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25.01.2022 I feel the change. The ripple and the overwhelming urge to burst free of my cocoon and fly high. Let my new wings flutter. Who was I a day ago, a week ago, a month ago, a year ago!!??... Certainly not who I am today, but that is the power of inner work. It leads you to ask if you are who you want to be and guides you into designing exactly who you are destined to be. Right now I feel like the moon in one of its evolving phases. A new moon teaches gradualness and transformation, how to embrace beginnings, how to let go, create and become whole. As I look at the moon I smile, for alone I could not be starting this process. When I look at the moon I know somewhere my community is also looking. Together we are the ‘we’ and no longer alone and so I sing this message out: , . . . . If you are ready too, drop me a below. You are too important to be sitting alone! It’s your turn for transformation and abundance.

22.01.2022 What does success mean to you? For me it means having the time to do what I want, when I want.... To build my own dream, rather than working for someone else’s. To create freedom so I can have a life of abundance with my my gorgeous husband, darling son and our two fur babies. I used to believe that ticking all the boxes in my life checklist was the way to a happy, fulfilling life, so I did all the things society tells you to do - go to uni and get a degree, get a job, buy a house... it goes on. , a pull towards a dream I had been holding on to, but one that had been buried deep. For you see, my fear mindset has always taken over. ... People have already done something similar. You won’t be able to make it. You aren’t capable. How can you make a business work? You’ve got bills to pay! Then I found a platform a community that allowed me to realise that the only person in my way, was me! If I wanted something different, I needed to go all in and trust myself. That inside all of us is the ability to create the life of our dreams if we just commit. And now I’m ready to help you do the same!! Realise your limiting beliefs are nothing more than thoughts that need to be thrown away to make way for your inner goddess who’s ready to consciously contribute to our world. Tell me what your life would look like in 2 years from now if decided to believe in yourself? I want you to create your version of success. Stop being stuck by fear and start living the life you truly desire. If you’re ready to grab your dreams and live a life of success, drop a comment below

20.01.2022 Change can be such a scary thing... because really we have been conditioned to be creatures that have a negative connotation when it comes to the word change. But, really we are amazing at change!!!... As humans we have undergone incredible change and transformation for centuries and have always adapted and come through the other side better, wiser and more adept. We continuously change throughout our lives, but often we fight against it - making it take longer or seem harder. Our inbuilt fears around change make us resist it and yet like a constant ebb the change still floats us through life. , ? If you sit back and look through your life you may think of some of your biggest changes. Motherhood Marriage Different jobs or careers Family changes Growing up Moving Did you embrace these changes with excitement OR fear? Did you resist OR run towards these changes? Did they end up being changes for the better? Ones you wish you had made earlier? Often, if I look back, my road is paved with changes that the universe was already interweaving into my life and I didn’t stop to fully ‘be’ a part of the change. Once it had occurred it was wonderful, but the journey there was full of hardship and mistrials. Why? The universe was teaching me until I could accept the change!! So, what if we could condition ourselves to recognise and love change? Imagine how fast we could project ourselves forward in life. Imagine the possibilities of not being afraid to radically shift your life! Imagine what the universe could offer you! Now, what if I told you there is a way to learn to love change - and it’s amazing - would you reach out and be game enough to make that small change to ask how? ? It’s time for change...

17.01.2022 Discovering who one truly is, is scary because... What if my loved ones will reject me once they see who I truly am? What if it’s not what they expected? What if they judge me? What if they don’t like what I am, or I become too much for them, or they get jealous of me, or I outgrow them, or if they just don’t think I’m the same anymore? ... Some of these questions are sure to go through ones mind. . Our fear of rejection is one of our deepest wounds. And one of the most difficult to overcome. As a result so many of us become people pleasers. ‘Yes’ men. Accepters of the bare minimum, believing it’s our fate. Diluted beings only showing small sides of ourselves. Why? To save ourselves from rejection and possible pain. It is so deeply rooted in our DNA that this fear is not easily overcome. You have to transcend ancestral trauma and the fear of being rejected by your ‘tribe’. Now, this is not an easy task, but boy is it worth it to be on the other side. When you overcome this, only then will you be truly free. And freedom is our next evolution. Freedom is the answer. Imagine the freedom of not depending on others approval of you. Imagine the freedom of knowing exactly who you are. Imagine the freedom of living life the way you want. What would you do with this freedom and knowledge? What would your life look like? I’ve got a community of people who are freedom seekers. Each discovering who they are, unapologetically as living a life they never even thought possible. They are who they truly want to be. Drop your emojis below if freedom is for you too!

17.01.2022 I feel the change. The ripple and the overwhelming urge to burst free of my cocoon and fly high. Let my new wings flutter. Who was I a day ago, a week ago, a month ago, a year ago!!??... Certainly not who I am today, but that is the power of inner work. It leads you to ask if you are who you want to be and guides you into designing exactly who you are destined to be. Right now I feel like the moon in one of its evolving phases. A new moon teaches gradualness and transformation, how to embrace beginnings, how to let go, create and become whole. As I look at the moon I smile, for alone I could not be starting this process. When I look at the moon I know somewhere my community is also looking. Together we are the ‘we’ and no longer alone and so I sing this message out: , . . . . If you are ready too, drop me a below. You are too important to be sitting alone! It’s your turn for transformation and abundance.

