Blind Citizens WA in Victoria Park, Western Australia | Disability service
Blind Citizens WA
Locality: Victoria Park, Western Australia
Phone: +61 8 6180 8938
Address: Suite 3, 61 Kitchener Avenue 6051 Victoria Park, WA, Australia
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25.01.2022 BCWA Annual General Meeting 2019 Notice The Annual General Meeting of Blind Citizens WA will be held from 9:45AM for 10AM start until 3:00PM on Saturday 26 October in the Community Activity Centre at VisAbility Perron Centre 61 Kitchener Avenue, Victoria Park near the Victoria Park train station. Non-Members, family, friends and supporters are very welcome to attend.... The program will commence at 10AM with two concurrent workshops, one by Anne Livingston from People With disabilities WA about your NDIS Experiences and the other by Anabelle May from Consumers of Mental Health WA about your Mental Health. You will be asked to choose your first workshop that begins at 10AM. At 11AM, you will be asked to swap to the other workshop so you get to participate in both workshops. The workshops will be followed by a catered lunch at midday with gluten free and vegan options so please let us know about your dietary requirements when you RSVP. The Blind Citizens 2019 Annual General Meeting will be held after lunch at 12:45PM. Nominations for Executive Committee Roles are required to be submitted by email or phone to the BCWA office. You can nominate for yourself or someone else at the AGM but you must attend the AGM in person in order to nominate on the day. At 1:30PM, after the AGM, Grace King will talk about her experience performing in a show at the Perth Fringe in February this year. She will also perform some songs from her show. From 2PM to 2:45PM we have invited Elizabeth Barnes, the CEO of Visibility, and Kary Macliver, Executive Manager of Client Services, also at visibility, to give us an update and hear your thoughts on developments at Visibility. Please note: This program is subject to change. We encourage and warmly welcome all members and supporters to attend this important event. Please RSVP to Erika Webb via phone on 08 6180 8938 or email her at [email protected] Please dont forget to let her know if you have dietary requirements. Or visit the Facebook event page at: []
24.01.2022 Article - Being Their Eyes BY HARRIET FLINN ON AUGUST 5, 2021 Blind citizens of WA are saying a new app is helping them with their everyday lives, and igniting conversation around the disability.... Be My Eyes website: Released in 2015, Be My Eyes is a free mobile app that assists the lives of blind and low-sighted people around the world, providing them with a new pair of virtual eyes. Video link: The app is designed around the use of a video call, where blind and low-sighted individuals are connected with their sighted volunteer counterparts, essentially acting as their eyes, and helping them with everyday tasks. Grace King has been blind since birth, and says the app has had a significant impact on her life. It has definitely raised awareness and offered people who can see, a glimpse into the lives of people who are blind. she says. Grace King talks about her experiences with Be My Eyes. Video: Harriet Flinn The app has almost five million volunteers in over 150 different countries. Savanna Kileff has been a Be My Eyes volunteer for almost one year, and has answered a number of calls, helping out blind app users from around the world. I actually first found out about the app on TikTok, and thought it was so amazing that I went straight to the app store to download it she says. I remember waiting patiently for my first call and when my phone finally rung, it was someone in their house, who was struggling to figure out the flavour of their cider bottles. She says she felt extremely helpful after picking up that first phone call, and says so many of us take vision for granted. If you have a phone, time, and two working eyes why not do it! Various statistics on vision impairment in Australia. Infographic: Harriet Flinn. Greg Madson is a senior consultant at GAM Industries, and has been helping create assistive disability technology for over eight years. He says the Be My Eyes app has been a huge step in the right direction. When you’re blind, you’re home and you’re by yourself, Be My Eyes acts as a voice of reason for so many blind people around the world. I have been working with vision impairment technology since 2013, and the app has definitely worked to create a more inclusive and accessible environment, he says. Creating easy-to-use and adaptive technology for visually impaired people is so important in our new-age tech-world, so this app is definitely helping to raise the standard for disability communication. Western Independent - STORIES FROM CURTIN UNIVERSITY'S JOURNALISM STUDENTS
24.01.2022 Transition out of lockdown from 6pm, Friday 5 February Transition out of lockdown for Perth Peel and South West Pending no further local cases, the five-day lockdown for the Perth, Peel and South West regions will end as planned....Continue reading
