Bill Horton's Healing Massage and Homeopathy in Noosa, Queensland | Medical and health
Bill Horton's Healing Massage and Homeopathy
Locality: Noosa, Queensland
Phone: +61 7 5455 5524
Address: 37 Coral Fern Drive, 4565 Noosa, QLD, Australia
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20.01.2022 SHIATSU/ACUPRESSURE is a Japanese/Chinese Remedial Therapy technique that has been around for 3000/5000 years originating in ancient Japan/China. It is more and more popular here in Australia as knowledge of the life enhancing benefits of Shiatsu/Acupressure are being spread quickly through the use of mainstream, websites, social media and good old fashioned word of mouth. As a Shiatsu/Acupressure therapist I apply a series of varying direct pressures and stretches to the energy lines(known as meridians) running along the surface skin of your body. This process brings about a release of contracted, stagnant, excessive Ki/Chi, muscle/tendon strain(Jitsu/Yang), and builds up stretch-weakened, energy deficient Ki/Chi, muscle strained areas( Kyo/Yin). Keeping the circulation moving by making sure blood and lymph vessels are able to effectively deliver the necessary nutrients and drain waste products through your entire system, Shiatsu/Acupressure maintains your body mind, strengthens your immune system and enables self healing to occur. My approach to Healing is very 'Wholistic'--I see 'Dis-ease' and its symptoms as energy imbalances/blockages in your body mind system. Rather than suppressing or inhibiting symptoms temporarily, I believe in focusing on the treatment of you as a whole person by taking into account your physical, mental and emotional states. I select from a number of treatment options to clear blockages to the flow of blood, lymph fluids and energy(Ki/Chi) between your organs and their meridian pathways. This process then brings your body mind into a state of harmony and balance where you are completely pain free, having a strong vital life force and experiencing a sense of happiness and wellbeing. I give these Shiatsu/Acupressure treatments from my peaceful clinic (surrounded by Helliconias, Gingers, Palms ,Native plants and constant bird songs). I have 19 years of professional clinical experience in my Natural Therapies Clinic in Cooroibah(near Tewantin). ph. 0754555524 0413914367 Bill Horton's Healing Massage and Homeopathy See more
20.01.2022 More Historical Data showing that Vaccines are not what saved us! In 1977, Dr. Jonas Salk, who developed the first polio vaccine, testified along with other scientists that mass vaccination against polio was the cause of most polio cases throughout the USA since 1961. (Science 4/4/77"Abstracts") In 1979, Sweden abandoned the whooping cough vaccine due to its ineffectiveness. Out of 5,140 cases in 1978, it was found that 84% had been vaccinated three times! (BMJ 283:69...6-697,1981) The February 1981 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association found that 90% of obstetricians and 66% of paediatricians refused to take the Rubella Vaccine for themselves. In Oman between 1988 and 1989, a polio outbreak occurred amongst thousands of fully vaccinated children. The region with the highest infection rate had the highest vaccine coverage and the region with the lowest infection rate had the lowest vaccine coverage.(The Lancet, 21/9/91 In the New England Journal of Medicine July 1994issue , a study found that over 80% of children under 5 years of age who had contracted whooping cough had been fully vaccinated. In 1990, the Journal of the American Medical Association had an article on measles which stated, "Although more than 95% of children in the US are vaccinated against measles, large measles outbreaks continue to occur in schools and most cases in this setting occur among previously vaccinated children."(JAMA, 21/11/90) So as one can from these clinical studies, it is one monsterous medical myth (perpetuated by the medical establishment and the big Pharmaceutical Multinationals), that Vaccines give protection against Diseases! On the contrary in most cases of vaccination a Live Virus is injected into the body via the bloodstream and can lie dormant and then arise many years later to bring on some chronic disease. In my Homeopathic Clinic I prescribe Prophylaxtic Homeopathic Remedies(mostly Nosodes) to give complete protection against all known diseases and an easy to read programme showing what times of the month to take these remedies. (The program can be used for babies and toddlers right through to teenager and early adult years with no side effects at all) Bill Horton's Healing Massage and Homeopathy See more
18.01.2022 Here is my new Massage Landing Page. Please take a look: Regards Bill Hortons Healing Massage and Homeopathy
17.01.2022 "HOMEOPATHIC HEALTH " Before commencing treatment or before "giving homeopathy a go" as is commonly done, it is important that you understand that when you commence Homeopathic treatment, you are in fact "embarking on a new journey"--one that will take you back to good health. Homeopathy is not a" thing" that you try when you are desperate or when you have tried everything else. Homeopathy is health giving and works by stimulating your immune system( or defence mechanism...Continue reading
