Brighton Uniting Church in Brighton, South Australia, Australia | Community organisation
Brighton Uniting Church
Locality: Brighton, South Australia, Australia
Phone: +61 423 740 154
Address: 443 Brighton Road 5048 Brighton, SA, Australia
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25.01.2022 This weeks message from Rev Malcolm Rawlings- Life is hard. We are living in difficult times, and our pain can be impacted by the instant communication we have with each other. At our first expression of grief our friends can remind us that other people have struggles greater than our own. We can receive texts that offer quick wisdom and catchy phrases. We can receive videos that cheer us up and make us laugh. People who care about us text us that we have so much to be tha...nkful for. This is good, sometimes. For life is still hard, and we all need a moment to breathe out a sigh and be sad in the midst of our struggles. As each year we experience all four seasons; Winter is just as important as Spring. So, our lives need to recognise the dark, difficult days and allow ourselves to be touched by the sadness of life. This is reality and our human existence needs time to pause and grieve over our losses, mistakes and difficulties. We are not meant to live in the darkness; however, it is important for us to acknowledge that life is hard and to grow through the challenges we face. It is life giving for us to acknowledge our struggles and to see a bigger picture. It is important for us to hold our pain and to trust that there is always hope. Those who trust in God allow the difficulties of life to be named and hold on in faith that there is more to our story than just this painful moment. We are able to move through our days regardless of our situation because to trust in God is always better than despair. In the uncertainty of today, even when we cannot understand what is happening, we can trust that God still is. Time will pass and we can rejoice in God our Saviour. See more
25.01.2022 This weeks message from Rev Malcolm Rawlings - Fathers Day is a time to remember and celebrate those men who have had a significant influence on our lives. No matter what the context of our families, we are who we are in response to those around us. Our families are all different and we all have had different experiences of being fathered in our lives. Some men were wise and helpful fathers, others were not so helpful. Some men have left paths of grief and harm. Whatever our... context may we seek the good and life giving in our journey. As we reflect upon the men who were a fatherly influence in our lives, many of us remember strength, wisdom and gentleness. Some of us may have a more painful experience thinking about the masculine energy that was present in the men of our lives. Whatever our memories, whatever experience we share, we are who we are because of, and in spite of our past. Our lifes experiences can be helpful in our development and maturing if we hold them gently and with wisdom. Today take some time to recognise and be glad for the strength, wisdom and gentleness that was given to you from those in a fatherly role in your life. Take some time to release the difficult and painful memories of those who were unhelpful in your life. Let go of the grief and allow grace to heal your wounds, and begin to create patterns of health and love. Ponder on God as your patient loving parent in whose image, male and female, you were created. Discover kindness, gentleness, peace and patience as you see God at work in your life. Let Gods influence reveal the image of God within you as you are encouraged to recognise your place in Gods worldwide family. For more on this topic watch our next YouTube video or attend our worship this Sunday at Brighton Uniting church.
24.01.2022 Our Online worship service for Sunday July 12th will be a video of actual worship service held at 10 am and therefore will be available Monday. As COVID-19 restrictions have lifted sufficiently this has allowed our Sunday Worship services to recommence. We will provide a link to the video on Monday.
23.01.2022 This weeks message from Rev Malcolm Rawlings- A group at my church have just started a study on a documentary series starring Morgan Freeman called The Story of God. It explores how people from various cultures and religions understand life, death and the Divine. This series is aptly named as many of us yearn for an understanding of God and where our story fits into lifes bigger picture. Like all stories, a lot depends on who the characters are and how they interact with eac...h other. The introduction of the characters in the first chapter sets the scene for the following events. If we pause and consider our introduction to God, we can reflect upon what sort of God we were taught about. There are many versions of how to explain the Divine; for example, we could imagine that God is old, male, indifferent, judgemental, powerful, vindictive, angry, loving, generous, holy, feminine or creative. How we have understood God impacts upon how we live our lives. Our story is influenced by who we believe God to be. God is definitely more complex than we imagine yet we tend to accentuate only a few of Gods features at a time. Like us, Jesus chose to focus upon God with a simple definition of character. To Jesus, God was a loving parent who invited everyone into an accepting community of love and grace. This God was one who sought to participate in everyones story, daily, intimately and generously. In whatever way you understand God to be I would encourage you to imagine what your life would be like in response to the God that Jesus portrayed. In your life, as you live your story what sort of a character is God? Link to Episode 1 Who is God
23.01.2022 Trying to navigate the blocks whilst blindfolded! It's easier to focus on one voice, like Peter walking on water with Jesus than to listen to the storm.
