Big House Stock Horses | Athlete
Big House Stock Horses
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25.01.2022 Lot 27 - Bighouse Peggy # 250609 Dalby Australian Stock Horse Sale 2020 PEGGY is a stunning 4 year old bay mare standing at 15.1h. She is very quiet, soft and reliable, with a great temperament. Had 2 years mustering, cuts out and rates cattle well. Great campdraft prospect. Sells Saturday evening....
24.01.2022 Select Sires has had its eye on Fern Hills Bennett (aka Ben) for many years, especially our first year at Warwick when we saw him win the Stallion draft with Pe...te Comiskey. In more recent years we've watched his progeny, admittedly initially because of master horseman 10 yo Riley Ellrott, but he alerted us to how good Ben's progeny really are. They suit the whole family, they draft, they challenge and they bring big money at sales. Until now Ben has not stood to outside mares, so this is a unique opportunity to strike while the iron's hot. He won't be at Boonara Performance Horses for long so we might be a wee bit late this year, but interest will determine what happens next year. Contact Huon & Colleen Smith or Big House Stock Horses, both will endeavour to accommodate you. Read Ben's story, see the stock he comes from, but probably more importantly look at his progeny. See how he is breeding on. Ben is retired from competition & whilst the family no longer ride him, Belinda Ellrott says, "He will always be a favourite. He was my dream horse." See more
24.01.2022 Challenge accepted! Its not weak to speak
23.01.2022 It was an exciting day for us with Craig & Matlock winning the Camm Agricultural Group Incentive Challenge and Riley & Cheerio taking out 3rd. Very proud wife and mother here Very proud of our horses too We would like to thank all the sponsors and the Darling Downs ASH Branch for putting on the challenge. Congratulations to all involved.
23.01.2022 Very proud of the job Riley did not only in the selling ring but also in the challenge on Cheerio. Cheerio is off to a great home, he certainly was an easy horse to love and have around. We miss our Cheerio smooches but Im sure Max will be making the most of them.
23.01.2022 Well the kids had a ball this weekend and got some ribbons too. Abby 2nd and Riley 3rd in the Junior draft. Then got another day off school to walk the cattle and horses home from the draft. Livin the Dream!
22.01.2022 Lot 131 - Bighouse Matlock $21,000 sold to PM & NM Hill, Clarke Creek QLD Vendor: C & B Ellrot Select Sires
22.01.2022 Well we finally made it home from the Nutrien Classic. We had to go the long way but was well worth it if everybody is receiving some of this glorious rain. We would like to thank the Sainsbury family and McClymont family for purchasing the two mares and the underbidders who helped us achieve a wonderful result. We dropped Blazette off today and Pumpkin is staying with us and heading north to young Maddy next week. So wonderful to get home to some follow up rain and some beautiful green grass.
21.01.2022 So while we were away the colt fairy didnt want to be out done and presented us with 3 colts. Foal watch is done for this year, phew!
21.01.2022 The filly fairy dropped in again last night, this one out of a Remedy mare and by Ben
20.01.2022 Sorry weve been a bit quiet lately. Heres a few snaps of the kids mustering over the holidays. Social distancing and home schooling at its best
20.01.2022 The boys at presentations getting the ribbons for the challenge
19.01.2022 Well thats a wrap for Dalby 2019. We would like to thank all the purchasers and underbidders of our horses this year for a wonderful result in these trying conditions. All horses were sold and are off to campdrafting homes so it will be wonderful to see them out and about competing. Thankyou to everyone who has sent congratulatory messages and kind comments on the quality of our horses and their presentation. ... We would also like to thank Ray White Equine and The Darling Downs ASH Branch, the cattle donors and sponsors for organising the sale and the incentive events. Great job Finally we would like to thank our 2 wonderful kids, and friends Blake, Charlie, Trevor and Jodie for helping out over the weekend. We couldnt have done it without you. Craig & Belinda
19.01.2022 Lot 45 - Bighouse Cordell # C2-250603 Dalby Australian Stock Horse Sale Cordell is an EXCEPTIONALLY quiet, easy going, 4 year old gelding. Cordell can be ridden by beginners right through to Grandad. Done plenty of mustering, easy to catch & shoe. Been around dogs, whips etc. Definitely one not to miss!...
19.01.2022 Here is a video of Rileys mare Bighouse Pumpkin ASH No: C1-250617. Pumpkin stands at 15.2 and is a stunning mare . She is lovely and quiet and has done miles of mustering.
