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Adelaide Postpartum Care

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24.01.2022 Day light savings is coming!! Do you love the summer but dread the weeks and weeks of disrupted sleep every time the clocks change?? Well now you don't have to because I am going to tell you exactly how to combat the awful daylight savings hangover for your baby or toddler. ... Coming up to October our clocks are going to be moving forward 1 hour and we can enjoy that warm summer sun in the evening..... not so if all of a sudden your baby or toddler wants to stay up late or worse wake up at 5.30am! Never fear though follow my simple steps and you won't be up at 5am all summer. Starting this week move your child's sleep times 5 minutes earlier every other night so about 20 minutes earlier a week. You may need to move all day sleep including wake up time if your baby is very little and still having multiple naps to accommodate this bedtime shift. For the next three weeks you will need to follow the same steps. A gradual change will ensure it does not disrupt your child's night sleep to much as it will feel like a normal bedtime but when 6pm becomes 7pm you will be ready. The same applies if you have an older toddler that doesn't nap anymore simply put them down to sleep a little earlier every couple of nights over the next 3 weeks. Remember that by moving sleep times means food times need to adjust a little to, so make a plan on what time dinner time needs to be to help you get that slightly earlier bedtime as part of your normal routine. If you follow these steps for three weeks and make bedtime earlier each week by 20 minutes when daylight savings arrives on October 4th and your clocks change your child's bedtime will be right where it needs to be. Now you can enjoy that glass of wine with your first summer bbq and your child or baby will be getting all the rest they need to enjoy our warm summer days ..... in the air conditioning. #adelaidepostpartumcare #babysleepconsultant #sleepdeprivation #helpmybabysleep

24.01.2022 So excited for the next stage. The feelings of excitement and relief in making the right decisions really are like no other. Choosing the right people to work with in business and life makes all the difference

23.01.2022 Saturday night drinks may have changed, but she still needs you. Wine might now be coffee but you have always been the person she can talk to and lean on, don't turn your back now she is still the same person inside. Life takes us in different directions at different times but women need women in their life, the connection, understanding and love we show each other makes us strong. When she needs you.... show up, time and time again show her that you are there and she is not alone. #adelaidepostpartumcare #womensupportingwomen #mumssupportingmums

22.01.2022 You don't have to suffer and just hang in there! It's ok to ask for help, you don't have to do it alone. #adelaidpostpartumcare #adelaidedoula #adelaidesleepconsultant #mumfirst

22.01.2022 To all the business mummas on here!!

21.01.2022 Oxytocin the hormone of love and connection. It's no surprise that oxytocin peaks at childbirth as it prepares our body for a whole new kind of love. It's that lost in the moment and nothing else matters kind of love so it's no surprise that this kind of emotion can leave us giddy and messing up our words. It's really no wonder that oxytocin and baby brain go hand in hand when you think about it? When your baby is born the most important thing you can do is block out the res...t of the world while you bond with your new little human. Skin on skin, massage, a bath or a nice warm Cup of tea in the sunshine all help boost oxytocin so if you to had a traumatic birth and felt robbed of that moment it's ok! You didn't miss the boat on oxytocin you can give yourself your own boost of oxytocin every single day! And boys if you are trying to imagine what baby brain feels like why don't you try working out 6x8-12 is right after sexwhen it's no surprise there is a peak of oxytocin for both men and women. #adelaidedoula #sleepconsultant #babybrain #oxytocin

21.01.2022 I've said it before, I will say it again and I will keep saying it because for so many reasons mumma YOU ARE ENOUGH!!!

