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Bodyfit Bellas

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24.01.2022 Wellness Wednesday #4 Pets and animals in general have such a positive impact on our wellbeing. They provide unconditional love and companionship that help to lower our stress levels, improve our mood, remind us to play and enjoy life; and improve our overall health. Make it your mission to get some fur baby (or whatever non-human you prefer) snuggles in today...I guarantee you’ll feel so good after. #wellnesswednesday #furbaby #snuggles #improvedhealth #loveyourpet #petlife #petlove #animallove #petsofperth #personaltrainerperth #perthlife #perthfitfam #fitgirlsperth #womensupportingwomenperth #perthpersonaltrainer #womenonlypersonaltrainerperth #mtlawley #morley #smallbusinessperth #perthsmallbusiness #supportlocal #ladiesofperth

24.01.2022 Weekend workout #5 This weekend’s workout challenge is super simple...MAKE IT FUN! Too often we see exercise as a chore, something we have to do or should do. Why does it have to be a chore? It DOESN’T need to CAN enjoy it! All you have to do is choose an activity that’s going to bring you joy and happiness while you do it. Take me for I am giving my hula hoop a whirl. Am I any good at I having fun and laughing at my total lack of coordina...tion...YES! If hula hoping is not your thing maybe try dancing around your living room or going roller skating or belly dancing or going running through a maze with your best mate! It really doesn’t matter what you do just make sure it’s fun!....oh and it gets your heart rate up a bit what are you going to do this weekend to make exercise fun? I can’t wait to hear what you’ve been up to! #makeexercisefun #weekendworkout #funmoves #moveforfun #exercisebecauseyouloveyourbody #havefun #funwithexercise #personaltrainerperth #womenonlypersonaltrainer #perth #perthlife #perthfitgirls #perthfitfam #fitinperth #buildyourconfidence #happymind #happybody #bodypositive #embrace #bodyimagemovement #positivebodyimage #mtlawley #morley #yokine #loveyourbody #fun See more

22.01.2022 Wellness Wednesday #3 Ok so I’ll admit, reading a book is not one of my usual pastimes but I get for so many of you it is something that brings you joy and relaxation. Taking some timeout for yourself for some alone quiet time is, in my opinion, essential for your wellbeing and reading is a fabulous way to sit and wind-down after a long day or week. Do yourself a favour today and schedule a reading session with a cup of coffee/tea/hot choccie (or whatever takes your fancy) an...d of course your feet up! Sit, relax and take on the world of what you are reading! #grababook #reading #wellnesswednesday #wellness #womensupportingwomenperth #womensupportingwomen #perthsmallbusiness #smallbusinessperth #personaltrainerperth #womenonlypersonaltrainerperth #mtlawley #mountlawley #mountlawleyandsurrounds #mtlawleyandsurrounds #morley #morleyandsurrounds #perthfitfam #perthfitness #fitnessperth #womensfitnessperth See more

21.01.2022 Weekend workout #4 Plank challenge. Have a go at these little beauties! They are a great core activation exercise plus they help to strengthen your back, improves your flexibility, balance and posture...and they’re so simple to do. Whether on your knees or on your toes, whether you go a full 5 mins or do them in smaller time intervals get on the floor and plank away! #plank #coreactivation #exerciseforhealth #perthfitgirls #perthfitfam #fitgirlsperth #personaltrainerperth #womenonlypersonaltrainerperth #fitinperth #perthfitness #ladiesofperth #womensupportingwomenperth #womensupportingwomen #morley #mtlawley

18.01.2022 Foodie Friday #4 According to the Australian Eat For Health guidelines, most Australians eat only about half the recommended quantity of vegetables per day! Vegetables, including legumes/beans are nutrient dense, low in calories and are a great source of vitamins and minerals. Did you know there are many different types of vegetables! Dark green or cruciferous/brassica such as broccoli, Brussel sprouts, lettuce and spinach....Root/tubular/bulb vegetables such as potato, carro...ts, beetroot and onions....Legumes/beans such as red kidney beans, cannelloni beans, chickpeas and tofu....and other vegetables such as celery, zucchini, capsicum, mushrooms and pumpkin. WOW so much goodness right there and this is only just scratching the surface!! I going to take this goodness and attempt to make some pumpkin arancini bites for my family catch up tonight. What are you going to cook using this food group this weekend??? For more info and inspiration head to #vegetables #eatforhealth #healthyeating #nurishyourbody #healthyandhappyperth #eathealthyperth #personaltrainerperth #perthfitfam #fitgirlsperth #perthfitgirls #womensupportingwomen #womensupportingwomenperth #womenonlypersonaltrainer #perthsmallbusiness #smallbusinessperth #supportlocal #supportlocalperth #mtlawley #morley #morleyperth See more

