Box Divvy Lalor Park in Sydney, Australia | Grocers
Box Divvy Lalor Park
Locality: Sydney, Australia
Address: Dalray Street, Lalor Park 2147 Sydney, NSW, Australia
Likes: 219
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22.01.2022 One plastic tray and some sticky tape. This is the landfill waste from packing over 40 boxes for our Hub members on Friday. I love how little waste we generate by buying in bulk together, reusing and recycling everything we can!... One member takes the soft plastics for REDcycling Another member takes home the scraps (cauliflower leaves etc) for her chickens and compost Members recycle their cardboard boxes Styrofoam and waxed boxes are returned to Box Divvy to be given back to growers to reuse You can tread a little lighter on the planet by being part of Box Divvy! Join a more sustainable food system: #reducereuserecycle #wastenot #lowwaste #boxdivvy #lalorpark #sustainable
21.01.2022 Pumpkin, but no soup in sight! Shared by one of our Friday members, Sarita: "We are enjoying our box divvy pumpkin this weekend! Roasted pumpkin seeds with Belicious Foods Mexicana spice, pumpkin & feta muffins, pumpkin oat cookies & purée to freeze for next time."... What awesome ways to use a whole pumpkin! #pumpkin #winterbaking #wastenot #nowaste #boxdivvy #lalorpark
21.01.2022 This is a familiar sight in our house. Mr 3 is a strawberry fiend. He ploughs through a punnet in minutes! Mostly because he bites them like and then moves onto the next one Anyone else live with a strawberry fiend? Lucky for me strawberries are only $1.54 a punnet this week!!! A great source of Vitamin C and high in fibre! #strawberries #vitaminC #boxdivvy #lalorpark
21.01.2022 We had the cutest little button mushrooms in our Box Divvy order on Friday! About the size of a 10-20 cent piece You probably wouldn't have found these in the supermarket. Why? Because they don't meet the size requirements that most supermarkets have for produce. So much perfectly delicious produce is wasted in the food industry because of these unrealistic aesthetic standards. At Box Divvy we embrace produce of all shapes and sizes! We only require that the produce i...s fresh, tasty and good quality - because THAT is what matters Want to be part a more sustainable, ethical food system? Join us! #boxdivvy #lalorpark #wastenot
20.01.2022 New product alert from Belicious Foods: Dukkah! Dukkah is a mix of seeds, nuts and spices originating in the middle east Egypt in particular. Enjoy with your favourite bread, dipped in olive oil and balsamic. Use to create a crispy coating on fish or chicken... Use to season eggs, add to salads and yogurts Ingredients: Roasted Sesame Seeds, Cashew, oregano, Sumac, Corn Flour, Vegetable oil, Cumin, Mustard Seed, Fennel Seed, Nigella Seed, Black cumin seed, Salt. The 120g jar costs $10. As usual, no fillers, artificial flavours or preservatives. Thanks Chef Bel! I can't wait to try this! I'm a big fan of Dukkah on my avo toast in the mornings #supportlocal #homemade #handmade #madewithlove #boxdivvy #lalorpark
20.01.2022 Our Basil grower called - they have a glut of Basil this week! We can help with that!! A bunch of freshly picked basil is only $2.95! Miles ahead in quality and value than those little plastic packs from the supermarket! Don't want to make pesto? One of our Hub members loves this Ricotta Gnocchi with Basil recipe by Donna Hay:... #basil #boxdivvy #supportgrowers #lalorpark
20.01.2022 Box Divvy breakfast by the beach Even on holidays we are enjoying our Box Divvy goodies! Omelette with red onion, red capsicum and mushrooms with avocado on Shepherd's Bakehouse Charcoal Sourdough ... #boxdivvy #boxdivvyonholidays #boxdivvyatthebeach #lalorpark #weekendbreakfast
