Bulimba Community Centre in Bulimba, Queensland | Performance & event venue
Bulimba Community Centre
Locality: Bulimba, Queensland
Phone: +61 483 890 685
Address: 1 Barramul St 4171 Bulimba, QLD, Australia
Website: https://bulimbacommunitycentre.com.au/
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25.01.2022 Tis the season to get your Christmas gifts wrapped! Bulimba Community Centre can look after all your wrapping needs through till 7 tonight. We have premium wrapping paper and can embellish beautifully from $2 per gift. Come see us... 1 Barramul Street Bulimba. Parking is free, drive straight in. #bulimbacommunitycentre #christmasgiftwrapping #bulimba
25.01.2022 Get in quickly.......limited times available
24.01.2022 We will remember them. Photo Credit: Getty Images #remembertoremember #bulimbacommunitycentre ... #bulimbabusiness See more
24.01.2022 It is an incredibly exciting day for the Bulimba Community Centre today as we officially begin our JP’s in the Community Service. We are looking forward to serving our local community in another way. No bookings required for this service. It is preferred you bring your own pen with you please. #bulimbacommunitycentre #bulimba #jpsinthecommunity #jpservice #jp #community #service
24.01.2022 So wonderful to see Di Farmer at the Bulimba Community Centre again!
24.01.2022 Help us connect with as many people in our community as possible. Please like our page, share our posts, become a financial member of our Centre ($15p/a), use our Centre and please please vote for our Centre to share in the Stronger Communities Grant Round 6 on TerriButlerMP.com. Reminder - our free JP service returns today between 10 and 12. #bulimbacommunitycentre #bringingthecommunitytogether #hallforhire #spacesforrent #vote #support #membership
23.01.2022 It was an absolute honour to have Judith John attend our monthly Bulimba Community Centre committee meeting yesterday. Judith, the location manager of White Lady Funerals Morningside (since 2009) has been a wonderful supporter of the Centre over the years but we were astounded by her announcement she made yesterday. We are so incredibly humbled and honoured. Thank you to all involved with the Morningside Festival Committee. #bulimbacommunitycentre #brisbane #bringingthecommunitytogether #selffunded #becomeamember #community #hallsforhire #spacesforrent #whiteladyfunerals #morningsidefestival #gratitude
22.01.2022 We've had Rod from RAPID CARPET CLEANING AND PEST CONTROL AT the Centre this morning to give the place freshen up ready for new term. A great job as usual, Rod.
22.01.2022 There isn’t much that our Meg McGregor doesn’t know about the Centre so if you’re fortunate to learn from Meg you really are getting a full and vibrant picture of the Centre’s rich and beautiful history, a Centre that is so vital to our beautiful Bulimba Community. We’re very excited to welcome Rachael Dodds to our volunteer team. Rachael has lived in this community since she was 7 and she is no stranger to volunteering. From 2013 - 2018 she was an ambassador and volunteer fo...r the Sporting Wheelies and Disabled Association and from 2013 - 2016 Rachael was a Youth Ambassador and volunteer for Choice, Passion, Life. Rachael is currently studying medicine at UQ and we are very happy to welcome her to the volunteer team at the Bulimba Community Centre. If you’re interested in volunteering please reach out to us at [email protected] and let us know what skills, experience and passion you’re willing to share. Tradies also most welcome. #Thank you #bulimbacommunitycentre #bulimba #community #volunteering #volunteers #youarevaluabletous #skills #gratitude
20.01.2022 Need a JP? Today is your day at Bulimba Community Centre. We’re just a few mins from Oxford Street and with free on and off street parking we’re an easy choice, especially if your time is limited. #bulimbacommunitycentre #jpserviceeverywednesday ... #bringingthecommunitytogether See more
