Bilgoman Venturer Units | Community organisation
Bilgoman Venturer Units
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24.01.2022 Partway through @missionimpossible_event and weve climbed up a big hill to get some points. @waroverscouts #missionimpossible15 #venturers @ Avon Valley National Park
24.01.2022 Over this weekend, three venturers from our unit completed the level 1 abseiling course. Congrats Isaac, Tristan and Sam. Robert Keneu Vickers
21.01.2022 Tonight the ventures were let loose in Ikea to complete a scavenger hunt. They had a great time tackling the chalenges and making themselves look like fools. Congratulations to the winning team and thank you Jacob for organising the night.
21.01.2022 This week the ventures had a hawaian luau party. With musical chairs, giant hungry hungry hippo and lots of dancing, the ventures had a great time.
20.01.2022 Congratulations to Bryce, Brynn and Erica, for achieving their Queens Scout awards. The Queens scout award is a scouting award that is recognised and valued in the community. To complete the award the three have developed their leadership skills, completed expeditions, learnt about themselves, contributed to the community and of course had an extreme amount of fun. Again Congratulations
20.01.2022 Last night, to finish off our term, we had a board games night. A great night filled with lots of fun, a perfect way to end the term.
18.01.2022 Super job by all bilgoman venturers at @missionimpossible_event Hillbillies earning best costume Billhillies getting 3rd place Congratulations to the mundaring rovers for getting 1st place.
17.01.2022 Last night, the ventures challenged eachother to races around the kartworld track. Chirpy showed us her hiden race- car skills. We all had a good time. Thank you sarah for organising a fantastic night.
17.01.2022 On the eve of ANZAC Day every year the Bilgoman Venturers do their vigil throughout the night at Blackboy Hill along with other scouting youth in Scouting in the Perth Hills - Bilgoman DistrictAs always a visit to the war memorial at kings park to watch the waroverscouts doing their vigil. #anzacday #theirserviceourheritage #wewillrememberthem #venturers
16.01.2022 Last night was our last venturers night of the year, how better to celebrate an awesome year than get locked in a room and try to escape!! All three groups did not manage to escape but they all did very well. We even had a visit from Santa. from all the venturers we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Now to figure out how to get out.
16.01.2022 Yvonne Chow, Courtney Podmore and I received Meritorious Service/Special Service Awards at the Scouts WA Adult Recognition Awards, with Barbara De La Hunty (Chief Commissioner of WA), Kim Beazley (Governor of WA), and Ken Anderson (previous Governor of WA/Chief Scout). Also, Jed (Nigel Vernon) was awarded the prestigious Silver Wattle Award for exceptional service to scouting (he was away at the camp though). I would like to say well done to the awardees from all of the Groups. It was great to see so many people being recognised for their tireless efforts over the years. There was even one award for 60 years of service and quite a few awards to Rovers. - Thanks. Jarrah/Conrad
15.01.2022 Many youth from our district have and continues to serve the scouting community through the WABYC Currently Asher and Isaac are both on the BYC along with many other fantastic inspirational scouting youth
15.01.2022 The venturers had a great time enjoying a horror movie and ice-cream tonight in celebration of friday the 13th and the full moon. They watched the movie Friday the 13th and learned that if you go with a buddy, your less likely to be killed The commentary was great.
15.01.2022 Congratulations to Bryce, Brynn and Erica, for achieving their Queen's Scout awards. The Queen's scout award is a scouting award that is recognised and valued in the community. To complete the award the three have developed their leadership skills, completed expeditions, learnt about themselves, contributed to the community and of course had an extreme amount of fun. Again Congratulations
14.01.2022 Ha, sorry bad picture, but last night we had an awesome progressive night going from Eastern Hills to Mundaring to Darlington.
13.01.2022 Last friday night, after investing our newest member, the ventures went on a progressive bike ride from Eastern Hills to Darlington, eatting at each hall. Thank you haydn for a organising everything.