20.01.2022 We eat such a wide variety of fruit and veggies since joining Box Divvy!
19.01.2022 Percy's Pick of the Pack - FENNEL WITH FROND!! Our lucky Tuesday members got this super fresh fennel yesterday grown by the Grima brothers just 30 minutes away from our Hub! And for only $1.25 each its a no-brainer to #supportlocal You can see just how super fresh they are by the beautiful lively peacock-like fronds they're not just a pretty sight - use the fronds in salads and in place of dill #lowwaste... What's your favourite way to enjoy fennel? #fennel #localfood #boxdivvy #lalorpark #lowfoodmiles #foodwarriors #supportgrowers
18.01.2022 Two different salads from my favourite #community cookbook to celebrate 3 generations and family heritage today. Jam packed with Box Divvy ingredients! Spiced sweet potato & carrot, with lentil, rocket and honey-baked walnuts/almonds Soba noodles with red cabbage, carrot and ginger shallot sauce which brings back so many fond childhood memories of outings with my Chinese family ... #boxdivvy #lalorpark #family #salad
18.01.2022 IT'S OUR HUB'S FIRST BIRTHDAY Can't believe it's been ONE YEAR of Supporting local growers Reducing our packaging and food waste... Saving $ and spending less time at the supermarket Feeding our families fresher, better fruit and vege Giving back to our local community through our weekly Kindness Boxes Making new friends, sharing recipes and stories THANK YOU to all our members for the enthusiasm, generosity and warmth that you bring to our little community. I'm so grateful for you all - I LOVE being your Hubster Thank you also to Box Divvy for pioneering this amazing social enterprise! Cheers to us and another year of changing the food system together! #foodwarriors We want more people to experience that huge list of benefits of being part of a Box Divvy Hub. Join us! #boxdivvy #lalorpark #firstbirthday #community #supportgrowers #supportlocal #localcommunity #localfood #freshfood #plasticfreeproduce #lowwaste #lowfoodmiles #sustainable #unsupermarket #buysharesave #cooperative
18.01.2022 Looking forward to saying goodbye to 2020? Want to make some sustainable positive changes for you and your family in 2021? By joining Box Divvy you will:... Support local and Australian growers (we pay growers more than the supermarkets) Reduce your waste with no unnecessary packaging Save money, 30-40% cheaper than the supermarkets Enjoy fresh, quality healthy fruit and vege, artisan sourdough, free range eggs and lots more! Be part of a local community giving back Find your closest Box Divvy Hub: #boxdivvy #buysharesave #community #local #localcommunity #supportgrowers #supportlocal #knowwhereyourfoodcomesfrom #savemoney #lowfoodmiles #lowwaste Image credit: The Language Nerds
17.01.2022 ONLINE SHOPPING DURING COVID19 I'm the first to admit my online shopping has increased during COVID19. Anyone else???? Feeling bad about avoiding your local shops? Shopping online doesn't mean you can't support local!... Why not buy your fruit and vege online too and support local growers and your local community? Just a few advantages of joining a Box Divvy Hub! We have over 70 families in our Lalor Park Hubs and we are looking for more savvy families to join us!! #boxdivvy #lalorpark #unsupermarket #community #supportlocal #supportgrowers #farmfresh
15.01.2022 Love our Box Divvy Avos! Naturally ripened and the best I've ever tasted! #avo #smashedavo #boxdivvy #lalorpark #foodcoop #community #unsupermarket
14.01.2022 More evidence that I spend too much time with fruit and vegetables... I love these little reminders of the journey of our food. Packed this pear, leaves still attached, for one of our members to enjoy! If you're looking for seriously fresh food for your family, join our friendly Hub:... #realfood #pears #supportgrowers #freshfood #justpicked #freshfruit #boxdivvy #lalorpark #knowwhereyourfoodcomesfrom
13.01.2022 It's a brekky (brekkie?) burrito kind of morning! Free range scrambled eggs, sauted mushrooms, baby spinach, avocado and Belicious Foods Smoked Harrisa Paste on a spinach wrap! What's for breakfast at your place?... #cafeathome #weekendbreakfast #breakfastburrito #boxdivvy #lalorpark
13.01.2022 STAY COOL KIDS Our kiddos love an orange ice block to cool down on days like today! Easy squeezy, one ingredient, frozen orange juice. ... Forget the sugar filled, artificially flavoured, plastic wrapped supermarket ones. As summer fruit starts to roll in, try mixing it up with mango, pineapple or melon! Navel oranges are only $1.53/kg at Box Divvy, compared to $3.90/kg at the big red supermarket! What's your go to refreshing snack? #oranges #spring #summer #sunnydays #iceblocks #freshlysqueezedjuice #kidssnacks #lowwaste #boxdivvy #lalorpark