24.01.2022 Blind Citizens WA Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation run by and for people who are blind or vision impaired in Western Australia. Blind Citizens WA is a peer led, peer support organisation. Blind Citizens WAs mission is to ensure that Western Australians who are blind or vision impaired have full participation in the community. Blind Citizens WA Inc is the public voice of Western Australians who are blind or vision impaired. We are proud to be a part of Blind Citizens Au...stralia. Our members offer peer support and advocate for themselves and for others who are blind or vision impaired. You might want to join our Facebook group at Telephone: (08) 6180 8938 (please leave a message) Email: [email protected] Address: Suite 3, 61 Kitchener Ave, Victoria Park WA 6100 Twitter: @BlindCitizensWA Facebook Group:
23.01.2022 Here are some photos from the Ballroom Dancing at VisAbilitys Perron Place on Sunday 9 August. A huge Thanks to Darryl Davenport and his team
22.01.2022 What it's like looking for a job in Australia when you're blind or vision-impaired (Shared by Link Magazive, which is also available in Audio format by Visuon Australia) Hobart resident Peter Gordon lives with an eye condition called aniridia....Continue reading
22.01.2022 Hi Blind Citizens WA Members, Would you prefer information from Blind Citizens WA via email? If you are getting information in another format, like Braille, Audio or Large Print, but would like to have it via email, please send an email to the Blind Citizens WA office via [email protected]... If you would like to become a Blind Citizens WA member, visit our Membership page on our website at:
22.01.2022 Blind Citizens WA Annual State Forum 2019 Family members, friends, supporters and non-member are very welcome to attend. BCWA State Forum 2019... The event will be held from 10 am to 1 pm on Saturday 31st August in the Community Activity Centre at Visibility, 61 Kitchener Ave, Victoria Park. Light refreshments will be served. Guest Speakers: 10:15 to 11 - Linda J Bettenay, a WA Author, has now published three books The Apple Core Wars, Wishes For Starlight and Secrets Mothers Keep. Linda will speak about her books and how we can write our own stories. Here is Linda's website: 11:15 to 11:45 - Anne Livingston, from People With disabilities WA, will ask us about our NDIS Experiences. 12 to 12:30 - Anabelle May from Consumers of Mental Health WA will check-in with us about our Mental Health as part of her project on Inclusion for Mental Health Improving mental health outcomes for people with disabilities. Please Note: This program may change. Please RSVP to Erika Webb by 29 August 2019 via phone on 08 6180 8938 or email her at [email protected]
21.01.2022 Hello Facebook members, The Blind Citizens WA Executive Committee would love all of you who are Facebook group members to become Blind Citizens WA members. We welcome people who are blind, vision impaired, legally blind, Deafblind and fully sighted to join. So family and friends are welcome as Associate Members.... Joining Blind Citizens WA, is a one-off life-time joining fee of $40 for Full Members and $30 Associate and Junior Members. Membership even includes membership of Blind Citizens Australia. We just need to know some of the usual contact details (Name, Date of Birth, Address, Phone and or Mobile numbers) We would also like to know if you prefer your information in one of these formats Email, Braille, Large Print, Audio CD or Standard Print. We would like to know if you are blind, vision impaired, legally blind, Deafblind (full membership of $40) and fully sighted or junior membership (Associate Members of $30). If you contact the Blind Citizens WA office, we can provide you with Bank Details for you to deposit the one-off lifetime fee. Please join, as our members make us stronger ! Blind Citizens WA Inc. Telephone: 08 6180 8938 Email: [email protected] Website: Postal Address: PO Box 101, VICTORIA PARK WA 6979 Suite 3, 61 Kitchener Avenue, Victoria Park WA 6100
21.01.2022 Blind Citizens WA - Group Page. Did you know that Blind Citizens WA has a Facebook group as well as this Page? The Blind Citizens WA Facebook group, is more interactive and Blind Citizens WA members, family, friends and Supporters are a part of the Facebook group.... If you would like to join the Blind Citizens WA Facebook group visit it at: []
21.01.2022 Statement Regarding the Implementation of Independent Functional Assessments For NDIS Participants. Blind Citizens Australia (BCA) would like to respond to the upcoming introduction of independent functional assessments for NDIS participants, as per the recommendations of the Tune review, and those of the Productivity Commission. BCA shares the concerns of other peak bodies in the disability sector regarding the lack of consultation around whether independent assessments are...Continue reading
21.01.2022 People With disabilities WA State Conference 19 - 20 November 2020. Early Bird Registration closes in 31 August 2020, register now and Save Money $$$ Blind Citizens WA are presenting a session on Making information accessible.... []
21.01.2022 In May 2019, Blind Citizens WA, updated it's Constitution, to what is now called Blind Citizens WA Business Rules. These have been approved by the WA Dept Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DMIRS). If you would like a copy please contact the Blind Citizens WA office by email: [email protected] or phone (leave a message): 08 6180 8938. A copy is available on the Blind Citizens WA website for download at under the Governance Heading.
