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25.01.2022 Fruit & Vegetable prep while watching a Christmas Movie = quiet Friday night in! Experimenting with lots of colour & nutrition again this week (keep an eye out in the coming days)...and not just for the humans of the family! The worms in our worm farm are in for a treat too enjoying the blitzed up scraps.
25.01.2022 Still pinching myself that I made the Toowoomba Chronicle on Saturday!! I am so excited, proud and very thankful for all who helped put this article together: my amazing and trusting clients - it really does take a lot of trust to open your home and ask for help when you are feeling so vulnerable, thank you for your courage!... Kat Lynn - beautiful friend & talented photographer (this photo works so well!) check out Foodie Shots! Kim Cahill - continually helping me break the glass ceiling and reach beyond. I have enjoyed our works on your Zero Waste page - link below! Meghan Harris - thank you for asking me to feature in The Chronicle, I really appreciate it! Mary Reid from Merivale Cakes - you sure do have a beautiful way of connecting a person to words on paper. I am looking forward to our next session. And everyone else who supports, likes, comments, shares and enjoys what I do - I appreciate you! (You can read the full article if you’re a subscriber via the link or purchase hard copy of The Chronicle - Zero Waste page -
24.01.2022 Day 28 - Sorting Paper (stage 2) Following on from sorting our papers over the weekend - by the way, how did you find it? - we are now considering filing systems. Which filing system are you currently using, and is it working for you?... Before adding some ideas below I just want to remind you that everyone one is SO different when it comes to sorting and organising - and the area of filing is no different! Some like paper, others prefer digitalising. Some are visual, others like their papers out of sight. Do your research and don't be afraid to experiment to find what works for you! Here are a few ideas: ~ Filing cabinet (this was my go to for many years until I realised I was more of a visual filer) ~ Folders/Binders (my personal favourite) - I have folders for 'Current Tax'; 'Business Documents'; 'Personal Development'; 'Training Courses'; Important Documents. ~ Scan and Digitalise - there are MANY Apps and Programs available now and my suggestion would be to do your research and experiment to find one that suits you best. Do you have any other ideas to add?
23.01.2022 DAY 26 & 27 - Sorting Loose Paper (Stage 1 of 2) **Like all organising projects, this will get very messy before it gets organised** Take your (empty) laundry basket, or a heavy duty box or similar;... walk around each room in your home and gather all of your loose papers; don’t forget to check drawers and on top of your fridge. Collect every piece of paper you find, even if it is probably rubbish. (Leave papers from your filing cabinet or binders for now). Take the basket / box of papers to your dining room table or even the floor if you have to; Take out a small handful (about 1-2cm) at a time and begin sorting them into different piles that make sense to you. Here are some suggestions: Recycling (or rubbish) Papers that need to be ACTIONED Place these in a tidy tray or on the fridge - somewhere where you see them and won’t forget about them. Memorabilia - separate pile for each family member - papers that you are wanting to keep (school reports, letters, drawings etc - just remember you don’t have to keep everything!) Important Documents (passports, birth certificates, tax file numbers) House related paperwork Business related paperwork There are so many more categories - you have to try some and see what works best for you. Once you have finished sorting, place each pile into a manila folder, plastic sleeve or small box and write which category the belong. Then, in stage 2 of this task (Monday), we will look at different ways you could store your papers. Does this sounds achievable? Or am I dreamin’??
23.01.2022 'Using What We Already Have'! For the month of October we will focus on using ingredients/meals that we already have in our FREEZER. Using up the items that we continue to push aside, don’t know how to use, items that are going out of date or that we have forgotten about.... What will your items be for rest of this week??
22.01.2022 #WorldKindnessDay Being kind takes little effort, and it can instantly change someone’s outlook on life for the better!
20.01.2022 #BetterPreparedForChristmas I’m sure we’ve all done it - or been on the receiving end! A few days out from Christmas and we have forgotten to buy a certain person a gift ... So we rush to the shops and purchase a gift without too much thought - they may even have one already - they may not even like it - but hey, it’s a gift and they will smile and say thank you...right? Well, this weekend we are going to try and eliminate this problem, because: Australians wasted approx 400 million dollars on UNWANTED Christmas in 2018! And guess where most of them went?!? LANDFILL!! Lets do our part to change this: Make yourself a beverage; grab a nutritious snack; a notebook & pen (or digital device), and lets get to work! Draw 3 columns. LEFT COLUMN - Write down the names of all those you would like to buy for: ... ... ... ... MIDDLE COLUMN - right next to each, how much you are prepared to spend on each. RIGHT COLUMN - Gift Ideas. QUESTION: do you REALLY need to buy for that person...or is it out of obligation? Could you simply give them a call or take them out for coffee and catch up? TIP: why not ask them what they actually want...or if there are others in the same friendship circle or home, ask them for ideas. (Yes, it may not be a surprise, but at least they will love it - and it’s the thought that counts anyway!) SUGGESTIONS: Where possible, I like to buy experiences! * take them out for a treat and catch-up (sushi, coffee, icecream, wine) * pottery class * playcentres * zipline adventures * tour their favourite art galleries * day at the beach. There are so many options that they will remember for a lifetime and ones that doesn’t cost the earth Can you add to my list?
