Blacktown Anglican Child Care Centre in Blacktown | Nursery
Blacktown Anglican Child Care Centre
Locality: Blacktown
Phone: +61 2 9831 5252
Address: 27 Richmond road 2148 Blacktown, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 At BACCC we are always striving to improve and better our knowledge, understanding and perspective of how we implement our programs and engage in interactions within our everyday practice. One way we do this is at our monthly staff meetings where we work together as a team to identify strengths and weaknesses as a service and as a team and work on solutions to overcome our weaknesses and improve using our strengths. Tonight our team engaged in our monthly staff meeting and ...were encouraged to work in teams to understand the roles and responsibilities of a variety of different roles within our organisation ie room leader, educational leader, educator, cook, admin officer and director. It helps us be more empathetic when we understand the roles of others and what their specific role entails. It also allows us the opportunity to identify areas of strength and areas that can be improved upon. Our team was encouraged tonight to provide constructive criticism to one another and especially the director so we can all improve in our everyday roles and grow together as a team. And can I just say that our team did an amazing job at providing advice on areas to improve in a way that made the team feel uplifted and empowered! Well done BACCC team. You are truly amazing!
25.01.2022 Happy educators day! One of our beautiful families brought us some special treats to show us how much they appreciate and love us! Thankyou so much William and Natalie.
23.01.2022 At BACCC our educators understand and value just how important it is to meet the individual needs for all children in their care. Our routines and environments are specifically designed to assist in catering to these individual needs for all children. Today in our babies room during rest time we had babies playing, eating, sleeping, having their bottles and more importantly spending quality time with their educators. The team of educators do an amazing role to cater for individual needs and match similar routines to home life too.
23.01.2022 At baccc we try to engage in reflective thought in everything we do - especially our staff meetings. At every staff meeting our team breaks down into their room groups - including our admin team - to reflect on their practices and to think about how they can improve as a team together. At the beginning and end of all of our team meetings we always do team building experiences as well. This helps us be efficient in small groups as well as a whole team too!
23.01.2022 At BACCC we understand how important developing literacy skills are in a childs learning journey and one of the best ways to do this is by reading stories with them. This story is called The wrong book and its one of our favourite stories to read. This book is a great one for children aged 2-5 because it is repetitive and predictable and you can encourage the children to become involved in the story. ... Jade uses the technique of pointing to the story pictures to encourage children to follow the storyline as well as learn what different emotions are about. Usually we would read this story with children and encourage them to say aloud what is coming next. It encourages them to use problem solving skills by looking at a clue and trying to work out what is going to happen. It allows children to become confident as they predict what is happening in the story and shout out their answers. It helps children to develop pre-reading skills as the text is predictive so they can start to follow the written text as it aligns with the spoken word. As children get older you can introduce them to the way the words are written to convey meaning when spoken too.
21.01.2022 Our director advocating for ecec. She is absolutely passionate in fighting for the rights of children and educators alike.
21.01.2022 Self Regulation is the ability to understand and manage your own behaviours and reactions. Self regulation is incredibly important for development as it helps children with learning and their social skills - these are necessary for big school. Self regulation usually develops most in the toddler and preschooler years but it continues to develop even right into adulthood. Often children who have a good understanding of emotions may struggle with self regulation and sometimes t...his can be attributed to their lack of vocabulary to describe how they are feeling. One of the ways we can help our children develop self regulation thoroughly is to talk about feelings and role model to them appropriate ways to respond in lots of different circumstances. At BACCC we use this strategy as everyday practice and we also use a variety of resources to help children process and understand about their emotions. Two major resources we use are the Kimochi kits and supportive books as well as other literature. One of our favourite books to help children understand their emotions is called "my many coloured days" by Dr Suess. This book relates emotions to colours and actions which is a simplistic way to help children associate their feelings with actions. It also assist them to develop vocabulary to explain how they are feeling.
21.01.2022 At BACCC we take health and nutrition very seriously. Not only do we have the 100% munch and move implementation award, but we try to focus on munch and move principles in everything we do. Today the preschool boys are trying to decide what type of mock cake we can make for our birthday celebrations. When we celebrate birthdays at the centre we celebrate without birthday cake and instead have healthy snacks. We also have the mock cake so the children can still blow out their candles without cross contaminating the cake with germs and without eating sugary fatty sweet sometimes foods.
20.01.2022 At Baccc we try to engage community services at our service during working hours so parents and children can gain maximum benefit out of this. Yesterday we had STEPS vision program come and visit the service to do free eye screening for children who are going to big school next year. Many of our preschoolers loved this screening test - especially when they got to wear the special sunglasses.
