Brain Gym Australia | Interest
Brain Gym Australia
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20.01.2022 Updated 6th May... We understand that members are receiving conflicting advice from the AKA and ATMS. ATMS have stated they believe all 'bodyworkers' may resume... working in all states except Tasmania. However the AKA has received direct advice from Victoria and South Australia contrary to that advice. We can assure you we are as frustrated as you and we're working hard to get solid answers for you. State updates as of 06/05 (note that we would prefer clear directives than assumptions to protect our members): VIC - no face-to-face permitted SA - no face-to-face permitted QLD - no face-to-face permitted NT - no face-to-face permitted (until Friday 15th May) NSW - possibly allowed in clinic settings only WA - still awaiting call back TAS - no response to date ACT - no response to date The federal government states: "If your business has not been specifically closed by the currently announced restrictions then you are encouraged to continue to operate your business, as long as you can comply with health restrictions in place (such as maintaining strict social distancing, adhering to the limits on size of gathering, etc)." As kinesiologists we cannot maintain 1.5m social distancing in a face-to-face setting.
19.01.2022 Here's an excellent, peer-reviewed article by orthopedic surgeon David DeWitt, MD, on the stress commonly associated with the forward head posture known as "tex...t neck." Here's an experiment: Hold your smartphone or tablet screen in front of you; pretend to text, as you commonly might do. Now notice (that is, take a mental/sensory "picture" of the position of your head). To what extent is your head balanced over your hips and torso, or does it extend forward, beyond them? Any extension is part of the distinct neck bend seen when texting. If you know how to do the Earth Buttons and Space Buttons from Brain Gym, take a minute to do these two activities. Now notice how your head comes into a more comfortable position over your hips. Most people find that doing the six Lengthening Activities, designed to help relax muscles in the posterior chain (including calves, hamstrings, gluteus maximus, upper trapezius, and posterior deltoids), is also helpful. See more
19.01.2022 Dear Visioncircles Instructors, I want to share with you that Paul and I are celebrating 35 years this month since I was first inspired to write the course! We were vacationing in Munich after teaching our first Creative Vision course,1985, in Berlin, for Wolfgang Gillessen. I was still integrating a year of immersion in the field of natural vision improvement, studying Huxley, Goodrich, Corbett, Gesell, Getman, and rereading Bates, as the backdrop of Creative Vision (then called the "Art of Seeing"). Paul likes to say that his concept for kinesiology workshops at that time, like the In Depth, was to demonstrate and teach balances. On arrival in Europe, Coby Schasfoort, Holland, said to us "I hear that you are going to teach a vision course for Wolfgang!" We had planned to rest up from our journey and adjust to jet lag at Coby's house. Coby had a different plan. She surprised us with a request to teach a day of "visual play." Kinesiologists had come from all across Europe. We had so much fun, with lots of vision "toys," only a little muscle checking, and saw many spontaneous vision improvements. Paul loved it and has often said that I taught him how to play! So in Munich, relishing the whole vision-related teaching experience, I saw how to put it all together into the 8 circles. I've only recently written about the influence of Maria Montessori on my thinking: In college and later, I worked for two years as a classroom assistant in Montessori Schools. I loved Montessori's premise of the environment as a "third teacher" responsible for teaching and learning, the first two being the teacher and the student. This is largely why this early course includes so many specific environments, materials, and visual/sensory spaces. I later learned from Paul how to create a similar rich "environment" for drawing out learning without the materials, via the balances, Five-Steps, Premises, and language intention. I worked for a year to write the Visioncircles course and manual, and explored daily how to adapt various vision concepts into playful movements: The Vision Gym. Paul and I taught our first Visioncircles Teacher's Workshop (then called "Magic Circles") in San Francisco in 1986, and some of you were in attendance. What a wonderful experience! These many years later, I still feel the gift of this body of work, which informs me in my daily life in so many ways, and has continued to relieve visual stress and influence my habits of movement, and especially of looking and listening. Paul and I are ever grateful to so many of you who took the course early on and have been instrumental in sharing the work and influencing its growth and development. Now here we are in 2020, crossing a new threshold. We've recently discussed some online options, which some of you are pioneering. Paul's and my query to you: What are your current visions and goals regarding the Visioncircles course? Are you teaching the course online, or planning to? We have many ideas and want to support you and all of us in going forward in the best way possible. Love to all from Paul and me, Gail Dennison August 27, 2020 WeChat link: -- #Visioncircles #VisionGym #GailDennison #PaulDennison # # # #
16.01.2022 Brain Gym demonstration.... Take 2! Try this wonderful Brain Gym activity. It’s so simple but effective for reducing stress. I’d recommend making it part of you...r day, every day, whether you are 5, 15, 55 or 95! Apologies that it’s still a little on the quiet side so may need to have volume on full. To learn more about Brain Gym, have a look at either of the official international or Australian websites...., or my own, See more
15.01.2022 Walking Together From Anita Robertson Our Indigenous community, who encompassed the Bowral region, recently held a corroborree, which in the past was closed to the non-indigenous community. The Elders advised that it was necessary they begin to accept others to some of their functions, thus educating and communicating their culture and heritage for greater inclusivity. The corroborree was a great success from the point of view of the whole combined community being involved ...and invited to 'walk together'. 'Walking together' included all present, walking together in a circle around the compound as the finale of the corroborree. Following this day I visited the Elder, who had organised the event (Aunty Trish), to gift them with a series of photographs I had taken. I was told that the Indigenous community is now more open to working alongside all nations in the future and that she felt that Brain Gym would certainly be a wonderful inclusion into Indigenous schools. This would be looked at further in the time to come. Having instructed in schools in India and Vietnam, I feel Brain Gym will be most beneficial for our Indigenous Community, who really enjoy movement based programmes. The policy among Indigenous Elders now opens opportunities for Brain Gym consultants and instructors, which may or may not affect you in your areas. See more