21.01.2022 How can you not Batman thinks he's as tough as a cat!

20.01.2022 For a little change of pace let's talk baby sleep!! We all know that babies are born into the world with sound sleep skills seeing them take reliable naps from the beginning and sleep through the night from the beginning. Bahahaha hahahahaha just kidding!! ... While babies are born in a gentle state of slumber this is due to being filled with the lovely neater all melatonin from their time in the womb. As this wears off from around 3 weeks we see babies "wake up" and sleeping becomes a whole new challenge. Some babies like duck to water nap well, sleep well and settle well yay! ...... others however do not. It is these little babies that people generally come to me for help with. The sleep environment we provide for our babies is often an area that there is little advice on from the beginning however getting it right can make all the difference. Today I want to talk about light .... well actually dark and the role it plays in helping your baby sleep. Our bodies need for sleep and the way our bodies and brains fall asleep all comes down to simple science, it is a fact that can not be debated. When it comes to helping that process Unfortunately the science seems to fall away to opinion and that is not very helpful, so for this series of posts I am going to cover one aspect at a time as to why it is important and today I am starting with having a dark sleep space for your baby. For the first 3-4 weeks your baby will likely sleep anywhere, through noise and in well lit rooms because of the maternal melatonin I mentioned earlier. Melatonin is the bodies sleep hormone. By the time your baby reaches 6 weeks of age this store of melatonin has gone & baby is likely at the peak of the fussy period as they now start to produce there own melatonin, but here is the kicker! Your body can't produce melatonin unless it is dark!! That's right light blocks the bodies ability to produce the melatonin hormone our bodies NEED to achieve good sleep. It not only helps us fall asleep it helps us stay asleep & without it you are likely to have a baby that won't nap for longer than 30-45 minutes during the day & will also be very wakeful during the night. Cont in comments.

20.01.2022 Are you looking for that somewhere to start??? These easy to follow age appropriate guides are yours free just drop us a dm and they will be on their way to your inbox within 24 hours. #adelaidepostpartumcare #babysleepconsultant

20.01.2022 Going out to all the mums out there getting it done!

20.01.2022 Rise above everything else!

19.01.2022 The first time you hear it it really is one of the most beautiful heart stopping moments, followed by hours of "did I really hear it thoughts then countless moments of saying mumumum in hope they will say it back. Then they say it again and this time you know you heard it! Then they taunt you at bedtime with mmmmmmmmmmmmmmdadadadad #adelaidepostpartumcare #sleepdeprivation #adelaidesleepconsultant #adelaidedoula #adelaidedoulaservices #mumscaringformums

18.01.2022 There is so much more to the transition to motherhood than giving birth. It's not easy for anyone, sharing your story is part of growing or part of healing.

17.01.2022 I can still taste it

16.01.2022 And just like that our little guy turns one! I don't know where the time goes, even in the year of covid and slowing down it has still passed at light speed. He brings our family so much joy with his infectious laugh and giggles.

13.01.2022 Is baby brain even real?? I won't bore you the answer is yes! In fact it is accurately detected by a MRI 100% of the time! ... But what if I told you that the pure experience of pregnancy and child birth actually makes you smarter!!!! Yes that's what I said and it's true! Baby brain is not just a state of sleep deprivation and fatigue after child birth that leaves us wondering why we came in to the bathroom in the first place, it has short term and long term permanent effects that help us become smarter and better equip to be the best Damn mum we can be. So when you are questioning yourself (like we do daily) you can rest assured that you in fact do got this mumma because while you grew your baby your brain also got smarter to make sure you would be ready to love, protect, and guide that baby to an amazing life and here are just a few fun facts for you to ponder because I will be sharing a whole lot more. 1. Baby brain increases your senses. Your sensitive smell during pregnancy is no accident it helps you sense danger, off food and lets be honest the poohy nappy lol. 2. Increased efficiency. I think it goes without saying that mums can multi task like no other and every single parent knows just how much you can achieve in a 1 hour nap window. 3. Increased Resilience. How many times do you think you would have walked away from a task this damn hard before? Yep pregnancy makes you more resilient, you might say you want to run away everyday but the point here mumma is that you haven't! You are here for every cuddle, every nappy and every time your baby needs you. 4. Ambitious. When you start to look around at the working mums, juggling parenting, running a household and work and rocking it it's plain to see. Go one step further and look at the mumprenuer's and the of thousands of mums juggling they're own business whether it be established or start up plus being the best mum they can and you can't deny the ambition being a mum creates to help make the world a better place. Continued in comments

12.01.2022 Every time I see the phrase post and ghost I shudder! Mainly because I know I have been doing this a bit lately but I am here to assure you it is for a good reason. The past months I have been hard at work studying in areas to help create the ultimate postpartum care business for mums in Adelaide. It is all so new and a completely different world you begin to live in and as a new mum it's hard to find the support you need! ... If it is not an easy google search (if you even know what to search) having to organise multiple support appointments can simply be to hard in a new born sleep deprived state, so I am striving to bring as much to one place as possible. By also building my own network I can easily refer you to the best person for your query with out you having to do another single google search. For those that know me know I am somewhat of a busy person and quite goal orientated so while a few of my studies are well underway and coming to completion I have since added a few extra services I will be offering simply to make your life a bit easier mumma because that is my number one goal! In home doula care. Infant and early childhood sleep specialist. Breastfeeding support. Nutrition for Pregnancy through to early childhood. Postnatal massage. This is where it starts and I am already building a network of other service providers for you so in your time of need #adelaidepostpartumcare will have you covered in more ways than one! If you want more information or a chat about anything listed here you can email [email protected] or just drop me a DM Right here. #babysleepconsultant #postpartumdoula #adelaidedoula #babybrain adelaidepostpartumcare