13.01.2022 Have you tried the Belicious Foods range of spices and sauces? They are hand-made to order in small batches by Chef Bel, a Portuguese-born chef in Warrawee on Sydneys North Shore. #knowwhomakesyourfood What makes them different to other spices and sauces typically available at the supermarket?... Belicious spice mixes and sauces are 100% natural: NO additives, preservatives, flavour or colour enhancers, fillers, diluters, emulsifiers, binders or MSG - just herbs and spices! They are also #glutenfree and #vegan. The spices and sauces are freshly-ground and bottled, the flavours are intense: a jar goes a long way! Packaged in glass jars and bottles which are easy to #reuse or #recycle! #lowwaste We have some big #Belicious fans in our Hubs and some other members ordered these awesome sample packs this week to try Some of the ways we use our favourite Belicious Spices & Sauces: - The Mexicana blend for our taco/nacho mix with Jalapiri Sauce on top - The Masala blend on roasted chickpeas - The Smokey Harissa paste on EVERYTHING We love having these as part of the Box Divvy range - it's much more than just fruit and vege! #boxdivvy #lalorpark #supportlocal #handmade #homemade #madewithlove
12.01.2022 Local. Super fresh. Cheap. Spray free. What more could you ask for?? #localproduce #supportlocal #lowfoodmiles #sprayfree #freemansreach #farmfreshproduce #boxdivvy #lalorpark
11.01.2022 ONE MONTH TO GO Cherries = Christmas
11.01.2022 NEW FRUIT ADDITIONS THIS COMING WEEK Our regular strawberry grower is taking a break in between patches which gives us a chance to try out some of the more premium berries. They’re extra large, super-sweet and should be around $3.40 per punnet. Blackberries LYCHEES! Can you get a bigger Flavour Bomb than lychees?? They’re only just starting, but they pack a punch. Still $23/Kg, but they will drop in the lead-up to Christmas!... #newseason #strawberries #blackberries #lychees #Christmasfruit #freshfruit #fruit #boxdivvy #lalorpark #buysharesave
10.01.2022 Don't know what to do with leftover roasted or grated veggies? Turn them into #fritters!!! #nowastecooking I mixed some leftover roasted cauliflower, some grated zucchini, spring onion (from my freezer stash), free range eggs, flour and salt together and fried til golden. Topped off with Belicious Foods Smokey Harissa Paste of course!... What's your favourite way to use #leftovers? #lowwaste #boxdivvy #lalorpark #smartcooking
10.01.2022 Introducing Percy Pea's Pick of the Pack! Each week Percy will share his top item that went into our boxes. This week it's Baby Cos Lettuce!... Mark in North Richmond grows these bright and crunchy lettuces and packs them for us, roots and all AND plastic free!! Only $1.53 each. Storage tip: Pop the lettuce in a open container (I use an old yoghurt tub) and fill with water to cover the roots. Store on the bench and pick leaves as you need them! It'll still be lively in 2 weeks! #babycoslettuce #percypeaspickofthepack #supportgrowers #localfood #supportlocal #lowfoodmiles #knowwhereyourfoodcomesfrom #plasticfreeproduce #boxdivvy #lalorpark
10.01.2022 Percy's Pick of the Pack: CAULIFLOWER Bright, crisp, fresh and generous in size, picked in the last two days by Charlie Vella in Freeman's Reach and only $2.72 each! Cauliflower has gained popularity in recent years (move over Kale!) for it's versatility, offering new spins on classic meals! ... Cauliflower rice to pizza bases, as a creamy sauce base for belchamel sauce, tacos to whole roasted cauliflower! More Cauliflower inspiration here: #cauliflower #boxdivvy #lalorpark #localfood #supportgrowers
09.01.2022 FRIDAY FUN But seriously, Box Divvy avoids all unnecessary packaging, almost all produce arrives loose in boxes for me to 'divvy' to our members! We care about making a positive impact on the environment and playing our part in the war on waste!... #lowwaste #plasticfreeproduce #loveourearth #ecofriendly #farmfresh #boxdivvy #lalorpark #buysharesave
09.01.2022 Pumpkin is such a versatile veggie! This week our hub members had it roasted in pasta, warming soup, even donuts! What's your favourite way to have pumpkin? #pumpkin #boxdivvy #lalorpark