22.01.2022 This weeks message from Rev Malcolm Rawlings- I am my beloved and my beloved is mine. These ancient words are still relevant today when we think about the complexities of loving and being loved. Loving relationships are vital as we each pursue and find acceptance, understanding and care. Our humanity is linked to the relationships we share with each other. We each need loving community and individual care and concern. We are unique and each have a need to be cherished for w...ho we really are. We all need to be loved and accepted as ourselves, and to care for others in the unique way that only we are capable of doing. Loving relationships are a challenge as we seek and find the other, knowing that they too are engaged in the pursuit and discovery of us. This chase, this journey is what life is all about. God has initiated life through all of the universe and we all play our part in the ongoing discovery and validation of creation. In our humanity it is essential for us to know life through the seeking and finding of ourselves, others and everything else. We all need to love and be loved on so many levels. Love stirs through us with passion and desire, this is both beautiful and dangerous. Yet this is life in all its intensity and opportunity. God calls us to live and to love, to be engaged in the journey of life seeking to find and be found, longing to love and to be loved. We are invited into a loving relationship with God seeking to discover more about God and about ourselves. God calls us to love others and to receive their love as we discovery more about each other. We are active, passionate, inclusive, generous inquiring people. May we seek to love each other as we journey in life together. You are welcome to watch our Worship on YouTube on Sunday for more on this message.
22.01.2022 How beautiful is this? When the COVID-19 crisis hit South Australia, many clients from the Bedford Group had to self-isolate and they also had to suspend a r...ange of services - including their arts program and choir. Music producer Josh Belperio took this opportunity to work on producing a virtual choir music video with the song "This is Me" from The Greatest Showman "Here is to not letting a pandemic stop you from coming together to sing your truth, while still respecting social distancing." Bedford Group
21.01.2022 On Saturday, September 12th 2020, we held our Presbytery meeting at Adelaide West Uniting Church. It was a fantastic event with great attendance within COVID-19... guidelines. The meeting included the induction of Diane Bury as the Presbytery Chairperson, as well as the ordination of Rev Haydn Lush. We also heard from the moderator and general secretary about where the church is currently, as well as Cyrus Kung, who the Presbytery voted in favour of ordination (which will happen later I'm the year so watch this space!). Other highlights included Dr Tanya Wittwer and Rev Dr Christy Capper running a phenomenal information session about COVID-19 and collective trauma, as well as voting to adopt several of our new Presbytery rules. Many blessings for this who attended and this who were unable to attend, and continued prayers for our Presbytery as we continue to do the important tasks required to develop it further.