20.01.2022 Planning an end-of-year celebration? We’ve got you covered! Inquire with us today about our venue for hire right in the heart of Bulimba. Package options can include stage, projector, a fully equipped kitchen, chairs and tables. Plus we have air-con, on-site parking and we are accessible! ... Your venue hire will keep our not-for-profit Community Centre in business. Thank you. #christmas2020 #christmasinbrisbane #christmasvenuehire #christmasparties #hallsforhire #spacesforrent @bulimbacommunitycentre
19.01.2022 Please share!!! Yes, the cost of the roof repair (est $30 000) that our little not-for-profit committee must find is not something we can control but what we can control is our attitude and our determination to keep our chins up and our eyes straight ahead. So, we continue to do the things we can, like our internal make-over with donated paint! In photos, some of our volunteer committee members. With humble hearts we mention we are seeking a carpet donation (just in cas...e you know of someone who might be willing to give some early Christmas cheer) and please, if you are not a member of the Bulimba Community Centre, we would love it if you would put $15 toward our future. [email protected] for more info. We love you and thank you for believing in us! #bulimbacommunitycentre #wewillfindaway
19.01.2022 From early December there will be week night timeslots available for your Christmas partys and end of year functions. Contact Meg on 0434 250 194
19.01.2022 We have enjoyed the beautiful rain around our region this week with the news that our roof will soon be replaced! Thank you Cr Kara Cook for your commitment to the local community and being a champion of this invaluable community facility. And to Judith John and the Morningside Fair members who generously donated for our roof project (along with individuals who gave during a couple of our activities last year); due to this news from Cr Cook, your contributions will now direc...tly pay for the replacement cost of ALL carpet in the centre! No longer will we have to creatively place furniture or mats to cover worn areas. (It is the original carpet so we shouldn’t be shocked I guess that it’s had its day). We are so humbled to see our wonderful Centre getting the attention and respect it deserves. By the community, for the community - that is how and why we exist. Thank you, thank you, thank you! love, from our family to yours x #bulimbacommunitycentre #newroof #newcarpet #celebrating #bythecommunityforthecommunity #hallforhire #spacesforrent #newmemberswelcome
17.01.2022 PLEASE SHARE! Just 3 more sleeps till Christmas! No time to wrap presents....We’ll do it for you today between 3 and 7 at the Bulimba Community Centre. (Rain, hail or shine....it’s happening)! Wrapping starts from as little as $2! ... Sausage sizzle $2! All funds raised support the Bulimba Community Centre. As we don’t have eftpos, we thank you in advance for bringing cash. Easy on street parking. PM if you require our drop off and collect service! Seasons Greetings #bulimbacommunitycentre #bulimba #christmaswrapping #supportingyourcommunitycentre #notforprofit #selffunded #joy #christmas #thankyou
16.01.2022 And some more amazing photos from our Bulimba Community Centre Gift Wrapping activity. We are here till 7 if you would like to come see us. Our amazing volunteers are doing such a great job with their beautiful wrapping. Quality paper and ribbons. And...we have our Sausage Sizzle at $2 each. All donations aid the Bulimba Community Centre. Thank you for your support. ... #bulimbacommunitycentre #community #bulimba #christmaspresents #volunteeringforourcommunity #support
15.01.2022 The Bulimba Community Centre is a not-for-profit organisation which is self funded. Every dollar we need, we must find. This is why this week’s donation of $5000 hand delivered by Judith John on behalf of the Morningside Festival is so significant. Sadly, our building needs quite a few repairs and upgrades, we have a long list of must haves in many areas just to keep us going and also to keep or make us relevant to what users want. We exist for the community! We need hall hires, we need donations, we need you to become a member($15 p/a); we really do need you! #bulimbacommunitycentre #bulimba #giving #community #wewanftobeherein2021 #hallsforhire #spacesforrent
