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Birds SA


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25.01.2022 Important Survey Have Your Say The City of Onkaparinga is currently seeking community feedback on managing vehicle compliance where vehicle access on beaches is available (Moana, Aldinga and Sellicks Beach).... Birds SA does not support vehicles on beaches because of the disturbance to beach nesting birds. Please take advantage of this opportunity to suggest positive changes to protect our beach nesting birds.

25.01.2022 Registrations OPEN: Frahns Farm Planting Festival 2020 - book your spot before they all fill up! -

24.01.2022 We are excited! One month to go til the Aussie Backyard Bird Count! Australias largest annual bird count event is back for its 7th year! Held between 192...5 October, the Aussie Backyard Bird Count is a great way to connect with the birds in your backyard, no matter where your backyard happens to be. You can count in a suburban backyard, a local park, a patch of forest, down by the beach, or the main street of town. In fact, you don't even have to leave home, making it the ultimate Covid-safe activity! To take part all you need is 20 minutes and your favourite outdoor space. Not only will you be contributing to BirdLife Australia's knowledge of Aussie birds, but there are also some great prizes on offer. Head over to the Aussie Backyard Bird Count website and register as a Counter today! The yearly bird count gives us a snapshot in time of bird numbers around the nation so if youve participated before and are raring to go remember the app doesnt kick in until the count begins on 19 October (one month to go!). #AussieBirdCount See more

22.01.2022 If you are looking for good nest boxes check out these from the Macclesfield Mens Shed....

21.01.2022 During lockdown earlier this year about ten times as many Aussies as normal got stuck into bird-watching, but now all those native birds might need a helping hand. For more information, head to

20.01.2022 Think this bird was inspired by the new Michael Jordan documentary? Tracie spotted the little fellow getting its head in the game in her backyard. Not bad! : Tracie Palmer via ABC Brisbane

19.01.2022 Finally, some good news for the Eastern Curlew! BirdLife Australia welcomes the news that Federal Environment Minister Sussan Ley has rejected a proposal that w...ould have impacted one of Australias most important sites for the Critically Endangered Eastern Curlew and other migratory shorebirds in Queenslands Hervey Bay region. This is the culmination of a seven-year fight to save the Mangrove Point South Claypan, an important shorebird site in the Great Sandy Strait Ramsar Wetland of International Significance, from a proposal to build Turtle Cove Haven Retirement Village immediately next to it. BirdLife Australia National Public Affairs Manager Sean Dooley says This decision is how nature laws are supposed to work protecting the places that threatened species depend on to survive. We look forward to other key shorebird sites such as Toondah Harbour receiving similar protection. BirdLife Australia would like to extend our congratulations to Bob Gleeson and Sandra Harding from QWSG, River Heads Action Group, BirdLife Southern Queensland and everybody who has worked to achieve a rare positive outcome for the magnificent curlew. Despite this win, we still need your help to protect the Eastern Curlew. Australia needs strong nature laws, but the Federal Governments plans to replace the EPBC Act with a rushed and inadequate alternative puts birds like the critically endangered Eastern Curlew at risk of extinction. Let our politicians know how important stronger nature laws are to you at Eastern Curlew by Duade Paton

19.01.2022 Start counting the Aussie Backyard Bird Count starts TODAY! You can submit as many different counts as you like throughout the week, as long as each count la...sts for 20 minutes. Download the app or head to The Aussie Backyard Bird Count website to get started... Today we will launch the Aussie Backyard Bird Count Broadcast - live on Facebook and YouTube! Join our Chief Counters and BirdLife supporters around the nation as we celebrate all things BIRD! *We'll post the live video link to the Facebook event page when we kick off on Monday, so keep your eyes peeled for that* Run time by timezone: 12pm 2pm AEDT (NSW/ACT/VIC/TAS) 11:30am 1:30pm ACDT (SA) 11am 1pm AEST (QLD) 10:30am 12:30pm ACST (NT) 9am 11am AWST (WA) *Don't worry if you miss the livestream - we'll be putting the video online for you to catch up later* #AussieBirdCount #BirdLifeOz #UrbanBirds #BirdsinBackyards #Birdata #CitizenScience #CitSciOz #cuppawiththebirds #birdingathome

19.01.2022 Our youngest Birds SA member, great interview Miles!

17.01.2022 The May 29th Birds SA General meeting is cancelled because of the Covid-19 virus. Hopefully, as SA opens up more and continues to do well with no new cases of Covid-19, the June General meeting may be possible depending on social distancing rules, if not, most likely July's 'Birds SA Members Night' could be our first meeting back for our members. Stay tuned for further information. President Birds SA

16.01.2022 Have you ever wondered while walking on the beach...WHAT TERN IS THAT? Click on the link above to watch Birds SA's second Webinar on "How to easily ID four common species of Terns" with seabird expert Dr Davide Gaglio.

