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25.01.2022 Royal Spoonbill, (Platalea regia) Driving home from Adelaide today, I took my usual short cut (actually longer but still) down past the Onkaparinga wetlands. As luck would have it, I noticed three Royal Spoonbills not far off the road in shallow water. Seeing these guys in full breeding plumage was a real treat so of course I hit the anchors, cracked a U’y (u turn) went back and gave the ole Nikon a run... happy days... - - #royalspoonbill #birds_private #birdsofaustralia... #birds_of_ig #birds_brilliance #birds_perfection #birds_private #birds_captures #birds_matter #planetbirds #bird_lovers #birdshots #nuts_about_birds #ausgeo #feather_perfection #birdfreaks #nikonaustralia #abcmyphoto #naturyst See more

25.01.2022 European Goldfinch, (Carduelis carduelis) These colourful little guys are my favourite introduced species. They don’t disrupt the locals too much and have a very pleasant song. In captivity they are sometimes crossbred with Canaries and while the resulting offspring are mules (not fertile) the males have an outstanding whistle. - -... #europeangoldfinch #birds_private #birdsofaustralia #birds_of_ig #birds_brilliance #birds_perfection #birds_private #birds_captures #birds_matter #planetbirds #bird_lovers #birdshots #nuts_about_birds #ausgeo #feather_perfection #birdfreaks #nikonaustralia #abcmyphoto #naturyst See more

23.01.2022 Crescent Honeyeater (Phylidonyris pyrrhopterus) Another of the many Honeyeater’s in Oz. These guys are pretty common on the Fleurieu and throughout Southeastern Australia including Tasmania. I was happy to score a few shots of this species on a clean background. - -... #cresenthoneyeater #birds_private #birdsofaustralia #birds_of_ig #birds_brilliance #birds_perfection #birds_private #birds_captures #birds_matter #planetbirds #bird_lovers #birdshots #nuts_about_birds #ausgeo #feather_perfection #birdfreaks #nikonaustralia #abcmyphoto #naturyst See more

22.01.2022 Black-fronted Dotterel, (Elseyornis melanops) Got away for a few days with the boys last week, and ended up at Marree. I had heard that nearby Muloorina was a birders paradise so we checked it out. Unfortunately not a lot of birds about, however this guy was wondering about and happy to pose... all good. - -... #blackfronteddotterel #birds_private #birdsofaustralia #birds_of_ig #birds_brilliance #birds_perfection #birds_private #birds_captures #birds_matter #planetbirds #bird_lovers #birdshots #nuts_about_birds #ausgeo #feather_perfection #birdfreaks #nikonaustralia #abcmyphoto #naturyst See more

21.01.2022 Black-shouldered Kite (Elanus axillaris) My last two posts were of young Black-shouldered Kites. When they colour up to adult plumage, this is what they will look like. These very beautiful Raptors are certainly a favourite of mine. - -... #blackshoulderedkite #birds_private #birdsofaustralia #birds_of_ig #birds_brilliance #birds_perfection #birds_private #birds_captures #birds_matter #planetbirds #bird_lovers #birdshots #nuts_about_birds #ausgeo #feather_perfection #birdfreaks #nikonaustralia #abcmyphoto #naturyst See more

21.01.2022 Red-capped Plover (Charadrius ruficapillus) While these guys are fairly common, it’s always a pleasure to photograph them. This guy was strolling up Cable Bay beach at Innes National Park. - -... #redcappedplover #innesnationalpark #birds_private #birdsofaustralia #birds_of_ig #birds_brilliance #birds_perfection #birds_private #birds_captures #birds_matter #planetbirds #bird_lovers #birdshots #nuts_about_birds #ausgeo #feather_perfection #birdfreaks #nikonaustralia #abcmyphoto #naturyst See more