19.01.2022 ** Please note that the meeting for 25 May has now been changed to 15 June and phone meeting for 16 May changed to 6 June. See more details below. Notice of Meeting - Notice of Meeting - Blind Citizens WA 15 June 2019 at VisAbility from 12:30pm...Continue reading
19.01.2022 The brand new Service Animal Relief Area (SARA) at Perth Airport has just opened. Blind Citizens WA member Greg Madson & Memphis tried it on Friday 30 July. Guide Dogs WA and VisAbility were at the launch.
18.01.2022 Join us! Blind Citizens WA has over 250 members and we welcome new members. []... Benefits of membership include: Updates on the issues that matter most to people who are blind or vision impaired, including public transport, the introduction of the NDIS and WA NDIS, and new technology. Opportunities to meet with other people who are blind or vision impaired to find solutions to common challenges and to share ideas, including meetings with guest speakers, our annual State Forum, Christmas Party, Quiz Night and Swish (blind table tennis) Blind Citizens WA arranges Swish (blind table tennis) in Maylands. For more information about becoming a member of Blind Citizens WA, email our office [email protected] We have 2 categories of memberships Membership is FREE. Ordinary members people who are blind, vision impaired or deafblind Australian residents over the age of 18 years and have full voting rights. Associate members people who are not blind, vision impaired or deafblind Australian residents Membership is Free. Contact the Blind Citizens WA office: [email protected] Follow us on Twitter at: @BlindCitizensWA
17.01.2022 Blind Citizens WA Inc. - Update to Members Dear Members Please find below: Meeting Notice - Blind Citizens WA Inc. 2020 AGM Blind Citizens WA Inc. Notice of 59th Annual General Meeting...Continue reading
16.01.2022 What role does digital access and inclusion play in employment? Zel Iscel, Chair of Blind Citizens WA (West Australia), believes that the accessibility of local governments digital environment plays a significant role. []... Local governments are urged to adopt and implement the Australian Standards, AS EN 301 549: Accessibility requirements suitable for public procurement of ICT products and services published by Standards Australia in 2016. In doing so, the ICT software and services can also be accessible. When local government authorities are questioned about the accessibility of their software, they often say there is no one employed who requires ICT to be accessible. Yet those who do require accessible software cannot get jobs because the software is not accessible, and so the vicious circle continues. Global Accessibility Awareness Day reminds us that if we want to be stronger and fairer organisations through a more diverse workforce, then the accessibility of our digital environment matters. #digital #inclusion #accessibility #a11y #ict #gaad #blind #employment #localgovernment #pwd #disability #australia
15.01.2022 Blind Citizens WA - Annual General Meeting 2019 Notice. The Annual General Meeting of Blind Citizens WA will be held from 9:45 am for 10am start 2:30 pm on Saturday 26 October in the Community Activity Centre ... at VisAbility. Starting with 2 concurrent workshops, one by Anne Livingston from People With disabilities WA about your NDIS Experiences and the other by Anabelle May from Consumers of Mental Health WA about your Mental Health. Everyone will swap over to the other workshop. Followed by Lunch After lunch will be the Annual General Meeting from 12:45 to 1:15. After the AGM, there will be a panel of people who are blind or vision impaired who are actively involved in Arts and Entertainment, speaking about their experiences and answering questions. Nominations for Executive Committee Roles are required to be submitted by email or phone to the BCWA office by 18 October. Alternatively, you can nominate yourself or someone else at the AGM. The AGM will include catered lunch with gluten free and vegan options. We encourage and warmly welcome all members and supporters to attend this important event. Blind Citizens WA Workshops and Annual General Meeting - Saturday 26 October 2019 from 9:45 to 2:30. Concurrent workshops: 10am to 11am PWdWA Your NDIS. 10am to 11am COMHWA Your Mental. Everyone swaps over from one group to the other at 11 to 12pm. 12:15 to 12:45 Lunch. 12:45 to 1:15 pm Annual General Meeting. Invited Guests BCA National Office or new VisAbility CEO. 1:30 to 2:15pm Arts and Entertainment panel discussion. *Subject to change. Please RSVP to Erika Webb by 11 October 2019 via phone on 08 6180 8938 (leave a message) or email her at [email protected] Please dont forget to let her know if you have dietary requirements.