16.01.2022 Did you know that almost three quarters of South Australians surveyed want duck and quail hunting banned? A ReachTEL public opinion poll conducted this year showed 74% of South Aussies want their MP to push for duck hunting to end in SA. It's already banned in WA, NSW and Qld - Sign the petition here:

15.01.2022 POLYAMOROUS BIRDS - THE SUPERB FAIRY WREN Arguably one of the most popular and iconic species of South Australia, these charismatic little birds are common thro...ughout the Mount Barker district in gardens and parks with shrubs. Males have blue and black plumage above and on the throat, which is exaggerated in breeding season and a greyish white belly. Females are brown with a dull red-orange area around the eye. Young birds have similar colour to mature females. The average size is around 14cm and weighs a mere 10 grams. Breeding can extend from June to February and these birds, even though they remain partnered for life, commonly engage in multiple copulations outside of the partnership. Photo Credit: John Gitsham

13.01.2022 Did you know that in the Birds SA website we have now a WEBINAR section? If you missed any of our webinars click on the link below:

11.01.2022 Birds SA members, if you can please support this Student....

07.01.2022 Congratulations Australia! Together, we counted a record-breaking 4.8 million birds! "The increase in sightings reflects the huge surge in interest we've... seen in birds in 2020, " says Sean Dooley, our National Public Affairs Manager. "This year in particular, birds have provided a sense of hope and joy for many of us - so it is no surprise that more people than ever have been getting out and joining in the fun." We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to every one of you that helped make this event such a success in 2020 - whether you used the #AussieBirdCount hashtag, encouraged your friends, family, school or workplace to get counting - or simply took the plunge and had a go for your very first time! Thank you for all of your lovely comments and photos. A HUGE thanks also to our amazing team of 12 Chief Counters who pitched in and spread the #AussieBirdCount message far and wide across TV, radio and all the socials! The Aussie Backyard Bird Count is over, but we'll leave the app and website open until 11:59PM AEDT Wednesday 28th October for you to submit any backdated checklists. You can edit the date and time on your checklists by clicking on the date and/or time and adjusting accordingly. After this date, our Aussie Backyard Bird Count team will be collating, vetting and analysing the data. We hope to have the results ready for you in November - watch this space... Keen to keep counting for conservation? Stay tuned, for our next post will introduce our Birds in Backyards survey program. And last but not least - the lucky winners of our incredible prizes will be announced via email on 9th November. #AussieBirdCount #BirdLifeOz #UrbanBirds #BirdsinBackyards #Birdata #CitizenScience #CitSciOz #cuppawiththebirds #birdingathome

06.01.2022 Click on the link above, then click play on the zoom screen to watch Birds SA's first Webinar on "How to easily ID three Sandpipers species" with wader expert Colin Rogers. This is a recording of the Webinar from 24th June 2020. Note: It is not interactive, unlike the live version. But enjoy anyway!

06.01.2022 Sadly, one of Australias most highly talented bird illustrators - Peter Slater - passed away on Thursday 28 May. Peter was a dedicated ornithologist, photogra...pher and artist - famous for his encyclopaedic knowledge and accuracy. He published many books including well-known field guides and beautifully illustrated books on Australian birds. In 2014, Peter was invited as a guest artist for the Canberra Wildlife and Botanical Artists (WABA)/ CSIRO exhibition and Wildlife Art@Discovery Symposium - where he was acknowledged as one of Australias most significant contributors to wildlife art. Peter Slater will be remembered for his special contribution to Australian environmental education through his art, immense knowledge and important publications. #birdillustration #artist #nature

05.01.2022 How to Draw Waterbirds: Learn the key foundation lines for drawing waterfowl and wading birds. Draw ducks in and out of the water and learn tricks to show the s...hape of long legs and necks on herons, egrets, and shorebirds. We will also study the way that feather groups overlap to simplify the plumage. This class will be recorded and viewable at For additional information and materials related to todays class, visit Audubon Landing Page:

05.01.2022 Hi everyone Its coming up to the last official survey for the Orange-bellied Parrot for the year, with no sightings recorded for SA this year as yet. The count on the weekend of Sep 12/13, so if you would like to participate please get in touch with me, either with a preferred area or a general area and I can allocate a site for you. Im happy for people to do their survey in the week before or after if it suits them better. With a fairly small number of volunteers taking part in the July count we still managed to find 228 Blue-winged, and 22 Elegant Parrots, so it would be nice to get a higher count this time around. Bob Green SA OBP Regional Coordinator Mob. 0407 649 909

