not the one I expected) I didn't throw it out instead they will top something off just perfectly and taste amazing. Our lives too may not turn out how we expected but we can still have purpose and be a sweet something in this world See more

21.01.2022 I love this picture This week has been a hard one for me, I had a stressful seven shifts straight and a crazy week. One of my days it felt like everything was going wrong (you know what I mean!!) One thing after the other, feeling like the whole world was against me. I came home, had a big cry and then tried to regroup (My husband took me to Kmart for retail therapy ) The great thing was that that day ended and the next day was a new one, the sun went down on that day and t...he sun came up again the next morning. Each day is a new day! I decided not to let circumstances and my hard week steal my shine! Whatever happens let’s not let it defeat us, nor take away who we are. Don’t let negative situations from circumstances or how others treat us defeat our shine. My gratitude journal continued and helped me look at the little positives. And of course a little selfcare each day went a long way this week. See more

21.01.2022 Real happiness and joy comes from within. I have discovered recently that I’m an emotional being (I’m sure many can relate and I should of course have known this about myself) I sometimes knock myself for my tears and emotions but I’ve realised that we have feelings and emotions for a reason. Instead of kicking myself I’ve had to let it flow and let it be part of the healing process. I remember many years ago something happened that really upset me, my sister came into my be...droom and said, I understand that you are upset, but I’ll give you 5 Minutes then you need to get up and get on with it. That was actually what I needed to hear. As hard as it was after those 5 minutes I dragged myself out of that bed and got on with it. ‘There is a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance’ Let us not let life’s circumstances make us lose our inner joy. Find something to do that you love and that makes you happy. For me... talking to my adult kids, walks on the beach, a bath and retail therapy. Hope everyone is well and happy See more

20.01.2022 We went for a weekend away last weekend and saw this in a gift shop (my husband actually spotted it! He knows me too well ) So bright and has such a positive message on it. Words can go such a long way. We don’t know what people are silently going through, they may be having a bad day, struggling with self esteem, family issues or just feeling ‘meh’. I encourage you to say something nice to someone today, it may just make their day and be just what they needed to get through. Words have the power to lift someone up and also to pull them down. Let’s make the decision to encourage people and to lift them up with our words. There is amazing power in the tongue, let’s use it wisely. It doesn’t cost anything to give a little compliment, a word of encouragement or a little smile.

19.01.2022 Hi everyone, hope you are all doing ok. I was feeling like a nice warm chicken soup in this recent cooler weather so decided to create my own chicken zoodle soup. Hubby thought it tasted good do I thought I would share with you all. It is made with bone broth (which is great for your gut health and may help with your immune system) konjac noodles (which are made from a root vegetable called konjac and has no carbs at all) and other whole foods (I'm sure you are not at all sur...prised at that ) Here is my chicken zoodle soup recipe, it is made for one so feel free to alter quantities: 1/2 large onion 1/2 tomato chopped 1 tsp ginger 1 clove garlic 100g chicken konjac noodles (rinsed, as they are in a packet) 1 cup of zucchini (chopped into stripes or use a noodle grater) salt and pepper bone broth (I used beef broth as that was all I had in my pantry, but you could use chicken or vegetable broths also) I pretty much just threw everything into the pot or slow cooker. If using a pot I added the chicken in last as to help it not go too tough. Konjac noodles have changed my life, they are also available in the form of rice, spaghetti and fettucine. They help bulk up my meals and they basically have no carbs in them at all Hope you get to try this recipe and tell me what you think. Here is where I get my bone broth: I took this photo in my lunch break at work before I devoured it, so no fancy photography here.