14.01.2022 Lockdown - Perth, Peel and South West region enters lockdown from 6pm, 31 January 2021 From Erika at Blind Citizens WA. Please note that the blindness service provides, Blind Citizens WA, VisAbility, Senses Australia and Vision Australia Perth offices will be closed this week as a part of the WA Lockdown. If you have a appointment, please make alternative arrangements or postpone until after lockdown....Continue reading
13.01.2022 Hi Blind Citizens WA Members and Supporters, Would you prefer information from Blind Citizens WA via email? If you are getting information in another format, like Braille, Audio or Large Print, but would like to have it via email, please send an email to the Blind Citizens WA office via [email protected]... If you would like to become a Blind Citizens WA member, visit our Membership page on our website at:
12.01.2022 BCWA State Forum 2019 The event will be held from 10 am to 1 pm on Saturday 31st August in the Community Activity Centre in the VisAbility building. Light refreshments will be served. RSVP by 29 August 2019... Guest Speakers: 10:15 to 11 Linda J Bettenay a WA Author has now published three books - The Apple Core Wars, Wishes For Starlight and Secrets Mothers Keep. Linda will speak about her books and how we can write our own stories. Here is Linda's website: 11:15 to 11:45 Anne Livingston from People With disabilities WA will ask us about our NDIS Experiences. 12 to 12:30 Anabelle May from Consumers of Mental Health WA will check-in with us about our Mental Health as part of her project on Inclusion for Mental Health Improving mental health outcomes for people with disabilities. Note - subject to change. RSVP by 29 August 2019 Blind Citizens WA [email protected] 08 6180 8938 (leave a message)
12.01.2022 Meeting Notice - Blind Citizens WA Inc. 2020 AGM Blind Citizens WA Inc. Notice of 59th Annual General Meeting Members are warmly invited to attend our 2020 Annual General Meeting. Details are as follows:... Time: 10am 12:30pm Date: Saturday 31 October 2020 Venue: Perron Centre (VisAbility), 61 Kitchener Ave, Victoria Park Alternatively, you can join us via Zoom. The Zoom details are: Dial by phone: 08 7150 1149 Meeting ID: 883 8353 3941 Join Zoom Meeting by computer (PC or Laptop) or Smartphone APP: Meeting ID: 883 8353 394 Note: Due to Covid 19 tea and coffee will be provided in paper cups. Full members are invited to nominate for a position on the Executive Committee. Please note: nominees must have regular access to their emails and to the internet. This is because many meetings are held online and communication between Executive Committee members now occurs mostly via internet. For more information about nominating for a position on BCWA’s Executive Committee and to RSVP for the annual general meeting, please contact Erika Webb on 0419 918 264 or email [email protected]. Minutes of the 2019 AGM can be found below for your convenience. If you would like a copy of any of the 2019 annual reports, in your preferred format of either large print, audio or braille, we will be happy to send them out to you. Please contact Erika Webb on 0419 918 264 or email [email protected] Looking forward to seeing you in person or on the zoom call. Agenda - Blind Citizens WA Inc. 2020 AGM Opening, welcome and roll call 10:00 10:25 am Apologies 10-25 10:27 am Confirmation of the 2019 AGM Minutes and issues arising from them 10:27 10:30 am Guest Speaker: Gerry Neustatl, from 10:30 11:15. If audio description is something you are eager to learn more about then come along and listen to Gerry. Gerry Neustatl is the Accessibility Specialist on the ABC. Gerry has been working in digital strategy, communications and accessibility across corporate, government and not-for-profit sectors for 17 years. Gerry is a passionate vocal disruptor of conventional product design at the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, so one of his projects currently with the ABC is audio description (AD) on live TV. Gerry will discuss the technology required for accessing AD, how programs are selected for AD and also answer any questions you have about AD. Break 11:15 11:30 pm Reports 11:30 am 12:00 pm Chair’s Report Treasurer's Report Admin report Blind Citizens Australia Report Election of Executive Committee Members 12:00 12:10 pm Chair Vice Chair Treasurer Secretary Executive Committee Members (4) Membership Fees 12:10 12:15 pm Have Your Say 12:15 12:30 pm this is where members can share information, ask questions or raise issues.