17.01.2022 Mindful Monday #3 Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right! How often have you said you can’t do something before you’ve even given it a go? I know I’m guilty of this every now and then. Isn’t it crazy that we let our thoughts rule what we do based on fear, lack of confidence or even the lack of saying what the heck I’ll give it a go! Let’s change the thought process from I can’t to I can and see what amazing things come as a result! #changeicanttoican #womensupportingwomenperth #womensuppirtingwomen #perthwomen #perthmums #perthfitness #fitperth #perthbootcamp #perthgroupfitness #groupfitnessperth #personaltrainerperth #perthsmallbusiness #supportlocal #mtlawleyperth #mountlawleyperth #mountlawley #mtlawley #morley #morleyperth #morleyperthwa

17.01.2022 Mindful Monday #4 Having a support network is such an important part of life in so many ways. We all know taking on a new health and fitness direction can be a tough and daunting task especially if it has not been a focus of ours for a while. Having a good support network behind you to keep you focused, motivated and on track to achieving your health and fitness goals is priceless. Your support network can be anyone from family and friends to your medical and allied health pr...ofessionals. Who are the people in your life who are there for you every step of the way along your health and fitness journey? #supportnetwork #familyandfriends #medicalprofessionals #alliedhealthprofessionals #healthandfitness #healthandfitnessperth #healthyperth #fitperth #perthfitfam #perthfitness #personaltrainerperth #womensupportingwomenperth #perthsmallbusiness #smallbusinessperth #womenshealthperth #perthwomen #perthgroupfitness #groupfitnessperth #womenonlybootcampperth #bootcampperth #mtlawley #morley #activeinperth See more

14.01.2022 Wellness Wednesday #5 Ok so I may not look too glamorous in this pic but boy did my skin feel amazing after! I think sometimes we get so caught up with our hectic lives we forget to stop and take a few minutes for ourselves. Looking after our skin is one of the most basic, non-negotiable things we should do but often we don’t give it the love it deserves. You wear your face everyday so don’t you want it to look the most radiant it can be everyday? Why don’t you join me today ...and give your face a little brave and post your scary face mask pic too! #loveyourskin #freshfaced #glowingskin #skincare #tlc #womensupportingwomen #perthwomen #womenofperth #personaltrainer #perthpersonaltrainer #womenonlypersonaltrainerperth #perthladies #ladiesofperth #boostyourconfidence #confidence #selflove #positivebodyimage #bodyimagemovement #selfesteem #perth #perthlife #personaltrainermtlawley #perthsmallbusiness #smallbusinessperth #perthmums #girlpower See more

14.01.2022 Mindful Monday #6 How true is this...the reason why we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind the scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel....and this...happiness is found when you stop comparing yourself to others. I feel like this post full of quotes but I believe in them so here’s one in the entire world can do a better job of being you than you! We are all unique, beautiful and amazing humans who bring diversity in strength, wisdom and e...xperience so embrace this diversity and embrace you. If you must compare, compare yourself to who you were yesterday, live and learn from her! #mindfulmonday #stopcomparingyourself #selflove #selfacceptance #bekindtoyourself #noonecanbeyoubetterthanyou #findyourhappiness #happywithin #livelife #lovelife #embraceyourself #embrace #womensupportingwomen #womensupportingwomenperth #perth #perthwomen #womenofperth #inspiringwomen #personaltrainerperth #perthwa See more

13.01.2022 Mindful Monday #5 Words are so powerful and the ones we say to ourselves or about ourselves are some of the most powerful! I have been/am totally guilty of saying so many negative things about myself, in particular my body, that I have allowed these words to rule so many aspects of my life. From work to family, friends and more intimate relationships...these words I’ve said to myself have held me back. It takes time and persistence and a whole lot of self love and kindness to... overcome the negative voices in your me I know!! It won’t happen over night but it will happen! If you are someone who allows these negative words about yourself to creep in and prevent you from living your best life it’s time to tell them to FUCK OFF!!! You don’t need them! It’s time to stop, make the change and be kind to yourself...YOU DESERVE IT #negativewordscanFUCKOFF #thinkpositive #selfconfidence #confidence #selflove #bodyconfidence #bodyimagemovement #loveyourbody #bodypositive #selfkindness #lovetheskinyourein #positiveselfesteem #embrace #selfacceptance #buildyourconfidence #findyourconfidence #selfcompassion #stopcomparingyourself #womensupportingwomen #perth #perthpersonaltrainer #personaltrainerperth #womenonlypersonaltrainerperth #getfitperth #ladiesinperth #smallbusinessperth #supportlocal #mtlawley #mtlawleyandsurrounds See more