20.01.2022 Brush Bronzewing, (Phaps elegans) These guys are super cautious. I sat with Chris from @kookaburra_images the other day and waited for this guy and his mate to come closer. Approximately 30 min had passed and Im sure they were further away... it was one step forward... two steps backwards for sure. This shot was from a bit of a distance but more than happy to take it. - -... #brushbronzewing #birds_private #birdsofaustralia #birds_of_ig #birds_brilliance #birds_perfection #birds_private #birds_captures #birds_matter #planetbirds #bird_lovers #birdshots #nuts_about_birds #ausgeo #feather_perfection #birdfreaks #nikonaustralia #abcmyphoto #naturyst See more

20.01.2022 Sooty Oystercatcher (Haematopus fuliginosus) In my last couple of posts I have been going on about the wind over here at Innes National Park this week. This pic really demonstrates it with this Oystercatcher coming in on a wing and a prayer... literally I think. - -... #sootyoystercatcher #innesnationalpark #birds_private #birdsofaustralia #birds_of_ig #birds_brilliance #birds_perfection #birds_private #birds_captures #birds_matter #planetbirds #bird_lovers #birdshots #nuts_about_birds #ausgeo #feather_perfection #birdfreaks #nikonaustralia #abcmyphoto #naturyst See more

20.01.2022 Mulga Parrot, (Psephotus varius) A morning visitor to our campsite in the Caroons Creek Conservation Park. I just love the colours on these cool little guys. - - #mulgaparrot #birds_private #birdsofaustralia... #birds_of_ig #birds_brilliance #birds_perfection #birds_private #birds_captures #birds_matter #planetbirds #bird_lovers #birdshots #nuts_about_birds #ausgeo #feather_perfection #birdfreaks #nikonaustralia #abcmyphoto #naturyst #your_best_birds See more

19.01.2022 European Goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis) I never get tired of the beautiful sound these guys make. Extra happy I scored a pic as well. - -... #europeangoldfinch #birds_private #birdsofaustralia #birds_of_ig #birds_brilliance #birds_perfection #birds_private #birds_captures #birds_matter #planetbirds #bird_lovers #birdshots #nuts_about_birds #ausgeo #feather_perfection #birdfreaks #nikonaustralia #abcmyphoto #naturyst #your_best_birds See more

19.01.2022 Australian Pipit, (Anthus australis) I photographed this guy sitting on a fence post not far out of Pt Moorowie on the Yorke Peninsula. The awesome background is a pink salt lake just a few meters behind. - -... #australianpipit #birds_private #birdsofaustralia #birds_of_ig #birds_brilliance #birds_perfection #birds_private #birds_captures #birds_matter #planetbirds #bird_lovers #birdshots #nuts_about_birds #ausgeo #feather_perfection #birdfreaks #nikonaustralia #abcmyphoto #naturyst See more

19.01.2022 Rufous Fieldwren (Calamanthus campestris) It was so windy again today here at Innes and the walk to the lighthouse was very difficult. I was quite surprised to see this guy on a low perch singing his little lungs out, obviously not giving a rats. Wind and long lenses are not a good combination so I was forced to use the @georgina_steytler technique of spray and pray... seems to work fine. (only took 15 shots to get one sharp one.) - -... #rufousfieldwren #innesnationalpark #birds_private #birdsofaustralia #birds_of_ig #birds_brilliance #birds_perfection #birds_private #birds_captures #birds_matter #planetbirds #bird_lovers #birdshots #nuts_about_birds #ausgeo #feather_perfection #birdfreaks #nikonaustralia #abcmyphoto #naturyst See more

19.01.2022 White-fronted Chat (Epthianura albifrons) On a recent visit to Tolderol Game Reserve, one of the many species I encountered there, was this Male White-fronted Chat. - -... #whitefrontedchat #birds_private #birdsofaustralia #birds_of_ig #birds_brilliance #birds_perfection #birds_private #birds_captures #birds_matter #planetbirds #bird_lovers #birdshots #nuts_about_birds #ausgeo #feather_perfection #birdfreaks #nikonaustralia #abcmyphoto #naturyst #your_best_birds See more