16.01.2022 Discovering who one truly is, is scary because... What if my loved ones will reject me once they see who I truly am? What if it’s not what they expected? What if they judge me? What if they don’t like what I am, or I become too much for them, or they get jealous of me, or I outgrow them, or if they just don’t think I’m the same anymore? ... Some of these questions are sure to go through ones mind. . Our fear of rejection is one of our deepest wounds. And one of the most difficult to overcome. As a result so many of us become people pleasers. ‘Yes’ men. Accepters of the bare minimum, believing it’s our fate. Diluted beings only showing small sides of ourselves. Why? To save ourselves from rejection and possible pain. It is so deeply rooted in our DNA that this fear is not easily overcome. You have to transcend ancestral trauma and the fear of being rejected by your ‘tribe’. Now, this is not an easy task, but boy is it worth it to be on the other side. When you overcome this, only then will you be truly free. And freedom is our next evolution. Freedom is the answer. Imagine the freedom of not depending on others approval of you. Imagine the freedom of knowing exactly who you are. Imagine the freedom of living life the way you want. What would you do with this freedom and knowledge? What would your life look like? I’ve got a community of people who are freedom seekers. Each discovering who they are, unapologetically as living a life they never even thought possible. They are who they truly want to be. Drop your emojis below if freedom is for you too!

10.01.2022 . When I do anything it is always with these two at the forefront of my mind. Any successes or wealth would be nothing without them.... Whilst I’m coming into the power of true self love and believing of my own self worth it’s crystal clear for me that a huge part of my ‘why’ is for love. Family is such an important part of life - often our driving force for all that we do. My mum was a single mum who loved me fiercely and ensured she was there for me every step of the way.. I’ll be forever grateful for the way she always put me first and nurtured me - through the great times and the tough times- and that kind of love has soaked right through to my core. But, it also meant that I watched her wave goodbye to a lot of her dreams and passions. Giving up a lot so I could be showered in more love. And that is always something that has made me sad. , . So for me, for her, for all the ladies out there. I do this you. Let’s grasp hold of our families and our dreams and love on both of them. Let’s do it for the children we are raising and the passions we are fostering. Let’s not have to choose between one or the other! This is an age where we can truly have it all. Harness your power and your love - shift it into the world and... unleash it. . . . . . . Where does your love stem from that drives you ever onwards?

07.01.2022 . When I do anything it is always with these two at the forefront of my mind. Any successes or wealth would be nothing without them.... Whilst I’m coming into the power of true self love and believing of my own self worth it’s crystal clear for me that a huge part of my ‘why’ is for love. Family is such an important part of life - often our driving force for all that we do. My mum was a single mum who loved me fiercely and ensured she was there for me every step of the way.. I’ll be forever grateful for the way she always put me first and nurtured me - through the great times and the tough times- and that kind of love has soaked right through to my core. But, it also meant that I watched her wave goodbye to a lot of her dreams and passions. Giving up a lot so I could be showered in more love. And that is always something that has made me sad. , . So for me, for her, for all the ladies out there. I do this you. Let’s grasp hold of our families and our dreams and love on both of them. Let’s do it for the children we are raising and the passions we are fostering. Let’s not have to choose between one or the other! This is an age where we can truly have it all. Harness your power and your love - shift it into the world and... unleash it. . . . . . . Where does your love stem from that drives you ever onwards?

06.01.2022 Change can be such a scary thing... because really we have been conditioned to be creatures that have a negative connotation when it comes to the word change. But, really we are amazing at change!!!... As humans we have undergone incredible change and transformation for centuries and have always adapted and come through the other side better, wiser and more adept. We continuously change throughout our lives, but often we fight against it - making it take longer or seem harder. Our inbuilt fears around change make us resist it and yet like a constant ebb the change still floats us through life. , ? If you sit back and look through your life you may think of some of your biggest changes. Motherhood Marriage Different jobs or careers Family changes Growing up Moving Did you embrace these changes with excitement OR fear? Did you resist OR run towards these changes? Did they end up being changes for the better? Ones you wish you had made earlier? Often, if I look back, my road is paved with changes that the universe was already interweaving into my life and I didn’t stop to fully ‘be’ a part of the change. Once it had occurred it was wonderful, but the journey there was full of hardship and mistrials. Why? The universe was teaching me until I could accept the change!! So, what if we could condition ourselves to recognise and love change? Imagine how fast we could project ourselves forward in life. Imagine the possibilities of not being afraid to radically shift your life! Imagine what the universe could offer you! Now, what if I told you there is a way to learn to love change - and it’s amazing - would you reach out and be game enough to make that small change to ask how? ? It’s time for change...

02.01.2022 What does success mean to you? For me it means having the time to do what I want, when I want.... To build my own dream, rather than working for someone else’s. To create freedom so I can have a life of abundance with my my gorgeous husband, darling son and our two fur babies. I used to believe that ticking all the boxes in my life checklist was the way to a happy, fulfilling life, so I did all the things society tells you to do - go to uni and get a degree, get a job, buy a house... it goes on. , a pull towards a dream I had been holding on to, but one that had been buried deep. For you see, my fear mindset has always taken over. ... People have already done something similar. You won’t be able to make it. You aren’t capable. How can you make a business work? You’ve got bills to pay! Then I found a platform a community that allowed me to realise that the only person in my way, was me! If I wanted something different, I needed to go all in and trust myself. That inside all of us is the ability to create the life of our dreams if we just commit. And now I’m ready to help you do the same!! Realise your limiting beliefs are nothing more than thoughts that need to be thrown away to make way for your inner goddess who’s ready to consciously contribute to our world. Tell me what your life would look like in 2 years from now if decided to believe in yourself? I want you to create your version of success. Stop being stuck by fear and start living the life you truly desire. If you’re ready to grab your dreams and live a life of success, drop a comment below

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