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Body Management

Locality: Sydney, Australia

Phone: +61 400 390 591

Address: 1/294 King Street Newtown 2042 Sydney, NSW, Australia


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to load big map

18.01.2022 I’ve not posted on FB for a long time so read this. I’m a consultant anaesthetist working in Frimley Park Hospital and this week all anaesthetists are being re-...roled as intensive care doctors. We will be tasked with putting the sickest patients under anaesthetic and onto ventilators/life support machines. Each patient will require 10 days+ on a ventilator then may need a temporary tracheostomy to get them off the ventilator. The intensive care unit is already full of COVID-19 patients on ventilators (12) with more requiring ventilation every day. My hospital usually has 4-10 patients on ventilators and is planning and EXPECTING 80 patients to require ventilation. It seems the public health message is not getting through. Let me be clear. A lot of people are going to die. They will mainly be 70 years plus but be in no doubt, 30-40 year olds will die too. Pubs have been busy, offices open, social events happening, kids parties etc. It all needs to stop. Infected people shed virus and it must be everywhere by now. It is your social responsibility to engage in social distancing. Actions NOW can prevent further disease transmission, ICU admissions and deaths in 10-20 days. Two of my anaesthetic/ICU colleagues in other hospitals are off work due to being infected (doing ok). As health care workers, we are now EXPECTING to catch it despite PPE. This virus has been transmitted around the globe unchecked and will not stop until it has no where to go - social distancing/isolation Or patient death. Here ends my public health message. On a more personal level, my son turned three years old last week and is six weeks into a three year chemotherapy program for lymphoma. This virus is a big threat to his life and as I am going to be exposed this week doing my job, I can no longer live at home. I have had to make the difficult choice: to do my job and save lives of people I don’t know, or to be with my son whilst he battles cancer. Alfie hopefully will survive his cancer and chemo, but many people will die from flu. My heart is broken making this decision, but I choose to save the lives of strangers and leave him in the care of my beautiful wife and family. Later this week I’ll be moving into a motor home and will not be able to take any further part in his care for the next 6 months. Bottom line. SOCIALLY ISOLATE or people die in two weeks.

17.01.2022 Everyone is talking about COVID-19. A healthy immune system gives you a fighting chance, perhaps not to avoid it, but it certainly may reduce the severity. Have a diet rich in Vitamin C, (you can really load up on it with supplements, but bear in mind your body can only absorb 1000mgs every three hours). Add plenty of green vegetables, vital greens can really help if you hate your veggies. Wash REGULARLY- this is really important. Exercise, if you're not sick, to help clear t...he lungs. Hand sanitiser is almost impossible to get, someone suggested metho if you're desperate. It will dry your skin out, but I think moisturiser is still available. At any rate, rather than sitting about panicking, or battling crowds in the shops spend a bit of time on defense. See more

16.01.2022 Training for Toning Toning is one of those words that was coined at some point as a marketing ploy. (Halitosis is another word invented by the advertising industry; that's got no relevance here, I just thought it was interesting). For the average woman, the idea of gaining big, bulging muscles is a fate worse than death. To be honest, they’re probably right. I wouldn’t swop my big arms and shoulders for anything, but everything comes at a price. Getting called ’Sir’ in shops ...and having total strangers walk up to you in supermarkets to tell you how repulsive they find you are a couple of side effects. My point is, that for a woman to go that way, it’s a conscious decision. At my biggest, my arms were 17 inches or 43.2cm around, and I’m only 160cm tall, that’s around 5 feet 3 inches in imperial. I wanted it more than anything. Gaining a bit of muscle won’t make you look like that. If you put on about 4 kg of muscle, all over your body, then you’ll just have tighter, harder legs, tighter and more shapely arms and probably a flatter stomach. Your body has to work harder to sustain that extra muscle it starts burning fat for fuel, so you’ll get a bit leaner. Sound like a familiar goal? That’s what toning is- it’s also called bodybuilding. Don’t be afraid to include the ‘work’ part of a workout. If you don’t, you’ll get nowhere. See more

