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Building Elite Performance

Phone: +61 488 449 963

Address: Castlemaine Street 4064 Milton, QLD, Australia


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20.01.2022 Good luck to our softball athletes competing at the Queensland Open Women's state titles in Rockhampton this weekend!

20.01.2022 Yesterday we announced the OFFICIAL return of face to face coaching !! Today, I want to tell you about our services -... Field Sport Strength & Conditioning: Women are not little men. We are biologically and anatomically different and this puts us at higher risk of some injuries than men, ie ACLs, stress fractures. Our field-specific S&C work comprises running mechanics, plyometrics, strength work for ACL, hip and shoulder health, plus whatever else the individual athlete in front of us needs - power, symmetry, rotational control, etc. - Strength Coaching: Based in a gym, this category covers everything from body composition, strength improvements, sport supplementation and powerlifting coaching, through to general well being. Strength training (resistance/weight training) positively impacts confidence, bone mass, joint health, posture and ability to do your every day activities - crucial areas to consider for any woman. - Well Being Coaching: The extra bang for buck you don't need to ask for. A holistic approach to all of the above, we'll sit down as often as is necessary to assess the areas of your training, every day life to see what's working and what's not. This is such an important area for our area of interest - women specific coaching - to consider, as stress, sleep and nutrition are HUGE contributors to mental health, life satisfaction and feelings of wellness. - If you would like to discuss how this may work for you, please contact us or book in a consultation phone call via LINKTREE! See you soon.

19.01.2022 Last week I made caramel slice. Like, real caramel slice. No raw or sugar free stuff going on here.... 2 whole tins of condensed milk went into this bad boy I palmed off a couple of containers. And I ate a piece each night until it was gone. And I also ate some for breakfast one day before a run and felt very unwell #transparency Food can be a lot of things - a rationed commodity; a numbing mechanism; a punishment method; sustenance. We could label every bite that goes into our mouth, but does that serve you? Does it reaaaally serve your greater purpose? Here's a little shout out to enjoying food for being food

18.01.2022 Every facet of life has objective and subjective measures. Some health parameters are objective - defined by a measure on a certain occasion from a specific set of rules. Metabolic blood markers, performance, 1RM strength, flexibility. The subjective parameters, the ones we generally check in with ourselves to test, are the ones we often hear people judge others on.... To fight through the noise, external judgement AND internal judgement, it's important to stop every so often to check in and see where you're hanging your worth. What is your definition of fit/healthy/strong/powerful/aware*? What adjective are you fighting for? Why? What does it look like when you achieve that *thing*? How does it change your life? Does that change depend on how some third party defines the word, or does it hang on how you see yourself and *it*? *insert whatever word it is you feel drawn to*

17.01.2022 Bec Bailey with a ripper deadlift PB to round out the year! 125kg

17.01.2022 Quick update from Gabs + I, because it's been a while since the 4-legger has featured Happy Monday! A couple of quick updates:... 1. Tues and Thursday are now open for coaching Booking available via the link. Currently available: Wednesday 9am; Thursday 11am, 12pm 2. We've transitioned all programs onto OUR APP (We've finally done it and it feels amazing!). 3. I'm still assessing what form Building Elite takes as life keeps moving forward, but for now, our services will remain to be: - Outdoors strength + performance coaching - Virtual coaching sessions, run via Zoom - Online programming, via interactive app 4. I have downloaded and will have running the Covid Safe app, and will continue to provide a hygienic, clean, safe training environment to ensure my and your safety. I encourage those in face to face sessions to please consider doing the same If there is anything I can help you with - motivation, training, chat, coffee and dog pats - please get in contact. I can't wait to start seeing everyone again

17.01.2022 Softball athlete Kayla completed her testing last week, finishing off with this smooth 105kg deadlift We now go to working through an off season program in prep for 2021 Nationals competitions. Can't wait to see what comes up next

17.01.2022 Kayla with some super silky 60kgx8 deadlifts Each move we perform in the gym is a skill and skills need practice. With practice, they change.... And with quality movement practice, that skill gets stronger! We can see this through changes in: - Weight lifted - Perceived exertion - Pain/Injury - Replicating movement pattern under fatigue. We featured Kayla on our blog last week - check out more of her story via our Linktree!