16.01.2022 ''AUTISM'' and the Link to Vaccinations. The so called ''Wakefield affair'' has thrown the MMR vaccine into the spotlight since the late 1990's, when Dr Andrew Sakefield and his team observed that the parents of eight out of twelve children investigated for gastrointestinal symptoms and autism, associated the onset of autism with the MMR vaccine (Wakefield A J, 1998). Wakefield was not alone. Professor V Singh analysed blood from 140 children, 80 of them with a...Continue reading
15.01.2022 Do Vaccinations Actually Protect against the viruses and illnesses that they claim to? If you only get your news and information from mainstream news and educa...tional sources, then the question about whether vaccines are effective is never even raised. However, if you look at the historical data on vaccination efficacy, you'll see that they are not responsible for the decline in disease in the last hundred years at all! Take a look at some of the historical data below showing various vaccination programs and the outbreak of that very disease either immediately or several years later: In 1871-2 England, with 98% of the population aged between 2 and 50 vaccinated against smallpox, it experienced its worst ever smallpox outbreak with 45, 000 deaths. During the same period in Germany, with a vaccination rate of 96%,there were over 125,000 deaths from smallpox.(The Hadwen Document) In Germany, compulsory mass vaccination against diphtheria commenced in 1940, and by 1945, diphtheria cases were up from 40, 000 to 250,000. (Don't Get Stuck, Hannah Allen) In the UK between 1970 and 1990, over 200,000 cass of whooping cough occurred in fully vaccinated children.(Community Disease Surveillance Centre,UK) In the 1970's a tuberculosis vaccine trial in India involving 260,000 people revealed that more cases of TB occurred in the vaccinated than the unvaccinated.(The Lancet 12-1-1980 page 73) And the list goes on and on. So what are some of the true reasons for the decrease in disease in the last century? From his book" Health and Healing" Dr Andrew Weil said it best with the following statement: " Scientific medicine has taken credit it does not deserve for some advances in health> Most people believe that victory over the infectious diseases of the last century came with the invention of immunizations. In fact, cholera, typhoid, tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough, etc, were in decline before vaccines for them became available-the result of better methods of sanitation, sewage disposal, and distribution of food and water" Bill Hortons Healing Massage Homeopathy See more
15.01.2022 Courier Mail- 1st Feb. 2014: Journalist Jane Hansen writes: "Authorities(namely The Federal department of Health) are so worried about the potential risk to chi...ldren from the flu vaccine that they are setting up new systems to respond to any problems...potential safety signals due to serious or significant adverse events associated with influenza vaccination." Natasha Bita from the Australian writes:" CSL's Fluvax Flu vaccine banned for children younger than 5 having triggered febrile(epileptic seizures) convulsions in one in 100 children in 2010, has again been selected for the nations flu immunisation program...The Therapeutic Goods Administration which has yet to determine the cause of the fits in children, has released new data revealing CSL's Fluvax was four times more likely to trigger side effects in adults than two rival vaccines." In 2010 one Perth toddler Saba Button suffered brain damage and was severely disabled after a Fluvax shot(the family has since sued the WA Government for compensation) . And yet in 2012 after theCSL flu vaccine was deregistered for use in children in Australia, Lachlan Neylan was injected with the banned shot and left brain damaged. In 1976 the flu vaccine caused an outbreak of Guillainn-Barre Syndrome(Safranek T J et al, 1991), and again in the 1992-4 flu seasons(Lasky T et al, 1998). The Ausstralian Vaccination Information Network(AVN) is full of un flattering reports, mostly from MedicaL Journals, concerning the flu vaccine. Ingredients of flu vaccines(taken from" Australian Immunisation Handbook" put out by Dept of Health and Ageing, Australian Government): Thiomersal(mercury-considered poisonous with long term side effects such as Alzhelmer's disease, Parkinsons, Huntingtons etc.; Formaldehyde(a dangerous poison) ;Neomycin; Gentamicin and Polymyxin. So in summation the flu vaccine has a low level of efficacy(anecdotally, many cases of the flu are reported each year in recently vaccinated people), and a significant level of adverse reactions. It is less than an ideal procedure. In contrast the homeopathic influenza nosode remedy certainly provides a safe and effective alternative with a high level of efficacy. In Homeopathy we don't see the flu as a disease that is caught by breathing in the influenza virus and then spreading it to everyone you come in contact with. Rather we see it as elimination of toxins from a body whose tissues are saturated and overflowing with with acid waste leading to a weakened rundown immune system( with stress trigger factors such as extreme heat and cold ,much wind,high humidity and emotional stress all contributing to starting the whole elimination process ). In my homeopathic clinic I dispense homeopathic remedies including influenza nosode remedies which can help protect against the flu. Bill Hortons Healing Massage @ Homeopathy See more