20.01.2022 This weeks message from Rev Malcolm Rawlings, Whats so important about getting on with each other and working together to make a better world? It helps everyone. All of creation benefits when communities get behind each other, encouraging and supporting everyone. Differences are recognised and accepted, problems sorted as everyone lends a hand, it does take time, repetition and persistence and it reaps many benefits. This is more than just rallying round in a time of crisis,... or people doing random acts of kindness. It is like heaven on earth and it is possible, maybe; yet its worth striving for. Doing good things together is a good thing. It adds a beautiful strength to any community. It is pleasing to God when people cooperate and do good things together. It is good when we cooperate often, not just once or twice in a crisis. It is better when we persist with a culture of living in harmony, not just with like-minded people but enjoying our diversity. It takes time and repetition to develop a community of caring people. Doing good is a long-term choice. Whilst there may be a one-time opportunity to do a great good deed, it is the regular, small everyday actions accumulating over our lives that spread the fragrance of goodness through our world. Take time today to find ways to build community around you. We can all do something good together. See more
20.01.2022 This weeks message from Rev Malcolm Rawlings, Here is a 13th Century Icon, a painting that at first seems simple yet has complex meanings. There are three people sitting round a table, each one appears the same as the other. The Artist, Andrei Rublev has represented 3 angels from God who visited Abraham predicting the birth of his son Isaac. This is an Old Testament story of God showing up in the everyday life of people with good news. The story also reveals Abrahams hospitality and may have inspired the phrase, be kind to strangers as you never know you may be entertaining angels. This Icon also expresses an understanding of God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Imagine what it would be like to be visited by God, in everyday life and then to sit and share food and conversation with God as community. The original Icon is believed to have had a little mirror placed centre front so that the viewer would see their own face at the table with the Three. This is a simple yet complex paradox, as we acknowledge God Creator and sustainer of the Universe and also as loving parent, close friend and gentle encourager. Over the past months I have missed being able to sit with friends and share food, drink and conversation. I am relieved that I am slowly being allowed to gather with others, it reveals to me that I like many others need community. This Icon invites me to consider what it might be like sitting around a table with family, friends and God. I wonder how I would feel, what would my conversation be about and how would I be changed after leaving the table? God has always been a little unpredictable, one never knows where God will turn up. May we each be open to the possibilities of God blessing us in our conversations and encounters today. You are welcome to watch our online service for more information. See more
19.01.2022 The next edition of the New Times has arrived! Grab your free printed copy from your church to read about topics like: - Benson Saulo - Black Lives Matter... - The Congregational Website Program and much more Or you can download a digital copy for free from our website here: Happy reading! #unitingchurchinsa #unitingchurchsa #NewTimes
19.01.2022 Sorry for the late notice. Welcome to our Online worship service for Sunday August 23rd which has been shortened. We have Ros leading the worship and Lyn reading the scriptures with Rev Malcolm Rawlings providing a sermon The video link is below. Don't forget to click on the Subscribe button in YouTube.
18.01.2022 You are all welcome to watch our Online worship service for Sunday July 5th. We have Darryl leading the worship and Joan reading the scriptures with Rev Malcolm Rawlings providing a sermon. In accordance with the raising of Covid-19 restrictions Worship services recommence next Sunday but good news we will continue to offer an online video service. Don't forget to click on the Subscribe button in YouTube.
18.01.2022 This weeks message from Rev Malcolm Rawlings - Who is Jesus? He is a complex historical figure with many definitions, yet one that has impacted our worlds history in so many different ways. This question leads us to more than just an academic pursuit, simple explanations and beliefs only enlighten us part of the way. Defining Jesus in a series of facts and beliefs may satisfy an intellectual curiosity, yet the truths of this man continue to influence many in deeper ways. T...he journey of understanding who Jesus is leads to an understanding of life, love and the greater universe. The truth about Jesus moves from our head through our heart into our very being. Our universe is built on connections and relationships, from atomic bonds to galactic orbits. There is something about Jesus that connects our inner being with the Divine Creator of life. Our ordinary daily existence resonates with the love and grace of God as our beliefs influence our actions. Jesus talks of union with God through the image of a grapevine. Love, forgiveness and acceptance flow through us as we are connected with everything else in Jesus. Whilst this may sound strange the reality is that we all experience connection through our relationships with others. There are people around us who love and care for us as we also love them. So too our lives are shaped by our relationship with Jesus and his love for us. So, in answer to the initial question, who is Jesus? May you grow in your experience of life as you discover more of the interactive reality of God expressed through Jesus. See more
18.01.2022 Welcome to our Online worship service for Sunday September 13th. We have Tineke leading the worship and Brian reading the scriptures with Sue Pearce reading Rev David Houston's sermon. The video link is below. Don't forget to click on the Subscribe button in YouTube.
17.01.2022 It has been a very challenging week and I hope that you have managed it well. There is no Grapevine Newsletter this week because, for most of the week, we could not hold a worship service in the Church. We were following the advice from Synod which said that all Uniting Church buildings were closed for the 2 weeks of the new COVID restrictions. However, the amended restrictions applying from midnight Saturday have allowed us a little more flexibility. Brighton Uniting will no...t hold a public worship service this Sunday. Unfortunately, this means that you will not be able to attend our Church on Sunday 22nd November. It is quite possible that this could also apply for Sunday 29th November, but there will be more information on this next week. We will record a service on Sunday which will be available on YouTube with a link in Facebook on Monday or Tuesday. Blessings to all.