19.01.2022 Announcement We are very excited to let everyone know that Ben will be standing at Boonara Performance Horses from tomorrow until just before Christmas. Please contact Huon and Colleen with any enquiries.
18.01.2022 New website link for this years sale
18.01.2022 MERRY CHRISTMAS AND NEW PRIZE MONEY ANNOUNCEMENT Nutrien Equine team would like to wish all our valued clients and customers a very Merry Christmas and a... Happy New Year! We have received record entries for the 2021 Classic Campdraft. With this in mind we are excited to announce that the winner of the 2021 Nutrien Classic will be taking home a huge $50,000 cheque! !!!$50,000!!! All other places will increase accordingly which is so exciting for what will be a great way to start off the new year. We have been closely monitoring the recent COVID-19 cases and at this stage have no reasons to be alarmed and we’re still working to go ahead as planned. Also, another reminder that camping bookings will open on Tuesday 12th January 2021 @ 11am via Nominate. We hope you all have an enjoyable and safe festive season with friends and family. Will see you all in February!! #MerryChristmas #HappyNewYear #nutrienagsolutions #nutrienequine
18.01.2022 PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS Please see below payment instructions *Please note anyone wishing to book their purchases to an outside agent will require a letter of... introduction from their agent to be sent to: [email protected] authorizing Ray White Dalby to do so. (strictly no rebate will be offered) Remember to get in early an register to bid now! Link Below Not long to go now! See you at Dalby
18.01.2022 Congratulations to Brendan (and Bridey) for his win at Chinchilla Draft in the Maiden Horse and Rider and a third in the Novice on Bighouse Duplicity. It is so great to see this mare step up for Brendan when they only purchased her last year at Dalby. Congratulations again Brendan and we look forward to catching up at Dalby soon
17.01.2022 Online streaming and bidding available if you can’t make it to the sale
16.01.2022 A big congratulations to Max Turley and Bighouse Cheerio on their 2nd placing in the futurity draft at Beaudesert recently. They were tied for first place and had to run it off twice!! Max purchased Cheerio at last year's Dalby sale and this was only the second time they had been able to chase cattle since then. Congratulations again Max, we think you and Cheerio will be a formidable duo in the coming years. Congrats also on your 3rd in the novice with your other horse. A v...ery successful weekend by the sounds of things. We couldn't get a photo of Max and Cheerio, this is one of Riley putting Cheerio through the sale last year Photo credit to the lovely Sam at Flash Pony.
16.01.2022 Craig and Blazettes preworks run. Blazette is Lot 202 and sells Friday morning
16.01.2022 Latest addition, a colt this time. Out of Sugar Cube by Ben. Full brother to Pumpkin who Riley sold through Nutrien this year and filly Candy who is going to Nutrien in February
16.01.2022 Riley and Pumpkins preworks run. Lot 519, sells last on Saturday afternoon
15.01.2022 Evening folks, we have been a little busy doing a second round of weaning because of the dry and had hoped to have the videos done by now. We were lucky enough to get under 67mm rain a couple of days ago which put us in great spirits but made things a bit slippery for doing any videos. We have some dry work videos done and hope to get some cattle work ones in the next day or so. We will have them out as soon as we can. We hope most of you got under some of the wet stuff and if not your turn wont be far away
14.01.2022 Thanks Sam, straight to the "pool room" for this one
14.01.2022 First Ben foal of the year and it’s a filly!! Full sister to Peggy going through Dalby in a couple of weeks
14.01.2022 Off to get some miles, have fun up there boys. Kids cant wait til Easter holidays to get amongst it
13.01.2022 ONLINE BIDDING & LIVE STREAMING Anyone who is unable to make the sale this year, you won't miss out! All Pre-Works and Sale will be live streamed with online ...bidding available through Ray White Nasco. Visit the Ray White Nasco website to become a member which will allow you to bid. PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE THIS TO THE LAST MINUTE!
12.01.2022 So far, so good for Dalby. Hoping the sale can go ahead as normal.
11.01.2022 With restrictions beginning to ease in Queensland and still about 6 months to go until the Sale this year, planning is heating up again and we are hopeful the S...ale will be going ahead! We have some BIG new ideas that we cant wait to share with you, that is going to make this sale our BIGGEST YET! So, cross your fingers that we are back to normal in a couple more months. Updates to follow with our big news!