17.01.2022 Become Term 4 ready! Tip #TWO Now that we have a designated area for the incoming notes, it’s time to sit down with a beverage and your CALENDAR whether in hard-copy or digital.... Take the next 20 minutes adding as many events as possible that require attention/action throughout this next term. Events such as Parent/Teacher Interviews, catch-ups with friends, due dates of bills, doctors visits, birthdays. Oh and don’t forget to add some ‘me’ and ‘family’ time Spending just 20 minutes now will leave you feeling more organised and prepared - reducing the risk of double booking yourself; knowing in advance if/when babysitters are required or when you need a few hours off work to watch your children participate in the school swimming carnival.
16.01.2022 DAY 20 - over at Zero Waste Spring Clean & Declutter - REFOCUS DAY How are you going with the different cleaning and declutter tasks so far? It’s a big job hey?!? ... Who has said to themselves what’s the use...I’m already behind, I may as well give up!? Please don’t give up! Grab a cuppa and take a moment to have a look at which tasks you have completed, And which ones you would still like to complete. Make a list, Schedule some time in your week ahead and commit! You may only get one completed - you may complete three or four! Don’t compare yourself to others - we all lead different lives and have different energy levels. Do only what you can this week, then look at what you can do the following week. The important thing is DON’T STOP - just like many areas of success in life, organisation doesn’t just happen - it takes effort, determination, readjusting and continuous upkeep/maintenance. Over time, with some persistence, you will reach a level of satisfaction & pride (not perfection, because perfection doesn’t exist)! I hope this helps you, if you are feeling overwhelmed! Be kind to yourself Take care, Suellen x (Join Kim Cahill & I over at Zero Waste for additional ideas/tips/info...
16.01.2022 Speaking of the Junk Drawer...who is excited about tidying it up early next week as part of the Zero Waste' Spring Clean & Declutter tasks?? (Join Kim Cahill & I over at Zero Waste for additional ideas/tips/info...
16.01.2022 Doesn’t mean you must purge all books - keep only what you actually enjoy reading over and over - make sure you have space/room for them and that they are not becoming clutter - ... books deserved to be read & on display, not kept in boxes for that ‘one day’ - donate the others, you can borrow them from a library or a friend when you want to read them next... You’ve got this !!
11.01.2022 Day 22 - of Zero Waste' Spring Clean & Decluttering: Clean out our HANDBAG / WALLET / PURSE This task should only take 5 minutes - a nice and easy one for a Tuesday afternoon.... What is your best tip/hack for keeping your handbag organised? My number one tip is... Where possible, don't print receipts... And it is okay to say "No, Thank You" when the checkout operator asks or hands you a receipt - I'm sure they are more than happy to place it in their bin for you.
08.01.2022 Here’s a FUN FACT for you all... It’s my Birthday today .... but wait ... there’s more! 18yrs ago I met a guy,... after chatting, it turned out we had something pretty amazing in common... We were both born on the same day ... and ... the same year ... at opposite ends of the same state!!! He was just three hours older A few months later we started dating and have now been married for over thirteen years! Happy birthday to me & my husband Our children have no excuse if they forget one of our birthdays
06.01.2022 Become Term 4 ready. Tip #ONE Where are notes/permission slips that come home from school displayed in your home?... At lot of the time this place is the fridge, followed closely by a corkboard. So over the next couple of days I encourage you to take a look at what is on your fridge or pinned on the corkboard is it current or relevant at this point in time? If not, removed it. Create space for what lies ahead this term.