09.01.2022 I call this a MUMMA'S GRAZING PLATE! - Kid's sandwich crusts (Shepherd's Hi Top German Rye) with remnants of avocado - Monjay Mezza Garlic dip (coming soon to Box Divvy!) - Homemade pickles made from local cucumbers from the Ung family in Kemp's Creek (Down to $1.86/kg!)... - Baby Spinach Surprisingly tasty and no food waste! #nowaste #wastenot #quicklunch #mumlife #boxdivvy #supportlocal #localproduce #lalorpark #buysharesave
09.01.2022 Rainy day baking for a very special occasion...Can you guess what it is? If we don't get through all the bananas from our Box Divvy order I pop them in the freezer and pull them out when I need them to bake! No banana goes to waste in this house #lowwaste #frozenbananas #rainydaybaking #boxdivvy #lalorpark
09.01.2022 Here are yesterday's super fresh, crunchy Lebanese cucumbers we got yesterday grown by Kim and Lak Ung in Kemp's Creek! Some were a little curly, small (great size for kids) and had some leaf rub on them and our members will happily eat them up because they taste SO GOOD!!! Much more character than the ones you might find at the supermarket. We love supporting our local growers! #supportgrowers #supportlocal #localfood #boxdivvy #lalorpark #nowaste
09.01.2022 It's no mystery why they're called Blood Oranges! This powerhouse fruit is packed with antioxidants, vitamin C, fibre and potassium! And at $1.86/kg, you can afford to squeeze/poor yourself a glass in the morning like I have been Cheers to the middle of the week!... #freshlysqueezed #bloodoranges #vitaminC #wintercitrus #boxdivvy #lalorpark
09.01.2022 Two of my favourite things from the pantry section of Box Divvy - Roasted salted almonds and roasted unsalted cashews! Our pantry items arrive the week after we order them because they are packed to order and nuts are freshly roasted to order by our supplier in Auburn. You can really taste the difference! Seriously delicious Just another reason to join Box Divvy!... #nuts #roastedtoorder #freshlyroasted #boxdivvy #lalorpark #almonds #cashews
08.01.2022 TOMATOES GALORE We're spoilt for choice with delicious great value tomatoes at the moment! Snack on them whole, chop in your salad, cook for dinner... tomatoes in every meal! What's your favourite?... #tomatoes #boxdivvy #buysharesave #lalorpark
08.01.2022 Now how's that's for fresh? This nectarine was just showing off really... Super juicy and sweet too! Can't beat stone fruit season. #nectarines #stonefruit #fruit #freshfruit #farmfresh #boxdivvy #lalorpark #buysharesave
07.01.2022 Can't agree with this more!! We now love so many veggies that we had never tried before or didn't like before Box Divvy. Love hearing this feedback from our members Need some more variety in your life too? Join us!... #boxdivvy #lalorpark #community #eattherainbow
07.01.2022 Percy's Pick of the Pack - Snowpeas! SUPER CRUNCHY, lovingly grown and picked within 48 hours by the amazing Ung family in Kemp's Creek, just 30 minutes away from our Hub! #supportlocal #lowfoodmiles If fresh and local isn't enough to get you in, check out the savings:... Box Divvy: $7.56/kg (loose) Big red supermarket: $15.90/kg (loose) Big green supermarket: $16.90/kg (loose) or $22/kg (prepackaged?? ) It's easy to see why these are so popular across our 70+ members! How do you like your snow peas? #snowpeas #freshfood #localfood #locallygrown #boxdivvy #lalorpark #knowwhereyourfoodcomesfrom #buysharesave
07.01.2022 Cheaper and fresher than the supermarket AND plastic free! Our Hub LOVES our local Baby Buk Choi! What's your favourite way to eat it? Steamed or stir fried?... #babybukchoi #local #supportgrowers #knowwhereyourfoodcomesfrom #eatyourgreens #asianveggies #boxdivvy #lalorpark #buysharesave
06.01.2022 Pickup available now! Grab it quick! #boxdivvy #lalorpark
06.01.2022 Taste the Box Divvy difference for yourself! $10 or $20 (incl Free range eggs & Sourdough Bread) boxes available THIS TUESDAY! PM to reserve yours #boxdivvy #community #lalorpark
06.01.2022 Taste the Box Divvy difference for yourself! Check out the beautiful Purple Kale from Steve & Sam Grima in Horsley Park #boxdivvy #local #lalorpark
05.01.2022 Did you answer YES to any of these? If you did, we are looking for you! Join over 70 friendly, food-loving families already accessing amazing fresh produce each week from our Hub!... Give it a go, what have you got to lose? Register here: Want to taste first? Grab a $10 sample box tomorrow (Tuesday)! #boxdivvy #lalorpark #freshfood #fruitandveg #supportsmallbusiness #supportlocal
03.01.2022 Taste the delicious Box Divvy difference with a $10 or $20 (including sourdough + eggs) Sample Box! Available for pickup on Tuesday 1st Dec. PM to reserve yours!