17.01.2022 Why is training with a sports scientist valuable to you, your training and well-being? Building Elite understands what training I specifically need for not only my sport, but for the positions I play for softball. Alesha takes into account my lifestyle (work load etc.), my past injuries, my mental health, my preferences and everything in between.... She has gone above and beyond for me every single time, pushing me to limits I didn't even know I had, and subsequently bettering my sport performance and personal health. Building Elite is for every woman out there, sport athlete or not. She truly is a friend and coach. You can read more about Kayla's experience with us here:

16.01.2022 What a ride the last 7 weeks have been! How are you? I wanted to finally write a little update here on Facebook:... At present, we have no clear cut plans for when restrictions lift and will continue to be running outdoor sessions for the forseeable future! (the weather has been turning it on for us!) Our specialty is movement analysis, mindset coaching and performance, and I feel the outdoors enhances this the perfect amount. If you would like to discuss some options for face to face or online coaching, please contact me. Or our booking link is live, again: Can't wait to see you all soon x

14.01.2022 New Building Elite Apparel -

14.01.2022 Gyms are open & sport is starting back up very soon And just in time to save you from the inevitable injury spike, WE HAVE OUTDOOR FIELD SESSIONS! If youre a sports person - amateur or athlete alike - now is the optimal time to start building volume and tolerance.... We've opened up Field Coaching options in our mornings specifically for this reason - to assess your movements and EDUCATE YOU on the mechanics you need to work through to be your best, athletic, injury-proof self. WHATEVER level of sport you play. Check out our booking system for availabilities this week. Packages available combining strength and conditioning let's chat. **huge throwback photo to Brisbane Softball U16. Also great to see some of these young faces still playing + seeking our advice.

13.01.2022 Self Efficacy - A person's belief in their ability to succeed in a particular situation. When it comes to new lifters, or those new to testing/maxing out, particularly after injury or leading up to a competition, its natural that feeling capable is bumped out with the excitement or anxiety. Jen tested last week for the first time in years. We went into the session with the mindset of 'lets do some 3RMs at RPE9 and see what happens'.... This lovely 90kg lift is what she felt comfortable working to. With some form work and consistent practice, she'sset sights on an end of year goal. Stayed tuned..

11.01.2022 Nicole, softball pitcher, working through a lower limb strength session. 95kg 3x6 + SL hammy bridge 40s... Load management now that training and competition is back is proving a weekly exercise on its own - which is not unexpected! Self regulation is a crucial skill I encourage athlete (and gen pop) clients to work through, which in the early days may simply look like asking for a lighter session or rest day. Finding you need guidance or support with training? Reach out.

11.01.2022 Toowong FC's Div 2 tomcats came through with a win yesterday in 2pm heat! Looking forward to seeing these ladies back next season, stronger and better prepped than before! Reoww!

08.01.2022 Building Elite exists to provide a high level of performance coaching for female athletes. We pride ourselves on the quality of programming, education and service provided to our athletes and the wider community, utilising 7 years of study and experience in team sports preparation and strength training. Our mission is to enhance the performance and health of female athletes, while caring for you as a whole person.... If you're willing to apply yourself, we are here to help you.

08.01.2022 It's a common misconception that a program or equipment will provide motivation. . Motivation is fluid. . Fluid means it has no fixed shape and yields easily. And even though we know this - we do KNOW this - we seem surprised when it's absent.... . So what do you do when it disappears? We know it will return at some point and in some form... how can you hack the system to bring it back? . I hold string to thr belief that motivation will organically return, but in the meantime I suggest having a look at the external pressure that caused the motivation to dissipate, because pressure doesn't just arise from nothing? . Is there a new stress? Has an old stress created new tension? What priority has jumped order? . Is there some change you can pinpoint, or is it a case of 'ride this out and reassess in a couple of days'? . Food for thought See more

08.01.2022 Movement - unplanned, unstructured movement is so underrated. Moving freely, that is without restriction, rules, guidelines, barriers or expectation, is so underrated. It sounds like a foreign concept. Like a forgotten artform.... But only because we made it so. We leave it to dancers and kids to move in such ways, and we think we need TRAINING to dance or flow or get primal. But remove the restriction and guidelines. Remove self judgement. Remove conscious thought to some extent, and practice. Practice until you remember what it's like to be free..

08.01.2022 Here's a 2min flow you can do once or repeat for 10mins to get you up from your desk (or lounge, there's no judgement here!) - 3 Wave Unloads 4 Hip rocks/ side 4 Adductor Rocks/ side... 4 Squat rotations/ side See more

08.01.2022 We are busy little bees working to create an epic 2021 preseason timetable for our teams and private athletes! If you and your sporting team are looking to optimise your performance and injury prevention for 2021, get in touch now. Gym-based & sprint sessions possible

08.01.2022 Did you know it takes ~4weeks for tissue to adapt to an increase in load? Did you also know that too rapidly increasing your training load may not affect you right now, but WILL HIT in ~3 weeks? IMAGINE having 3-4 months off due to lockdown, to return to play for 3 weeks, to then be out for 2+ weeks because of a very avoidable training load error..... So here's a little reminder that if your sport starts back in July, you should have been ramping up your training YESTERDAY! If you are looking for guidance of improving any element of your game - injury prevention; sprint mechanics + speed; power in rotation (kick, swing, throw); or simply looking for a better approach to what you are doing, DM us. We cannot wait to meet you and kick the last 5 months of 2020's butt!