11.01.2022 Baby brain makes you smarter. Now we know that it's a fact let's talk about how. During pregnancy many mothers to be know the feeling of smelling something they once loved and running for the bathroom. Not very often though do we give it a second thought. However this heightened sense is happening for a reason! When you are pregnant your heightened sense of smell protects you and your baby from off food and beverages. Heightened smell also will do this once your baby is bor...n and you will become to rely on this during the first 6 months when your baby is only consuming milk. Ever noticed how you always ask mum if the milk is off . Light sleep and heightened hearing. Once upon a time you could sleep through a hurricane! Not any more oh no. When you bring your baby home the sound of their breathing at night can be enough to wake you let alone if they cough!! You will hear the footsteps by the front door before they knock and your phone on vibrate is all you need. All customised to look after a newborn. Sight. Your eyes become like little detectives spotting rashes, tags that catch or something on the floor the size of a crumb that they could Pick up whatever it is. I matter how small and your on it!! It's no accident mumma it's all part of the process of pregnancy and it makes you smarter!! Stay tuned to learn about other ways baby brain is not just a moment of sleep deprivation but a lifetime of enrichment, love and connection. #adelaidedoula #newbornmotherscollective #adelaidepostpartumcare #newmumadelaide #babybrain #babybrainmakesyousmarter #babysleepconsultant

11.01.2022 Are you ready to enlist? #bekind #doitfordolly

10.01.2022 It ok to not be ok! It's ok to be just a little bit ok and need to talk. It's ok to be really struggling and need support. It's ok to just not be ok today. Even if you are the one who never asks for help and always has it together.... ... it's ok to not be ok from time to time. Parenthood should come with a mental health warning because more often than not it will challenge you to your limits both physically and mentally. That's why postpartum support is so important! If you are expecting and want to know how APC can help you contact us today at [email protected] and if you would love to see more women professionally supported after child birth please help us spread the word by sharing our page and post. I am grateful for all the support #adelaidepostpartumcare #compassionatecare #judgementfreezone

05.01.2022 R U OK? It's a day I end up pondering on for days every year and this year is no different. Every year it brings up something new and this year I want to talk about it. For two decades I have experienced ptsd and I used the word experienced because it has not been two decades of only suffering. Sure there have been many many high's and lows but my point is although it is something that is always there, it is not something that writes your life sentence in mental health. Y...ou write your own narrative! Supporting mental illness is a conversation that is long over due, hell when I was diagnosed not a single person I spoke to even knew what it was let alone if I said IBS or gluten free . These days it's a fad diet for some and medication is available on the shelf in the chemist. If you are currently suffering with mental illness or need to support your mental wellness a little more mindfully I offer this piece of advice that will help you turn things around. Every single day your thoughts, behaviour and feelings all work together. But if you change your behaviour first regardless of how you are feeling you will and I promise YOU WILL start to feel better! Every day set a goal to do 1 thing that makes you FEEL GOOD . It could be as small as a shower and moisturising or as big as a body massage the choice is yours and every day set to achieve one thing again as small as making the bed or as big as painting the house that is an ACHIEVEMENT. If you set these two small goals every day you change the course of your story and take back control. Some days are hard.... so fucking hard! But please know that you are not alone. People are here to help! Whether you chat to your GP or use one of many mental health services the one thing you need to do is reach out if you are struggling and before you get all Gun Ho and ask Are You ok? Firstly sit back and ask the bigger question of Am I Ok?? Because that's where we all need to start. #RUOK #AMIOK #adelaidepostpartumcare #pnd #pna #mentalhealth

05.01.2022 I don't know how many times I've have seen this post, but every time I do I squeeze them a little tighter at my next cuddle

05.01.2022 Is this not the best message I could wake up to? So happy for you Taurie!!

04.01.2022 It needs to change now!

01.01.2022 How different the world would be! #adelaidepostpartumcare #adelaidedoula #compassionatecare #babysleepconsultant #adelaidemums

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