16.01.2022 When you really don't mind not fitting your favourite jeans anymore. Anna has gone from a size 12 to a size 6. What's her secret? Consistency! We changed her relationship with food and eliminated all the toxic stuff that she was having daily, added lots of yummy vegetables, good quality proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. As her system grew healthy and efficient, the body fat started falling off. She is a joy and a pleasure to work with and feeling a million dollars! Anna Rachel Laplap

15.01.2022 Nothing to lift? Find stuff around the house.

11.01.2022 I don’t know about anyone else, but my big weakness is buttered toast. This isn’t good- not in the quantities that I consume, anyway. Moving less and eating more is not a good combination to keep one trim, taut and terrific. I’m getting up later and having fewer, bigger meals- consequence- a bigger waistline. As of Monday, I made a decision- no more buttered toast at random times, just for the hell of it. Toast gets included in my refeed breakfast and that’s it. I’m back to ...timetabling when I eat because this is the best way I know to control my food intake. Whether you’re at work, or at home, planning your meals is important if you’re prone to weight gain, (I am. Good sturdy peasant stock here). I’ve gone to the extent of setting alarms for meal times and I know exactly what I’m going to have. I make sure the supply of good, nourishing food is plentiful so I don’t binge eat in an attempt to meet my nutritional requirements. Often a craving for sugar is, in reality, a craving for dietary fat, but your brain just isn’t recognizing it. I’m applying the same methods to exercise. I have some resistance bands, frankly, they don’t float my boat- but that’s what I have. My workouts are at a specific time- if you were a class person, this should resonate with you. I’m keeping in mind- MOVEMENT EQUALS LIFE! You may not be getting exercise in the manner you like, but at all costs- KEEP IT UP! Movement drives the cerebellum which is the part of the brain that coordinates all your voluntary movements including posture, balance, and even speech. It’s like the necessity of turning over a car engine regularly in order to keep it functioning well and not seize up. This time won’t last forever- keep moving in the meantime. We’ll be back doing the type of exercise we love before you know it. See more

08.01.2022 The best way to get results in the gym is to train smart and train consistently. There's no other magic formula.The best way to get results in the gym is to train smart and train consistently. There's no other magic formula.

07.01.2022 Happy New Year Everybody!!Happy New Year Everybody!!

07.01.2022 This is pretty much how I felt every New Years Day for a good portion of my adult life. Hung-over, sick, bloated from too much food, alcohol etc. I just wanted to hide. As cliched as it sounds, New Year's resolutions are great. Whether you like it or not, there really is a sense of a new start. If you don't make plans, you'll never do anything. Today might just be the day to re-assess some goals or make new ones. I used to think that writing things down was a bit twee and pr...eppy; but honestly, if you make a list, you can make a plan and plans are vital to success. Perhaps start after a couple of strong coffees. Miranda Claire See more

05.01.2022 I think I should be proud....

05.01.2022 Are your hormones making you gain weight? It’s an age old question and a good one. Whilst your brothers and boyfriends and husbands seemed to be able to stuff bread and chips down their throats all day without any serious ramifications, you’d just have to think about a slice of cake and blow up. The sad fact is, women tend to be more insulin sensitive than men. It’s not fair, but there it is. Our physiology is very different and we have evolution to blame for that. Men tend t...o have more central fat deposits, whereas women have more peripheral fat. In other words- ours is more obvious! It’s also higher- again evolution. It’s significant that many post-menopausal women develop more visceral fat. This doesn’t mean that it’s all totally beyond your control. Obesity is on the rise in this country and there are serious health risks attached to it. It also has a detrimental effect on the quality of life. At the end of the day- what you consume directly affects your body fat levels, so think twice before you reach for the Timtams to cheer you up. Weight gain is often a choice, perhaps not a good choice, but definitely a choice. As the late Charles Poliquon once said, I’ve never heard of anyone who got fat from eating too many apples. See more

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