14.01.2022 Want students to remember something? Ask them to draw it!
09.01.2022 Can we move more lightly in gravity? Doing the Cross Crawl Brain Gym activity prompts balance and equilibrium, as it calls on key features of a walking gait. Yo...u might begin with a simple march in place, one hand touching the opposite knee. Once this contralateral (opposite shoulder/ hip) rhythm is automatic, you can "dance" to 30+ playful Cross Crawl variations, such as the Hopscotch, Monkey, or Skipacross... From 4:48 to 5:08, you'll see a terrific example of what, in Brain Gym, we call Cross Crawl Striding (long easy steps; arms swinging reciprocally)Bach's Violin Concerto No. 2 in E Major, Allegro (played here) sets a good tempo. In Brain Gym, it's our intention to access more whole-body movement, so we relax the ankles, feet, and toes (no toe-pointing). Happy walking and dancing! (From Paul Taylor's Esplanade - Part 1 of 5)
08.01.2022 COVID-19 Update as of 01/06... The AKA have received direct communication from most relevant authorities indicating when practitioners may resume face-to-face c...onsultations. Note that dates are subject to change and some states have requirements to return to work, therefore you should check with your state before recommencing face-to-face: NSW - allowed now SA - allowed now NT - allowed now QLD - allowed now TAS - allowed now WA - allowed now ACT - allowed now VIC - we believe allowed now Relevant links: NSW - SA - NT - QLD - TAS - WA - ACT - VIC -
08.01.2022 As we begin to socially distance ourselves for a time being, be thankful that we can continue to stay connected through the internet. I think it's really import...ant to stay positive, show love toward one another, not be judgmental and perhaps be creative in what we share that can spread some hope to others. This may be a dark time in our world but light will break through, as we all go through it together. ~JB See more
07.01.2022 What makes us different is beautiful.
06.01.2022 Victorian Practitioners... We are confident that you can return to face to face consultations from 1st June. We are still awaiting on official directives, all information alludes to practitioners being able to work having precautions in place, such as keeping records of all visitors to your workplace premises. Relevant announcement:
06.01.2022 Good tips here on ways to support a child's sensory needs during this time of sheltering in place. Deep breathing, cross-motor activities, and creating an obstacle course or sensory bin are all simple things you can do to bring more calm to your everyday playtime.
03.01.2022 The ABCs of Educational Kinesiology In-Depth by Paul and Gail Dennison - From A-Z - Full Edition - 12-minute video English and Chinese texts plus video versio...n on WeChat: -- #BrainGym #BG301 #BrainGymInDepth #PaulDennison #GailDennison
03.01.2022 Hello. Today's tips are about deep pressure, using big muscles and having movement breaks. Deep pressure is regulating for the sensory system and helps you ge...t to the just right level whether you are over or under stimulated. It's benefits can last several hours. Activities include jumping: trampoline, cushions, star jumps, skipping, hop scotch. Wheelbarrow walking, crab walk and other animal walks. Yoga, gym and Brain Gym activities. Massage and shaking. Products include; Nannas Weighted Blankets - lap blankets, weighted toys, shoulder weights. Jettproof: singlets, shorts, jumpsuits. Both also supply lycra sheets and lycra body socks. Hugs are great for deep pressure and the soul! Hug thoses kids lots of times a day. Hope you find these tips useful. Samantha Brick Occupational Therapist and Kinesiologist. Gippsland Wellbeing Centre. I am available for on line sessions. 0427 824 722.
03.01.2022 According to Sian Beilock, professor of psychology at the University of Chicago, "Early bimanual training correlates with the robustness of the corpus callosum,... a part of the brain that facilitates quick communication between the left and right brain hemispheres." Reposting this wonderful article. See more