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Belair Medical in Belair, South Australia, Australia | Medical centre

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Belair Medical

Locality: Belair, South Australia, Australia

Phone: +61 8 8279 7600

Address: 16 Main Road, 5052 Belair, SA, Australia


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24.01.2022 Another beautiful arrangement from Amanda. Thank you for your care and attention to detail.

21.01.2022 GP Clinic protocols currently recommended by SA Health: *Face mask advice All GP practices are strongly encouraged to adopt the wearing of face masks for the next two weeks, this includes both staff and patients. At this time, in South Australia, it is not mandatory, but it is strongly recommended to wear a mask when out in public where it may be difficult to physically distance (1.5m from others). ... Please note that children under 12 years of age do NOT need to wear a mask, as they may not be able to handle it safely. *Waiting Room If a staff member, patient, or patient’s family member become COVID-19 positive, all persons in the clinic, including those in the waiting room, would be required to isolate for 14 days, if no mask is worn. We ask patients to wait in their cars, where possible, and only come into the Clinic when called, to reduce possible exposures in the waiting room. Alternatively, patients can sit outside on the verandah until they are called in to see the doctor. We will be asking people accompanying a patient for their name, so that we can assist in tracing if there were to be a positive case. We strongly advise all patients to phone the Reception staff before leaving to come to their appointment, to check if the doctor is running to schedule. Please remember that it is important to discuss your options with staff when making the appointment if you, or your family member, have any respiratory symptoms at all. Please be honest and tell staff before entering the Practice if you have ANY symptoms. Thank you and stay safe.

20.01.2022 Congratulations on 10 years of service Joanne Meconi Tassone We are proud to have you on our team and offer our congratulations on this service milestone. Best wishes to you for these many years to come.

18.01.2022 This week, 7- 11th September is Women's Health Week. As a result of Covid-19 many of us have put our every day health checks on hold. Now is a reminder to get back on track and visit your GP to ensure you are up to date with your basic healthcare needs. Follow the different areas of Women's Health discussed each day and learn from the tips and tools suggested.

17.01.2022 IT'S A BOY We are excited to announce that Dr Sarah Tolley gave birth to a healthy baby boy last week. His name is George and he is very cute!... Congratulations Sarah and Matt.

16.01.2022 We see a lot of babies who seem to get very upset with their normal gut function. Our most recent blog post explores why this is, as well as how you can help them.

16.01.2022 Merry Christmas to all of our wonderful patients and friends. We hope you can enjoy a well earned break and may 2021 be a LOT better than 2020 has been - no more HUGE surprises please! We are closed on the Public Holidays and for the next 2 Saturdays. Friday 25th December - Closed Saturday 26th December - Closed... Monday 28th December - Closed Tuesday 29th December - 8.30-5.30 Wednesday 30th December - 8.30-5.30 Thursday 31st December - 8.30-5.30 Friday 1st January - Closed Saturday 2nd January - Closed Monday 4th January & onwards - Normal Hours See more

15.01.2022 Our incredible team appeared on ABC 7.30 last night. We have had such amazing feedback from this initiative. Phone for an appointment. Stay safe everyone.


14.01.2022 Reminder: now is a good time to have the Blood tests you may have delayed. Australian Clinical Labs are back working from our rooms each weekday morning between 8am and 12noon. In most cases NO appointment is required. If you have symptoms of Covid-19, i.e fever, temperature, cough, sore throat, loss of smell OR you have been interstate, or in contact with someone who has in the past 14 days, please continue to delay the test, otherwise come on in!... Our surgery is clean and bright and most times there will not be a long wait for your collection.

13.01.2022 We are having our FINAL Drive through Flu Clinic tomorrow morning. Open to anyone needing their vaccination. We have plenty of the Government vaccines available Free for those over 65 or who have chronic disease, or immuno-compromised, pregnant, parent of a child under 12 months, ATSI and over 50, or are between the ages of 6 months and 4 years old. We also have Private vaccines priced at $25 for anyone who doesn't meet the criteria above. If you wish to make use of this, please phone today to book on 8279 7600.

12.01.2022 With children at home more than usual, they may explore places that never before held any interest! Make sure medicines, cleaning products and other hazards are out of reach.