12.01.2022 Not long now and a new year with new opportunities will be upon us! As you say goodbye to 2020 reflect on the positives that you have experienced. In 2020 I’m excited to have seen my passion for teaching return and my LOVE of helping others achieve their health and fitness goals continue to grow...what’s more, with both of these experiences I have met and become friends with some incredibly fabulous people which has made the experiences all the more valuable! What were your top fabulous experiences of 2020? #goodbye2020 #hello2021 #positivesof2020 #positiveexperiences #lookonthebrightside #personaltrainer #personaltrainermtlawley #mtlawley #mountlawley #fitnessmtlawley #fitnessperth #mtlawleyandsurrounds

12.01.2022 Weekend Workout #3 Step challenge! Whether you choose to complete this in one day or two..whether it’s 10,000 or 20,000 or somewhere in between just get out there and enjoy every step. Walking is so great for both our physical and mental health...and it’s free! Where is your favourite place to walk? #weekendworkout #walking #walkinginperth #walkingforhealth #walkingonsunshine #perthwalk #perthwalks #perthfitgirls #perthfitfam #perthwomen #perthwomenshealth #personaltrainerperth #womenonlypersonaltrainerperth #womensupportingwomenperth #perthsmallbusiness #smallbusinessperth #mtlawley #mtlawleyandsurrounds #morley #perthmums

11.01.2022 Happy New Year!! Coffee is my least favourite beverage but I know for many of you it’s like a lifeline so to kick 2021 off with a buzz grab yourself a coffee from @bettyanddaves on me! Just be quick. Enjoy your coffee and enjoy your first day of 2021 ... #coffee #bettyanddaves #mtlawley #mtlawleycoffeeshop #newyear #newyear2021 #newyearsday

06.01.2022 Foodie Friday #3. According to the Australian Food Guidelines, most Australians eat only about half the recommended quantity of fruit. Did you know there are so many different types of fruits? Pome fruits such as apples and pears...Citrus fruit such as oranges and grapefruit...Stone fruit such as cherries and peaches...Tropical fruit such as bananas and mangoes....Berries such as strawberries and blueberries...and other fruits such as grapes and passionfruit. For a longer list of different fruits take a look at the Go for 2 & 5 Fruit and Vegetable information at #eatforhealth #fruit #healthyeating #freshfruit #fresh #freshfruitperth #eathealthyperth #perthhealth #personaltrainerperth #perthfitfam #smallbusinessperth #perthsmallbusiness #mtlawley #mountlawley #morley #healthymumsperth #womenshealthperth

06.01.2022 Yay this happened today! So happy to be a certified Metafit coach. I can’t wait to add Metafit classes to my timetable. Who want in?? #metafit #metafitcoach #metafitcoachperth #perth #personaltrainerperth #personaltrainermtlawley #perthsmallbusiness #smallbusinessperth #womensfitnessperth #womenshealthperth #womenofperth #fitnessperth #groupfitnessperth

02.01.2022 Foodie Friday #5 Did you know, according to the Australian Eat for Health guidelines, most Australians eat less than half the recommended quantity of wholegrain foods and too much refined grain (cereal) food. Grain (cereal) foods can be classified into four main groups...1) Breads such as wholegrain, wholemeal, rye and white...2) Breakfast cereals such as porridge, muesli and high fibre oats...3) Grains such as rice barley and corn...4) Other such as pasta couscous and bulgur.... There are so many benefits of choosing wholegrains and cereals including reducing the risk of developing certain diseases, maintaining a healthy digestive system and may also assist in a weight loss program. How often do you go for the wholegrain/wholemeal varieties? For more information head #eatforhealth #healthyeating #healthyperth #healthyladiesperth #healthybodiesperth #healthyfood #nourishyourbody #wholegrains #wholemeal #fitperth #perthfitfam #personaltrainerperth #womenonlypersonaltrainerperth #perthfitgirls #womensupportingwomen #snallbusinessperth #perthsmallbusiness #supportlocal #supportlocalperth See more

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