18.01.2022 I haven’t shared a recipe for a while so here is my yummy Bounty bar slice This is a easy quick go to slice and made with only a few wholefood ingredients that I usually have in my pantry. I encourage you to use this time of lockdown to get back into the kitchen. Create healthy foods together with your kids (or in my case, I made this batch with the fur babies watching on ) Here’s the recipe: 2 cups of organic coconut 1/4 cup of coconut oil... 2 Tablespoons of filtered water 1 tablespoon of honey or maple syrup (I used stevia drops in this batch) Blend all ingredients together in a blender until well combined. Press into a tray and let set in the fridge while you make the chocolate topping. The topping is: 1 Tablespoon of cacao 2 Tablespoons of melted coconut oil 1 Tablespoon of pure maple syrup(this batch I used liquid stevia as I’m reducing my sugar at the moment) Mix in a small bowl and smooth over the slice and put back in the fridge. I find it easier to cut the slice into squares before it is too well set in the fridge. Hope you enjoy it as much as we do. Our fur babies didn’t get any of this slice to taste but my husband was happy Hope you all are holding up ok at this uncertain time. Remember we are all in this together, stay healthy and safe. See more

17.01.2022 Happy Easter everybody! Hope you are all well and happy. I have made my own chocolates this year These are my Chocolate Coconut Roughs. Super easy and nutritious, full of good fats and wholefoods. Here is the recipe:... Mix together over a low heat in a saucepan or in double boiler: 1 cup of cacao melts (These are made from cacao with the fat still present) 1 Tablespoon of coconut oil 3 Tablespoons natural honey (or to taste) 1 drop of peppermint essential oil (optional) pinch of seaweed salt 1 tsp of vanilla melt until smooth, stirring all the time. Add 4 Tablespoons of coconut after removed from the heat. Pour into chocolate moulds.Place in fridge to set. These chocolates are quite rich and dark so my husband was not totally sold on them, but the step kids totally approved I am giving these chocolates in the picture to my dear friend for Easter. I hope she likes them and I will get her honest feedback and let you all know. Why not be a little creative and try making your own chocolate? You can make up your own flavours, like fruit and nut or orange. The options are endless. Happy Easter everyone! Here are the cacao melts I use.

16.01.2022 I saw this on one of the desk top calendars a while ago and saved the photo. Some people think we need to eat to be full to overflowing. Did you know that it can take at least 20 minutes for you to feel full? Your stomach, intestines and fat cells send signals to your hypothalamus in your brain to switch off hunger (amongst other very tricky processes that are at play in our amazing bodies) Eating to the point of ‘puking’ as the pic says, is probably not the ideal (however w...e can all admit to over indulging at times ) We often think that after a meal we should feel totally full but we should really be stopping our eating when we feel satisfied. Let’s eat slowly and enjoy the taste, texture, smell and the overall experience of sharing a meal with family and friends. I’m a believer of listening to your own body. Let us slow down and enjoy the experience and let our body do what it was designed to do. Listen to it and enjoy our meals to satisfaction rather than letting our eyes be bigger than our bellies. See more

14.01.2022 So these little babies arrived recently. My first ever business cards for BeBetter hot off the press. Exciting! But of course when all the craziness that is happening in the world is over BeBetter will be offering six week healthy lifestyle change classes (will include cooking demonstration and of course eating it at the end ) one on one coaching and pantry clean out helps. Is there anything else people may be interested in? I have had a couple of people ask whether ...I can do meal plans. So I could do individual or group sessions in the kitchen for meal plans and demonstrations. Hope you are all well and healthy. I want to Thank you all for following BeBetter’s posts and for your support, likes and shares. It means a lot to me. I love sharing with you my passion for health and wellness. See more

12.01.2022 I hope everyone is doing okay and holding in there in this uncertain time in our world. We have been told to slow down and to spend time in our homes. Lets use this time of isolation to get back in the kitchen making nourishing food and get into the garden (perhaps start a veggie patch with the kids), slow down from our usually busy crazy lives. Let's do some self care, read a book, spend quality time with our family, do a puzzle or clean out that cupboard you have been m...eaning to do for months or even years Today I went out into my garden in the late afternoon and slowed down, took a deep breath and marvelled at my beautiful rose and its amazing smell. We have been encouraged to slow down. Particularly at this time, our immune system is so important and is our front line defence against non beneficial bacteria and viruses. I encourage you to consume nourishing foods which can help our bodies to perform at an optimal level. Lets support our immune system the best way we can by feeding our body with nourishing wholesome foods. We may not be able to control what is happening outside but we can control our attitude and what we put in our mouths. I encourage you to stay positive in this time of uncertainty and know that we are all in this together. Please stay safe and healthy everyone. See more