10.01.2022 Hi folks, sorry we have been a bit quiet lately but we have been very busy weaning, cleaning out dams, trying to keep riding some new breakers and the two Landmark sale mares. If only it would rain We hope to get time to get some videos done on the two mares going Landmark in the next week or so. The mares are all sorted and out with Ben and Monsoon (aka Bluey). Surprisingly some are cycling even with the way the weather/feed is at the moment, so fingers crossed we see som...e little blobs on the ultrasound screen soon We missed the boat with Christmas wishes but heres to a wet and happy 2020. Let it !!!!
09.01.2022 Blazette preworks today - Lot 202
08.01.2022 Lot 54 - Bighouse Cheerio $22,000 sold to Kajax Pty Ltd, Allenview QLD Vendor: C&B Ellrott Select Sires
08.01.2022 We are very excited about this latest arrival, a very very leggy filly out of Serenade (Blue Moon Mystic) by Rojan Monsoon (Dogwood Comet)
08.01.2022 Now that Dalby is done and dusted we are moving on to our two mares heading to Landmark. Lot 202 is Bighouse Blazette # 250600 Blazette is a lovely 4 year old black mare standing at 15hh. Lot 519 is Bighouse Pumpkin #C1-250617. Pumpkin is a beautiful 4 year old chestnut mare standing at 15.2hh.... Both mares are by Ben (Fern Hills Bennett) and have done plenty of mustering/weaner tailing.
07.01.2022 Thanks for the nomination Abe Graham
07.01.2022 Lot 219 - Bighouse Duplicity $26,000 sold to Brendan Kelly - Kellco, Dalby QLD Vendor: C & B Ellrott Select Sires
07.01.2022 Riley and Pumpkin prework today
06.01.2022 Ben has arrived!!
05.01.2022 From this to this. Rip-Spinner, Rileys latest breaker. Lookout Dalby in 2 years time
05.01.2022 We hope everyone has had a wonderful Christmas and here’s to a safe, healthy and wet new year. We have had 29mm here yesterday, fingers crossed we get some more. We would like to thank all our friends and family who have helped us throughout the year as well as all the bidders and under bidders who have made this year another successful and memorable one. Hopefully we all get to go to a few drafts, shows, rodeos and cutting events in 2021.... Many thanks and happy new year!!
05.01.2022 Lot 202 Nutrien Classic Sale 2020 Bighouse Blazette #250600 Blazette is a 4 year old black mare standing at 15hh. Done plenty of mustering and cuts out and rates her cattle well.... Sire: Fern Hills Bennett #135893 Dam: Rojan Dancer #C2-248599
04.01.2022 Evening folks, I was hoping to get some videos up tonight but the quality of them once I upload to YouTube isnt great so will see what tomorrow brings. They should be up sometime tomorrow Evening folks, I was hoping to get some videos up tonight but the quality of them once I upload to YouTube isnt great so will see what tomorrow brings. They should be up sometime tomorrow
04.01.2022 Great start to the weekend with Craig and Bighouse Queenie having to run off for the Futurity draft and getting second place. Thankyou to Redskin Droughtmasters for their sponsorship once again this year.
04.01.2022 Some great photos of Queenie in the Futurity draft last weekend taken by the talented Jodie Humble. Thanks Jodie
02.01.2022 Evening everyone, we have been lucky enough to score 101mm of rain over the last two weeks so we have a beautiful tinge of green around the place, albeit only 1 inch high at the moment. The links to a couple of videos of Rileys mare Pumpkin are below. Its still a little slippery and the cows are still skinny so we did some videos of Riley rugging Pumpkin and also closing a gate, cracking a whip and riding her bareback instead. See you all at the Classic in a few days and hopefully everyone gets their share of rain soon
02.01.2022 Dont forget if you cant be here the preworks and Sale are being livestreamed for your viewing. Matlock is up soon and Duplicity will be later on today.
01.01.2022 Well the nominations for the Dalby Sale are done. We have 5 and Riley has 1. Now to wait and see how they try to injure themselves between now and sale day
01.01.2022 Was a sad day a week or so ago when we found one of our favourites had gone on to greener pastures and bigger campdrafts. Our little pocket rocket Madell ( Develin Creek Middel) has left us and others with many fond memories. She was the first horse Riley drafted and won a ribbon on, albeit when he was 4 1/2 in the minis at Weetalaba. She was our little pocket rocket with a heart the size of Pharlaps and has left us two fillies and two geldings to go on with. Photo credits to Mouses Moments Emma Doran, Jodie Humble and Sharon Purcell
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