18.01.2022 Nankeen Kestrel (Falco cenchroides) I photographed this Kestrel last week, hovering, then moving on, circling around... more hovering. It’s fantastic to observe them doing this as even in windy conditions with wings flapping and tail constantly making adjustments, the head stays perfectly still. I guess pickings were a bit slim that day because for the entire time I watched, (about 15 mins) the Kestrel didn’t catch any prey. Hope things got better as the day progressed.... - - #nankeenkestrel #birds_private #birdsofaustralia #birds_of_ig #birds_brilliance #birds_perfection #birds_private #birds_captures #birds_matter #planetbirds #bird_lovers #birdshots #nuts_about_birds #ausgeo #feather_perfection #birdfreaks #nikonaustralia #abcmyphoto #naturyst See more

17.01.2022 Superb Fairywren, (Malurus cyaneus) Well...I’ve decided to get into the fun with a pic of this young lady... So Happy Wrensday... - - #superbfairywren #wrensday #birds_private #birdsofaustralia... #birds_of_ig #birds_brilliance #birds_perfection #birds_private #birds_captures #birds_matter #planetbirds #bird_lovers #birdshots #nuts_about_birds #ausgeo #feather_perfection #birdfreaks #nikonaustralia #abcmyphoto #naturyst See more

16.01.2022 Rock Parrot, (Neophema petrophila) I had been really hoping to photograph one of these guys on our recent trip to Innes. On the last day as I was walking back to the car thinking, oh well, you can’t win them all, I glanced over to some nearby bushes and guess who was sitting there... Excellent timing, now please God don’t let it fly away till I get close enough for a picy... I guess a big thanks was in order. - - #rockparrot #innesnationalpark #birds_private #birdsofaustralia... #birds_of_ig #birds_brilliance #birds_perfection #birds_private #birds_captures #birds_matter #planetbirds #bird_lovers #birdshots #nuts_about_birds #ausgeo #feather_perfection #birdfreaks #nikonaustralia #abcmyphoto #naturyst See more

16.01.2022 Wedge-tailed Eagle, (Aquila audax) This is a portrait of the young Wedgetail I photographed a couple of weeks back near Monarto. - - #wedgetailedeagle #birds_private #birdsofaustralia... #birds_of_ig #birds_brilliance #birds_perfection #birds_private #birds_captures #birds_matter #planetbirds #bird_lovers #birdshots #nuts_about_birds #ausgeo #feather_perfection #birdfreaks #nikonaustralia #abcmyphoto #naturyst #your_best_birds_of_ig See more

15.01.2022 Black-shouldered Kite (Elanus axillaris) I had a great time photographing these guys on the weekend. It was amazing to watch them practice hovering, doing some crazy dive bombing and swooping each other. Honing these skills is essential to be able to catch prey and survive. - -... #blackshoulderedkite #birds_private #birdsofaustralia #birds_of_ig #birds_brilliance #birds_perfection #birds_private #birds_captures #birds_matter #planetbirds #bird_lovers #birdshots #nuts_about_birds #ausgeo #feather_perfection #birdfreaks #nikonaustralia #abcmyphoto #naturyst See more

14.01.2022 Superb Fairy-wren (Malurus cyaneus) It’s that time of the week again... so Happy Wrensday... - -... #superbbluewren #birds_private #birdsofaustralia #birds_of_ig #birds_brilliance #birds_perfection #birds_private #birds_captures #birds_matter #planetbirds #bird_lovers #birdshots #nuts_about_birds #ausgeo #feather_perfection #birdfreaks #nikonaustralia #abcmyphoto #naturyst #your_best_birds See more

13.01.2022 Eurasian Coot, (Fulica atra) Although these guys are very common and I see them all the time, I don’t ever seem to photograph them. I decided it was about time that I changed that, when I saw this guy paddling along in the beautiful morning light. - - #eurasiancoot #birds_private #birdsofaustralia... #birds_of_ig #birds_brilliance #birds_perfection #birds_private #birds_captures #birds_matter #planetbirds #bird_lovers #birdshots #nuts_about_birds #ausgeo #feather_perfection #birdfreaks #nikonaustralia #abcmyphoto #naturyst See more