11.01.2022 A little bit of a longer post, but please stay with me, it is worth the read I wanted to share about activated nuts. My husband loves the taste of them and takes some to work everyday. A few of his work colleagues have tasted them and found them amazing and have been asking questions about activating nuts and why. Not only do they taste great but are more gentle on your gut and aid in better absorption of some amazing nutrients that nuts and seeds offer. Nuts are full of he...althy fats, protein, fibre and a variety of vitamins and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, zinc and iron. Did you know that seeds and nuts contain enzyme inhibitors and Phytic Acid? These are there in nature to help the seed or nut to survive while waiting for the perfect conditions to germinate. These enzymes and Phytic acid are known as anti-nutrients, impairing the bodies ability to absorb nutrients well, particularly iron, calcium and zinc. Eating nuts and seeds regularly or in good amounts can therefore put strain on our digestive system and can cause bloating, heaviness and nausea and over time may cause mineral deficiencies and bone loss. I consume a good amount of seeds and nuts in my daily diet and therefore activate my own nuts at home. It is easy to do (I do it in bulk) they taste amazing and are more gentle on your digestive system. You can buy nuts and seeds activated but can be quite expensive, so why not give it a go at home? Here is how I do it for Almonds and Cashews (The majority of what I use, other nuts and seeds the amounts will differ) Put nuts in a bowl and cover with water (I use filtered water), add 1 tsp of salt (I use seaweed salt) for every 1 cup of nuts (Almonds or cashews) Soak Almonds for at least 12 hours (I leave them on the bench overnight) Soak Cashew for 3 hours. After soaking time is up, rinse with water and put in a dehydrator for 12-24 hours or until dry and crispy (I leave mine for 24 hours) If you don't have a dehydrator you can use the oven on low heat no problems. Make sure they are completely dried out otherwise any moisture can make them go bad or mouldy. Store in glass container and enjoy It may seem like a bit of a process and effort, but your tummy will love you for it and they do taste so much better than straight from the packet, and of course you are getting optimal vitamin and mineral absorption from what the nuts offer. I use these activated nuts to make my nut flours too. So yummy! Thanks for staying with me Let me know if you want me to share the process for any other seeds and nuts. Here is the seaweed salt I use. See more

10.01.2022 My latest creation tested on my husband and two teenage step kids. And it got the thumbs up! winning! This is my cashew panna cotta with strawberries, chopped cashews and maple syrup on top. Thought I would share it with you since we have talked about cashews, salt and gelatine recently in my posts. And you guessed it, its made with real wholefoods, no additives or preservatives and tastes yummy too Here is my recipe: -1/2cup of natural cashews soaked in 1/2tsp seaweed s...alt for 3 hours, then rinse. -pinch of seaweed salt and 1/4 cup of filtered water. Blitz theses with cashews in high powered blender or thermomix until smooth and creamy. - add 1 Tablespoon of maple syrup, and 1 teaspoon of vanilla essence. -Bloom 1/2 Tablespoon of Changing Habits gelatine with 2 Tablespoon of water in a small bowl. -Add to blender and mix with all other ingredients until well combined. Put in two small dishes and set in fridge overnight or at least for a few hours. Yummy with fruit, nuts or even a sprinkle of coconut I hope you enjoy it too This the gelatine and seaweed salt that I use.