17.01.2022 You are all welcome to watch our Online worship service for Sunday June 21st. We have Ros Leading the worship and another Ros reading the scriptures with Rev Malcolm Rawlings providing the sermon. Don't forget to click on the Subscribe button in YouTube.
16.01.2022 Welcome to our Online worship service for Sunday August 30th. We have Rev David Houston leading the worship and Heather reading the scriptures with Rev Malcolm Rawlings providing a sermon The video link is below. Don't forget to click on the Subscribe button in YouTube.
15.01.2022 Yay, we are back! Lovely to be able to join together in worship and fellowship. Service was recorded and will be available on YouTube later this week if you couldn't make it today.
14.01.2022 The young people listened to a story on being special in God's eyes. Please note no video recording of today's service. We do have a podcast available on the website
12.01.2022 Welcome to our Online worship service for Sunday Nov 1st. We have Tineke leading the worship and Ros reading the scriptures, Lesley on piano with Rev Malcolm Rawlings providing an entertaining Children's session and thoughtful sermon. The video link is below. You are welcome to join us each Sunday at Brighton Uniting church 443 Brighton road Brighton. Don't forget to click on the Subscribe button in YouTube.
11.01.2022 Welcome to our Online worship service for Sunday August 9th. We have Robert leading the worship and Rosemarie reading the scriptures with Rev Malcolm Rawlings providing a sermon and a delightful Children's talk. The video link is below. Don't forget to click on the Subscribe button in YouTube.
10.01.2022 This weeks message from Rev Malcolm Rawlings. - Let your love be genuine. Genuine love, real love is not perfect love as we are all broken lovers seeking to love the best we can with what we have. Fortunately, we can access Gods love flowing from within us out into our lives and actions. Genuine love forgives and accepts forgiveness through the journey of our day to day lives. Our love is consistent, seeking again and again to love the other and self. This love flows from d...eep within our being, it is not a façade of superficial tolerance; it is more a well of life-giving energy that seeks the good in everything and its potential for growth. Our love is vulnerable and open to the inevitable disappointments of trusting others, allowing them to love the best way they can at the moment. Our love is a journey continually learning and engaging through experience and hope, never fully reaching any specific destination. Mind you, this love is difficult and costly, yet it overflows with goodness and encourages life to flourish. It is a love that values the lowly and insignificant, for that which is fast and important never seems to have the time to give authentically. May your love be genuine in definite and practical ways, let love inspire you to practice moments of grace defined by your individual context and present moment. Allow the God of the universe to interact with your day whatever you are doing. Genuine love is here, is now, right where you are. Trust in your genuine love, do not be held back by your past mistakes; instead be looking forward to the possibilities of grace that God created you specifically for. Let your love be genuine.
10.01.2022 Welcome to our Online worship service for Sunday August 16th. We have Sue leading the worship and Lesley reading the scriptures with Rev Malcolm Rawlings providing a sermon and an amusing Children's talk using spray cans. The video link is below. Don't forget to click on the Subscribe button in YouTube.
10.01.2022 This weeks message from Rev Malcolm Rawlings. We are all made in the image of God, crafted with our own unique personalities and special abilities. God delights in all creation and celebrates all our potentials and possibilities. On a good day we might even begin to glimpse the truth of this reality. However, we also recognise that our world is not perfect and that we each experience darkness bubbling away in our hearts. We are both good and bad; there is a part of us that is... often unnamed yet we feel it influence our lives. We find ourselves dwelling upon our failures and faults. We spend many hours reflecting upon the wickedness of our selfish actions, the pain we have inflicted upon others and our hearts are burdened with guilt and shame. We also find ourselves affected by the criticism and judgements of others pouring negativity into our souls. Our shame and self-blame stick fast and can overwhelm us. Left to ourselves we can spiral into over critical judgements and paralysing blame. There is a better way, Jesus redeems us through Gods grace and forgiveness. Gods knowledge of us brings reality and security in an unbiased evaluation of who we really are. As we reflect upon Gods opinion of us may we know that this realistic appraisal holds our strengths and weaknesses together in union with Gods Spirit. We can move forward in this Jesus given freedom as we trust in Gods complete knowledge of who we are.