07.01.2022 As 2020 ticks it's short months over and we begin to embark on an exciting next leg, I figure we're due to reintroduce Building Elite and what we do here.. Building Elite Performance is a sports scientist-led strength and conditioning business. We focus on conditioning female athletes at a high performance level, catering for them as an entire person. Gone are the days you are required to push into pain or past your personal boundaries. We encourage you to lean into your stre...ngths and accept your weaknesses, while developing an awareness of your capacity. Using the support of your sports scientist and community, and embracing training, we bring about new movement and performance opportunities. Check out our website for more information on some of our awesome athletes and for information on booking. Dreams are coming to life, so stick around

07.01.2022 Connection | Education | Strength Three values Building Elite has always operated from. Connection?... We are tribal beings. Introvert or extrovert, it doesn't really matter. At our core, we require people - OUR people - to function. Education? Because some day I'd like to be irrelevant. I don't see the point in educating myself and not sharing that knowledge. I would prefer to be a coach who people come to because they like learning; enjoy an environment of support + growth; and because my chat is a solid 6/10 on a good day . Strength? The pillar that allows us to withstand gravity; overcome challenge, bullying and disruption. Translated into everyday life, it looks like so many things - conversation, strength training, movement flow, standing strong in yourself, resisting instant gratification. I felt it was necessary to remind the world what Building Elite is about, as social media is screaming at us that we need to do more and BE MORE right now, but Building Elite, at our core will remain the same, operating with the same intentions I have always held for my interactions, as they are what's true and authentic for me.

07.01.2022 WE'RE BACK, BABY! Face to face coaching returns tomorrow and we have 3 LOCATIONS TO CATER FOR OUR SERVICES. Now is a crucial time to rebuild your strength appropriately, considering the activity, or lack of, over the last 3 months.... Whether you're a field sportsperson and you've been hanging out for the return of your season, a powerlifter in hibernation or a casual gym goer, some professional advice and guidance now could save you some nasty overuse injuries in the very near future. Contact us for more information on intro packages and consultations YAY FOR HUMAN CONTACT! Booking link:

04.01.2022 WHAT ARE YOU CONSUMING? Globally, not specifically food - although what @fitnesswithfood_dietitian and I were chowing down on here was / In a similar way to tracing a poor performance to poor nutrition, training Or recovery, we can trace our 'poor' energy output to having allowed poor energetic input.... I'm talking news, social media, conspiracy theories (though that rabbit hole can be quite fun!), influencers and the general energy of fear and anxiety. It's ok to feel these things and be involved, but at some point, too much of these influences becomes a problem. Because it's the exact same equation. Input = Output Just instead of performance or something objective and clearly defined by rules, we're talking energy, emotion, mental health. So I encourage you to stop and consider - what have you been consuming.. is it serving you.. or is it contributing to some other feeling?

03.01.2022 Deadlift 115kg 3RM The end of a training block & the football season has brought this strong lady some solid PBs Get it, Bec Bailey ... I can't wait to see what's next! See more

01.01.2022 Its the little things, beyond just a personalised program that counts when we look at performance.. It's feeling comfortable to come as you are. It's being welcomed by your name.... It's in the language both you AND I use from the minute you walk in the gym door.. Its feeling like a person, not just a number. It's knowing someone has your back. And it's in *knowing* you are capable of whatever comes your way. We pride ourselves on offering not just a great program and movement correction, but a space where you are seen as more than just a number and are capable of more than what you think. @carakate79 @yalambaphotography

01.01.2022 I saw a quote yesterday that said "Unless your an Olympic athlete, no one cares if you miss a workout" And I really resonated with that A lot of what I write about feeling your way through movement and being fluid in your movement practice applies to my clientele and others with similar goals/ belief systems to myself: - Women striving for painfree living, wellness + performance... - Retired elite/subelite athletes - Recreational athletes - Social sport humans Maybe my writing resonates with people outside of those 'categories', too, but please don't judge my beliefs on movement without applying context to their audience. We're sure as hell not perfect but I believe an empathetic, authentic approach suits the people in my world. We need a balance in all of the ways - of high performers, strivers of greater performance and those who don't fit those categories but are perfectly content giving it their 100% every day for themselves.

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