20.01.2022 Amidst the fears of the COVID-19 outbreak, BACCC is ensuring our already established policies, procedures and processes are strictly adhered to in order to protect the health, safety and wellbeing of all stakeholders. On top of all these already established measures, we are utilising all opportunities to clean and disinfect our service and resources as well as train our educators on COVID-19. The training is from NSW Health and it covers the fundamentals of infection preve...ntion and control for COVID-19 including: COVID-19 what is it? Signs and symptoms Keeping safe protecting yourself and others Myth busting
19.01.2022 At BACCC we are strong advocates for fairness and workers rights. Today our amazing director spoke at the Sydney international womens rally to do just this ....... advocate for the rights of women, children and early childhood educators. What a powerful and well delivered speech too! We are proud of our director ....... such a strong leader.... an inspiration to many.
18.01.2022 At BACCC we believe all learning spaces should be created to inspire a sense of belonging and warmth, and generate a feeling of being ‘like’ home. The differing social and cultural background of each child is considered, respected and reflected in our indoor and outdoor environments. We also understand how important it is to embed culture into our everyday practice including the culture of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. We take a careful, well thought out approach to embedding Indigenous culture in our service with experiences being genuine not tokenism. Within our indoor and outdoor environments, there are many indigenous elements which are a permanent part of our program.
18.01.2022 Good afternoon. We are currently seeking an early childhood teacher to join our team for 2020. The position is advertised on Seek as full time, however we will also be reviewing suitable applicants for part time as well. If you are interested or know someone who is interested, including candidates straight out of university, please visit the ad on seek and submit your application or submit your resume with a cover letter to [email protected]
18.01.2022 At BACCC we believe in fostering each childs individual needs in any way that supports their learning and development. Our entire team work together to support all the children in the centre. Today our administration officer spend nearly an hour with a young one who was unsettled. Our administration officer spoke in the childs mother tongue which made her feel settled and achieve a sense of belonging. We are blessed with many staff at our service who speak other languages and use this to support the children of the service.
17.01.2022 At BACCC we believe in partnering with our families as much as possible to provide a quality education for their children. Over the past year with COVID-19 restrictions in place we have not been able to do our usual parent information sessions which are a valuable asset to our service. Although we put some alternative strategies in place - such as zoom meetings and video conferencing, it’s not the same as having parents sit down with us and work towards a common goal for the... benefit of their kids. This year we are planning to engage our families in this type of planning again by making sure we have our covid-19 safe business plan strategies in place. Our chairs are socially distanced, our parents will be conducting the regular health screen as they come through the front foyer, they must wear a mask and we are limiting the amount of available attendances for these sessions including only one parent per family. We are feeling excited to get back to ‘normal capacity’ with our regular community events and being able to effectively partner with our families again. We will let you know how it goes.
17.01.2022 Hey there community! At BACCC we are attached to Blacktown Anglican Church and we often benefit from the relationship we can foster within our community through this connection. The church has partnered with Anglicare to have the mobile community pantry come along to our premises every Monday. This is an amazing community outreach program to help those within our community who need extra assistance with their groceries. If you are interested in being a participant in this program, come on down to the childcare or the church and either our senior minister Luke Thomson or Director Jade Child can assist you with further information.
17.01.2022 Meet the team of Blacktown Anglican Child Care Centre. Our dedicated staff love working with all the children and their families. So make sure you pop in and say hello!
17.01.2022 The team at BACCC would love to wish you a happy Holi for 2019. Today we celebrated Holi festival with the staff, children and families. Thank you to all the families who attended and those who wished they could attend but were unable to.
16.01.2022 At BACCC we know that hand washing is the single most important way to prevent the spread of disease and germs. It is one of our best defences against the coronavirus COVID-19. We have very stringent hand washing procedures in place at our service as well as other measures to help protect the health, safety and well-being of all children, staff, families and visitors. We are always working with others to educate them on the correct way to wash their hands whether they are using soap and water of whether they are using hand sanitiser. We thought we would provide you with a short video created by the World Health Organisation which is a great visual reminder on how we can wash our hands correctly.
16.01.2022 Good afternoon community, We have placed a job add out on seek. We are looking for an Early Childhood Teacher to join our team. If you know anyone, please share the add and encourage them to apply for the role. Thank you, Have a great day!
15.01.2022 At BACCC we know literacy is important at all ages. It is especially important to think about the age of the children you are reading to when choosing story books. For children aged 0-2, short stories that are repetitive and predictable that encourage interaction with the senses are great books to choose. When reading the story to this age group it is really important to read with expression and try to speak clearly and slowly, and point to the part of the picture you want c...hildren to understand. It helps them associate words with objects and develop their receptive language skills (ie their understanding of language) Board books that are small help little hands be able to hold the book as they look through it as well. Here - Jade is reading thats not my lion. This book along with others in the series are available from k-mart and bigW for $10 each.