09.01.2022 Welcome to our Online worship service for Sunday July 12th. We have Sue leading the worship and Tineke reading the scriptures with Rev Malcolm Rawlings providing a sermon. In accordance with the raising of Covid-19 restrictions Worship services recommenced on Sunday the 12th and a video was produced see link below. Don't forget to click on the Subscribe button in YouTube.
09.01.2022 This weeks message from Rev Malcolm Rawlings - Our world is an amazing place with rich diversity of life and interdependence as all things exist together. Life is so complex and delicately balanced and we have seen what can happen when this balance is disrupted. There is so much diversity around us that often we take our world for granted. We used to believe that our world and all within it will continue to survive and adapt despite what we do to it. We have realised that thi...s is not true. Climate change and extinction of species are concerns for many of us today. There is a delicate balance between all things and we have not always appreciated our impact upon nature. If we as humans reflected more upon what nature can teach us rather than what we can use nature for, then our world would be more effective in cooperating with each other. Our world with its complex ecosystems is full of teachable moments if we would take a humbler position and seek the wisdom that is offered. All of our world was given to reveal Gods glory, grace and presence. At its best creation can give us insight into the wonderful, complex creator God that caused all existence to be. God delights when all of creation lives together in cooperative interactive existence. We have an opportunity to help our world heal from the destruction it has experienced and our time seems limited to make amends. We also have an opportunity to help nature heal as part of our desire to give glory to our God. God is praised when all of creation respects and cares for each other. Let us seek to do our part in making our world a better, healthier place for all things, and praise God in our efforts to live in harmony with every part of creation. Watch our videos or visit or church at 443 Brighton road Brighton. See more
08.01.2022 You are all welcome to watch our Online worship service for Sunday June 14th. We have Darryl Leading the worship and Brian reading the scriptures and Rev Malcolm Rawlings providing the sermon. Don't forget to click on the Subscribe button in YouTube.
08.01.2022 Playgroup is returning from THIS Friday (24th July). There will be a few changes from the norm (in line with our COVID Safe Plan). - hand sanitizer available - sign in sheet ... - regularly cleaning toys - please bring own fruit snack / container for your child(ren) - BYO cuppa - for this first week,we are offering free coffees at the "No Harm Done" sustainable cafe (next door at EcoLateral) We are very excited to see you again!
08.01.2022 Life is about participation; we never really are spectators as everything we do and experience has an impact upon our lives. Our responses to our experiences affect who we are and lead to other responses and experiences. Of course, some of our life experiences have greater consequences than others, however we are often unaware of where things will lead. It’s a bit like the pebble in the pond; the distance the ripples travel depends on the boundaries of the pond. Jesus tells ...a story about 3 people and their responses to life situations, 2 people respond positively to the tasks they are given, engaging in their duties with eagerness and commitment, the other person responds fearfully and chooses an option with minimal risk. The story ends with praise and recognition for the 2 who sought to be positively engaged in their tasks and acknowledgment of the lack of participation by the third. The story uses monetary gain as its context which is not the point of the story. The lesson to be learnt can be about living our lives the best that we can, participating positively, generously and with hope in a benevolent universe. God seeks for us to live our lives courageously and positively, regardless of our context, class or financial situations. The point is about being the best you can be whilst recognising your worth in God’s eyes. Jesus enables us to discover our worth because we know that through him, we are cherished, forgiven and accepted by God. We also know that life doesn’t always work out as we would like, and God invites us to continue seeking grace filled possibilities through God’s participation in our lives. May your coming week be filled with possibilities of positive participation. See more
07.01.2022 Welcome to our Online worship and Remembrance Day service for Sunday Nov 8th. We have Elizabeth leading the worship and Anne reading the scriptures, Graham on piano with Rev Malcolm Rawlings on his Smartphone during an entertaining Children's session and provides thoughtful sermon. The video link is below. You are welcome to join us each Sunday at Brighton Uniting church 443 Brighton road Brighton. Don't forget to click on the Subscribe button in YouTube.