12.01.2022 Blind Citizens WA Vacancy - Project Officer Job Description and Criteria Blind Citizens WA is seeking to employ a Project Officer for a new project connecting peers who are blind or vision impaired. Blind Citizens WA’s mission is to ensure that Western Australians who are blind or vision impaired have full participation in the community. ... The BEACON project aims to build peer led support networks for people who are blind or vision impaired across WA BEACON is an acronym for, ‘Blindness Empowerment Access Communities Outreach Network. People who are blind or vision impaired living in rural and regional WA have less access to the supports, services, transport and information available to those living in Perth. The BEACON project will provide this cohort with the opportunity to meet with peers who are also blind or vision impaired as well as access to information and services about important issues that can impact on their lives such as technology and community or government assistance. Project Officer Job Description and Criteria Position Description: Position Title: Project Officer Salary Level: Social and community services employee - Full-time & part-time Level 7 Pay Point 2 Hours per week: 7.5 Part time How to apply: Please email your resume with a cover letter addressing the essential criteria to [email protected] Applications must be submitted by close of business, 01/02/2021. Blind Citizens WA Email: [email protected] Website: Phone: 08 6180 8938 (leave a message) Postal address: PO Box 101, Victoria Park WA 6979 Address: Suite 3, 61 Kitchener Avenue, Victoria Park WA 6100 Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Twitter: @BlindCitizensWA - ABN: 82 028 402 762 Blind Citizens WA acknowledges the traditional custodians of country throughout Australia, and their continuing connection to land, sea and community. We also pay our respects to them and their cultures, and to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander elders past, present, and future.
11.01.2022 Blind Citizens WA Blind Citizens WA - Annual State Forum 2020 - 25 July 2020 This year's Annual State forum will be held online via Zoom. It will be happening on Saturday 25 July from 10AM to 12PM.... We are developing a program with Guest Speakers Join us by computer or phone and connect with each other. Blind Citizens WA is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Blind Citizens WA State Forum Time: Saturday 25 July from 10AM to 12PM Dial by phone from your location 08 7150 1149 Perth Meeting ID: 859 4951 0534 Join Zoom Meeting using a computer or APP. Meeting ID: 859 4951 0534 Please check your local dial in number. Find your local number: RSVP: [email protected] Facebook event page:
11.01.2022 Get Online Week Quiz hosted by Blind Citizens WA 20 October 2020 The Great Get Online Week Quiz! As part of Get Online Week, Blind Citizens WA is helping people who are blind or vision impaired or loosing their eye sight get online, as part of this we are holding a Quiz on Tuesday 20th October. There are 2 ways of participating in the Quiz....Continue reading
09.01.2022 The WA Vision Impaired and Blind Lawn Bowls Championships are happening at Perth and Tattersalls in East Perth. Good Luck to all the Bowlers.