03.01.2022 'Hulk' juice by one of our members using her Box Divvy pineapple, ginger and baby spinach! The fruit we get access to through Box Divvy is SERIOUSLY JUICY. Once you taste it, you'll never want to go back to the supermarket! What's your favourite juice combo?... #pineapple #juice #freshlysqueezedjuice #tropicalfruit #boxdivvy #lalorpark #unsupermarket
03.01.2022 A lovely sunny bushwalk with Mr 3 is not complete without multiple snack stops! Thankfully I always have great grab and go snacks at home from my Box Divvy order. Can you name the FIVE Box Divvy items pictured? What's your favourite snack to take when you're out and about?... #snacktime #bushwalks #boxdivvy #lalorpark
02.01.2022 GINGER Last year’s drought has made ginger scarce and about double the normal price. Luckily, we are just getting hold of new season fresh ginger from north Queensland. It hasn’t been cured or dried, and has a milder flavour than dried ginger. The other big difference is its price: with dried ginger selling around $40-50/Kg, the fresh ginger is literally half- price: $24/Kg. Keep in the fridge in a sealed container.... #ginger #newseason #seasonaleating #boxdivvy #lalorpark #buysharesave
02.01.2022 BERRY GOOD news to start your weekend! Strawberries under $2 Blueberries under $3... What's your favourite way to eat berries? I was so unsure about this salad until I actually tasted it as I'm not usually a fan of fruit in salad but this combination was SO GOOD!!! A squeeze of lemon juice and balsamic vinegar on top #berryseason #boxdivvy #lalorpark #strawberries #blueberries
01.01.2022 Making the ordering process even more efficient ORDER CYCLE SHORTENING Starting this week, the order cycle will be shortened by one day. This change aims to make the ordering process faster, more concentrated and more efficient. Existing order suspension will be transferred to the updated cycle.... The new cycle for TUESDAY Hub is: *Thursday 9pm* - cut-off to do your wishlist, adjust your household size, suspend your order or register *Friday* - new order published online *Sunday 9pm* - cut-off for order customisation & splits *Tuesday* - pickup The new cycle for FRIDAY Hub is: *Sunday 9pm* - cut-off to do your wishlist, adjust your household size, suspend your order or register *Monday* - new order published online *Wednesday 9pm* - cut-off for order customisation & splits *Friday* - pickup
01.01.2022 Hi there! For those new to the page I thought I'd introduce myself. I'm Zoe, mum of two energetic boys and Hubster of Box Divvy Lalor Park. Rewind 14 months, I was completely fed up with the quality and price of fruit and vege at the supermarket and there was no other real alternative in my area. I could no longer sustain driving 30km (each way) to get affordable, farm fresh fruit and veggies. Then I stumbled upon Box Divvy. Fresh, affordable produce for my local co...mmunity? For real? I had to investigate. I met Sam, amazing human and Hubster at Box Divvy Toongabbie - Calaby. She so generously shared her wisdom with me and I joined her Hub as a member to experience the delicious produce for myself...I was blown away at the quality and value. I wanted that for my community too! So I opened for registrations for a new Hub in Lalor Park and in less than 3 weeks we received our first delivery! It's safe to say other people were looking for great alternative too. A wonderful community has formed, a second Hub day, all the while supporting local growers and reducing our food and packaging waste. Thank you to everyone who has supported this from the beginning and along the way, I'm ever grateful. We would love to welcome more people! If you're local, please get in touch or join here: #community #local #localcommunity #boxdivvy #lalorpark #supportgrowers #lowfoodmiles #plasticfreeproduce #unsupermarket #buysharesave
01.01.2022 We eat A LOT of chickpeas in our house. We regularly make hummus, put chickpeas in our curries and salads. Up until recently we just used canned chickpeas for the convenience and I always thought cooking dried chickpeas was too hard and time consuming! Then I discovered you can cook dried chickpeas in the slow cooker and then freeze them...Winning!... In the Box Divvy pantry section, 1kg of dried chickpeas is $3.64 so you can save money too! AND they taste better!! What's not too love! #chickpeas #legumes #pantrystaples #boxdivvy #lalorpark #buysharesave
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