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Bodhi Heart in Perth, Western Australia | Medical and health

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Bodhi Heart

Locality: Perth, Western Australia

Phone: +61 421 367 318

Address: 302 South Terrace 6162 Perth, WA, Australia


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25.01.2022 You will see some changes to our website and social media over the coming days and weeks, as we transition into our new, larger premises. Exciting times ahead for us and the community here!!

19.01.2022 Feeling grateful to have facilitated the first of many introductory workshops to Embodied Healing yesterday This workshop was not a walk in the park for those that attended . It takes courage to show up as you are, and be willing to witness the stories and wounds held within your energetic self. But when they did, oh my goodness!! The peace, the smiles, the surprise, the energy shifts as people explored their innate ability to connect to Source, to their Divinity and th...e experience of being truly present and connected . What arose beyond the discomfort of long buried shame, self-judgement and pain, was freakin beautiful! Acknowledging energy blocks in the body, and experiencing how presence alone was able to shift and release discomfort in themselves, and in others. You can heal peeps, and you are a natural healer . Having tools that help you facilitate healing for yourself, alongside the sacred healing container of 1:1 Soul Sessions, is empowering . Looking forward to running the next one, and bringing through a model that you can share with your children . #bodhiheart #energyhealing #embodiedhealing #embodiedmeditation #groundedspirituality #spiritualpractice #spiritualconnection #healyourself #healothers #awakenedheart #vulnerability #crackedopen #energyawareness #energyhealer #knowthyself #conscioushealing #sourceconnection #divineself #soullessons #soulmentor

19.01.2022 Who else has been up since 2am, basking in the intense reflection offered by last night's Full Moon ? . Exhaling now, and possibly needing a nanna nap by mid afternoon . . Each moon cycle is an opportunity to grow yourself consciously. No push required. Full Moons will lovingly highlight what you don't need to bring into a new growth cycle. .... Be willing to see yourself - the good, the bad and the ugly, and I promise the quicker the exhale will come . As always folks, we are all in this together, no one's got it all figured out. . It's enough to be your beautiful, messy self - always. Love your shadows, and they will reveal the pathway to the peace you seek . . #bodhiheart #fullmoon #fullmoonvibes #lunarcylces #lunarwisdom #illuminate #innerwork #shadowwork #acceptance #awareness #being #deeplistening #heartawakening #breathe #grounded #groundedspiritually #exhale #energyawareness #navigatingenergy

19.01.2022 Let’s connect! Our offerings are available 1:1 and via Skype and Zoom; they are just as powerful as in person sessions. During this time, Healer’s are needed more than ever! At Bodhi Heart, we can reduce and rebalance fearful and anxious energy that weakens the immune system. Nourishing your Soul, will help you to feel grounded, calm and healthy. The Corona virus feds on fear - so the more connected we are to high vibrations, the stronger we become as a collective.... LOVE LOUDLY! Book your session online See more

15.01.2022 S E S S I O N A V A I L A B L E Responding to need, I am opening up at spot in the diary tomorrow morning for anyone who feels anxious, needing healing or guidance Your session can be run in person (we can safely keep the 2m distance ) or over Skype or Zoom. DM to book or Jump on the website:... Sending S O M U C H L O V E @natalie_seigne_healer @lizsmith_awaketolife See more

14.01.2022 Have you thought much about your purpose? Is life truly about our purpose/s, or is it much more simple? Here’s the BIGGIE - it’s about feeling purposeful each and every day! ... In some ways, the attraction of a purpose can feel impossible to obtain, like a carrot dangling so close ... yet, for many of us, never quite reachable. Searching for our purpose, can feel like travelling without a map (not just google, I mean any map ). What if you’ve already arrived at your destination? Our purpose often feels outside our current existence. Rather than feeling into the current moment, we can strive for purpose like a far off land. Can the search for purpose be a trap? That stops us from living in the present? Can you begin to acknowledge the big and small moments when you feel purposeful? Trust me, there is a unique sense of arrival and peace with this shift in perspective. When you stop pushing ... you arrive. AND ... (this is a BIGGIE too) - when you feel purposeful every day - it’s a magnet for feeling like you’re living your purpose. It pulls in magnificent abundance where the big purpose knocks at your door and the flow is easy. Feel purposeful today! I’m sure you are everyday - maybe you just haven’t acknowledged it It will lead to the big moments of purpose. See more