10.01.2022 My lovely friend gave me some fresh lemons off her tree recently so I thought I would try this Changing Habits recipe. (Thought it was time to share a recipe with you all) OMG yummo they were a big hit with my husband Chris which is a great sign. I didn't change a thing in the recipe (unusual for me I know ) This is the Changing Habits Lemon curd tarts recipe: The Crust: 1 egg, 2 Tbsp coconut oil, 2 Tbsp rapadura sugar, 1/2 tsp vanilla, 1/2 cup almond meal, 1/4 cup of coco...nut flour, 1/2 tsp Baking powder and pinch of seaweed salt. Whisk the coconut oil and egg in a bowl, slowly add remaining ingredients. Roll into a ball and place in the fridge for 15 minutes. Roll out between two pieces of baking paper and divide into 6 tarts (you could make it into a large one if you wanted) Press into even circles and into the muffin moulds. Bake at 180 for about 10-15 minutes. Remove and allow to cool. The Curd: 1 Tbsp of lemon zest, 1/2 cup of lemon juice, 3 eggs at room temperature, 4 Tbsp coconut oil and 4 Tbsp of honey. Zest lemon and squeeze lemon juice into a glass jug, add in the honey and mix well. In a saucepan on medium heat whisk eggs and coconut oil, add jug mix into saucepan slowly. It will take about 10 minutes, but trust me it will thicken up. Remove from heat, put through a sieve and let it cool. Take the tart bases out of the muffin tray and when cool add the curd into the bases. Sit in the fridge to set fully. This is definitely a winner with us. Hope you enjoy this yummy treat that is made with all whole food ingredients. Next post I will talk about sugar and why I use rapadura sugar over other sugars. Here is the link for the sugar I use and other products

10.01.2022 LET YOUR SMILE CHANGE THE WORLD NOT THE WORLD CHANGE YOUR SMILE! I am generally a happy and positive person and try to look at the positives. Sadly this world can be full of negativity. I have been a little worn down at the moment with some negativity around me but I'm determined to stay positive and not let the negativity around pull me down and take away my smile. ... Being happy doesn't mean you have it all, it may simply mean you are thankful for all you have. Looking at something in a different perspective can change our attitude and turn a negative into a positive. Lets look at the positives and be thankful for what we do have. I encourage you all to speak positive words, lets be a little light in this world. Lets not let negativity around us effect the light we shine out in this world. What are you thankful for? I am thankful that I have beautiful friends in my life, some rain for newly planted plants, and that we have a roof over our heads. We have been doing landscaping on our block so it is all dirt at the moment. We turned the negative of the rain (we now have a very muddy yard and house) into a positive (our newly planted shrubs have had some beautiful rain) Stay positive lovelies

09.01.2022 I thought this pic was so cute! How important it is to tell people that you care for them? The last few weeks has been so super busy in our world. My husband and I (mostly him) have been renovating an old Queenslander over the last two and a bit years. The house we were in sold more quickly than we anticipated. So we not only had to pack and move but had to get stage 1 of the renovation liveable before we moved in. Between us both working shift work, moving and renovating we... have been crazy busy and ships in the night. But every day I try to tell my husband how much I appreciate all he does and how much I love him. Let not the busyness of our world stop us telling others how much we care, appreciate and love them. If someone is important to you, make sure they know it!

08.01.2022 Here is my post about sugar as promised. sorry for the delay lovelies. It seems that sugar as been the enemy in recent days. Did you know that nature provides us with natural carbohydrates in our fruit, vegetables, grains and even in seeds. When eaten in their natural state our body can process and use the energy from them slowly. Carbohydrates/sugar in their natural form are not completely absorbed and therefore limits the glucose in our blood stream. Our body needs some c...arbohydrates to feed beneficial bacteria and provide fuel to our nervous system, blood, liver and muscles. Sugar is not the enemy! I believe it is the quantity/abuse and quality of the food we consume that is important. Eating foods and carbohydrates in their natural state is better than consuming artificial sugars that are processed, refined, or made in a lab. I consume a wholefood diet mostly of fruit, vegetables and meat, seasonally and good quality ingredients with the odd treat. I use wholefood sugars in my cooking such as dates, fruit, honey, pure maple syrup, stevia (stevia leaf in the pic) and rapadura sugar. The occasional treat of good quality chocolate and treats made with wholefood ingredients is a good thing. Well I think so Rapadura sugar tastes sweet and has a caramel like taste (My 20 year old son loves it in his iced coffee!) winning It is unrefined and produced at low heat to retain natural vitamins and minerals) Here is where I buy my rapaudura sugar. a_aid=5d48c011ad525&a_bid=11110007