14.01.2022 At BACCC we understand the importance of engaging children in activities like story time and song time and the long term benefits these experiences have on their overall development and school readiness. In this current climate, we know that many of our children are staying at home with their families which means they are missing out on their regular group times at childcare. To combat this, our staff have been recording stories and songs to release everyday for parents to play for their children. Here is a story explaining about the coronavirus to help children make sense of what is going on in their little worlds.
13.01.2022 At BACCC our team are proud to be early childhood educators making a difference in the lives of sooo many young people in our society. Our management team are blessed to have such an amazing and dedicated team who go above and beyond for all the little people in our care everyday as well as their families. Thankyou to each of our educators for the job you do and the difference you make educationally each day. You are the true heros in this world of ours!
13.01.2022 At BACCC we are big believers in exploring our world through our senses and part of this belief system means we encourage both staff and children to be barefoot as much as possible. Here is a small video and explanation as to why it is critical in the early years to allow children to learn to walk and spend as much time as possible barefoot!
13.01.2022 At BACCC we celebrate our partnerships with our families and try to show them how much we appreciate them throughout the year. Yesterday we celebrated our beautiful mummies, grandmothers and aunties at our Mothers Day high tea. Every person who attended received a beautiful handmade candle holder from recycled materials. The mummies, grandmothers and aunties also enjoyed being pampered by their children with facials, having their hair brushed and nails painted. It was a beautiful way to say thank you to all of the parents who support our service. We appreciate you
13.01.2022 The team at BACCC would love to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. Its on this day that we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ who was born into this world so that we may be saved of our sin.
12.01.2022 The team at BACCC would love to wish you a very Merry Christmas. On this day we celebrate the true meaning of Christmas - the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We have posted this little clip of the true meaning of Christmas told by children for you to watch. Remember - Jesus is the reason for the season
09.01.2022 At BACCC we believe in providing healthy nutritional meals that are low in fat and sugar. We also believe in celebrating milestones with children such as their birthday. So we have ‘mock’ cakes at the centre so children can still enjoy blowing out their candles and having a fancy cake to celebrate, without consuming the sugary cake afterwards. Instead we ask our parents to opt for a ‘cake’ made out of fruit or to provide a fruit platter. ... This is one of our ways of promoting munch and move principles in our service whilst still meeting the individual needs of the children and their families who attend.
09.01.2022 Nature play is sooo important to young ones. Incredible for development in the early years
08.01.2022 Tonight’s parent information session went really good. We had a great turn out from the families and it was lovely to see even some new families who are joining our service in the next few weeks attend as well. At these parent information sessions for our 0-2 and 2-3 rooms, the room leaders were able to introduce themselves to the parents, talk about their goals set for the rooms for the year and talk about the routines for each room. Our families had some wonderful question...s and provided amazing feedback afterwards on what goals they’d like to see and how they can support the learning once children go home after care. Thankyou to the staff who attended these meetings tonight and of course to our wonderful family members who were able to attend also. If any parents missed out on attending these information sessions, you can book an appointment to go through a brief rundown over a zoom call with the room leader of your child’s room. Our email is [email protected] We look forward to partnering with you all this year!
08.01.2022 At BACCC we believe in partnering with our families when it comes to everything but especially when it comes to implementing the curriculum. We highly value parent feedback about our programs and welcome suggestions for goals to be implemented in our school readiness programs. On Thursday night, our preschool room leader met with some of the parents to discuss the goals for the preschool room curriculum including school readiness. We made sure we followed our covid safe plan... of course. We received some amazing feedback from the families who attended. We are thankful for your willingness to partner with us for your child’s education journey. If anyone missed this opportunity you can still contact us via our office admin - [email protected] - to send through your thoughts and ideas. Thanks Lucy for doing an amazing presentation. Thankyou team for your eagerness to make these nights a reality.
07.01.2022 Happy new year from the team at BACCC. Here is a great article to help parents kickstart the new year with success and hopefully less stress when it comes to parenting.
07.01.2022 This is a very good video that addresses many myths we often hear about when raising our little ones. Our particular favourite is you cannot spoil a crying infant. All too often people think you should not pick up a crying infant because youll spoil them or they need to learn self soothing or theyre just being fussy. But the reality is, picking up a crying infant is setting them up for success when it comes to emotional regulation which is a school readiness skill necessary for later development and later life. Let us know what your favourite myth buster is!