13.01.2022 Black-shouldered Kite (Elanus axillaris) This morning I noticed this Juvenile Kite being harassed by two Ravens. The young Kite’s flying skills still need a bit of polishing, however he did manage to loose his attackers with some not so fancy flying, which included hitting the power wires... twice! But all was well in the end and was soon reunited with his siblings. - -... #blackshoulderedkite #birds_private #birdsofaustralia #birds_of_ig #birds_brilliance #birds_perfection #birds_private #birds_captures #birds_matter #planetbirds #bird_lovers #birdshots #nuts_about_birds #ausgeo #feather_perfection #birdfreaks #nikonaustralia #abcmyphoto #naturyst #twincitycamerahouse See more

12.01.2022 Brown Goshawk (Accipiter fasciatus) I dropped into the Scrub this morning for a quick look. Due to Father’s Day lunch commitments I didn’t have much time up my sleeve, so I was really stoked to find this guy sitting on an open branch eating breakfast. - -... #browngoshawk #birds_private #birdsofaustralia #birds_of_ig #birds_brilliance #birds_perfection #birds_private #birds_captures #birds_matter #planetbirds #bird_lovers #birdshots #nuts_about_birds #ausgeo #feather_perfection #birdfreaks #nikonaustralia #abcmyphoto #naturyst See more

12.01.2022 Nankeen Kestrel (Falco cenchroides) As I drove home last night, I noticed this Kestrel sitting on a hay roll. As I tried to get close, it flew a few meters to another roll. Again I tried to move a bit closer, but the same, it flies on toward the nextroll. But this time it seems somewhat focused and lands running... up and down the side of the hay roll, wings splayed. It was then I thought perhaps she’s caught something ... and sure enough as she flew off I could see a mouse her talons. As luck would have it, (and lots of please God make it not fly far... ) she landed on a post very near to my car, and in the correct position to take advantage of that beautiful evening light. Excellent way to finish a Friday. - - #nankeenkestrel #birds_private #birdsofaustralia #birds_of_ig #birds_brilliance #birds_perfection #birds_private #birds_captures #birds_matter #planetbirds #bird_lovers #birdshots #nuts_about_birds #ausgeo #feather_perfection #birdfreaks #nikonaustralia #abcmyphoto #naturyst #your_best_birds See more

10.01.2022 Golden Whistler (Pachycephala pectoralis) Another favourite of mine, these colourful guys are always a treat to hear and photograph. With breeding season upon us, the males call quite loud as they patrol their territory. - -... #goldenwhistler #birds_private #birdsofaustralia #birds_of_ig #birds_brilliance #birds_perfection #birds_private #birds_captures #birds_matter #planetbirds #bird_lovers #birdshots #nuts_about_birds #ausgeo #feather_perfection #birdfreaks #nikonaustralia #abcmyphoto #naturyst See more

07.01.2022 Silvereye, (Zosterops lateralis) The weather has been a little wild and windy the last couple of days here but it hasn’t stopped us from enjoying Innes National Park. This guy was happy to pose for a shot and bring a little ray of sunshine into my day. - -... #silvereye #birds_private #birdsofaustralia #birds_of_ig #birds_brilliance #birds_perfection #birds_private #birds_captures #birds_matter #planetbirds #bird_lovers #birdshots #nuts_about_birds #ausgeo #feather_perfection #birdfreaks #nikonaustralia #abcmyphoto #naturyst See more