07.01.2022 Anyone who knows me knows that papaya is my total addiction (There is worst things to be addicted too right?) I confess that I would have at least half a large red papaya everyday (And believe me I seek out the larger ones) It tastes completely different to the yellow papaya or otherwise known as pawpaw. The red papaya is what I describe as 'natures sweets'. Papayas are so sweet and full of fibre, anti inflammatory elements, and high in vitamins A,C and E. It can help parasites, digestion, immunity, skin (anti-aging), constipation and eye health. It may also reduce the risk of heart disease, high cholesterol and colon cancer to name a few. Papaya is amazing on its own, or with a squeeze of lime on top. I sometimes make a papaya sorbet by freezing papaya and blitzing it with lime juice and stevia or other sweetener. You can change it up by adding some cacao powder or cinnamon to it. Hmmmm chocolate papaya sorbet for dessert! I'm in heaven! Or simply add chunks to a salad. Give it a try. You may just love it as much as I do. Enjoy! See more

06.01.2022 My husband always gives me a very happy look when I ask if he would like a chocolate mug cake for dessert. My 12 year old step daughter had one of these today and said, ‘you can make that again for me anytime please’. winning! It’s such a treat and making it in a mug or rumikin ensures we don’t over indulge too much and is the perfect one person non-sharing size. Here is my recipe: 1 Tablespoon coconut oil 1 egg... 1 tsp vanilla 1 Tablespoon of pure honey Mix all together in a mug well, I use a fork to mix, then add dry ingredients of 1 Tablespoon coconut flour 1 Tablespoon cacao 1/4 tsp baking powder Mix very well. Place in preheated 180 degree oven for approximately 15 minutes. I like it alittle gooey still in the middle it is super yummy served hot with cream or cashew cream (recipe on past post) on top. I put on cacao nibs and strawberries or raspberries too. You could cook this in the microwave in high for 45secs instead of the oven, however I try not to use the microwave if I can. I will talk about this at a later date. Thanks to my husband who was my amazing hand model for this pic he enjoyed eating it after the photo shoot too.

06.01.2022 I wanted to share with you one of my daily rituals. In this time of craziness, we aim for our home to be still a home of peace. Panic and worry will not change anything (easier said than done I know ). I start my day with supplements, but wanted to share my daily dose of Colloidal minerals with you. After I started taking these minerals daily a few years ago I noticed I wasn't feeling as tired, my dry eye (watery eyes) symptoms vanished and my nails felt stronger and weren't... breaking off all the time I take just 10mls a day and it is full of minerals and trace elements that I may be missing in my diet and/or not provided by food sources. This can help boost my immune system and supplies my body with the essential minerals and trace elements in order to give my body a good chance at performing at its best. I have mine as a shot each morning but you could easily add it to a smoothie if you like. Hope you are all well and healthy at this time and have a supply of toilet paper You will find the minerals I use here-

04.01.2022 This is what I call my "Go to dinner". Are you a creature of habit? I certainly am when it comes to this dinner or lunch. It is so easy, I just throw everything into the frying pan with added spices and herbs (I'm loving my home grown herbs at the moment but wondering if they will hold up to my recent demand ) I find it so tasty and I often get comments from work about how nice it smells. Here is my Go to dinner: 1/2 chopped onion 1/2 chopped tomato chopped veggies (I used z...ucchini in this one, but add in whatever you have) 2 heaped Tablespoons of tomato paste 1 teaspoon Changing Habits ginger 1 teaspoon of cumin 1/2 teaspoon of Changing Habits turmeric salt and pepper to taste water to consistency you would like. I throw in spinach leaves, fresh coriander, basil and shallots. Cook onions in coconut oil first then throw everything else in. add in mince or diced chicken until cooked. I often add konjac noodles or rice to bulk up I love adding an egg on top at the end. Enjoy the taste of tasty whole foods Remember to add some black pepper with turmeric to help activate the anti-inflammatory components in the turmeric. Here is the link to the turmeric powder I use. I find it so tasty and tastes so different from store bought options. No additives and preservatives and tastes so good. Also, coconut oil is on special at the moment

