Brayden Kelly- Candidate for Kwinana | Political candidate
Brayden Kelly- Candidate for Kwinana
Phone: +61 416 753 707
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25.01.2022 Good afternoon everyone! Many people have asked what I stand for or wish to put in place if I was to be elected in the upcoming election. My response to this is!... Kwinana is growing in size and rapidly, as of the 2016 census we are the second fastest growing local government in WA, predicted to double in size over the next 20 years and to have 26,670 dwellings by 2036. Whilst all this is happening we need to be moving along side it, making sure we are providing the best governance for a rapidly changing area! We dont want to hold back from development, we want to embrace it, but the right way. Making sure we are developing the Smirks Cottage and implementing heritage walks around the City showing the true history Kwinana has. Bringing new people, with new businesses and familys creating more jobs and community spirit! We are a very sustainable city yet we dont have access to tip passes along side the high rates we pay. We have excess litter lying around, white good collections could be happening more often along with green waste. We have catered well for our Youth this is a given, yet we still see them wondering streets late at night lost but with later bus services and the addition of a headspace centre we could minimise this, helping get more Youth employed and away from drugs and alcohol. Now what about our Elderly? We need to start looking to develop areas and facilities for our senior citizens. Providing them with; work shops, days out, events, and more seniors parking at local shopping centres/parks and community related activities. We could have a shuttle bus running on a loop around the city for our seniors. 24% of our city is 40-59yrs old and will be heading to retirement in the coming years whilst 13.3% of our city are already either in or close to retirement. We could be providing more facilities at local parks; barbecues, shade and elliptical equipment. Whilst many parks have these facilities, there are still many that dont. When it comes to re-electing councillors we need to think strategically, we want councillors who are moving with the times, preparing for the future. We want them to be seen promoting Kwinana and showing that we are an ever changing and diverse society. Our councillors need to be ready to make the best decisions for our city and not have pre-planned agendas aligned with other councillors. We need to be open minded and continuously having the community at heart and I am ready to be that councillor for you. What else do you see within our community? Send me a message and we can have a chat, Id love to hear from you!
23.01.2022 Yesterday I had the privilege of being on ABC Radio- Perth! I had a great chat to Russel and Nadia on my candidacy for the upcoming local elections. We spoke about what has driven me to run in the Local government Elections and what my thoughts for the future is! ... Heres a link to the show! The segment around the election begins at 3:09:00. ->
19.01.2022 Tonight I, along with the Kwinana Youth Advisory Council and other members of our community, had the opportunity to attend a community leaders meeting hosted by the Rotary Club- Kwinana! We learnt a lot about what great things Rotary does for the community and even got a history lesson on how Rotary came about. It was a great nigh, brain storming Ideas about how to boost the clubs members (predominantly 18-50 year olds) ... Being a Youth myself I was able to help in describing some of the ways the club could potentially reach out to a younger group and change the culture to fit that demographic! If anyone would be interested in what Rotary does and how you could get Involved click here! ->
18.01.2022 ITS OFFICIAL! Today I witnessed the ballot draw for the order of candidates. I have drawn 9th of 10! I ask for your support in the coming weeks as I run for 1 of the 4 positions for a councillor for the city of Kwinana. ... There are a few things to tell you 1. PLEASE REGISTER TO VOTE! We can make change and we can make it together but not if you arent enrolled to vote! 2. I AM AN INDEPENDENT VOICE! Factions were in high school I am an independent voice as I believe councilors should. I am running independently, not on a ticket! If Im going to be elected I wish for it to be on my own merits, not off others coat tails! 3. There are 4 positions up for grabs, this means you can chose 4 people in your vote. If you wish to elect myself, vote me 1! You can vote for 4 people but if you wish to only vote for 1 (myself preferably) YOU CAN! 1 4. I AM ONLY 18! Please do not disregard my candidacy due to my youth, I am ready to learn, listen and LEAD on council. 5. THANKYOU! I want to thank you for being apart of what I am trying to do! I believe Kwinana has transformed for the positive over the last few years, I am excited to be apart of its exciting feature!
16.01.2022 I want to thank everyone for the support over the last few months, as you can see below there has been a recount tonight as myself and Sherilyn woods have had a 1 vote difference- myself being one point down!
15.01.2022 IT ALL BEGINS TODAY Today the delivery of postal ballots start being delivered! WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW! ... 1 There are 4 positions up for grabs, this means you can chose 4 people in your vote. If you wish to elect myself, vote me 1! You can vote for 4 people but if you wish to only vote for 1 (myself preferably) YOU CAN! 1 2 Election packages are out today and you have until close of polling 6pm 10/10/19. 3 Please vote for ME! If you have been following me throughout my Campaign journey you will understand what I stand for, want to implement, change and better in our community. If youre unsure click this link! Or send me a message! 4 I want to thank everyone for the support youve shown towards me through the campaigning period. We can make change,lets make it together!
07.01.2022 EVERY. VOTE. COUNTS. Believe me I never thought one single vote could be the difference between winning and losing an election but here we are. I have maintained some radio silence over the past few days as I allow the results to sink in and pass through my newsfeed. ... With the results clear a one point difference between myself and CR Sheri woods had occurred declaring Sheri the newly elected councillor. I would like to wish CR S.Woods a very successful 4 year term. Last night I attended the swearing in of the newly elected councillors for the City of Kwinana, along with the voting for the Deputy Mayor and Mayor roles, I would like to wish all newly elected councillors, Deputy Mayor and Mayor good luck and I wish them all the best for the rest of their term. I want to put a huge thank you out to all my Friends and Family who have backed me 100% of the way. This was something very daunting to do at such a young age and to have come out 1 point behind tells me that Kwinana is ready for change. Along the way I hoped to raise awareness that our Youth can do great things in our community and that just because we are young doesnt mean we havent had life experience, dont know right from wrong or any other stigma that may come along with it. Whilst the election is over I do plan on running in the next election in 2 years time. This is something that could definitely change (a lot can happen in that time) but I thank EVERYONE for their support and backing in this election thank you for everything! -Brayden Kelly
05.01.2022 I am proud to say that I work for KFC- it is an amazing company filled with amazing initiatives and development opportunities. The KFC youth foundation is an amazing program that supports youth across the nation please find out more here -> Today we are window washing for a donation towards the youth foundation, head down to KFC Kwinana and see myself and our AMAZING team of volunteers and donate to a great cause!
01.01.2022 AND THEY ARE HERE! If you havent yet, you will soon be receiving you election packages. I encourage everyone to vote! We can make change and we can make it together- but only if you vote! ... To have seen my name on the election package today was a proud moment. I want to express the fact that I am running to voice the issues WE as residents see, I want to boost community safety and continue to pioneer Kwinanas recent success and development. There has been a quote I have held extremely close to me over the years. I will leave part of it here: Here's to the crazy ones, You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can't do is ignore them because they change things... they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do. -Steve Jobs- I wish all those in the running for local elections all the very best.
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