06.01.2022 At baccc we encourage our educators to explore literacy and numeracy development with children of all ages. Cassie used her union shirt to do just that! She engaged in literacy understanding as well as taught the children key word sign. Well done Cassie
06.01.2022 At BACCC we believe in creating a community of learners. We regularly employ trainees at our service and provide them opportunities to complete their certificate 3 and diploma in children’s services. We usually offer this over a period of 2-3 years which means they gain more experience in our sector whilst learning how to do things the right way at an exceeding level. This equips them to venture out into our sector with quality theoretical and practical experience, helping to shape our profession with individuals who strive for best practice and high quality outcomes. Today our trainee Harrison has received his official transcript for his completed certificate 3 in children’s services. Well done!
05.01.2022 At BACCC we believe in serving our community and one of the ways we can do this is by sharing helpful content on our social media platforms. So please check out this helpful visual in light of the recent outbreaks in Sydney. So our message to you - With the recent spikes in community transmission in NSW, please be careful over the Christmas break. Protect yourself so you ultimately protect others. Take care
05.01.2022 At BACCC we believe in community connections and supporting our local businesses. Our director has recently purchased some bibs from a local business Bobin Duck to test out the quality before implementing them at the service. Not only are they super stylish but also very absorbent as well. And the bonus is - they are reasonably priced too! A perfect addition for your little ones whilst also being practical and affordable.
05.01.2022 BACCC is all about advocating for others. We are all about fighting for others rights. So was this amazing pm. Its such sad news to hear this leader of change has passed away. Our deepest condolences to his family. May he Rest In Peace.
04.01.2022 At BACCC we understand how important it is to ensure our staff are highly trained in their roles. Even though the regulations state that there must be a first aid officer on site at all times, we make sure that all our staff including our administration staff are first aid certified, including up to date CPR, asthma management and anaphylaxis management as well. Today, nearly half our team refreshed their first aid qualifications. Well done BACCC team. Ever so thankful for your commitment to maintaining best practices in our sector.
04.01.2022 At BACCC we take childrens health and safety very serious. We put a lot of effort into maintaining the service, keeping it clean and pest free. Today we are having one of our routine pest control inspections.
03.01.2022 BACCC would love to wish everyone a very happy Easter. This Easter weekend we are reminded of the amazing sacrifice that God made for us. As John 3:16 says for God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son, so that all who believed in Him would not perish but have everlasting life. Today we celebrate that Jesus rose again (from death) to be seated at the right hand of the father. We praise God that Jesus paid the price for our sins so that we may be forgiven and have eternal life. What a glorious thing to celebrate indeed. CHRIST IS RISEN!!!!!!! HELLELUJAH!!!
03.01.2022 At BACCC we understand how important it is to take precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19 by following our COVID-SAFE business model. Today for our routine pest inspection, our director was there to make sure our pest management technician followed our Covid safe guidelines by taking temperatures, signing the health declaration as well as sanitising hands on entry to the service.
02.01.2022 At BACCC we believe in children engaging in nature. When our backyard was renovated by The Tradie Ladies Construction & Design in 2018, a lot of thought and planning was put into the design to incorporate many different elements of nature. There are sooo many benefits for children when they engage in nature including - building confidence - increasing self esteem and resilience against stress... - improves concentration, learning, cognitive development, cooperation, flexibility and self awareness - teaches responsibility and empathy - provides stimulation - promotes imagination and creativity Here we see one of our babies exploring the creek bed and rocks.
01.01.2022 BACCC would like to wish everyone a happy Diwali for tomorrow. Today we celebrated Diwali by making rangoli at the front door, dressing in traditional clothing, dancing to music, and creating Hanna designs. At BACCC we regularly celebrate different cultural events by speaking with our families and staff and researching how to do so in a respectful manner that is authentic to them.
01.01.2022 At BACCC we believe in creating and maintaining an environment that is safe and healthy for the children, their families and the educators. This morning, our service received its regular pest control whilst also being thoroughly cleaned from top to bottom by our cleaner. While all this was happening our gorgeous chickens were out scratching around and enjoying the fresh morning!
01.01.2022 At BACCC we strive to provide best practice quality care and education programs at all times. Today one of parents (and last week one of our staff) shared this article with us that rates our service as one of the top rated childcare centres in the Blacktown area! We are thrilled to be recognised as an outstanding service!
01.01.2022 At BACCC we embrace cultural diversity in everyday practice. We are blessed that many of our staff speak different languages and will use their culture and mother tongue to engage with children on a regular basis. Today, one of our preschool children brought in her favourite book which happened to be written in Mandarin. As there was no English translation, the preschool staff spoke to our Administration team to see if they could read the book to the children. Not only did our administration staff read the story, but she translated it into English so that all children could understand the story. This was a beautiful example seen in practice of how simple it can be for diversity to be celebrated in a service.
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