07.01.2022 Australasian Grebe (Tachybaptus novaehollandiae) I found this shot a little challenging as the parent, very aware of my presence, kept diving and leaving the juvenile swimming in circles wondering where it would reappear. The good news was they kept reuniting, I got my pic and all was well. - -... #australasiangrebe #birds_private #birdsofaustralia #birds_of_ig #birds_brilliance #birds_perfection #birds_private #birds_captures #birds_matter #planetbirds #bird_lovers #birdshots #nuts_about_birds #ausgeo #feather_perfection #birdfreaks #nikonaustralia #abcmyphoto #naturyst #your_best_birds See more

06.01.2022 Superb Fairywren, (Malurus cyaneus) I just read on another post, only two Wrensday’s left for 2020. What a year eh... anyway this boy was bouncing around the boardwalk at Mt Compass. Happy Wrensday... - - #superbfairywren #birds_private #birdsofaustralia... #birds_of_ig #birds_brilliance #birds_perfection #birds_private #birds_captures #birds_matter #planetbirds #bird_lovers #birdshots #nuts_about_birds #ausgeo #feather_perfection #birdfreaks #nikonaustralia #abcmyphoto #naturyst #your_best_birds See more

05.01.2022 Yellow-rumped Thornbill (Acanthiza chrysorrhoa) Another visitor to the scrub that I was happy to photograph. This little guy took high speed drinking to a new level...I only managed two frames before he was gone. - -... #yellowrumpedthornbill #birds_private #birdsofaustralia #birds_of_ig #birds_brilliance #birds_perfection #birds_private #birds_captures #birds_matter #planetbirds #bird_lovers #birdshots #nuts_about_birds #ausgeo #feather_perfection #birdfreaks #nikonaustralia #abcmyphoto #naturyst #your_best_birds See more

04.01.2022 Grey Fantail (Rhipidura albiscapa) I photographed this guy last weekend at the Mt Compass boardwalk. He flew right up to me... gave me a quite a bit of attitude, then flew off. What was that all about? Talk about angry birds... - - #greyfantail #birds_private #birdsofaustralia... #birds_of_ig #birds_brilliance #birds_perfection #birds_private #birds_captures #birds_matter #planetbirds #bird_lovers #birdshots #nuts_about_birds #ausgeo #feather_perfection #birdfreaks #nikonaustralia #abcmyphoto #naturyst See more

04.01.2022 Superb Fairywren, (Malurus cyaneus) I dropped into the scrub this morning for quick look. I found this male Wren very busy catching insects to feed three fledged young ones, unfortunately I didn’t get any clear pics of them. - - #superbfairywren #aldingascrubconservationpark #birds_private #birdsofaustralia... #birds_of_ig #birds_brilliance #birds_perfection #birds_private #birds_captures #birds_matter #planetbirds #bird_lovers #birdshots #nuts_about_birds #ausgeo #feather_perfection #birdfreaks #nikonaustralia #abcmyphoto #naturyst See more

01.01.2022 Brown Treecreeper (Climacteris picumnus) After a couple of days Kayaking in the Chowilla area at the end of July, we dropped into the Murray River NP on the way home for a quick look. Although it seemed like it was a bit quiet in the birding department that day, this guy seemed happy to pose for a couple of shots. - -... #browntreecreeper #birds_private #birdsofaustralia #birds_of_ig #birds_brilliance #birds_perfection #birds_private #birds_captures #birds_matter #planetbirds #bird_lovers #birdshots #nuts_about_birds #ausgeo #feather_perfection #birdfreaks #nikonaustralia #abcmyphoto #naturystka See more

01.01.2022 Common Bronzewing (Phaps chalcoptera) I was really happy when this male Bronzewing finally decided to move in a bit closer. But I felt so blessed when he turned side on...right by the waters edge, showing those beautiful feathers that give them their name. - -... #commonbronzewing #birds_private #birdsofaustralia #birds_of_ig #birds_brilliance #birds_perfection #birds_private #birds_captures #birds_matter #planetbirds #bird_lovers #birdshots #nuts_about_birds #ausgeo #feather_perfection #birdfreaks #nikonaustralia #abcmyphoto #naturyst #your_best_birds See more

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