14.01.2022 Can you help???
14.01.2022 HELP NEEDED - PLEASE SHARE: To help us raise vital funds for our Centre, we would really love some more contributions of Raffle prizes from the community for our up-coming high tea event. It is hard to ask you for this help but with no ongoing funding for our Centre, we really need it. Your support makes the world of difference to us. Businesses, community members.any donations PLEASE!!! What’s on Wednesday: Seniors Club today from 9-12 and our JP’s in the Community servi...ce also returns today between 10 and 12. #bulimbacomminitycentre #bulimba #bulimbacommunity #bulimbabusiness #fundraising #donations #raffles #prizes #winning #support
14.01.2022 The Bulimba Community Centre team would like to thank you, our wonderful community, a community that stands behinds us always! From wedding receptions to workshops to pop-up shops and market stalls to musical and dance groups and more; you use our great venue in so many ways! We are self funded and managed by a volunteer committee and your support is vital to us, so thanks PS: Thanks for our page. We could never have enough friends like you xx #bulimbacommunitycentre #venuehire #brisbane
13.01.2022 A friendly reminder: #bulimbacommunitycentre #jp #jpsinthecommunity
12.01.2022 We are wishing you the most amazing Monday! Please, Remember us when planning your festive season celebrations. We hire our spaces 7 days! For hire details, call Meg 0434 250 194 or email [email protected] #bulimbacommunitycentre #hallforhire #spacesforrent
11.01.2022 Thank you, Kim, for all you do for our Centre..and for so many others! We really had to share your wonderful post! #gratitude #grateful #blessed #community
11.01.2022 Today we remember the iconic Australian performer Jeanne Little, who passed away last night aged 82. What a vibrant and trailblazing woman she was, a great inspiration for artists of all ages and genres to take their place and celebrate their uniqueness. We never saw Jeanne grace our stage but we would love you to! #celebrateyourgift #bulimbacommunitycentre #timetoshine
11.01.2022 Exciting activities at the Centre with Street Tread this afternoon! Can’t wait to see the end result. #bulimbacommunitycentre #bringingthecommunitytogether #bulimba #streettread #dance #fitness #fun
11.01.2022 We’ve lost count of the number of requests we have had from people who want to be able to complete membership forms and pay for membership via our website. SO many people tell us how convenient this would be AND, when you run a self funded Community Centre where you rely on financial support like this to survive, you will understand why we are calling on you to vote for us on Terri Butler MP’s Facebook page to be 1 of 20 local organisations to be a Community Grant recipient. ...Our admins have not been able to access our existing website to make changes for a long time now! We have had a very generous offer to build a new website for us (great value) but we still need funds to pay for this. This is a game changer for the Bulimba Community Centre, please click on the link to get behind our application. #thankyou https://terributlermp.com//stronger-communities-round-6-/ #bulimbacommunitycentre #terributlermp #strongercommunities #communitygrants #website #weneedyoursuport
09.01.2022 And it’s a wrap! Thank you community, you have been amazing.... Thank you to all our wrapping volunteers including Meg, Judy, Tammy, Karen, Kieron, Renae and Carolyn as well as members of the Bulimba Uke group (B.U.G) and Bulimba Community Centre Seniors Club who performed Christmas Carols tonight. Plus a special thank you to Charmaine for doing our sausage sizzle! #gratitude ... #bulimbacommunitycentre #bulimba #christmaswrapping #volunteers #fundraising #community
09.01.2022 GRILL'D LOCAL MATTERS We are one of the 3x featured groups for October. Please support usGRILL'D LOCAL MATTERS We are one of the 3x featured groups for October. Please support us
08.01.2022 A Bulimba Community Centre survey if you will this morning. Do we have any people who just love to wrap prezzies? Can you please message us and let us know.