12.01.2022 Hello everybody. Here is a mind blowing movie to watch!:
12.01.2022 VITAL FORCE--The concept of the' vital force' is integral to understanding homeopathic medicine. This concept helps explain the dynamics of how the potentised ...remedy interacts with the sick person to effect a cure. Vital force is not a biochemical entity. Rather, it is a bio-electrical energy that affects a human's mental and physical functioning. It is that quality which animates living organisms and constantly seeks homeostasis and health in an inherently intelligent way. All aspects of nature, whether mineral, vegetable, or animal, also have underlying energy patterns. Homeopathic remedies are derived from these three kingdoms. The energy pattern or vital force of these remedies is enhanced by potentisation(extreme dilutions and much vigorous shaking) and, when matched with the vital force of sick people, promotes a healing response. Homeopathy maintains that the vital force permeates all levels of human existence-body, mind, and spirit-and is similar to the energy stimulated by acupuncture needles. People are viewed as a dynamic whole, with the vital force acting as the integrating factor. Healthy people have a particular quality or pattern to their vital force, but when they become sick this subtle energy is distorted. Even during illness, however, this healing force reacts in the most self-preserving manner, and its plan is clearly articulated through the symptom complex. In homeopathy, energy qualities of the remedy (as revealed by the proving of the remedy) are matched with the unhealthy person's energy qualities (as revealed by physical, mental, and emotional symptoms). Through the law of similars, unhealthy people can be cured. It is thought that the similar vibratory qualities of the remedy and the sick person produce a harmonic resonance that helps to balance the person's vital force. Western medical science describes the defense mechanisms of the human organism as physiochemical phenomena. Antibodies, lymphocytes, gamma globulin, and interferon are thought to somehow interact to protect and rid the body of internal or external disease agents. The factors that underlie their functioning, however, remain elusive. Homeopathic theory states that the vital force underlies these defense mechanisms. If the vital force is aligned, then the defences maintain homeostasis; if the life force is disturbed, illness results. Allopathic medicine acknowledges that disease can result from the defective functioning of ''physiologic energy,'' which generates heat, enhances metabolism, and, along with enzymes, maintains important physiochemical reactions in the body. These latter energy reactions are responsible for transmission of nerve impulses and production of ATP or cellular energy from oxygen and glucose. However, allopathic medicine does not recognise that disease and disharmony can manifest on a subtler energy level. As a consequence, no treatment is directed toward eliminating illness that reflects these energy imbalances. The energy referred to in homeopathy is more fundamental and subtle; it underlies the the physiologic energy of the body. Without this deep, the biochemical reactions could not occur. Technology has not developed to a sufficient degree to analyse this vital energy. We cannot assume, however, that the energy is not real. Two hundred years ago people would have scoffed at the idea of electrical energy, and not long ago the concept of nuclear energy seemed preposterous. As technology advanced, these energies were isolated, channelled, and reproduced with amazing rapidity and skill. Eastern medical traditions and a few branches of Western medicine have discovered that the underlying subtle energy is not only real, but is fundamental to health and disease. In time it may be recognised in traditional allopathic medicine. Perhaps the modern technologies of nuclear magnetic resonance(MRI),PET scanners, or electron spectrometry will someday be able to detect the energy described by homeopathy. Bill Horton's Healing Massage and Homeopathy See more
12.01.2022 Looking up my driveway with my Healing Massage Clinic on the left.
11.01.2022 The BUDDHA has said: "A person needs just three things to be truly HAPPY in this world; Some one to Love, Something to Do and Something to Hope for.''