08.01.2022 Some fabulous old photos from the Archives at WA State Library, celebration Ng International Day Of People With A Disability 2019 #IDPWD2019 #IDPWA #Perth
05.01.2022 Blind Citizens WA Executive Committee 2018 - 2019. Chairperson: Zel Iscel Deputy Chairperson: Greg Madson Treasurer: Deanne Ferris... Secretary: Gloria Worgan Committee Members: Simon Chong Lana Thompson Sean McLaughlin Alan Leahy Admin and Advocacy officer: Erika Webb Accounting Services: Isenia Kulesza For more information contact Blind Citizens WA Email: [email protected] Website: ABN: 82 028 402 762
05.01.2022 Reminder - Christmas Party Saturday 7 December 2019 - Blind Citizens WA To be held at Perth and Tattersalls Bowling and Recreation Club located at 2 Plain Street East Perth. It will be a barbecue Lunch with drinks that can be purchased at Bar prices.... Friends, family and supporters are welcome to join us on the day. 11:30am start for 12 noon lunch. Cost: $40 per person. Please contact the Blind Citizens WA office for Bank details for direct deposit. Payments due by 2 December 2019. It is TOO LATE to RSVP. For more information contact Erika at the Blind Citizens WA office via email [email protected] or phone (leave a message) 6180 8938.
04.01.2022 Blind Citizens WA Annual General Meeting - Saturday 6th October 2018 at 1 pm - Citicplace Community Centre meeting room. Concourse level of Perth Train Station. All members, new members, family and supporters are welcome. Only members can Vote. Please consider becoming a Office Bearers and Executive Committee:... President, Senior Vice President, Junior Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, 2 x Committee Members If you wish to nominate or if you are unable to attend the Annual General Meeting but wish to nominate for the Committee, please contact Erika Webb on 041 991 8264 or by email at
04.01.2022 Blind Citizens WA Inc. Notice of 60th Annual General Meeting Members are warmly invited to attend our 2021 Annual General Meeting or join us via Zoom. Details are as follows: Time: 1pm 3 pm... Date: Saturday 23 October 2021 Venue: Perron Centre (VisAbility), 61 Kitchener Ave, Victoria Park If you would prefer to join us via Zoom, please contact the Blind Citizens WA office via, email [email protected] for Zoom details. If you would prefer to join the Zoom Meeting using your computer, Laptop or tablet, call the BCWA office to get the log-in details emailed to you. Full members are invited to nominate for a position on the Executive Committee. Please note: nominees must have regular access to their emails and to the internet. This is because most of the communication between Board members and Board meetings now occur online. For more information about nominating for a position on BCWA’s Executive Committee and to RSVP for the Annual General Meeting, please email [email protected] If you would like a copy of any of the 2020 Annual Reports, in your preferred format of either large print, audio or braille, we will be happy to send them out to you. Please contact the Blind Citizens WA office via, email [email protected] We Look forward to seeing you in person or on the Zoom call. Agenda - Blind Citizens WA Inc. 2021 AGM 1. Opening, welcome and roll call 2. Apologies 3. Confirmation of the 2020 AGM Minutes and issues arising from them 4. Reports 4.1. Chair’s Report 4.2. Treasurer's Report 4.3. Admin Report 4.4. BEACON project progress report 5. Celebrating BCWA’s 60th anniversary with cake 6. Election of Executive Committee Members 6.1. Chair 6.2. Vice Chair 6.3. Treasurer 6.4. Secretary 6.5. Executive Committee Members (4) 7. Update from Blind Citizens Australia 8. Special guest, Sandy Dann (unconfirmed). 9. General Business - Have Your Say 10. Close This meeting is where members can share information, ask questions or raise issues. If you can’t attend the meeting but would like someone to vote for you, you are entitled to have a ‘proxy vote’. This means you can nominate someone to vote on your behalf. You must let us know verbally via phone, in writing, or via email if you would like someone to vote on your behalf. Light refreshments will be provided if you attend in person, so it is important for you to please RSVP. The BCWA Board looks forward to seeing you at the AGM either in person or via Zoom. Please contact the Blind Citizens WA office via, email [email protected] for Zoom details.
03.01.2022 SOUND ON! Talking dating life, watching movies and tv, travel and everything in between with Simon Chong! This is a chat about growing awareness and educating..., and hopefully changing your opinions of people who have a vision impairment. Listen here PLUS Join our Facebook Group to keep the conversation going!
02.01.2022 A great week at the WA Vision Impaired & Blind Lawn Bowls State Championships this week in East Perth At the Perth & Tattersalls Club in Plain Street. Congratulations to Barry Greene.