05.01.2022 DAY 30 - our FINAL day & FINAL task in the Zero Waste’ September Spring Cleaning & Declutter! Today we are going to go through our JUNK DRAWER...some of you may be saying I’ve got more than one or my whole home is a junk drawer...if that is the case - start with just ONE drawer! Ready to turn your Junk Drawer into a Draw of Convenience?!?... While my ‘Draw of Convenience’ doesn’t look aesthetically pleasing (see photo) - it works for my family, housing items that are used regularly - tape measure, screwdriver, old knife for opening boxes, old pair of sunglasses for hanging clothes on the line or gardening, sharpies & notepaper and a little 'fix me' container. Let’s get started... You will need a small container for each family member living in your home (I use a plastic takeaway container or small box) as well as one for the kitchen, garage & office. Now - tip everything out of the drawer on to the table and begin sorting. There’s a lot there right? Don’t be overwhelmed, just take it one item at a time. As you go, place items you want to keep in the drawer back in - add a container into the drawer for smaller items to keep them contained. Recycle paper, donate unwanted items and discard the damaged ones. Add items that belong in different rooms into the corresponding containers. Once everything is sorted, take those containers/boxes to the room that they belong - if they already have a home put them away - if not, my suggestion would be to make a home otherwise, leave them in this container until you can create a space to put away (at least they are contained). Is this making sense? Like any space in your home, UPKEEP is essential - so schedule 5 minutes into your diary once every few weeks to keep this draw tidy. Questions are always welcomed... (Join Kim Cahill & I over at Zero Waste for additional ideas/tips/info...
05.01.2022 DAY 21 - over at Zero Waste Spring Cleaning & Delcuttering we are: FOLDING (Hanging) & IRONING clothes! Some people find this task relaxing,... others...not so much! Either way, the folding & ironing is one of those chores that, if left a few days, can get out of control. Sometimes those ‘days’, turn into weeks, even months...and yet it seems we still have clothes to wear! What if we had less clothes? I believe, and speaking from experience, having less clothes gives us a much better chance of keeping on top of this issue! So, I want to challenge you to really consider the amount of clothes you have and see if you can reduce the amount and donate them. Now...back to the days task... Let’s FOLD (or hang) the clothes that don’t need to be ironed and put away straight away - don’t leave them for later...later may never arrive and you’ll have to fold them all over again!! Now to the ironing...if you need to, put on a movie or audiobook and get started - if you can, leaving ironing board out until it is completed. Imagine how good it would feel once all your clothes are folded, ironed and put away! It’s possible - you just have to start... (I’ll add more tip in the comments below) Join Kim Cahill & I over at Zero Waste for additional ideas/tips/info...
04.01.2022 The final quarter of 2020 is almost here, so this evening you will find me sitting in my comfy chair ... with my planner & pen; finishing up on planning out my October and adding to my November & December! Do you plan ahead? If you are hearing yourself saying I just don’t have time - maybe you need to make time...plan YOUR time to get things completed or started even! Claim your calendar before someone else does - Michael Hyatt & Daniel Harkavy
03.01.2022 School is back in just 5 days! You may have the children organised for school with clean uniforms, hats, bags and shoes... But what about you?!... As a parent, are you ready and feeling organised? Once again your children will be bringing home school notes/permission slips and different projects most of which will require some sort of ‘action’ from you. And not to forget school lunches and dinners, both needing a little more planning and attention. Keep an eye out over the next few days... I will be sharing what I do to help my family start the term on the right footstay tuned!
02.01.2022 #BetterPreparedForChristmas Christmas Holidays are fast approaching - most of us have probably thought about what we would like to do, where we would like to go. But have you thought about who might want to come visit you?... Would you say YES, knowing your spare room is ready and have enough floor space for extra mattresses? OR Would you have to say I’M SORRY, but we just don’t have the room - because your spare room is a store room - full of excess items? QUESTION - would you like to be able to say yes and welcome family or friends to stay this holiday season to make new special memories? If so, let’s make a plan - it IS still possible!! Make yourself a beverage; grab a nutritious snack; a notebook & pen (or digital device), and let’s get to work! Decide on an end date - when do you want/need the spare room ready for guests. PLEASE make sure this timeline is don’t want to be working full time, coming home and decluttering most of the night to get it done in three days - of course, you can, but you will likely burn yourself out and be exhausted when your guests arrive. SUGGESTION Plan your weeks ahead - if you have guests coming in three weeks, can you put aside a certain amount of time each day to get it done OR Could you put aside a whole day (what about this weekend?) to see how much you could achieve? Reduce the amount of landfill by donating as much as possible NOTE: With most large projects, there is quite often a rush at the end to get things completed. So plan out your weeks ahead. YOU ARE WORTH IT! If the task seems too overwhelming - don’t be afraid to ask for help. Sometimes life just gets full, then our home reflects this - but remember this doesn’t have to continue this way - sometimes we need to be bold, be brave, be vulnerable and ask for help to make this change for a more relaxed state of mind and enjoyable lifestyle. OTHER questions to write down and answer.... Who is hosting this year? Should you begin discussing food? Are you going away - do you need to book accommodation? Pet Sitter? House sitter? Who is going to water your garden?
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