13.01.2022 Come on down to the Glen Forrest Primary School fete today and see how high you can get on the climbing wall or get dunked in the dunk tank!!
12.01.2022 Need something to do next weekend? Some of us are thrilled to be involved in the first ever Act-Belong-Commit Hills Billy Cart Festival. it looks like an awesome day of fun family entertainment. we have one cart entered. We are pumped, will we see you there?
12.01.2022 This afternoon the bilgoman venturers planned their term in between some swims in the pool. We look forward to an awesome term
11.01.2022 After some billycart planning we had a volleyball game.
11.01.2022 Setting off on a queen Scout adventurous journey.
10.01.2022 As the new youth program continues to be rolled out around the state. The rest of our district has followed the lead of Darlington and transitioned to the new program. See what its all about with this video.
08.01.2022 Last night some of the ventures met at Glen Forrest fire station for a bonfire and demonstation of the trucks. They then had a great time singing and dancing along to just dance and having very competetive games of mario cart. Thanks to Ayden for organising a fun night.
07.01.2022 Last night the bilgoman venturers met with the Glen Forrest scouts. After investing our newest member we headed to the Glen Forrest Tennis Club to play some tennis fames. Fun was had by all. Thanks to Toni from the tennis club for running the night.
07.01.2022 Some pics from the hike so far, day 2 of 4. Yesterday we set off from dwellingup. After walking along the railway line for a while we left the railway line. We saw a Goanna reverse out of a hole, he was as startled as we were. After a evening playing bananagrams and uno, we retired early. This morning we left for Mt Wells, arrived by 1 after a hard slog up hill to admire the view.
07.01.2022 Some of us enjoying the 2018 Masquerade Branch Venturer Ball!
06.01.2022 TOMORROW Do you need something fun to do? come enjoy the sunny weather up in Mt Helena at the first ever hills billy cart festival.
06.01.2022 Day two of @missionimpossible_event . All sorts of fun. Playing Jenna with a twist. Counting to 4 and all sorts of firing things. @waroverscouts #venturers #lotsoffun #venturerslookwide #gameon @ Avon Valley National Park
05.01.2022 Lots of tasty food was served up when the bilgoman venturers had a Masterchef competition on Friday night. With the Italian theme as guidance the teams created their masterpieces. The judges are still alive so the cooking must have been good.
05.01.2022 Last night we had a night challenge around Darlington. We had an hour and a half to get as many points as possible by taking photos of the smurf at different locations. Congratulations to the squirrels for taking out the win.
05.01.2022 Last night we invested two venturers into our growing unit. Welcome.
05.01.2022 Last Friday we had a Masterchef campfire cooking night. Lots of tasty desserts were served up.
04.01.2022 So we survived the hike!! The second half of the hike the views just continued to get better untill we reached the peak of Boonerring hill on our final day and had a 360 view for miles. Time at the huts was spent talking, playing bananagrams or chaos uno. Fun was had by all!! It may have been a little hard going but we all had a ball!!!
04.01.2022 A few snaps from our mountain biking day a few weeks ago. Melinda Brezmen
03.01.2022 Last night we went to IKEA!!!! After a dinner of meatballs we did a scavenger hunt with 40 tasks to complete. Here are some photos from the two winning teams. Both teams completed 38 out of the 40 tasks. #IKEA #fun #venturers #outandabout #woohooo
03.01.2022 So last night we had planned to do a bike hike but we cancelled that due to the weather, so we turned up to the hall to find a bunch of cubs from Canning Sea Scouts who were sleeping over at the hall and like us their plans had changed. So what did we do? Well we put on our thinking hats and ran an awesome games night for the cubs!! Ping pong ball races, French cricket, Simon says, tent races, human bowling and first aid relays were the ideas we things we thought of on the! We hope the cubs enjoyed it as much as we did!!!
01.01.2022 Hello people in the land of Facebook We are after some 24 inch bike wheels to be able to fix our quadcycle. If you have some that you are willing to part with let us know in the comments. ... Thanks
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