07.01.2022 This weeks message from Rev Malcolm Rawlings- Abraham is famous as being the father of 3 major world religions, Judaism, Islam and Christianity. He is a respected figure in all these three faiths. His story is well known by many as he is a great example of faith and trust in a God who initiates relationship, covenant and blessing. Abrahams story is raw and real as we hear of his triumphs and failures. Like all of humanity, Abraham makes mistakes of judgment and his choices ...impacted upon others. Abraham chooses between his two sons, unaware of the consequences this would have upon humanity as a whole. However, before we become too judgemental of him, we pause and recognise that we too are responsible for our own choices that impact upon others. Many of us have grown up unaware of the impact our society has had upon people we have known as different to us. Our lives, our identities have been formed by the stories that we have supported and believed. Some of these stories have been helpful to all humanity, other stories have had a negative impact upon many in defining divisions between classes and races. These are real and complex issues that require wisdom, grace and a lot of hard work to identify and commitment, respect and patience to resolve. We are all connected and share our world with its resources, and we all have an opportunity to move forward together in making our world a better-connected society. The God who engaged with Abraham still invites us all into relationship, covenant and blessing. May we choose to build relationships with and covenant to bless all people. Goto our YouTube channel for more info . See more
05.01.2022 This weeks message from Rev Malcolm Rawlings, Life is full of uncertainties and in the midst of this current pandemic with its unique dangers and insecurities, Jesus comes and invites us to focus upon him. We cannot deny the practical consequences of our world at this time, we can however see a bigger reality and not become overwhelmed by the events around us. There is a story of disciples tossed about on the sea and Jesus calmly walking up to them on the water, he calms thei...r fears and we find Peter stepping out onto the waves with his eyes centred on Jesus. The truth contained in this story is not so much about miraculous power as it is a declaration of the holy option to live each moment for what it is, and to be aware of Gods love and grace in the midst of our struggles. Like Peter, we too can step out into the turmoil of life with faith and hope. And it is significant to note that as Peter was a fisherman by trade, it appears that most of his interactions with Jesus take place in his normal life context. The usual place for a fisherman would be in a boat on a sea. This is important for us to recognise that wherever we are, that is where we meet Jesus. In any and all of our ordinary days, we can choose to focus upon the reality of Jesus walking alongside us through our joys and struggles. Here is where we find the strength and courage needed for life. Whatever you are facing right now, know that Jesus is close by, calling you to trust in him. - find out more on Sunday and our online video . See more
03.01.2022 And morning tea is back! (With the appropriate precautions in place)
03.01.2022 You are all welcome to watch our Online worship service for Sunday June 28th. We have the Tretheway family leading the worship and reading the scriptures with Kate providing a very engaging and provoking sermon. Don't forget to click on the Subscribe button in YouTube.
03.01.2022 Welcome to our Online worship service for Sunday September 6th. We have Darryl Carr leading the worship and Ros reading the scriptures with Rev Malcolm Rawlings providing a sermon. The video link is below. Don't forget to click on the Subscribe button in YouTube.
02.01.2022 Welcome to our Online worship service for Sunday Nov 22nd. We are back to no congregation due to Convid-19 restrictions for this week but hopefully this will change for next week. Please pass this link around to anyone you know that normally attends. We have Kate leading the worship and Robert reading the scriptures, our guest preacher is Daphne Wetherill who is providing the sermon. We are also using some new Audio Visuals we hope enhances the service. The video link is below. You are welcome to join us each Sunday at Brighton Uniting church 443 Brighton road Brighton. Don't forget to click on the Subscribe button in YouTube.
02.01.2022 Welcome to our Online worship service for Sunday Nov 15th. We have Darryl leading the worship and Josh reading the scriptures, Kate and her children providing the music with Rev Malcolm Rawlings providing the sermon and an entertaining Children's session firing arrows at the ceiling. The video link is below. You are welcome to join us each Sunday at Brighton Uniting church 443 Brighton road Brighton. Don't forget to click on the Subscribe button in YouTube.
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