02.01.2022 This week my hubby and I took some must needed time out from our usual daily routine. It was so nice to get away and enjoy a change of scenery. One of my happy memories (growing up in New Zealand ) was a time where my family would go on bush walks most weekends. Mum would pack a picnic and we would walk tracks often seeing a waterfall (sometimes many) We would sit at the waterfall relaxing, eating our food and enjoying the natural beauty around us. To this day I find such j...oy in walking and seeing waterfalls (much to my husband Chris’ dismay) It is one of my happy places. It’s ok to take time out and do some soul therapy. Getting out into nature is good for your soul, reduces stress, anger, fear and creates pleasant feelings. It helps contribute towards a better wellbeing and gets your body and blood moving. It could be a walk in the local park, sitting on the beach or I have even been known to sit out on the grass in the backyard and eat my lunch. Next post will definitely be about sugars (sorry I was going to talk about them this time) See more

01.01.2022 This is my yummy healthy chocolate mousse. I always know when my husband hints for me to make this when he buys too many bananas so a few conveniently get overripe sitting in the fruit bowl. Super easy and make with whole foods. The main two ingredients are avocados and bananas Avocados are full of good fats and are high in fibre, potassium (helps reduce blood pressure) and have 20 vitamins and minerals and trace elements and are actually low in carbs. ... Bananas are also high in potassium but surprisingly less than avocados. They are high in fibre and contain vitamin B6 (great for our nervous and immune system) and are a great source of vitamin C. Here is my recipe: -Equal amounts of ripe banana and avocado. To make for two I use 2 bananas and 2 avocados - 1 heaped tablespoon of cacao or as desired - drops of stevia or maple syrup to taste - pinch of seaweed salt. Blend up in thermomix or blender until creamy and smooth. Place in small bowls and set in fridge for a few hours. I served mine with cacao nibs, my cashew cream and maple syrup on top. Hope you all enjoy this moouse as much as we do

01.01.2022 Wanted to share this amazing opportunity for you all to enter this competition. Simply shop through Changing Habits (where I buy a large portion of my stables from) spending at least $150 to go into the draw to win some pretty cool prizes. Simply click on the link below and shop. Hope you win something Stay tunned, next post I will be talking about activated nuts.

01.01.2022 This has been my latest favourite slice. I have made this peppermint nutty slice a couple of times in the last two weeks. It is yummy but I must warn you if you are anything like me you may be tempted to keep it all for yourself It is another Changing Habits recipe but I added a icing to it (healthy and made with wholefoods of course) You can always change the recipe from peppermint to orange or lemon by just changing the essential oils you use (please make sure it is food ...grade oil though) Here is the recipe: 1/2 cups of nuts and seeds (I used almonds, cashews and pepitas) 3/4 cup coconut pinch seaweed salt 1 cup of Changing Habits dates 2 Tablespoons of coconut oil 3 drops of peppermint pure essential food grade oil 1/2 cup Changing Habits cacao melts Blitz all together in Thermomix or blender. I use a silicon loaf tray and compact it down with the back of a spoon, place in fridge while you make the icing. Icing is 1 Tablespoon of cacao powder 2 Tablespoons of melted coconut oil 1 Tablespoon of pure maple syrup mix well and pour over base and put back into the fridge until cool (Doesn't take long) Enjoy! Hope you are all well and happy and staying positive. Here is where I get my cacao melts amongst other products from:

01.01.2022 Recently I tried this homemade milo recipe through Changing Habits. My step kids have milo often on their breakfast cereal so I thought I would make this for them to try. Store bought milo is made with processed ingredients and added artificial flavourings and vitamins. This homemade version is made with wholesome whole foods with vitamins and minerals provided through nature and the foods themselves! My step daughter said that it tasted better than she thought it would. So I... took this as a big win! It is super yummy sprinkled on muffins, ice-cream, cereal and I must confess also amazing on the spoon by itself I halved the recipe as it made a large amount and also halved the rapadura sugar amount, both the kids and I felt it was sweet enough. But feel free to adjust to your taste as we did. Here is the recipe and quantities I used: 1 1/2 Tbsp linseeds 1Tbsp sesame seeds 1/2 cup Changing Habits cacao melts 1Tbsp sunflower seeds 1 Tbsp pepitas 1 1/2 Tbsp almonds 5 brazil nuts 1/8 cup of cashews 1/8 cup pecan nuts 1/4 Changing habits rapadura sugar Blend it all in food processor until fine, store in glass jar in the fridge. Its that easy Enjoy! Below is the link to the Cacao melts I use

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