08.01.2022 This week was such a wonderful week at the Bulimba Community Centre, we all got to soak in the absolute joy that Wee Make Music celebrated its 15th birthday! For all of those 15 years, owner Louise Carlisle has managed and run her Bulimba studio from the Bulimba Community Centre. We are so proud of her and her many business milestones and so thrilled that she continues to call our Centre home. We of course get the added bonus of seeing first hand how Wee Make Music makes a ...difference to the hearts and minds of children. We see them when they arrive for classes and when they leave. What an incredible contribution you are your team make Louise to the lives of so many! Thank you and congratulations. #weemakemusic #weemakemusicbulimba #weemakemusicfifteen #birthday #15 #happybifthday #celebrations #joy #memories #brisbane #bulimbacommunitycentre @bulimbacommunitycentre
07.01.2022 We just love this photo of our Bookings Manager, Meg. It depicts perfectly the atmosphere we like to create at the Community Centre. Today we welcome back our Seniors Club from 9.30 - 12.30 and JP’s in the Community between 10 and 12. You are welcome at Bulimba Community Centre! Inquire about private, community group and professional hire today. PM us, email us ([email protected]) or phone 0483 890 685 from 9 am for more info. #BulimbaCommunityCentre #BringingTheCommunityTogether #SeniorsClub #JP #AllAges #TakeATour #HallsForHire #SpacesForRent
06.01.2022 We love to give it and we love to receive it, support! How can the Bulimba Community Centre support you, your group, your organisation? We encourage you today to think about how we can fill a need that you might have. We encourage you to start a conversation with us, give us your ideas, tell us what you need. How can we enrich our local community and give it more support? We have so much to offer, we want our community to know we are here! [email protected] ... #bulimbacommunitycentre #support #bringingcommunitytogether #brisbane
06.01.2022 We have our first JP signing event on at the Centre this morning. Olivia and Eddy are here to help you between 10am and midday. #community #bulimba #bulimbacommunitycentre #jpsinthecommunity #JP #communityservice #CommunitySupportingCommunity #grateful #volunteer
05.01.2022 Can’t wait to meet you at the Centre and thanks for asking your friends to like us on Facebook! #bulimbacommunitycentre #bulimba #venueforhire #minutesfromoxfordstreet #community #communityorganisation #selffunded #hereforyou
05.01.2022 What a beautiful day! Good morning Just a reminder, JP’s at the Centre today from 10 till 12. Seniors Club today also 9.30-12.30. Enjoy the day ... #bulimbacommunitycentre #jpservice #bringingthecommunitytogether
04.01.2022 Can you help project Micah
04.01.2022 Let’s wrap and roll ! Last Minute Christmas Gift Wrapping happening now at Bulimba Community Centre. Beautiful Quality from $2. Come join us. Sausage Sizzle $2 ... #bulimbacommunitycentre
02.01.2022 Christmas do’s don’t have to be huge in size to be meaningful! You still have time to book yours and, we still have space! [email protected] #bulimbacommunitycentre #bulimba #christmas #christmasgettogethers #hallforhire #spacesforrent
02.01.2022 Thank you to Patron, Terri Butler MP for making the Bulimba Community Centre this year’s venue of choice for the 21st Griffith Australia Day Awards. It was a privilege to host your ceremony yesterday and we congratulate all recipients. As a Centre run by volunteers it was a real honour to have so many individuals who are dedicated to service in our space. You are all wonderful local community ambassadors! #bulimbacommunitycentre #bulimba #volunteers #thankyoutoallvolunteer...s #service #community #griffithaustraliadayawards #terributlermp #terributler #griffithelectorate See more
02.01.2022 https://fb.me/e/1cQWCxI6q
01.01.2022 Thank you Minister Farmer for your support of the Bulimba Community Centre. Need a space for your function? Please contact us for more information ~ 0434 250 194 and speak with Meg! #bulimbacommunity #bulimbacommunitycentre #bringingthecommunitytogether #hallsforhire
01.01.2022 Yes, before we know it Christmas will be here! The Bulimba Community Centre is a great venue for your end of year get togethers with Covid-safe regulations in mind. Call us to arrange a tour to see all we have on offer. Meg - 0434 250 194 #christmas #endofyear #festiveseason #officeparty #privateparties #client #thankyou #hallforhire #spacesforrent #covidsafe #celebrate #booking #brisbane #bulimba @bulimbacommunitycentre
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