Lisa Mount- Bouddi Wellbeing | Other
Lisa Mount- Bouddi Wellbeing
Phone: +61 410 412 396
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18.01.2022 Loving my Stonemason Man working just around the corner from me because I get to deliver him delicious breaky jars & juices each day Isn’t it funny how sometimes it takes looking after people around us to re-mind us that we can be doing that for OURSELVES also! My first experience of this was when I fell pregnant- I changed my habits overnight & lavished myself with good daily nutrition, lots of rest, meditation & self-care...I had the motivation I needed to look afte...r me. As I journey toward 40 I’m becoming more mindful of how much I desire to really nurture myself...that my main motivation now is my SELF, and that that’s really OK and so so GOOD...whilst also allowing myself to nurture those around me because it brings me joy- but to not do so at the cost of me It is a lifelong journey for most of us ...remembering daily to put ourselves attend to ourselves as we would a newborn, a lover, a long lost soul-mate...because we ARE all those things to ourselves, if we re-member that. So, remember to feed YOUR soul with JOYFUL FOOD, REST, WORK, PLAY, PLACES & PEOPLE- look after you first, and in doing so be an example to those you care about...the best gift we really can give another is being living permission slip inviting them to deeply love & nurture themselves Then...we all play better together with tanks filled-up, hearts at peace & our souls really ready to receive each other from a place of inner- fullness rather than placing demands on each other from an inner emptiness only we can fill. Re-member YOU & re-MIND yourself daily of how precious you are to YOU by feeding yourself loving thoughts, words, and actions. #selfcare #selflove #wellness #wellbeing #nutrition #naturalhealth #naturopathy #balancedlife #foodporn #juicing #kindnessmatters See more
14.01.2022 Check out the new Wellbeing offering for Kids Lisa
09.01.2022 Wellbeing sessions with me are a blend of energy balancing, mindfulness & dietary & lifestyle guidance. As a naturopath, mindfulness educator & energetic practitioner I tune into your body’s innate intelligence & gently guide you into deeper levels of physical relaxation where you can begin to experience greater mental clarity, emotional balance & physical vitality. You can enjoy your 60min Wellbeing Session at my Killcare Clinic Space or in the comfort of your own home.... Zoom sessions are also available To book send me an email via the contacts page on the website (link in bio) or contact me on 0410 412 396. #wellbeing #naturopathy #mindfulness #energyhealing #vibrationalhealing #womenswellness #womenswellbeing #healthyliving #selfcare #soulpurpose See more
07.01.2022 My littlest kayaking out on the bay yesterday evening....thanks to my man for mentoring him I am reminded time & time again that when all else fails & my parenting tank is on empty- as it has been for much of this year!- I just need to find the mojo to get them or us all outside in nature for some vitamin N Being outdoors soothes anxiety, smooths out the creases of tension, puts things back into perspective, seems to magically dissolve arguments & re-connects is to o...ur purpose...which is simply to be as fully in the present moment as we are able...with a full deep breath & open heart No one gets it perfect, and life happens...but nature is always around us whether that’s a bay, beach, beach, garden, lake, forest, mountain, jungle, stream, sunset, bring US back into balance... We just need to allow her getting outside and ensuring our kids get their vitamin N every day Her natural beauty & orderly chaos with all her curves & rythyms reminds us just by BEing In and With her of our own inner nature...the universal natural order within our own seeming chaos, the devastating beauty in the apparent mess, the inherent & dominant harmony underlying the little tantrums of daily stress, the new life following death, the unchanging nature of change. As technologically-advanced as we are and may become, we are animals...flesh, blood, breath, bone & HEART. We need fresh air, sunlight & beautiful vistas to stay well...this cannot be accessed through any app or technology. For us to remain SOUL connected we must be present-moment orientated, free from fear, able to think freely & sovereign in creating our lives as we see fit. For our SOUL to remain fully online we need to unplug from screens & connect to the web of REAL LIFE...and keep it real Get outside & re-member that your own most powerful, intelligent connection is to Life itself...a beautiful mystery we don’t need to understand but can definitely appreciate, connect to & KNOW as TRUTH through our own heart’s resonance to it. #vitaminn #naturelusters #natureporn #kayaking #healingpowerofnature #wellbeing #healthyhappykids #getoutside #natureismychurch See more
02.01.2022 Hi I’m Lisa from Bouddi Wellbeing I’m a naturopath, mindfulness educator, reiki practitioner & doula I specialise in Energetic Realignment - gently inviting any stuck or stagnated energy to flow fully & freely once again. I also use Mindfulness to help you become more aware of the Power of your Breath & it’s ability to generate more Presence (peace & self-connection). ... The result?- physical vibrance, mental clarity & emotional balance. To book a Wellbeing Session with me, head to my website (link in bio) & use the contact form or PM me- I’d love to gently guide you into Greater Wellbeing Killcare clinic, in-home (central coast) or online sessions available #vibrationalhealing #energetichealing #reiki #alignment #wellness #wellbeing #leanin #bestlife #bestself #selfcare #womenswellness #naturalliving #naturalhealth #mindfulness #doula #emotionalwellbeing See more
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