02.01.2022 Blind Citizens WA Membership Blind Citizens WA has over 250 members and we welcome new members. Membership fee is a one-off lifetime fee of $40.00... We are a peer led and peer run peer support disability advocacy organisation and we provide opportunities to meet with other people who are blind or vision impaired to find solutions to common challenges and to share ideas, including meetings with guest speakers, our annual state forum and sociel events. We have 2 categories of memberships ^ Ordinary members people who are blind, vision impaired or deafblind Australian residents over the age of 18 years and have full voting rights. ^ Associate members people who are not blind, vision impaired or deafblind Australian residents ^ Cost of membership is $40 for Ordinary Members and $30 for Associate and Junior Members. A one off lifetime fee. For more information about becoming a member of Blind Citizens WA, please download our Membership Form or contact the Blind Citizens WA office via email at [email protected] Downloadable Membership Form:
01.01.2022 Blind Citizens WA General Meeting March 2020 Notice - Saturday 28 March 2020 at 1pm Blind Citizens WA meeting at VisAbility building from 1:00 pm UPDATE: This meeting will now happen as a Zoom or Phone meeting, please contact the Blind Citizens WA office for more information on 6180 8938 or email [email protected]... Non-members, family and friends are welcome to join us. Blind Citizens WA meeting 1:15 to 2:00 Break 2:00 to 2:10 Panel Discussion on small businesses and microenterprises 2:10 to 3:30 Peer Support 3:30 to 3:45 Please RSVP to Erika Webb by 23 March 2020 via phone on 08 6180 8938 or email her at [email protected] Erika Webb - Wednesday 18 March 2020 Blind Citizens WA Email: [email protected] Website: Phone: 08 6180 8938 (leave a message) Postal address: PO Box 101, Victoria Park WA 6979 Address: Suite 3, 61 Kitchener Avenue, Victoria Park WA 6100 Facebook: Twitter: @BlindCitizensWA - ABN: 82 028 402 762
01.01.2022 We're hosting an accessible, inclusive, and extremely tactile natural textile dying workshop for all creatives including those who are blind or vision impaired.... Local artist Darcy Palladino will present a fascinating overview of dyeing fabrics with natural fibres and dyes. 11am, Wednesday 12 August Manning Community Hall $15 + booking fee To find out more visit and to book visit VisAbility Blind Citizens WA Vision Australia Reclink Australia
01.01.2022 Reminder: ABC and SBS survey on audio description A reminder to please promote the below survey from ABC and SBS on audio description. The survey closes on 19th July....Continue reading
01.01.2022 Blind Citizens WA Christmas Party - 23 November 2020 Bentley. We have listened to members’ feedback and have selected a venue that is both cheaper and has a sit down menu. Christmas Party Details ... The Pines Restaurant at Bentley TAFE [Hayman Road, Bentley] $35.00 a head. Monday, 23 November, 6.00 pm Maximum of forty persons Final numbers required by: Sunday, 1st November. Includes: Pre-dinner drink, Soup, Tasting plate, Main course, Sweets, Tea and coffee, Fixed menu. Drinks at bar prices As the venue is a trainee chef campus there will be - No cash payments on the day. No late payments. No extra attendees after the closing date as the students need to order and organise all the food for the evening as part of their training. Payment Details BCWA at Westpac. BSB: 036-037 Account: 518406 We look forward to seeing as many of you as can make it. For transport you might like to call Transperth on 136213 to organise bus or train connections. Share a Taxi or Ride Share vehicle.
01.01.2022 Swish 2021 Members, friends and family are all welcome to come along to our informal afternoons of swish, held on the second Saturday of each month, 1pm to 4:45pm, at St Luke's Church Hall in Maylands. Swish (blind table tennis) is still on every second Saturday of the month at St Luke's Church Hall in Maylands, on George St adjacent to the church on the corner of George and Roland Streets, and just a short walk from Maylands Train Station or Guildford Road. ... People are welcome any time between 1pm and 4.45pm. Tea and coffee is provided. The cost is $3 and first timers are free. Upcoming dates Saturday 13 February 2021 Saturday 13 March 2021 Saturday 10 April 2021 Saturday 15 May 2021 Come along and give Swish a go!
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