13.01.2022 Please note that we are still open for business. Soul Sessions and energy healing is available in-person in Fremantle, and via Zoom and Skype. . If you find yourself needing to self-isolate over the comings weeks, your session can be held online. How cool is that . . #bodhiheart #newbeginnings #whattheworldneeds #heartawakening #soulhealing #shamanichealing #energyhealing #shamanichealerperth #reikiperth #energyhealingperth #remotehealing #remoteenergyhealer #perthmeditation #perthevents

13.01.2022 CLEANSE & PURIFY YOUR HOME . Did you know smudging your home can kill up to 94% of airborne viruses and bacteria, and can help keep the air clean for up to 30 days? . If you haven't been smudging your home space, please consider doing this, not just from a spiritual perspective, but for your physical health and wellbeing. .... Dream time Incense has been restocked at Bodhi Heart, and can be delivered to your letterbox free for those living local to Freo and surrounds. A jar is $20 and will last you AGES . Traditional handmade smudge sticks have also been restocked. . Details below: Qualities: Clearing space, enhancing intuition, enhancing dream quality and clarity, clearing nightmares, welcoming dreamtime bliss, calm-joy and clear vision. Symbolic of loyalty, optimism and honesty. Blend: Rose, mugwort, rocksalt, lavender blossoms and chrysanthemum. Also contains natural resins olibanum, myrrh and frankincense. Instructions for Use: Add a small amount to a heated charcoal plate (free with incense) continue to add fresh incense as it burns from the charcoal plate. Alternatively use an oil burner adding a base oil to dish first, followed by a generous amount of incense on top of the oil. *Do not leave burning incense unattended. . Please contact us to arrange your order. . #bodhiheart #smudging #clearingspace #energyclearing #plantmedicine #resins #infreo #cleanseyourhome #perthbusiness #perthmums #supportlocalperth

09.01.2022 WE'RE ADAPTING OUR SERVICES TO SUPPORT YOU . Community, over the weekend we offered "express" energy sessions both in-person and via Zoom. If now does not feel like the right time to dive deep into Soul work, yet you're struggling and want immediate support - this is for you. . These sessions are a combination of reiki, energy healing, and the sharing of practical techniques and practices to help you navigate increasing stress and strain on the nervous system. Sessions ca...n be held online via Zoom & Skype, and in-person at Bodhi Heart. . We have reduced the fee to make it accessible during these times of additional financial strain. To book a 60 minute healing and mentoring session, DM us for availability or go ahead and book your spot online via our bio. . Coming at you with LOVE! . #bodhiheart #energyhealing #soulmentoring #anxietyrelief #emotionalsupport

05.01.2022 Follow the Light This is a week of trust. Can you trust that there are camouflaged blessings at this time? This time is about strong unity and connection. Beginning with our connection to ourselves and our truths. ... Relationships will begin to get stronger this week as we lean into Love, bringing light to the shadows. This may mean that the grudges you hold will be lifted as your heart eases into a clearer way of seeing. There is a loving and beautiful force supporting us now. Please do not turn away from this energy, stay in your heart, stay with Love. There is no place for shadow within the light. See more

04.01.2022 BEAUTY MEDICINE . Our garden's are abundant with love! I'll be bringing this beauty into the Bodhi Heart Healing Center today. . As you arrive, you'll see that @bodyricheswellnesscenter have thoughtfully provided hand sanitizer for you to use upon arrival . .... We see you! We love you! Your healing matters . . #bodhiheart #respondwithlove #belove #higherfrequency #heartawakening #presence #groundedspiritually #heartwisdom #divinebeing #humanbeing #communityminded #energyhealingperth #shamanichealerfremantle #soulmentor #energyintuitive #heartmedicine #beautymedicine

03.01.2022 The doors in my bedroom are open and I’m watching the sky over Fremantle Harbour as I rest on my bed. I LOVE the purple sky and I LOVE lightning!My dogs ... not so much (currently lying on my belly and legs). Did you know that lightning is AMAZING at clearing energy? So, if you’re holding on to energy that does not serve you - release, release, release!

02.01.2022 With so much fear circulating at the moment regarding the corona virus, there is an alleviated energy of anxiety present. As individuals we can make a difference to the collective consciousness by releasing fear and trusting that you are held in the light. Receive the love and light available to you - because your truth is, you are only light. Stay in your heart, welcome joy, consciously shifting away from fear in all forms.

02.01.2022 There’s a-whole-lotta-Love moving within our community at the moment. We are now able see situations and people who have caused us pain differently. Have you noticed the compassion in your heart increase? The intuitive tug of your heart reaching out to those you love? Even (especially) those who have hurt you? ... We are being asked to be anchored into what is important - kindness, compassion, connection and forgiveness. The blessings and grounding of truth. See more

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