08.01.2022 Recent HOMEOPROPHYLAXIS Research in BRAZIL and INDIA: Despite comparatively lower infrastructure and funding, homeopathy continues to be used in developing countries in an attempt to address the ongoing infections diseases commonly encountered in them. Perhaps the largest and most thorough body of research into the use of homeopathic medicine for the prevention of infectious diseases was conducted in Brazil, due to the ongoing high levels of support and government recogni...tion homeopathic medicine continues to enjoy in this country. In a repeat of a controlled meningococcal trial in 1974 with 25,000 children that indicated high levels of protection offered by a single dose of a homeopathic nosode, two professors of medicine from the University Foundation in Blumenau, together with the City Health Secretary, conducted a field trial that lasted for a full year and included 89,000 participants. The results were as follows: 1). 65,000 given the homeoprophylaxis remedies-only four infections recorded. 2). 23,532 used as a control group(no homeopathic medicines given)--twenty infections recorded. 58 cases would have been expected in the homeoprophylaxis group had the medicine been inert i.e. no medicinal healing power. 3). Efficacy: homeoprophylaxis proved 95% effective over the first six months and 91% over a full year. At the same time in India a trial was conducted during a dengue haemorrhagic fever outbreak in Delhi that affected 39,000 people, 23,520 of whom were successfully followed up with monitoring and evaluation. In contrast to the high normal infection rates of around 50%, those subjects in the trial had an infection rate less than 1%, that is a total efficacy of over 99%. Results such as these prompted Professor Iftikhar Waris to state that ''the cure rate of deadly dengue virus with homeopathy was one hundred percent, therefore the Indian government must concentrate on this mode of treatment instead of spending millions of dollars on the import of expensive sprays from other countries''. Building on this success the Indian Government utilised homeopathy during an epidemic of Japanese encephalitis with the Times of India reporting the following results: ''Since the government turned to belladonna, calcarea and tuberculinum in 20000, incidence of Japanese encephalitis(JE) and deaths due to it have drastically come down. 1999--1,036 JE cases and 203 deaths 2000--343 JE cases and 72deaths 2001--33 JE cases and 4 deaths 2002--0 JE cases'' (The Times of India 27 July 2003, 0212 hrs IST,TNN ) Bill Horton's Healing Massage @ Homeopathy
07.01.2022 Following a gravel path that winds around a fishpond and leads up to my clinic( a green building with grass thatching on the roof)
06.01.2022 The following article is taken from the AVN website: 'Vaccine victim needs your help' Ben was a hard working miner, husband, and primary provider for his family when he was struck with a life threatening paralytic vaccine reaction shortly after his youngest child was born prematurely. Before being allowed to see his newborn son, he was required to have a dTpa vaccine on the basis that this would allegedly protect his newborn son and other newborns in the s...Continue reading
05.01.2022 Everyone, Please take a look at this very interesting site: regards Bill Hortons Healing Massage
04.01.2022 Hello everyone. I have been having a facebook holiday. So now I am back. I have just launched my new website with a xmas/new year special bonus. Here is link: Have a look and please share it around. regards Bill
04.01.2022 YOUR RIGHT OF REFUSAL: You have a fundamental Human And Common law right(Common law is applicable in Britain and all former British colonies, including the U.S.) to be Free To Refuse Any Medical Procedure. In Britain and all former British colonies other than the U.S.(including Australia, NZ and Canada), national Constitutions and state laws respect this right. This includes in relation to school and child care entry. Contrary to what many people believe, in respect to ...Continue reading
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