05.01.2022 Just two more sleeps to go until the Aussie Backyard Bird Count (19-25 October)!

04.01.2022 Looking for activities for the kids these school holidays? have a look at The Wing Thing - a pdf packed with art, puzzles and activities which explore our p...recious Beach nesting Birds such as the Hooded Plover. Head to our Birding at Home website for The Wing Thing - and other great bird-themed activities to "Keep the kids chirpy" #birdingathome #ScienceAtHome #ActForBirds

04.01.2022 Wish you could get better photos of the birds you love? This half-day workshop covers the key skills you need to get better images of our amazing avian wildlif...e. Setting up your camera for best results Getting correct exposure in all conditions Making the light work for you Composing the best image for each species Sharply capturing that beautiful feather detail Getting into the best position every time. For more information, including pricing and bookings, go to:

02.01.2022 Kangaroo Island Western Whipbird and the Black Summer bushfires... Each week were drawing on pieces from The Conversation, featuring some of the lesser known ...bird species affected by the devastating Black Summer bushfires of 201920. With their long tail and distinctive, metallic call, this secretive olive-green subspecies of Western Whipbird is found only on Kangaroo Island. For many years, although half the island was cleared for farming, whipbirds seemed safe in the remaining reserves in the south and west where they live mostly on the ground, searching for insects in the leaf litter. Unfortunately, Kangaroo Island Western Whipbirds are weak fliers, and few would have survived the fast, fierce fires of last summer. Some did our surveying team, alongside staff from Adelaide Zoo, Kangaroo Island Land for Wildlife and the South Australian Department of Environment and Water, saw more whipbirds than they had in a lifetime of birdwatching. But given the scale of their loss, recovery will be slow for this elusive subspecies. Next steps: Scientists Sarah Legge and Stephen Garnett say we need to protect patches where the birds have found refuge from exotic predators, particularly cats, and ensure the patches are the focus of fire prevention efforts in coming summers. You can read more about the challenges facing Kangaroo Island Western Whipbird and other priority species in this wonderful interactive multimedia article by The Conversation here: Kangaroo Island Western Whipbird by Tom Hunt

02.01.2022 Join us for another pre recorded Birds SA Webinar. Today is time for Parrots! Our speaker Merilyn Browne is a long-term bushwalker who took up birding less than 20 years ago. Merilyn had always appreciated the willingness of Birds SA to share knowledge and skills in bird ID. In this webinar she will show us how to identify some of our colourful local birds!... Click on the link below to watch the webinar:

01.01.2022 The Red-tail Black-Cockatoo Recovery Team and BirdLife Australia are calling on local landholders and members of the public to help locate new Red-tail nesting ...sites. The Nest Incentive Scheme offers a reward of $500 for information that leads to the discovery of new Red-tail nests across their habitat range in south-east South Australia and south-west Victoria. As the NIS is a low-risk activity with regards to COVID-19 we have made the decision to run the program again this year. We have Recovery Team members located in both SA and Vic who will be able to follow up on reports of nests. It is important to find nests so we can understand what the birds need to raise their chicks successfully and protect nests from predators such as brush-tailed possums. We are asking anyone that sees Red-tails or observes nesting behaviour, particularly single males or pairs of birds, to report their sightings to the coordinator. Red-tails nest in large hollows which often occur in large, old eucalypts such as Red Gums, with most nests occurring within 3km of stringybark habitat. Sightings can be reported by calling 1800 262 062, emailing [email protected] or via our website Guidelines for the Nest Incentive Scheme and information on Red-tail nesting behaviour can be found here: Glenelg Hopkins CMA Wimmera CMA Limestone Coast Landscape Board National Landcare Program

01.01.2022 Fancy a few weeks in Tasmanias great outdoors monitoring our wild population of Orange-bellied parrots? Join the roster of enthusiastic volunteers at Melaleuca... in the remote south-west Tasmania from September to April to support the project to save this critically endangered species. Volunteers work in pairs observing and recording birds, providing food, cleaning feed tables and other tasks. Youll need to be the outdoorsy type. The weather can be challenging and hut accommodation is basic. But youll be rewarded with getting close up and personal with the OBP and other birds of Melaleuca, stunning landscapes, and a rare opportunity to immerse yourself in the remote Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area. What about COVID-19? The OBP volunteer program will be conducted in accordance with the Tasmanian Governments COVID-19 Safe Workplaces Framework. This includes the Departments COVID-19 Safe Plan, Volunteer Activity Risk Assessment, and a Site Plan for Melaleuca. Volunteers should also ensure they are familiar with the current quarantine and border control restrictions, prior to submitting an expression of interest. Given the current border control restrictions, Tasmanian residents are strongly encouraged to apply. For more information about volunteering or to apply, visit

01.01.2022 If any Birds SA members wish to help Emily with her Uni project, please contact her (not Birds SA) on the email in her flyer, [email protected] Cheers.

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