10.01.2022 Today Dr Sarah Tolley embarks on the next phase in her life. She starts maternity leave, whilst she awaits the birth of her first child. Sarah is planning on returning to us in April 2021. We will keep you posted when the baby arrives. Good luck Sarah and enjoy the quiet times in the next few weeks, you won't have them back for a loooong time! You will be an amazing Mum. We will miss you though.

10.01.2022 It’s Men’s Health Week, which is a timely reminder to book yourself in to see your GP to have a health check. For more info visit

10.01.2022 Our Drive through Flu Clinics (or "Drive Flu" Clinics as they have been dubbed by some), have proved so popular that we have struggled to keep up. Our Privately funded vaccines have arrived and we have a clinic scheduled for this Tuesday afternoon 3 - 5pm. This Clinic will be for ages 12 - 64. Vaccines are $20 each and we have appointments available. We need payment prior to the Clinic, so if you want to make a time, please have your Credit card details available. New patient...s will need to arrange a Telephone appointment prior to the Flu vaccination, so that we can ensure you are given the appropriate vaccine. Both appointments will be bulk billed, if you have a valid Medicare Card. Children from the ages of 6 months to 12 years can be seen at our rooms at 20 Main Road. These vaccinations will not be done in the car, as we believe it safer and easier for everyone, if it is done in a Clinic environment. Vaccines for children under 5 are Government subsidised and those over 5 will be $20. We are continuing to refine our Flu Clinics and would always appreciate any positive suggestions. Ring our friendly, but frantic, Reception staff to arrange a time over the next few weeks. 8279 7600 See more

09.01.2022 Reminder: now is a good time to have the Blood tests you may have delayed. Australian Clinical Labs are back working from our rooms each weekday morning between 8am and 12noon. In most cases NO appointment is required. If you have symptoms of Covid-19, i.e fever, temperature, cough, sore throat, loss of smell OR you have been interstate, or in contact with someone who has in the past 14 days, please continue to delay the test, otherwise come on in!... Our surgery is clean and bright and most times there will not be a long wait for your collection.

08.01.2022 2020 year in retrospect at our Clinic. The year began with such promise, as does each New Year. Lots of plans to put into place and ideas to consider. Unfortunately, at the end of January we unexpectedly lost one of our much loved doctors, Dr Romany Topsfield. Whilst still reeling from her passing, Corona Virus made its appearance. Each new day brought different challenges and we all had to adapt to a new style of medicine. The word has spread in our community that we have be...en open, careful and respectful. We have been fortunate that we have been able to see most patients face to face during the "Covid months". Those who have had symptoms, we have dealt with via the added bonus of tele-health and/or in their cars. All care is taken with distancing, cleaning and hygiene. With the co-operation of all staff, and most patients, we are able to reassure anyone entering the building that they will be safe in our Clinic environment. In April, we began a new initiative - Drive-through Flu Clinics. These proved to be a huge success and allowed us to safely and quickly vaccinate patients who were the most vulnerable, whilst they could remain in the safety of their own cars. We asked them to remain for 15 minutes in the carpark following the immunisation so we could monitor them for adverse reactions. This allowed our duty doctor to have a chat with them and check how they were coping with their isolation, or any other issues. Dr Sarah Tolley completed her Registrar exams and was granted her Fellowship as a fully qualified GP. She then topped off the year with the birth of a beautiful baby boy. Over the next few weeks we will welcome 2 new doctors to our family, Dr Brada Shimmin and Dr Jan Hanson. As is the custom nowadays, most GPs work part-time, so we are a adding more quality practitioners to help meet the growing demand. We wish to thank our patients for their support and confidence in our Practice. We are so grateful that South Australia has helped keep our Covid-19 numbers low. Don't get complacent now! See more

03.01.2022 Some suggestions for Food Deliveries during Covid-19 self-isolation- further recommendations are welcome. This is NOT a promotion of any business, merely a starting point for those who may be stuck for ideas and unable to access family or friend support. Food delivery (or click & collect) available in the Belair/Blackwood areas by LOCAL businesses include; Banana Boogie Bakery/Blackwood Butchers/Waggon Wheels have combined for same or next day delivery. Call Waggon Wheels dir...Continue reading

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